#' Bootstrap a model
#' Samples individuals with replacement from the database, and estimates the model for each sample.
#' This function implements a basic block bootstrap. It estimates the model parameters on \code{nRep} different samples.
#' Each new sample is constructed by sampling \strong{with replacement} from the original full sample. Each new sample has as many
#' individuals as the original sample, though some of them may be repeated. Sampling is done at the \strong{individual} level,
#' therefore if different individuals have different number of observations, each re-sample does not necessarily have the same number of observations.
#' If the sampling should be done at the individual level (not recommended for panel data), then the optional
#' \code{bootstrap_settings$samples} argument should be provided.
#' For each sample, only the parameters and log-likelihood are estimated. Standard errors are not calculated (they may be added in
#' future versions). The composition of the re-samples is stored in a file, but is stable with the same seed.
#' This function writes three different files to the working or output directory:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{\code{modelName_bootstrap_params.csv}}: estimated parameters, final log-likelihood, and number of observations for each re-sample
#' \item \strong{\code{modelName_bootstrap_samples.csv}}: composition of each re-sample.
#' \item \strong{\code{modelName_bootstrap_vcov.csv}}: variance-covariance matrix of the estimated parameters across re-samples.
#' }
#' The first two files are updated throughout the run of this function, while the last one is only written once the function finishes.
#' When run, this function will look for the first two files above in the working/output directory. If they are found, the function will
#' attempt to pick up re-sampling from where those files left off. This is useful in cases where the original bootstrapping was
#' interrupted, or when additional re-sampling runs are to be performed.
#' @param apollo_beta Named numeric vector. Names and values for parameters.
#' @param apollo_fixed Character vector. Names (as defined in \code{apollo_beta}) of parameters whose value should not change during estimation.
#' @param apollo_probabilities Function. Returns probabilities of the model to be estimated. Must receive three arguments:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{\code{apollo_beta}}: Named numeric vector. Names and values of model parameters.
#' \item \strong{\code{apollo_inputs}}: List containing options of the model. See \link{apollo_validateInputs}.
#' \item \strong{\code{functionality}}: Character. Can be either \strong{\code{"components"}}, \strong{\code{"conditionals"}}, \strong{\code{"estimate"}} (default), \strong{\code{"gradient"}}, \strong{\code{"output"}}, \strong{\code{"prediction"}}, \strong{\code{"preprocess"}}, \strong{\code{"raw"}}, \strong{\code{"report"}}, \strong{\code{"shares_LL"}}, \strong{\code{"validate"}} or \strong{\code{"zero_LL"}}.
#' }
#' @param apollo_inputs List grouping most common inputs. Created by function \link{apollo_validateInputs}.
#' @param estimate_settings List. Options controlling the estimation process. See \link{apollo_estimate}.
#' \code{hessianRoutine="none"} by default.
#' @param bootstrap_settings List containing settings for the sampling procedure. User input is required for all settings except those with a default or marked as optional.
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{calledByEstimate}: Logical. TRUE if \code{apollo_bootstrap} is called by \link{apollo_estimate}. FALSE by default.
#' \item \strong{nRep}: Numeric scalar. Number of times the model must be estimated with different samples. Default is 30.
#' \item \strong{recycle}: Logical. If TRUE, the function will look for old output files and append new repetitions to them. If FALSE, output files will be overwritten.
#' \item \strong{samples}: Numeric matrix or data.frame. Optional argument. Must have as many rows as
#' observations in the \code{database}, and as many columns as number of repetitions
#' wanted. Each column represents a re-sample, and each element the number of times
#' that observation must be included in the sample. If this argument is provided,
#' then \code{nRep} is ignored. Note that this allows sampling at the observation
#' rather than the individual level, which is not recommended for panel data.
#' \item \strong{seed}: \strong{DEPRECATED, \code{apollo_control$seed} is used since v0.2.5}. Numeric scalar (integer).
#' Random number generator seed to generate the bootstrap samples. Only used if \code{samples}
#' is \code{NA}. Default is 24.
#' }
#' @return List with three elements.
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{\code{estimates}}: Matrix containing the parameter estimates for each repetition. As many rows as repetitions and as many columns as parameters.
#' \item \strong{\code{LL}}: Vector of final log-likelihoods of each repetition.
#' \item \strong{\code{varcov}}: Covariance matrix of the estimated parameters across the repetitions.
#' }
#' This function also writes three output files to the working/output directory, with the following names ('x' represents the model name):
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{x_bootstrap_params.csv}: Table containing the parameter estimates, log-likelihood, and number of observations for each repetition.
#' \item \strong{x_bootstrap_samples.csv}: Table containing the description of the sample used in each repetition. Same format than \code{bootstrap_settings$samples}.
#' \item \strong{x_bootstrap_vcov}: Table containing the covariance matrix of estimated parameters across the repetitions.
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom maxLik maxLik
#' @importFrom stats cov
apollo_bootstrap <- function(apollo_beta, apollo_fixed,
apollo_probabilities, apollo_inputs,
### Set missing settings to default values
if(is.list(estimate_settings) && !is.null(estimate_settings$maxLik_settings)){
# Copy values in maxLik_settings into estimate_settings${printLevel, iterlim}
if(!is.null(estimate_settings$maxLik_settings$printLevel)) estimate_settings$printLevel <- estimate_settings$maxLik_settings$printLevel
if(!is.null(estimate_settings$maxLik_settings$iterlim)) estimate_settings$maxIterations <- estimate_settings$maxLik_settings$iterlim
default <- list(estimationRoutine="bgw", maxIterations=200, writeIter=FALSE,
hessianRoutine="none", printLevel=2L, silent=FALSE, maxLik_settings=list())
tmp <- names(default)[!(names(default) %in% names(estimate_settings))] # options missing in estimate_settings
for(i in tmp) estimate_settings[[i]] <- default[[i]]
default <- list(nRep=30, samples=NA, calledByEstimate=FALSE, recycle=TRUE)
tmp <- names(default)[!(names(default) %in% names(bootstrap_settings))] # options missing in bootstrap_settings
for(i in tmp) bootstrap_settings[[i]] <- default[[i]]
### Write original apollo_inputs to disk before changing it, and make sure to restore it before finishing
saveRDS(apollo_inputs, file=paste0(tempdir(), "\\", apollo_inputs$apollo_control$modelName,"_bootstrap"))
tmp <- paste0(tempdir(), "\\", apollo_inputs$apollo_control$modelName,"_bootstrap")
apollo_inputs <- tryCatch(readRDS(tmp), error=function(e) NULL)
tmp2 <- globalenv()
if(!is.null(apollo_inputs) & exists('apollo_inputs', envir=tmp2)) assign('apollo_inputs', apollo_inputs, envir=tmp2)
if(file.exists(tmp)) file.remove(tmp)
### Extract values from apollo_inputs
database <- apollo_inputs$database
apollo_inputs$apollo_control$noDiagnostics = TRUE
apollo_control <- apollo_inputs$apollo_control
apollo_draws <- apollo_inputs$apollo_draws
apollo_randCoeff <- apollo_inputs$apollo_randCoeff
apollo_lcPars <- apollo_inputs$apollo_lcPars
workInLogs <- apollo_inputs$apollo_control$workInLogs
name <- apollo_control$modelName
outputDirectory <- apollo_inputs$apollo_control$outputDirectory
id <- database[,apollo_control$indivID]
if(!is.numeric(id)) id <- as.numeric(as.factor(id))
database[,apollo_control$indivID] <- id
if(!is.null(apollo_inputs$apollo_control$seed)) seed <- apollo_inputs$apollo_control$seed + 2 else seed <- 13 + 2
### Extract values from estimate_settings and estimate_settings
estimationRoutine <- estimate_settings$estimationRoutine
maxIterations <- estimate_settings$maxIterations
nRep <- bootstrap_settings$nRep
samples <- bootstrap_settings$samples
silent <- estimate_settings$silent
calledByEstimate <- bootstrap_settings$calledByEstimate
recycle <- bootstrap_settings$recycle
### Validate arguments
estimationRoutine <- tolower(estimationRoutine)
if( !(estimationRoutine %in% c("bfgs","bgw","bhhh", "nr")) ) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - Invalid estimationRoutine. Use 'bfgs', 'bgw', 'bhhh', or 'nr'.")
if( (length(apollo_fixed) > 0) & any(!(apollo_fixed %in% names(apollo_beta))) ) stop("SPECIFICATION ISSUE - Some parameters included in 'apollo_fixed' are not included in 'apollo_beta'")
maxIterations <- round(maxIterations,0)
if(maxIterations < 1) stop("SPECIFICATION ISSUE - Need at least one iteration!")
if(workInLogs != TRUE) workInLogs=FALSE
if(is.numeric(nRep) && nRep<0) stop("SPECIFICATION ISSUE - nRep must be a positive integer.")
if(anyNA(apollo_draws)) stop("SPECIFICATION ISSUE - Argument 'apollo_draws' must be provided when estimating mixture models.")
if(!is.function(apollo_randCoeff)) stop("SPECIFICATION ISSUE - Argument 'apollo_randCoeff' must be provided when estimating mixture models.")
if( samples <- as.matrix(samples)
samples <- samples[, !(colnames(samples) %in% c(apollo_control$indivID, 'apollo_sequence'))]
if(!is.matrix(samples)) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - The 'samples' argument must be a matrix.")
if(nrow(samples)!=nrow(database)) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - The 'samples' matrix must have as many rows as the database.")
if(any(samples<0)) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - The 'samples' matrix must only contain non-negative integers.")
if(ncol(samples)<2) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - The 'samples' matrix must have at least two columns.")
test <- is.character(outputDirectory)
test <- test && substr(outputDirectory, nchar(outputDirectory), nchar(outputDirectory)) %in% c('/', '\\')
if(!test) outputDirectory <- ''
### Start clock
starttime <- Sys.time()
### Initial report
indivs <- unique(database[,apollo_control$indivID])
nIndivs <- length(indivs)
if(!silent) apollo_print(paste0(nRep, " new datasets will be constructed by randomly sampling ",
nIndivs, " individuals with replacement from the original dataset."))
tmp <- setNames(sapply(as.list(indivs),function(x) sum(database[,apollo_control$indivID]==x)),indivs)
tmp <- all(tmp==tmp[1]) # TRUE if all indivs have same number of obs
if(!tmp & !silent) apollo_print(paste0("Not all individuals have the same number of observations, ",
"therefore not all generated datasets may have the same ",
"number of observations."))
} else {
nRep <- ncol(samples)
if(!silent) apollo_print(paste0(nRep, " new datasets will be constructed by sampling from the original ",
"dataset, as described by the 'samples' matrix provided."))
tmp <- colSums(samples)
tmp <- all(tmp==tmp[1])
if(!tmp & !silent) apollo_print("Not all samples have the same number of observations.")
### Get number of LL components in model and create stacks
if(!silent) apollo_print("Preparing bootstrap.")
llComponents <- apollo_probabilities(apollo_beta, apollo_inputs, functionality="output")
paramStack <- matrix(NA, nrow=nRep, ncol=length(apollo_beta) , dimnames=list(c(), names(apollo_beta)))
llStack <- matrix(0, nrow=nRep, ncol=length(llComponents), dimnames=list(c(), paste0("LL_", names(llComponents))) )
nObsStack <- rep(0,nRep)
# Check for previous bootstrap params & samples files
fileNameParams <- paste0(outputDirectory, name, "_bootstrap_params.csv")
if(file.exists(fileNameParams)) oldParams <- tryCatch(utils::read.csv(fileNameParams), error=function(e) return(NA)) else oldParams <- NA
if(!silent) apollo_print(paste0("File ", fileNameParams, " found in the working/output directory."))
checkCol <- colnames(oldParams) == c(colnames(paramStack), colnames(llStack), "obs")
oldParams <- NA
if(!silent) apollo_print("But will be ignored as its dimensions are incompatible with current model.")
fileNameSamples <- paste0(outputDirectory, name, "_bootstrap_samples.csv")
if(file.exists(fileNameSamples)) oldSamples <- tryCatch(utils::read.csv(fileNameSamples), error=function(e) return(NA)) else oldSamples <- NA
if(!silent) apollo_print(paste0("File ", fileNameSamples, " found in the working/output directory."))
checkRow <- nrow(oldSamples) == nrow(database)
oldSamples <- NA
if(!silent) apollo_print("But will be ignored as its dimensions are incompatible with current model.")
if(recycle && !anyNA(oldParams) & !anyNA(oldSamples)){
if(!silent) apollo_print("New bootstrap repetitions will be added to the existing results.")
} else {
oldParams <- NA
oldSamples <- NA
if((exists("checkCol") | exists("checkRow")) & !silent){
if(recycle) apollo_print("Old bootstrap repetitions will be discarded.")
if(!recycle) apollo_print("Old bootstrap repetitions will be discarded, as setting 'recycle' is FALSE.")
### Create samples matrix if necessary
samples <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(database), ncol=nRep, dimnames=list(c(), paste0("sample_",1:nRep)))
if(!anyNA(oldParams) & !anyNA(oldSamples)) seed <- seed + ncol(oldSamples)
for(i in 1:nRep){
newIndivs <- sample(indivs, replace=TRUE)
for(j in newIndivs){
r <- which(database[,apollo_control$indivID]==j)
samples[r,i] <- samples[r,i] + 1
apollo_print(paste0("Parameters and LL in each repetition will be written to: ", fileNameParams))
apollo_print(paste0("Vectors showing sampling rate for each observation in each repetition written to: ", fileNameSamples))
for(i in 1:nRep){
# Create new database and change indivID for repeated indivs
newObs <- rep(1:nrow(database), samples[,i])
newObs1 <- 0*newObs
for(j in 2:length(newObs)) if(newObs[j]==newObs[j-1]) newObs1[j]=newObs1[j-1]+1
database2 <- database[newObs,]
database2[,apollo_control$indivID] <- database2[,apollo_control$indivID]+(newObs1-1)/1000
rm(newObs, newObs1)
database2 <- database2[order(database2[,apollo_control$indivID]),]
# Create apollo_inputs2
apollo_inputs2 <- apollo_validateInputs(database=database2, silent=TRUE)
apollo_inputs2$apollo_control$noDiagnostics <- TRUE
apollo_inputs2$apollo_control$noValidation <- TRUE
apollo_inputs2$silent <- TRUE
#if(apollo_control$mixing) draws <- apollo_makeDraws(apollo_inputs2, silent=TRUE)
# Estimate model
nObsStack[i] <- nrow(database2)
if(!silent) apollo_print(paste0("Estimation cycle ", i, " (", nObsStack[i], " obs)"))
model <- apollo_estimate(apollo_beta, apollo_fixed, apollo_probabilities,
apollo_inputs2, estimate_settings)
# Check convergence
successfulEstimation <- FALSE
if(estimationRoutine=="bfgs" & model$code==0) successfulEstimation <- TRUE
if(estimationRoutine=="bgw" & model$code %in% c(3,4,5,6)) successfulEstimation <- TRUE
if(estimationRoutine=="bhhh" & (model$code %in% c(2,8)) ) successfulEstimation <- TRUE
if(estimationRoutine=="nr" && model$code<=2) successfulEstimation <- TRUE
# Write results
# Closes clusters if using multicore
#if(exists('cl') & apollo_control$nCores>1) parallel::stopCluster(cl)
# Store estimated parameters
temp <- c(model$estimate, apollo_beta[apollo_fixed])
temp <- temp[names(apollo_beta)]
paramStack[i,] <- temp
# Store in-sample LL components
ll <- apollo_probabilities(model$estimate, apollo_inputs2, functionality="output")
for(j in 1:ncol(llStack)) llStack[i,j] <- ifelse(workInLogs, sum(ll[[j]]), sum(log(ll[[j]])))
# Save results from bootstrap iteration
temp <- cbind(paramStack[1:i,,drop=FALSE], llStack[1:i,,drop=FALSE], obs=nObsStack[1:i])
if(!anyNA(oldParams)) temp <- rbind(oldParams, temp)
tryCatch(utils::write.csv(temp, fileNameParams, row.names=FALSE),
error=function(e) if(!silent) apollo_print(paste0("Could not write to ", fileNameParams)))
temp <- samples[,1:i]
if(!anyNA(oldSamples)) temp <- cbind(oldSamples, temp) else temp <- cbind(database[,c(apollo_control$indivID,
'apollo_sequence')], temp)
tryCatch(utils::write.csv(temp, fileNameSamples, row.names=FALSE),
error=function(e) if(!silent) apollo_print(paste0("Could not write to ", fileNameSamples)))
if(!silent && !calledByEstimate) apollo_print("Estimation results written to file.\n")
} else {
# Report error but continue with next iteration
if(!silent) apollo_print(paste0("ERROR: Estimation failed in repetition ", i, "."))
if(estimationRoutine=="bfgs" & !silent) print(as.matrix(round(get("lastFuncParam", envir=globalenv()),4)))
# Calculate covariance matrix, save it and print it
if(!anyNA(oldParams)) paramStack <- rbind(oldParams[,1:ncol(paramStack),drop=FALSE], paramStack)
includeRow <- apply(paramStack, MARGIN=1, function(x) !all(
Sigma <- stats::cov(paramStack[includeRow,])
# remove fixed params from Sigma (commented out because apollo_estimate includes the fixed ones)
Sigma <- Sigma[-which(colnames(Sigma) %in% apollo_fixed),-which(colnames(Sigma) %in% apollo_fixed)]
if(is.null(rownames(Sigma)) && nrow(Sigma)==ncol(Sigma)) rownames(Sigma)=colnames(Sigma)
fileName <- paste0(outputDirectory, name, "_bootstrap_vcov.csv")
tryCatch(utils::write.csv(Sigma, fileName, row.names=TRUE),
error=function(e) apollo_print(paste0("Could not write to ", fileName)))
apollo_print(paste0("Finished bootstrap runs."))
apollo_print(paste0("Parameters and LL for each repetition written to: ", fileNameParams))
apollo_print(paste0("Vectors showing sampling rate for each observation in each repetition written to: ", fileNameSamples))
apollo_print(paste0("Covariance matrix of parameters written to: ", fileName))
apollo_print(paste0("Mean LL across runs: ", round(mean(llStack[,ncol(llStack)]),2)))
apollo_print("\nMean parameter values across runs: ")
apollo_print("\nCovariance matrix across runs:")
longNames <- colnames(Sigma)
maxLen <- max(nchar(longNames))
for(i in 1:length(longNames)) longNames[i] <- paste0(paste0(rep(" ", maxLen-nchar(longNames[i])), collapse=""), longNames[i])
tmp <- Sigma #round(Sigma,4)
colnames(tmp) <- longNames
if(nrow(tmp)==ncol(tmp)) rownames(tmp) <- longNames
print(tmp, digits=4)
# Stop clock and return results
endtime <- Sys.time()
timeTaken <- difftime(endtime, starttime, units='auto')
if(!silent) apollo_print(paste0("Bootstrap processing time: ", format(timeTaken)))
#output_matrix <- cbind(paramStack, llStack, nObs=nObsStack)
#if(!silent) apollo_print("Bootstrap covariance matrix produced")
apollo_print("\nA list containing the estimates, covariance matrix and log-likelihood values is returned invisibly as an output from this function. Calling the function via result=apollo_bootstrap(...) will save this output in an object called result (or otherwise named object).", type="i")
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