#' Checks likelihood function
#' Checks that the likelihood function for the mode is in the appropriate format to be returned.
#' This function should be called inside \code{apollo_probabilities}, near the end of it, just before \code{return(P)}.
#' This function only performs checks on the shape of P, but does not change its values.
#' @param P List of vectors, matrices or 3-dim arrays. Likelihood of the model components.
#' @param apollo_inputs List grouping most common inputs. Created by function \link{apollo_validateInputs}.
#' @param functionality Character. Setting instructing Apollo what processing to apply to the likelihood function. This is in general controlled by the functions that call \code{apollo_probabilities}, though the user can also call \code{apollo_probabilities} manually with a given functionality for testing/debugging. Possible values are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{\code{"components"}}: For further processing/debugging, produces likelihood for each model component (if multiple components are present), at the level of individual draws and observations.
#' \item \strong{\code{"conditionals"}}: For conditionals, produces likelihood of the full model, at the level of individual inter-individual draws.
#' \item \strong{\code{"estimate"}}: For model estimation, produces likelihood of the full model, at the level of individual decision-makers, after averaging across draws.
#' \item \strong{\code{"gradient"}}: For model estimation, produces analytical gradients of the likelihood, where possible.
#' \item \strong{\code{"output"}}: Prepares output for post-estimation reporting.
#' \item \strong{\code{"prediction"}}: For model prediction, produces probabilities for individual alternatives and individual model components (if multiple components are present) at the level of an observation, after averaging across draws.
#' \item \strong{\code{"preprocess"}}: Prepares likelihood functions for use in estimation.
#' \item \strong{\code{"raw"}}: For debugging, produces probabilities of all alternatives and individual model components at the level of an observation, at the level of individual draws.
#' \item \strong{\code{"report"}}: Prepares output summarising model and choiceset structure.
#' \item \strong{\code{"shares_LL"}}: Produces overall model likelihood with constants only.
#' \item \strong{\code{"validate"}}: Validates model specification, produces likelihood of the full model, at the level of individual decision-makers, after averaging across draws.
#' \item \strong{\code{"zero_LL"}}: Produces overall model likelihood with all parameters at zero.
#' }
#' @return Argument \code{P} with (for most functionalities) the original contents. Output depends on argument \code{functionality}.
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{\code{"components"}}: Returns \code{P} without changes.
#' \item \strong{\code{"conditionals"}}: Returns only the \code{"model"} component of argument \code{P}.
#' \item \strong{\code{"estimate"}}: Returns only the \code{"model"} component of argument \code{P}.
#' \item \strong{\code{"gradient"}}: Returns only the \code{"model"} component of argument \code{P}.
#' \item \strong{\code{"output"}}: Returns argument \code{P} without any changes to its content, but gives names to unnamed elements.
#' \item \strong{\code{"prediction"}}: Returns argument \code{P} without any changes.
#' \item \strong{\code{"preprocess"}}: Returns argument \code{P} without any changes to its content, but gives names to elements corresponding to componentNames.
#' \item \strong{\code{"raw"}}: Returns argument \code{P} without any changes.
#' \item \strong{\code{"report"}}: Returns \code{P} without changes.
#' \item \strong{\code{"shares_LL"}}: Returns argument \code{P} without any changes to its content, but gives names to unnamed elements.
#' \item \strong{\code{"validate"}}: Returns argument \code{P} without any changes.
#' \item \strong{\code{"zero_LL"}}: Returns argument \code{P} without any changes to its content, but gives names to unnamed elements.
#' }
#' @export
apollo_prepareProb=function(P, apollo_inputs, functionality){
# ###################################################################### #
#### load and check inputs, prepare variables that are used elsewhere ####
# ###################################################################### #
if(!is.list(P)) P=list(model=P)
## change 8 July
#if(is.null(P[["model"]]) && !(functionality %in% c("prediction", "gradient", "preprocess")) ) stop('SYNTAX ISSUE - Element called model is missing in list P!')
if(is.null(P[["model"]]) && !(functionality %in% c("prediction", "gradient", "hessian", "preprocess", "report", "components","raw")) ) stop('SYNTAX ISSUE - Element called model is missing in list P!')
### end change
panelData <- apollo_inputs$apollo_control$panelData
nIndiv <- length(unique(apollo_inputs$database[, apollo_inputs$apollo_control$indivID]))
# ############################################### #
#### functionality="validate" ####
# ############################################### #
dimP <- c(1, 1, 1)
if(length(dim(P[["model"]]))==2) dimP[1:2] <- dim(P[["model"]])
if(length(dim(P[["model"]]))==3) dimP <- dim(P[["model"]])
} else if(is.vector(P[["model"]])) dimP[1] <- length(P[["model"]]) else {
stop("SPECIFICATION ISSUE - apollo_probabilities needs to return ",
"a valid vector of likelihood values.")
if(panelData && dimP[1]>nIndiv && !apollo_inputs$apollo_control$HB) stop("SPECIFICATION ISSUE - Need to ",
"multiply across observations for the same ",
"individual! (see ?apollo_panelProd)")
if(dimP[3]>1) stop("SPECIFICATION ISSUE - Need to average over intra-",
"individual draws! (see ?apollo_avgIntraDraws)")
if(dimP[2]>1) stop("SPECIFICATION ISSUE - Need to average over inter-",
"individual draws! (see ?apollo_avgInterDraws)")
# ############################################### #
#### functionalities with untransformed return ####
# ############################################### #
if(functionality %in% c("components", "prediction", "raw", "report")) return(P)
# ################### #
#### HB estimation ####
# ################### #
test = ifelse([["model"]]), TRUE, P[["model"]] < 9.88131291682493e-324)
tmp <- globalenv()
if(exists("apollo_HBcensor", envir=tmp)){
assign("apollo_HBcensor", get("apollo_HBcensor", envir=tmp) + 1, envir=tmp)
} else assign("apollo_HBcensor", 1, envir=tmp)
# ########################################## #
#### functionality="preprocess" ####
# ########################################## #
# If there are multiple pre-processing inside a single element of P, promote them to the upper level
# This can happen in latent class models with multiple components
isList <- rep(FALSE, length(P))
for(s in 1:length(P)){
isList[s] <- is.list(P[[s]]) && all(sapply(P[[s]], is.list)) && all(sapply(P[[s]], function(p) !is.null(p$componentName)))
isList <- which(isList)
for(i in isList) P <- c(P, P[[i]])
P <- P[-isList]
# Rename pre-processing elements
for(s in 1:length(P)) if(is.list(P[[s]]) && !is.null(P[[s]]$componentName)){
names(P)[s]=paste0(P[[s]]$componentName, "_settings")
# Return
# ########################################## #
#### functionality="gradient" ####
# ########################################## #
if("model" %in% names(P)) P <- P$model
if(is.null(P$like) || is.null(P$grad)) stop("INTERNAL ISSUE - Missing like and/or grad elements inside components!")
if(apollo_inputs$apollo_control$workInLogs && apollo_inputs$apollo_control$analyticGrad) stop("INTERNAL ISSUE - workInLogs cannot be used in conjunction with analyticGrad!")
test <- is.array(P$like) && ncol(P$like)==1 && (length(dim(P$like))==2 || (length(dim(P$like))==3 && dim(P$like)[3]==1))
if(test) P$like <- as.vector(P$like)
if(is.list(P)) P =, P$grad)/P$like
### New 29 Sept
# tmp <- apollo_inputs$apollo_beta_names
# tmp <- tmp[!(tmp %in% apollo_inputs$apollo_fixed)]
# for(i in names(apollo_inputs$scaling)) P[,which(tmp==i)]=P[,which(tmp==i)]/apollo_inputs$scaling[i]
### end new
# ########################################## #
#### functionality="hessian" ####
# ########################################## #
if("model" %in% names(P)) P <- P$model
K <- length(P[["grad"]])
H <- matrix(0, nrow=K, ncol=K)
for(k1 in 1:K) for(k2 in 1:k1){
#H[k1,k2] <- sum((P[["hess"]][,k1,k2] -
H[k1,k2] <- sum((P[["hess"]][[k1]][[k2]] -
H[k2,k1] <- H[k1,k2]
#return(apply(P[["hess"]], MARGIN=c(2,3), sum))
# ######################################### #
#### functionality="estimation" ####
# ######################################### #
#### special bit for EM
if(!is.null(apollo_inputs$EM) && apollo_inputs$EM && !is.null(apollo_inputs$class_specific) && (apollo_inputs$class_specific)>0){
### Apply weights
P = apollo_weighting(P, apollo_inputs, functionality)
if(is.array(P[["model"]])) nPRows <- dim(P[["model"]])[1] else nPRows <- length(P[["model"]])
#if(panelData && nPRows>nIndiv && !apollo_inputs$apollo_control$HB) stop("SPECIFICATION ISSUE - Need to multiply over observations for the same individual! (see ?apollo_panelProd)")
if(panelData && nPRows>nIndiv && !apollo_inputs$apollo_control$HB && !apollo_inputs$apollo_control$overridePanel) stop("SPECIFICATION ISSUE - Need to multiply over observations for the same individual! (see ?apollo_panelProd)")
if(length(dim(P[["model"]]))==3) stop('SPECIFICATION ISSUE - Need to average over intra-individual draws! (see ?apollo_avgIntraDraws)')
if(dim(P[["model"]])[2]>1) stop('SPECIFICATION ISSUE - Need to average over inter-individual draws! (see ?apollo_avgInterDraws)')
if(dim(P[["model"]])[2]==1) P[["model"]]=as.vector(P[["model"]])
# ############################################## #
#### functionality="output/zero_LL/shares_LL" ####
# ############################################## #
# Give name to unnamed components
origNames <- names(P)
newNames <- paste0("component_", 1:length(P))
if(!is.null(origNames)) newNames <- ifelse(origNames!="", origNames, newNames)
names(P) <- newNames
# ######################################### #
#### functionality="conditionals" ####
# ######################################### #
if(functionality=="conditionals") return(P[["model"]])
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