
Defines functions apollo_validateControl

Documented in apollo_validateControl

#' Validates apollo_control
#' Validates the options controlling the running of the code \code{apollo_control} and sets default values for the omitted ones.
#' This function should be run before running \code{apollo_validateData}.
#' @param database data.frame. Data used by model.
#' @param apollo_control List. Options controlling the running of the code. User input is required for all settings except those with a default or marked as optional. 
#'                       \itemize{
#'                         \item \strong{\code{calculateLLC}}: Boolean. TRUE if user wants to calculate LL at constants (if applicable). - TRUE by default.
#'                         \item \strong{\code{HB}}: Boolean. TRUE if using RSGHB for Bayesian estimation of model.
#'                         \item \strong{\code{indivID}}: Character. Name of column in the database with each decision maker's ID.
#'                         \item \strong{\code{memorySaver}}: Boolean. TRUE to reduce memory usage when calculating analytical gradients and hessian - FALSE by default.
#'                         \item \strong{\code{mixing}}: Boolean. TRUE for models that include random parameters.
#'                         \item \strong{\code{modelDescr}}: Character. Description of the model. Used in output files.
#'                         \item \strong{\code{modelName}}: Character. Name of the model. Used when saving the output to files.
#'                         \item \strong{\code{nCores}}: Numeric>0. Number of cores to use in calculations of the model likelihood.
#'                         \item \strong{\code{noDiagnostics}}: Boolean. TRUE if user does not wish model diagnostics to be printed - FALSE by default.
#'                         \item \strong{\code{noValidation}}: Boolean. TRUE if user does not wish model input to be validated before estimation - FALSE by default.
#'                         \item \strong{\code{outputDirectory}}: Character. Optional directory for outputs if different from working director - empty by default
#'                         \item \strong{\code{panelData}}: Boolean. TRUE if there are multiple observations (i.e. rows) for each decision maker - Automatically set based on \code{indivID} by default.
#'                         \item \strong{\code{seed}}: Numeric. Seed for random number generation.
#'                         \item \strong{\code{weights}}: Character. Name of column in database containing weights for estimation.
#'                         \item \strong{\code{workInLogs}}: Boolean. TRUE for increased numeric precision in models with panel data - FALSE by default.
#'                       }
#' @param silent Boolean. If TRUE, no messages are printed to screen.
#' @return Validated version of \code{apollo_control}, with additional element called \code{panelData} set to TRUE for repeated choice data.
#' @export
apollo_validateControl=function(database,apollo_control, silent=FALSE){
  ### If database is a tibble, turn it into a data.frame
  if('tibble' %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"] && tibble::is_tibble(database)) database <- as.data.frame(database)
  if(is.null(apollo_control$debug)) apollo_control$debug <- FALSE
  if(!is.logical(apollo_control$debug) || length(apollo_control$debug)!=1) stop('SYNTAX ISSUE - Setting "debug" in apollo_control should have a logical (boolean) value.')
  debug <- apollo_control$debug
    apollo_control$modelName <- paste("model_", gsub("[: -]", "" , Sys.time(), perl=TRUE), sep="")
    if(!silent) apollo_print(paste0('Model name missing in apollo_control, set to default of "', apollo_control$modelName, '".'))
  if(is.null(apollo_control$modelDescr)) apollo_control$modelDescr <- 'No model description provided in apollo_control'
  if(is.null(apollo_control$indivID)) stop('SYNTAX ISSUE - Name of column with individual IDs not provided in apollo_control.')
    apollo_control$nCores <- 1
    if(debug) apollo_print("Missing setting for nCores in apollo_control, set to default of 1")
    apollo_control$workInLogs <- FALSE
    if(debug) apollo_print("Missing setting for workInLogs in apollo_control, set to default of FALSE")
    apollo_control$seed <- 13
    if(debug) apollo_print("Missing setting for seed in apollo_control, set to default of 13")
    apollo_control$mixing <- FALSE
    if(debug) apollo_print("Missing setting for mixing in apollo_control, set to default of FALSE")
    apollo_control$HB <- FALSE
    if(debug) apollo_print("Missing setting for HB in apollo_control, set to default of FALSE")
  if(apollo_control$HB & (!is.null(apollo_control$mixing) && apollo_control$mixing!=FALSE)){
    #apollo_control$mixing <- FALSE
    #if(!silent) apollo_print("HB set to TRUE in apollo_control, so mixing set to FALSE")
    stop("INCORRECT FUNCTION/SETTING USE: The setting 'apollo_control$mixing' cannot be set to TRUE when 'apollo_control$HB==TRUE'")
  if(apollo_control$HB) apollo_control$mixing <- FALSE
  if(apollo_control$HB==TRUE & apollo_control$nCores > 1){
    #apollo_control$nCores <- 1
    #if(!silent) apollo_print("nCores set to 1 in apollo_control for Bayesian estimation")
    stop("INCORRECT FUNCTION/SETTING USE: Only single core estimation is possible with HB. The setting 'apollo_control$nCores' cannot be larger than 1 when 'apollo_control$HB==TRUE'")
    apollo_control$noValidation <- FALSE
    apollo_control$noDiagnostics <- FALSE
    apollo_control$calculateLLC <- TRUE
    apollo_control$analyticHessian <- FALSE

    apollo_control$memorySaver <- FALSE
    if(debug) apollo_print("Missing setting memorySaver in apollo_control, set to default of FALSE")
  # Check that outputDirectory exists, or set it to working directory by default.
  test <- is.null(apollo_control$outputDirectory) || apollo_control$outputDirectory==''
  if(test){ apollo_control$outputDirectory <- getwd() } else {
      cat("\noutputDirectory provided by user does not exist, so will be created.\n")
  tmp <- substr(apollo_control$outputDirectory,
  if(tmp!="/") apollo_control$outputDirectory <- paste0(apollo_control$outputDirectory,"/")
    apollo_control$panelData  = TRUE
    if(!silent) apollo_print(paste0("Several observations per individual detected based on the value of ", apollo_control$indivID, ". Setting panelData in apollo_control set to TRUE.", sep=""))
  } else {
    apollo_control$panelData  = FALSE
    if(debug) apollo_print(paste0("Only one observation per individual detected based on the value of ", apollo_control$indivID, ". Setting panelData in apollo_control set to FALSE.", sep=""))
  # Check that workInLogs is only used with panelData
  if(apollo_control$workInLogs & !apollo_control$panelData){
    apollo_control$workInLogs <- FALSE
    if(!silent) apollo_print("Working in logs is only applicable with panel data; workInLogs set to FALSE in apollo_control.")
  if(!is.logical(apollo_control$mixing       )) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - Setting for mixing in apollo_control should be TRUE or FALSE")
  if(!is.logical(apollo_control$HB           )) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - Setting for HB in apollo_control should be TRUE or FALSE")
  if(!is.logical(apollo_control$noValidation )) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - Setting for noValidation in apollo_control should be TRUE or FALSE")
  if(!is.logical(apollo_control$noDiagnostics)) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - Setting for noDiagnostics in apollo_control should be TRUE or FALSE")
  if(!is.logical(apollo_control$workInLogs   )) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - Setting for workInLogs in apollo_control should be TRUE or FALSE")

    w <- apollo_control$weights
    if(length(w)!=1 || !is.character(w) || !(w %in% names(database))) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - 'apollo_control$weights' is not the name of a column in 'database'.")
  if((apollo_control$noValidation==TRUE)&!silent) apollo_print("With setting noValidation=TRUE in apollo_control, your model code will not be validated prior to estimation. This may of course be deliberate for large models or models with many components.")
    apollo_control$cpp <- FALSE
    if(debug) apollo_print("Missing setting for cpp in apollo_control, set to default of FALSE.")
  } else {
    if(!is.logical(apollo_control$cpp) || !length(apollo_control$cpp)==1) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - Setting cpp in apollo_control should be a single logical value!")
      apollo_control$analyticGrad <- TRUE
      if(debug) apollo_print("Missing setting for analyticGrad in apollo_control, set to default of TRUE")
      apollo_control$analyticGrad_manualSet <- FALSE
      apollo_control$analyticGrad <- FALSE
      if(debug) apollo_print("Missing setting for analyticGrad in apollo_control, set to FALSE as using HB")
      apollo_control$analyticGrad_manualSet <- FALSE
  } else {
    test <- is.logical(apollo_control$analyticGrad) && length(apollo_control$analyticGrad)==1
    if(!test) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - Setting analyticGrad in apollo_control should be a single logical value")
    apollo_control$analyticGrad_manualSet <- TRUE
  if(!apollo_control$analyticGrad && apollo_control$analyticHessian){
    apollo_control$analyticHessian <- FALSE
  if(apollo_control$HB && apollo_control$analyticGrad){
    #apollo_control$analyticGrad <- FALSE
    #if(debug) apollo_print("Analytic gradients cannot be used with setting HB")
    stop("INCORRECT FUNCTION/SETTING USE: The setting 'apollo_control$analyticGrad' cannot be set to TRUE when 'apollo_control$HB==TRUE'")
  if(apollo_control$workInLogs && apollo_control$analyticGrad){
    apollo_control$analyticGrad <- FALSE
    if(apollo_control$analyticGrad_manualSet) stop("INCORRECT FUNCTION/SETTING USE: The setting 'apollo_control$analyticGrad' cannot be set to TRUE when 'apollo_control$workInLogs==TRUE'")
    if(!silent) apollo_print("Analytic gradients cannot be used with setting workInLogs")
    apollo_control$matrixMult <- FALSE
    if(debug) apollo_print("Missing setting for matrixMult in apollo_control, set to default of FALSE")
  } else {
    if(!is.logical(apollo_control$matrixMult) || !length(apollo_control$matrixMult)==1) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - Setting matrixMult in apollo_control should be a single logical value")
  if(apollo_control$matrixMult & apollo_control$mixing) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - Setting matrixMult in apollo_control is only valid for models without mixing!")
    apollo_control$overridePanel <- FALSE
    if(debug) apollo_print("Missing setting for overridePanel in apollo_control, set to default of FALSE.")
    apollo_control$preventOverridePanel <- FALSE
    if(debug) apollo_print("Missing setting for preventOverridePanel in apollo_control, set to default of FALSE.")

    apollo_control$noModification <- FALSE
    if(debug) apollo_print("Missing setting for noModification in apollo_control, set to default of FALSE.")
  allVars <- c("modelName", "modelDescr", "indivID", "mixing", "nCores", "seed", "HB", 
               "noValidation", "noDiagnostics", "weights", "workInLogs", "panelData", 
               "cpp","subMaxV", "analyticGrad", "matrixMult", "debug", "analyticGrad_manualSet",
               "outputDirectory", "calculateLLC", "overridePanel", "preventOverridePanel", 
               "noModification", "analyticHessian", "memorySaver")
  unknownVars <- names(apollo_control)[!( names(apollo_control) %in% allVars )]
    apollo_print(paste0("Variable(s) {", paste(unknownVars, collapse=", "), "} were not recognised in apollo_control and will be ignored. Check ?apollo_control for a list of valid control variables."), type="w")
  if(is.null(apollo_control$subMaxV)) apollo_control$subMaxV <- TRUE
  if(!silent) apollo_print("All checks on apollo_control completed.\n")

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apollo documentation built on Oct. 2, 2024, 1:08 a.m.