####################### Internal helper functions ##############################
## Detect residue alphabet
.alphadetect <- function(sequences, residues = NULL, gap = "-",
endchar = "?"){
if(identical(toupper(residues), "RNA")){
residues <- c("A", "C", "G", "U")
}else if(.isDNA(sequences) | identical(toupper(residues), "DNA")){
residues <- c("A", "C", "G", "T")
}else if(.isAA(sequences) | identical(residues, "AA") |
identical (toupper(residues), "AMINO")){
residues <- LETTERS[-c(2, 10, 15, 21, 24, 26)]
else if(is.null(residues)){
residues <- sort(unique(as.vector(unlist(sequences, use.names = FALSE))))
if(!is.null(gap)) residues <- residues[residues != gap]
if(!is.null(endchar)) residues <- residues[residues != endchar]
if(!is.null(gap)) residues <- residues[residues != gap]
if(!is.null(endchar)) residues <- residues[residues != endchar]
if(!(length(residues) > 0)){# & mode(residues) == "character")){
stop("invalid residues argument")
## Detect if model parameters are in log space
.logdetect <- function(x){
if(inherits(x, "HMM")){
if(all(x$A <= 0) & all(x$E <= 0)){
} else if(all(x$A >= 0) & all(x$A <= 1) & all(x$E >= 0) & all(x$E <= 1)){
} else stop("unable to detect if model probabilities are in log space")
} else if(inherits(x, "PHMM")){
if(all(x$A <= 0) & all(x$E <= 0) & all(x$qa <= 0) & all(x$qe <= 0)){
} else if(all(x$A >= 0) & all(x$A <= 1) & all(x$E >= 0) & all(x$E <= 1) &
all(x$qa >= 0) & all(x$qa <= 1) & all(x$qe >= 0) & all(x$qe <= 1)){
} else stop("unable to detect if model probabilities are in log space")
} else stop("x must be an object of class 'HMM' or 'PHMM'")
## Convert a vector in any arity to a decimal integer
.decimal <- function(x, from) sum(x * from^rev(seq_along(x) - 1))
## DNA, AA and character string conversion functions
.d2s <- function(x){
cbytes <- as.raw(c(65, 84, 71, 67, 83, 87, 82, 89, 75,
77, 66, 86, 72, 68, 78, 45, 63))
indices <- c(136, 24, 72, 40, 96, 144, 192, 48, 80,
160, 112, 224, 176, 208, 240, 4, 2)
vec <- raw(240)
vec[indices] <- cbytes
res <- if(is.list(x)){
vapply(x, function(s) rawToChar(vec[as.integer(s)]), "")
.a2s <- function(x) if(is.list(x)) vapply(x, rawToChar, "") else rawToChar(x)
.s2d <- function(z, simplify = FALSE){
dbytes <- as.raw(c(136, 24, 72, 40, 96, 144, 192, 48, 80,
160, 112, 224, 176, 208, 240, 240, 4, 2))
indices <- c(65, 84, 71, 67, 83, 87, 82, 89, 75, 77, 66,
86, 72, 68, 78, 73, 45, 63) # max 89
vec <- raw(89)
vec[indices] <- dbytes
s2d1 <- function(s) vec[as.integer(charToRaw(s))]
res <- if(length(z) == 1 & simplify) s2d1(z) else lapply(z, s2d1)
class(res) <- "DNAbin"
.s2a <- function(z, simplify = FALSE){
res <- if(length(z) == 1 & simplify) charToRaw(z) else lapply(z, charToRaw)
class(res) <- "AAbin"
## Remove unknown end characters
.trim <- function(x, gap = "-", endchar = "?", DNA = FALSE, AA = FALSE){
#X is a raw or character matrix
# gap can have length > 1
gap <- if(DNA) as.raw(c(4, 240)) else if(AA) as.raw(c(45, 88)) else gap
endchar <- if(DNA) as.raw(2) else if (AA) as.raw(63) else endchar
L <- ncol(x)
n <- nrow(x)
if(!any(x[, 1] %in% gap) & !any(x[, L] %in% gap)) return(x)
for(i in 1:n){
if(x[i, 1] %in% gap){
counter <- 1
advance = TRUE
while(advance & counter <= L){
x[i, counter] <- endchar
counter <- counter + 1
advance <- if(counter <= L) x[i, counter] %in% gap else FALSE
if(x[i, L] %in% gap){
counter <- L
advance = TRUE
while(advance & counter >= 1){
x[i, counter] <- endchar
counter <- counter - 1
advance <- if(counter >= 1) x[i, counter] %in% gap else FALSE
# Detect if sequence or list is raw DNA
.isDNA <- function(x){
if(inherits(x, "DNAbin")){
}else if(inherits(x, "AAbin")){
}else if(mode(x) == "character"){
}else if(mode(x) == "raw"){
return(all(x %in% as.raw(c(136, 72, 40, 24, 192, 160, 144, 96, 80, 48,
224, 176, 208, 112, 240, 4, 2))))
}else if(mode(x) == "list"){
if(length(x) > 0){
return(all(unlist(x, use.names = FALSE) %in% as.raw(c(
136, 72, 40, 24, 192, 160, 144, 96, 80, 48, 224, 176, 208, 112, 240, 4, 2))))
## Detect if sequence or list is raw AA
.isAA <- function(x){
if(inherits(x, "AAbin")){
}else if(inherits(x, "DNAbin")){
}else if(mode(x) == "character"){
}else if(mode(x) == "raw"){
return(all(x %in% as.raw(c(65:90, 42, 45, 63))))
}else if(mode(x) == "list"){
if(length(x) > 0){
return(all(unlist(x, use.names = FALSE) %in% as.raw(c(65:90, 42, 45, 63))))
## Count residues for character vectors
.tabulateCH <- function(x, residues, seqweights = NULL){
if(is.null(seqweights)) seqweights <- rep(1, length(x))
#if(identical(seqweights, 1)) seqweights <- rep(1, length(v))
#stopifnot(length(seqweights) == length(v) & sum(seqweights) == length(v))
res <- structure(integer(length(residues)), names = residues)
for(i in residues) res[i] <- sum(seqweights[x == i], na.rm = TRUE)
## Count residues for raw DNA vectors
.tabulateDNA <- function(x, ambiguities = FALSE, seqweights = NULL){
# x is a DNAbin vector
if(is.null(seqweights)) seqweights <- rep(1, length(x))
#stopifnot(length(seqweights) == length(x) & sum(seqweights) == length(x))
res <- structure(numeric(4), names = c("A", "C", "G", "T"))
res["A"] <- sum(seqweights[x == 136])
res["C"] <- sum(seqweights[x == 40])
res["G"] <- sum(seqweights[x == 72])
res["T"] <- sum(seqweights[x == 24])
xambigs <- x != 4 & (x & as.raw(8)) != 8
truncx <- x[xambigs]
truncweights <- seqweights[xambigs]
R <- sum(truncweights[truncx == 192])/2 # A or G
M <- sum(truncweights[truncx == 160])/2 # A or C
W <- sum(truncweights[truncx == 144])/2 # A or T
S <- sum(truncweights[truncx == 96])/2 # G or C
K <- sum(truncweights[truncx == 80])/2 # G or T
Y <- sum(truncweights[truncx == 48])/2 # C or T
V <- sum(truncweights[truncx == 224])/3 # A, G or C
H <- sum(truncweights[truncx == 176])/3 # A, C or T
d <- sum(truncweights[truncx == 208])/3 # A, G or T
B <- sum(truncweights[truncx == 112])/3 # G, C or T
N <- sum(truncweights[truncx == 240])/4 # A, G, C or T
res["A"] <- res["A"] + R + M + W + V + H + d + N
res["C"] <- res["C"] + M + S + Y + V + H + B + N
res["G"] <- res["G"] + R + S + K + V + d + B + N
res["T"] <- res["T"] + W + K + Y + H + d + B + N
## Count residues for raw AA vectors
.tabulateAA <- function(x, ambiguities = FALSE, seqweights = NULL){
# x is an AAbin vector
if(is.null(seqweights)) seqweights <- rep(1, length(x))
tmp <- structure(numeric(26), names = LETTERS)
guide <- as.raw(65:90)
for(i in seq_along(tmp)) tmp[i] <- sum(seqweights[x == guide[i]])
#tmp <- tabulate(AA2hexavigesimal(x) + 1, nbins = 26)
res <- tmp[-c(2, 10, 15, 21, 24, 26)]
#names(res) <- LETTERS[-c(2, 10, 15, 21, 24, 26)]
#names(xambigs) <- LETTERS[c(2, 10, 15, 21, 24, 26)]
if(sum(tmp[c(2, 10, 15, 21, 24, 26)]) > 0){
xambigs <- x %in% guide[c(2, 10, 15, 21, 24, 26)]
truncx <- x[xambigs]
truncweights <- seqweights[xambigs]
B <- sum(truncweights[truncx == guide[2]])/2 # D or N
J <- sum(truncweights[truncx == guide[10]])/2 # L or I
O <- sum(truncweights[truncx == guide[15]]) # Pyrrolysine
U <- sum(truncweights[truncx == guide[21]]) # Selenocysteine
X <- sum(truncweights[truncx == guide[24]])/20 #X
Z <- sum(truncweights[truncx == guide[26]])/2 # E or Q
res <- res + X
res["D"] <- res["D"] + B
res["N"] <- res["N"] + B
res["L"] <- res["L"] + J
res["I"] <- res["I"] + J
res["K"] <- res["K"] + O
res["C"] <- res["C"] + U
res["E"] <- res["E"] + Z
res["Q"] <- res["Q"] + Z
## Remove ambiguities from DNA sequences
.disambiguateDNA <- function(a, probs = rep(0.25, 4), random = TRUE){
# a is a raw byte in Paradis (2007) format
# probs is a 4-element numeric vector of background probabilities for the set {a,c,g,t}
# returns a sampled base
if((a & as.raw(55)) == as.raw(0)){ # is purine?
if(a != 136 & a != 72){
sample(as.raw(c(136, 72)), size = 1, prob = probs[c(1, 3)]) # unknown A or G
as.raw(c(136, 72))[which.max(probs[c(1, 3)])]
return(a) #known base A or G
}else if((a & as.raw(199)) == as.raw(0)){ # is pyrimidine
if(a != 40 & a != 24){
sample(as.raw(c(40, 24)), size = 1, prob = probs[c(2, 4)]) # unknown base C or T
as.raw(c(40, 24))[which.max(probs[c(2, 4)])]
return(a) # known base C or T
# a,c,g,t = 136, 40, 72, 24
}else if(a == 160){ # M (A or C)
sample(as.raw(c(136, 40)), size = 1, prob = probs[1:2])
as.raw(c(136, 40))[which.max(probs[c(1, 2)])]
}else if(a == 144){ # W (A or T)
sample(as.raw(c(136, 24)), size = 1, prob = probs[c(1, 4)])
as.raw(c(136, 24))[which.max(probs[c(1, 4)])]
}else if(a == 96){ # S (G or C)
sample(as.raw(c(40, 72)), size = 1, prob = probs[c(2, 3)])
as.raw(c(40, 72))[which.max(probs[c(2, 3)])]
}else if(a == 80){ # K (G or T)
sample(as.raw(c(72, 24)), size = 1, prob = probs[c(3, 4)])
as.raw(c(72, 24))[which.max(probs[c(3, 4)])]
}else if(a == 224){ # V (A or C or G)
sample(as.raw(c(136, 40, 72)), size = 1, prob = probs[-4])
as.raw(c(136, 40, 72))[which.max(probs[-4])]
}else if(a == 176){
sample(as.raw(c(136, 40, 24)), size = 1, prob = probs[-3]) # H (A or C or T)
as.raw(c(136, 40, 24))[which.max(probs[-3])]
}else if(a == 208){
sample(as.raw(c(136, 72, 24)), size = 1, prob = probs[-2]) # D (A or G or T)
as.raw(c(136, 72, 24))[which.max(probs[-2])]
}else if(a == 112){
sample(as.raw(c(40, 72, 24)), size = 1, prob = probs[-1]) # B (C or G or T)
as.raw(c(40, 72, 24))[which.max(probs[-1])]
}else if(a == 240){
sample(as.raw(c(136, 40, 72, 24)), size = 1, prob = probs) #N
as.raw(c(136, 40, 72, 24))[which.max(probs)]
}else if(a == 2 | a == 4){
}else stop("invalid byte for class 'DNAbin'")
## Remove ambiguities from raw AA sequences
.disambiguateAA <- function(a, probs = rep(0.05, 20), random = TRUE){
# a is a raw byte in AAbin format
guide <- as.raw(c(65:90, 42, 45)) #length = 28
nonambigs <- guide[1:25][-c(2, 10, 15, 21, 24)]
#structure(guide, class = "AAbin")
if(a == guide[24]){
sample(nonambigs, size = 1, prob = probs)
}else if(a == guide[2]){# B
sample(nonambigs[c(3, 12)], size = 1, prob = probs[c(3, 12)]) # D or N
return(nonambigs[which.max(probs[c(3, 12)])])
}else if(a == guide[10]){# J
sample(nonambigs[c(8, 10)], size = 1, prob = probs[c(8, 10)]) # I or L
return(nonambigs[which.max(probs[c(8, 10)])])
}else if(a == guide[26]){ # Z
sample(nonambigs[c(4, 14)], size = 1, prob = probs[c(4, 14)]) # E or Q
return(nonambigs[which.max(probs[c(4, 14)])])
}else if(a == guide[15]){# O (Pyrrolysine)
return(nonambigs[9]) # K (Lysine)
}else if(a == guide[21]){# U (Selenocysteine)
return(nonambigs[2]) #C )(Cysteine)
}else if(a == guide[27] | a == guide[28]) {
stop("Amino acid sequence contains stop codons and/or gaps\n")
}else stop("invalid byte for class 'AAbin'")
.encodeDNA <- function(x, arity = 4, probs = NULL, random = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE){
# x is a raw vector in Paradis (2007) coding scheme, possibly containing ambiguities
# arity is an integer either 4 or 15
if(arity == 4){
#converts A to 0, T to 1, G to 2, and C to 3
if(is.null(probs)) probs <- rep(0.25, 4)
fun <- function(v){
v <- unclass(v)
ambigs <- (v & as.raw(8)) != 8
if(any(ambigs)) v[ambigs] <- sapply(unclass(v[ambigs]), .disambiguateDNA, probs, random)
bits <- c(136, 24, 72, 40)
ints <- 0:3
res <- ints[match(as.numeric(v), bits)]
attributes(res) <- attributes(v)
if(na.rm) if(any( res <- res[!]
}else if(arity == 15){
fun <- function(v){
# return order A, T, G, C, S, W, R, Y, K, M, B, V, H, D, N (same as NUC4.4)
bits <- c(136, 24, 72, 40, 96, 144, 192, 48, 80 ,160, 112, 224, 176, 208, 240)
ints <- 0:14
res <- ints[match(as.numeric(v), bits)]
attributes(res) <- attributes(unclass(v))
if(na.rm) if(any( res <- res[!]
}else stop("invalid 'arity' argument")
if(is.list(x)) lapply(x, fun) else fun(x)
.encodeAA <- function(x, arity = 20, probs = NULL, random = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE){
# x is a vector in AAbin format, possibly containing ambiguties
# arity is an integer, either 20, 22, 24, 26, 27, or 6 (Dayhoff6 compression)
if(is.null(probs)) probs <- rep(0.05, 20)
if(arity == 20){
fun <- function(v){
ambigs <- !(v %in% as.raw((65:89)[-c(2, 10, 15, 21, 24)]))
if(any(ambigs)) v[ambigs] <- sapply(unclass(v[ambigs]), .disambiguateAA, probs)
bits <- (65:89)[-c(2, 10, 15, 21, 24)]
ints <- 0:19
res <- ints[match(as.numeric(v), bits)]
attributes(res) <- attributes(unclass(v))
if(na.rm) if(any( res <- res[!]
}else if(arity == 22){
# for use with Gonnet matrix
# return order "C" "S" "T" "P" "A" "G" "N" "D" "E" "Q" "H" "R"
# "K" "M" "I" "L" "V" "F" "Y" "W" "X" "*"
# Ambig codes B, J and Z, special codes O and Z, are returned as 20 (X),
# and gaps are returned as NA
fun <- function(v){
bits <- c(67, 83, 84, 80, 65, 71, 78, 68, 69, 81, 72, 82, 75, 77,
73, 76, 86, 70, 89, 87, 88, 42, 66, 74, 79, 85, 90)
ints <- c(0:21, rep(20, 5))
res <- ints[match(as.numeric(v), bits)]
attributes(res) <- attributes(unclass(v))
isnares <- #placeholder for ambig treatment
if(na.rm) if(any(isnares)) res <- res[!isnares]
}else if(arity == 24){
# for use with PAM and BLOSUM matrices
# return order "A" "R" "N" "D" "C" "Q" "E" "G" "H" "I" "L" "K" "M"
# "F" "P" "S" "T" "W" "Y" "V" "B" "Z" "X" "*"
# Ambig code J, and special codes O and U are returned as 22 (X).
# Gaps are returned as NA or removed if na.rm = T
fun <- function(v){
bits <- c(65, 82, 78, 68, 67, 81, 69, 71, 72, 73, 76, 75,
77, 70, 80, 83, 84, 87, 89, 86, 66, 90, 88, 42, 74, 79, 85)
ints <- c(0:23, 22, 22, 22)
res <- ints[match(as.numeric(v), bits)]
attributes(res) <- attributes(unclass(v))
isnares <-
if(na.rm) if(any(isnares)) res <- res[!isnares]
}else if(arity == 26){
### return order = LETTERS
fun <- function(v){
res <- as.integer(v) - 65
res[res < 0 | res > 25] <- NA
attributes(res) <- attributes(unclass(v))
if(na.rm) if(any( res <- res[!]
}else if(arity == 27){
### return order ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY, X, BJZ, OU, *
### for input into .probAA
fun <- function(v){
bits <- c(65, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 75, 76, 77, 78, 80,
81, 82, 83, 84, 86, 87, 89, 88, 66, 74, 90, 79,85, 42)
ints <- c(0:26)
res <- ints[match(as.numeric(v), bits)]
attributes(res) <- attributes(unclass(v))
isnares <-
if(na.rm) if(any(isnares)) res <- res[!isnares]
}else if(arity == 6){
fun <- function(v){
v <- unclass(v)
bits <- 65:90
ints <- c(0, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0, 4, 5, 5, 4, 5, 5, 2, 4, 0, 2, 4, 0, 0, 1, 5, 3, NA, 3, 2)
res <- ints[match(as.numeric(v), bits)]
attributes(res) <- attributes(v)
if(na.rm) if(any( res <- res[!]
}else stop("invalid 'arity' argument")
if(is.list(x)) lapply(x, fun) else fun(x)
.encodeCH <- function(x, residues, na.rm = FALSE){
fun <- function(v, residues, na.rm = FALSE){
ints <- seq(0, length(residues) - 1)
res <- ints[match(v, residues)]
attributes(res) <- attributes(v)
if(na.rm) res <- res[!]
if(is.list(x)) lapply(x, fun, residues, na.rm) else fun(x, residues, na.rm)
# Given logical vector, how many falses are after each true?
# note - also outputs a zero position
.insertlengths <- function(x){
tuples <- rbind(c(T, x), c(x, T))
decs <- apply(tuples, 2, .decimal, 2)
startsl <- decs == 2
starts <- which(startsl) #insert start positions
ends <- which(decs == 1)
lengths <- ends - starts
tmp <- as.numeric(c(T, x))
tmp[startsl] <- lengths
tmp[!startsl] <- 0
res <- tmp[c(T, x)]
names(res) <- 0:(length(res) - 1)
# example
# x <- c(F,F,T,T,T,F,F,T,T,T,F,T,T,F,F,F,F,F,T,F,F,F)
# aphid:::.insertlengths(x)
## This function is used for matrix x matrix alignment
.insert <- function(x, into, at){
if(ncol(x) == 0) return(into)
into[, at:(at + ncol(x) - 1)] <- x
## Define search space for dynammic programming
.streak <- function(x, y, arity = "autodetect", k = 4, w = 30, threshold = 5){
# x and y coded as integers starting from 0
if(arity == "autodetect") arity <- max(c(x, y)) + 1
N1 <- length(x)
N2 <- length(y)
if(N1 < w | N2 < w) return(c(-N1, N2))
xkm <- matrix(nrow = k, ncol = N1 - k + 1) # kmers for x
ykm <- matrix(nrow = k, ncol = N2 - k + 1) # kmers for y
for(i in 1:k){
xkm[i, ] <- x[i:(N1 - (k - i))]
ykm[i, ] <- y[i:(N2 - (k - i))]
tmp <- apply(ykm, 2, .decimal, from = arity) + 1 ### poss bug here with auto-simplify
pointer <- lapply(1:arity^k, function(x) which(tmp == x))
S1 <- apply(xkm, 2, function(x) pointer[[.decimal(x, from = arity) + 1]])
diagbin <- unlist(mapply("-", S1, 1:ncol(xkm)), use.names = FALSE)
diags <- tabulate(diagbin + (N1 + 1), nbins = N1 + N2 + 1)
#names(diags) <- -N1:N2
#diags <- table(unlist(mapply("-", S1, 1:ncol(xkm)))) # could prob speed this up a lot
if(length(diags) == 0) return(c(-length(x), length(y)))
#sigdiags <- as.numeric(names(diags[diags > mean(diags) + threshold * sd(diags)]))
sigdiags <- which(diags > mean(diags) + threshold * sd(diags)) - (N1 + 1)
if(length(sigdiags) > 0){
#windowspace <- c()
windowspace <- c(sigdiags[1] - w, sigdiags[length(sigdiags)] + w)
#for(i in sigdiags) windowspace <- c(windowspace, (i - w):(i + w))
#return(outer(1:(N1 + 1), 1:(N2 + 1), function(x, y) (y - x) %in% windowspace))
return(c(-length(x), length(y)))
#return(matrix(FALSE, nrow = N1 + 1, ncol = N2 + 1))
## Find MD5 hash for a character or raw sequence
.digest <- function(x){
if(mode(x) == "raw") x <- rawToChar(x)
if(mode(x) == "list"){
if(length(x) == 0){
if(mode(x[[1]]) == "raw"){
x <- vapply(x, rawToChar, "", USE.NAMES = TRUE)
}else if(mode(x[[1]]) %in% c("character", "numeric")){
x <- vapply(x, paste0, "", collapse = "", USE.NAMES = TRUE)
stop("Invalid input format\n")
if(mode(x) == "character"){
nms <- names(x)
res <- openssl::md5(x)
names(res) <- nms
stop("Invalid input format\n")
.point <- function(h){
uh <- unique(h)
pointers <- seq_along(uh)
names(pointers) <- uh
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