## Function:
## Author : Jonathan Wand <wand(at)>
## Created : 2008-04-20
## DESCRIPTION: Function for creating data used by all anchors objects
## Replaces separate data processing in old functions chopit, anchors, vignette.order, etc
## NOTES: Primarily used within anchors().
## Not normally invoked directly by users, but it is available in public scope.
## OUTPUT: object of class ''
## containing a list of named vectors/matrices
## formula : a list of formula, e.g., list(self=...,vign=...,tau=...,)
## or a a single formula, e.g., self ~ vign1 + ... + vignJ
## data : matrix or dataframe
## method : type of analysis, choose one
## subset : (optional) logical statement based on variables in dataset
## na.action: usual usage
## delete : "minimal" deletes only cases with missing values that affect component of model
## "listwise" forces listwise deletion on the basis
## of ALL variables in the formula list EVEN if not vars not used by method
## debug : 0=none, 1=extra printing
## Modified: 2008-04-29 : JW
####################################################################### <- function(formula,
na.action = na.omit,
na.response = c(NA, 0),
min.response = 1,
delete = c("minimal","maximal"), debug=0) {
delete <- match.arg(delete)
## 1. Standardize formula list:
if (class(formula) == "formula") {
## break it apart, LHS is self, RHS are vign
f1 <- sapply( formula, deparse, width.cutoff = 500)
if (length(f1) == 3) {
f2 <- unlist( strsplit( f1[[3]], "+", fixed=TRUE))
## and remake formula in standard form
formula <- list(self = as.formula(paste( f1[[2]] , "~1", sep="")),
vign = as.formula(paste("cbind(",paste(f2, collapse=","),") ~ 1")),
tau = ~ 1)
} else if (length(f1) == 2) {
f2 <- unlist( strsplit( f1[[2]], "+", fixed=TRUE))
## and remake formula in standard form
formula <- list(vign = as.formula(paste("cbind(",paste(f2, collapse=","),") ~ 1")),
tau = ~ 1)
} else if (class(formula) != "list") {
stop("formula arg must either be a formula or a list of formulas\n")
## 2. Extract variable information
nf <- names(formula)
no.self <- !("self" %in% nf)
no.vign <- !("vign" %in% nf)
no.tau <- !("tau" %in% nf)
no.tau1 <- !("tau1" %in% nf)
no.cpolr<- !("cpolr" %in% nf)
if (debug > 0) {
cat(" Missing",
"self" , no.self,
"vign" , no.vign,
"tau" , no.tau,
"tau1" , no.tau1,
"cpolr", no.cpolr,"\n")
cfvignx <- cfself <- cfvign <- cftau <- cftau1 <- cfcpolr <- NULL
if (!no.self) { fself <- as.formula(formula$self ); cfself <- as.character(fself ) }
if (!no.vign) { fvign <- as.formula(formula$vign ); cfvign <- as.character(fvign ) }
if (!no.tau ) { ftau <- as.formula(formula$tau ); cftau <- as.character(ftau ) }
if (!no.tau1) { ftau1 <- as.formula(formula$tau1 ); cftau1 <- as.character(ftau1 ) }
else if (!no.tau ) { ftau1 <- as.formula(formula$tau ); cftau1 <- as.character(ftau ) }
if (no.cpolr ) { formula$cpolr <- ~ 1; no.cpolr <- FALSE }
if (!no.cpolr ) { fcpolr<- as.formula(formula$cpolr); cfcpolr<- as.character(fcpolr) }
## coding errors
if (!no.self && length(fself) != 3)
stop("\n'self=' formula is improperly formed: should be of form ' self = y1 ~ x1 + x2 '\n")
if (!no.vign && length(fvign) != 3)
stop("\n'vign=' formula is improperly formed: should be of form ' vign = cbind(z0,z2,z3) ~ 1 '\n")
if (!no.tau && length(ftau) != 2)
stop("\n'tau =' formula is improperly formed: should be of form ' tau = ~ x1 + x2 '\n")
if (!no.tau1 && length(ftau1) != 2)
stop("\n'tau1=' formula is improperly formed: should be of form ' tau1 = ~ x1 + x2 '\n")
if (!no.cpolr && length(fcpolr) != 2)
stop("\n'cpolr =' formula is improperly formed: should be of form ' cpolr = ~ x1 + x2 '\n")
## logic errors
if (no.self && method %in% c("rank","entropy"))
stop(paste("must specify a 'self' forumula to use 'anchors(...,method='",method,"')'\n"))
if (no.cpolr && method == "cpolr")
stop("must specify a 'cpolr' formula to use 'anchors(...,method='cpolr')'\n")
if (no.tau && method == "chopit")
stop("must specify variables in 'tau' formula to use 'anchors(...,method='chopit')'\n")
if (debug > 0) cat(" Passed all coding tests\n")
if (!no.vign) {
if ("cbind(",cfvign[2]))) {
cfvignx <- cfvign[2]
} else {
cfvignx <- sapply( fvign[[2]], deparse, width.cutoff = 500)[-1]
## reformulate formulas to make subsetting easier
null.omit <- function(x) unique(x[!is.null(x)])
tmp <- null.omit( c(cfself[3] , cftau1[2], cftau[ 2], "1") )
fself.chopit <- as.formula(paste(cfself[2] ,"~", paste(tmp , collapse="+" )))
tmp <- null.omit( c(cftau1[2], cftau[ 2], "1") )
fvign.chopit <- as.formula(paste("~", paste(tmp , collapse="+" )))
tmp <- null.omit( c("-1", cfvignx ) )
fself.rank <- as.formula(paste(cfself[2] ,"~",paste(tmp,collapse="+")))
tmp <- null.omit( c(cfvignx, cfcpolr[2] ) )
fself.cpolr <- as.formula(paste(cfself[2] ,"~",paste(tmp,collapse="+")))
fvign.order <- as.formula(paste(cfvign[2],"~ 1"))
tmp <- null.omit( c(cfvignx, cfself[3],cftau1[2], cftau[ 2], cfcpolr[2], "1") )
fall <- as.formula(paste(cfself[2], "~", paste(tmp , collapse="+" )))
formula2 <- list(fself.chopit=fself.chopit,
fself.rank =fself.rank ,
fvign.order =fvign.order ,
fself.cpolr =fself.cpolr ,
fall =fall )
if (debug>0) {
## 3. Build subset data
## a) keep maximum data (i.e., use only parts of formula needed for current method)
## b) maximal delete across components of chopit (complete rows only) even if method != chopit
if (!missing(subset)) {
e <- substitute(subset)
r <- eval(e, data, parent.frame())
if (!is.logical(r))
stop("'subset' must evaluate to logical")
r <- r & !
data <- data[r, TRUE, drop = TRUE]
if (debug > 0) cat(" passed subset\n")
if (delete == "maximal") {
## for simplicity, make any missing response value NA
if (any(! {
ii <- na.response[!]
for (i in ii)
data <- replace.value( data, c( cfself[2], cfvignx ), from=i, to=NA,
verbose = (debug > 0) )
## this is all vars included in model frame
data <- model.frame( fall, data=data, na.action = na.action)
if (debug > 0) cat(" Passed maximal\n")
y0 <- z0 <- x0 <- NULL
v0s <- v0s1 <- v0v <- v0v1 <- NULL
if (method == "chopit") {
yid <- NULL
if (!no.self) {
data.tmp <- model.frame( fself.chopit, data=data, na.action=na.action)
v0s <- as.matrix(model.matrix(ftau , data.tmp))
v0s1<- as.matrix(model.matrix(ftau1, data.tmp))
keep.v0s <- rownames(data.tmp)
## in case we have intercept only
rownames(v0s) <- rownames(v0s1) <- rownames(data.tmp)
## NOTE: x0 and y0 doesn't get trimmed of cases with missing tau vars:
data.tmp <- model.frame( fself, data=data, na.action=na.action)
x0 <- as.matrix(model.matrix(fself, data.tmp))
y0 <- as.matrix(model.response(data.tmp, type="numeric"))
## in case we have intercept only
rownames(x0) <- rownames(data.tmp)
## now subset:
idx <- match( rownames(y0), keep.v0s )
idx <- idx[!]
x0 <- as.matrix(x0[idx,])
y0 <- as.matrix(y0[idx,])
if (NROW(v0s) != NROW(y0))
stop(" mismatch in number of cases in y0 and v0s")
drop.y0 <- which(apply(y0, 1, function(x) { any(x %in% na.response) } ))
if (length(drop.y0) > 0) {
v0s <- v0s[-drop.y0,]
v0s1<- v0s1[-drop.y0,]
y0 <- as.matrix(y0[-drop.y0,])
x0 <- as.matrix(x0[-drop.y0,])
yid <- sort(unique(y0))
min.yid <- min(yid)
if (min.yid < min.response)
stop(paste("There are self response values less than min.response:",
paste( yid[yid < min.response ] , collapse=","),
#if (min(yid) < 1) y0 <- y0 - (min(yid) - 1)
data.tmp <- model.frame( fvign.chopit, data=data, na.action=na.action)
v0v <- as.matrix(model.matrix(ftau , data.tmp))
v0v1<- as.matrix(model.matrix(ftau1, data.tmp))
## in case we have intercept only
rownames(v0v1) <- rownames(v0v) <- rownames(data.tmp)
keep.v0v <- rownames(data.tmp)
if (debug>2) { cat(" v0v(1):\n"); print(keep.v0v) }
# print(keep.v0v)
## OL: provided code for treating NA instead of zeros in z0
## but it only worked in limited cases
## JW: corrects OL code to handle single vignette case
## and for no covariates (intercept only)
## also generalizes to arbitrary missing values in na.response
data.tmp <- data[ match( keep.v0v, rownames(data) ) , ]
z0 <- as.matrix(model.response(model.frame(fvign, data=data.tmp,na.action=NULL),"numeric"))
keep.z0 <- apply(z0, 1, function(x) { !all( | x %in% na.response) } )
# cat("xx\n")
# print( unlist(drop.z0))
# drop.z0 <- as.matrix(drop.z0[ drop.z0])
# print(drop.z0)
# cat("z0\n")
# print(rownames(drop.z0))
## print(rownames(v0v))
if ( sum(!keep.z0) > 0) {
keep.z0 <- names(keep.z0[keep.z0])
v0v <- as.matrix( v0v[match( keep.z0 , keep.v0v ),])
v0v1<- as.matrix(v0v1[match( keep.z0 , keep.v0v ),])
z0 <- as.matrix( z0[match( keep.z0 , rownames(z0 ) ),])
if (debug>2) { cat(" v0v(2):\n"); print(v0v) }
zid <- sort(unique(z0))
zid <- zid[ zid != 0 ]
min.zid <- min(zid)
if (min.zid < min.response)
stop(paste("There are vign response values less than min.response and non-zero:",
paste( zid[zid < min.response ] , collapse=","),
# if (min(yid) < 1) z0 <- z0 - (min(yid) - 1)
z0[] <- 0
if (debug > 0) cat(" finished chopit data\n")
if (method %in% c("rank","entropy")) {
data.tmp <- model.frame( fself.cpolr, data=data, na.action=na.action)
y0 <- as.matrix(model.response(data.tmp, "numeric"))
z0 <- as.matrix(model.matrix( fself.rank, data.tmp))
x0 <- as.matrix(model.matrix(fcpolr , data.tmp))
# data.tmp <- model.frame( fself.rank, data=data, na.action=na.action)
# y0 <- as.matrix(model.response(data.tmp, "numeric"))
# z0 <- as.matrix(model.matrix( fself.rank, data.tmp))
drop <- which( apply( cbind(y0,z0), 1, function(x) { any(x %in% na.response) }))
if (length(drop)>0) {
y0 <- as.matrix(y0[-drop,])
z0 <- as.matrix(z0[-drop,])
x0 <- as.matrix(x0[-drop,])
if (debug > 0) cat(" finished rank data\n")
if (method == "order") {
data.tmp <- model.frame( fvign.order, data=data, na.action=na.action)
z0 <- as.matrix(model.response(data.tmp, "numeric"))
if (NCOL(z0) == 1) stop("Doesn't make sense to look at order of single vignette\n")
drop <- which( apply( z0, 1, function(x) { any(x %in% na.response) }) )
if (length(drop)>1) {
z0 <- as.matrix(z0[-drop,])
# print(dim(z0))
if (debug > 0) cat(" finished order data\n")
# cat("test\n")
# print( cfvign[2] )
# print( dim(z0) )
# print( colnames(z0) )
## JW: does making a matrix matter for any of these?
if (debug > 0) cat(" begin naming\n")
if(!is.null(x0 ) & NCOL(x0 ) == 1 & is.null(colnames(x0 ))) { colnames(x0) <- cfself[3] }
if(!is.null(y0 ) & NCOL(y0 ) == 1 & is.null(colnames(y0 ))) { colnames(y0) <- cfself[2] }
if(!is.null(v0v ) & NCOL(v0v ) == 1 & is.null(colnames(v0v ))) { colnames(v0v) <- cftau[2] }
if(!is.null(v0v1 ) & NCOL(v0v1) == 1 & is.null(colnames(v0v1))) { colnames(v0v1)<- cftau1[2] }
if(!is.null(z0 ) & NCOL(z0 ) == 1 & is.null(colnames(z0 ))) { colnames(z0) <- cfvign[2] }
if (debug > 0) cat(" finished naming\n")
## quality checks:
# if (!noself && (count$nobs.y0 != count$nobs.x0 || count$nobs.y0 != count$nobs.v0s)) {
# stop(paste("Error: Number of cases in components of self-likelihood differ\n",
# "nobs.y0:",count$nobs.y0,"nobs.x0:",count$nobs.x0,"nobs.v0s:",count$nobs.v0s,"\n"))
# }
# if (count$nobs.z0 != count$nobs.v0v ) {
# stop(paste("Error: Number of cases in components of vign-likelihood differ\n",
# "nobs.z0:",count$nobs.z0,"nobs.v0v:",count$nobs.v0v,"\n"))
# }
ff <- function(x) {
if (is.null(x))
data <- list(y0 = ff(y0 ),
z0 = ff(z0 ),
x0 = ff(x0 ),
v0v = ff(v0v ),
v0s = ff(v0s ),
v0v1= ff(v0v1),
v0s1= ff(v0s1),
class(data) <- ""
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