#' Validates the \code{apollo_HB} list of parameters
#' Validates the \code{apollo_HB} list of parameters and sets default values for the omitted ones.
#' This function is only necessary when using bayesian estimation.
#' @param apollo_HB List. Contains options for Bayesian estimation. See \code{?RSGHB::doHB} for details.
#' Parameters \code{modelname}, \code{gVarNamesFixed}, \code{gVarNamesNormal},
#' \code{gDIST}, \code{svN} and \code{FC} are automatically set based on the
#' other arguments of this function.
#' Other settings to include are the following.
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{\code{constraintNorm}}: Character vector. Constraints for \emph{random} coefficients
#' in bayesian estimation. Constraints can be written as
#' "b1>b2", "b1<b2", "b1>0", or "b1<0".
#' \item \strong{\code{fixedA}}: Named numeric vector. Contains the names and fixed mean values of
#' random parameters. For example, c(b1=0) fixes the mean of b1 to zero.
#' \item \strong{\code{fixedD}}: Named numeric vector. Contains the names and fixed variance of
#' random parameters. For example, c(b1=1) fixes the variance of b1 to zero.
#' \item \strong{\code{gFULLCV:}} Boolean. Whether the full variance-covariance structure should be used for random parameters (TRUE by default).
#' \item \strong{\code{gNCREP}}: Numeric. Number of burn-in iterations to use prior to convergence (default=10^5).
#' \item \strong{\code{gNEREP}}: Numeric. Number of iterations to keep for averaging after convergence has been reached (default=10^5).
#' \item \strong{\code{gINFOSKIP}}: Numeric. Number of iterations between printing/plotting information about the iteration process (default=250).
#' \item \strong{\code{hbDist}}: \emph{Mandatory} setting. A named character vector determining
#' the distribution of each parameter to be estimated. Possible
#' values are as follows.
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{\code{"CN+"}}: Positive censored normal.
#' \item \strong{\code{"CN-"}}: Negative censored normal.
#' \item \strong{\code{"JSB"}}: Johnson SB.
#' \item \strong{\code{"LN+"}}: Positive log-normal.
#' \item \strong{\code{"LN-"}}: Negative log-normal.
#' \item \strong{\code{"N"}}: Normal.
#' \item \strong{\code{"NR"}}: Fixed (as in non-random) parameter.
#' }
#' \item \strong{\code{nodiagnostics}}: Boolean. Turn off pre-estimation diagnostics for RSGHB. Set to TRUE by default.
#' }
#' @param apollo_beta Named numeric vector. Names and values for parameters.
#' @param apollo_fixed Character vector. Names (as defined in \code{apollo_beta}) of parameters whose value should not change during estimation.
#' value is constant throughout estimation).
#' @param apollo_control List. Options controlling the running of the code. See \link{apollo_validateInputs}.
#' @param silent Boolean. TRUE to keep the function from printing to the console. Default is FALSE.
#' @return Validated apollo_HB
#' @export
apollo_validateHBControl=function(apollo_HB, apollo_beta, apollo_fixed, apollo_control, silent=FALSE){
if(is.null(apollo_HB$nodiagnostics)) apollo_HB$nodiagnostics=TRUE
# Validate inputs
if(!("hbDist" %in% names(apollo_HB))) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - No hbDist element in apollo_HB.")
if(any(apollo_HB$hbDist=="DNE")) apollo_HB$hbDist[which(apollo_HB$hbDist=="DNE")]="NR"
hbDist <- apollo_HB$hbDist
if(length(apollo_beta)!=length(hbDist)) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - Argument hbDist has different length than apollo_beta.")
if(!all(names(apollo_beta)==names(hbDist))) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - Argument hbDist has differently named elements from apollo_beta (or in a different order).")
hbDist_nonest = hbDist[(names(apollo_beta) %in% apollo_fixed)]
if(any(!(hbDist_nonest%in%c("F","NR","DNE")))) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - Only non-random parameters should be included in apollo_fixed for HB estimation, other constraints need to be accommodated in fixedA and fixedD!")
# Translate rnd param distributions into RSGHB coding
map <- c("NR"=0, "F"=0, "N"=1, "LN+"=2, "LN-"=3, "CN+"=4, "CN-"=5, "JSB"=6)
hbDist_est = hbDist[!(names(apollo_beta) %in% apollo_fixed)]
hbDist_est = stats::setNames(map[hbDist_est], names(hbDist_est)) # distribution in RSGHB coding
theta_est = apollo_beta[!(names(apollo_beta) %in% apollo_fixed)] # starting values
gVarNamesFixed = names(theta_est[hbDist_est==0])
FC = theta_est[hbDist_est==0]
gVarNamesNormal = names(theta_est[hbDist_est>0])
gDIST = hbDist_est[hbDist_est>0]
svN = theta_est[hbDist_est>0]
apollo_HB$modelname = apollo_control$modelName
apollo_HB$gVarNamesFixed = gVarNamesFixed
apollo_HB$gVarNamesNormal = gVarNamesNormal
apollo_HB$gDIST = gDIST
apollo_HB$svN = svN
apollo_HB$FC = FC
if(is.null(apollo_HB$gFULLCV)) apollo_HB$gFULLCV=TRUE
if(length(apollo_HB$gVarNamesNormal)==0) {
apollo_HB$gVarNamesNormal = NULL
apollo_HB$hIW = FALSE
if(length(apollo_HB$gVarNamesFixed)==0) apollo_HB$gVarNamesFixed=NULL
if(length(apollo_HB$gDIST)==0) apollo_HB$gDIST=NULL
if(length(apollo_HB$svN)==0) apollo_HB$svN=NULL
if(length(apollo_HB$FC)==0) apollo_HB$FC=NULL
### Translates fixedA to RSGHB coding
fA <- apollo_HB$fixedA
if(!is.null(fA) && is.vector(fA) && is.numeric(fA) && !is.null(names(fA))){
if(!all(names(fA) %in% apollo_HB$gVarNamesNormal)) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - Some names in fixedA do not match the names of random parameters.")
apollo_HB$fixedA <- rep(NA, length(apollo_HB$gVarNamesNormal))
for(i in 1:length(fA)){
j <- which(apollo_HB$gVarNamesNormal==names(fA)[i])
apollo_HB$fixedA[j] <- fA[i]
}; rm(i,j)
}; rm(fA)
### Translates fixedD to RSGHB coding
fD <- apollo_HB$fixedD
if(!is.null(fD) && is.vector(fD) && is.numeric(fD) && !is.null(names(fD))){
if(!all(names(fD) %in% apollo_HB$gVarNamesNormal)) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - Some names in fixedD do not match the names of random parameters.")
apollo_HB$fixedD <- rep(NA, length(apollo_HB$gVarNamesNormal))
for(i in 1:length(fD)){
j <- which(apollo_HB$gVarNamesNormal==names(fD)[i])
apollo_HB$fixedD[j] <- fD[i]
}; rm(i,j)
}; rm(fD)
### Additional checks
if(!is.null(apollo_HB$fixedA) && length(apollo_HB$fixedA)!=length(apollo_HB$gVarNamesNormal)) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - fixedA has a different length than gVarNamesNormal inside apollo_HB")
if(!is.null(apollo_HB$fixedD) && length(apollo_HB$fixedD)!=length(apollo_HB$gVarNamesNormal)) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - fixedD has a different length than gVarNamesNormal inside apollo_HB")
if(is.null(apollo_HB$gMINCOEF) | is.null(apollo_HB$gMAXCOEF)) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - JSB distribution in use, but gMINCOEF or gMAXCOEF not defined in apollo_HB")
if(!is.null(apollo_HB$gMINCOEF) && length(apollo_HB$gMINCOEF)!=length(apollo_HB$gVarNamesNormal)) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - gMINCOEF has a different length than gVarNamesNormal inside apollo_HB")
if(!is.null(apollo_HB$gMAXCOEF) && length(apollo_HB$gMAXCOEF)!=length(apollo_HB$gVarNamesNormal)) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - gMINCOEF has a different length than gVarNamesNormal inside apollo_HB")
### Process constraints.
# If in old format, e.g.: list( c(1,1,2), c(3,2,5) )
if(is.list(apollo_HB$constraintsNorm) && all(sapply(apollo_HB$constraintsNorm, is.numeric))){
# Print constraints
#nam <- names(theta_est)
nam <- gVarNamesNormal
if(!silent) apollo_print("Constraints:")
for(i in 1:length(apollo_HB$constraintsNorm)){
t0 <- apollo_HB$constraintsNorm[[i]]
#test <- 0 < t0[1] & t0[1]<length(theta_est)
test <- 0 < t0[1] & t0[1]<=length(nam)
test <- test & t0[2] %in% 1:2
#test <- test & ( 0 <= t0[3] & t0[3]<length(theta_est) )
test <- test & ( 0 <= t0[3] & t0[3]<=length(nam) )
if(!test) stop(paste0("SYNTAX ISSUE - Incorrect format for constraintsNorm element c(", t0, ")."))
if(!silent) apollo_print(paste0(nam[t0[1]], ifelse(t0[2]==1, " < ", " > "), ifelse(t0[3]==0, 0, nam[t0[3]]), "\n", sep=""))
} else { # If in new format, e.g: c("b1<b2","b3>b5")
# Validate input
if(length(apollo_HB$constraintsNorm)<1) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - constraintsNorm, if included, should be at least one element long")
if(!is.character(apollo_HB$constraintsNorm)) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - constraintsNorm, if included, should be a character vector")
if(!all(grepl("[<>]", apollo_HB$constraintsNorm))) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - constraintsNorm, if included, must contain constraints written as 'param1>param2', 'param1<param2', 'param1>0' or 'param1<0'")
if(any(grepl("=", apollo_HB$constraintsNorm))) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - constraintsNorm does not support equality (=), greater or equal (>=), or less or equal (<=) constraints")
if(length(apollo_fixed)>0) for(f in apollo_fixed) if(any(grepl(f,apollo_HB$constraintsNorm))) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - constraintsNorm, if included, should not include any fixed parameter")
# Translate constraints
translated <- list()
apollo_HB$constraintsNorm <- gsub(" ", "", apollo_HB$constraintsNorm) # remove white spaces
for(i in 1:length(apollo_HB$constraintsNorm)){
con<- apollo_HB$constraintsNorm[i]
t0 <- gregexpr("[<>]", con)[[1]][1]
t1 <- substr(con, 1, t0-1)
if(t1=="0") stop(paste0("SYNTAX ISSUE - Constraint ", con, " should have zero in the right hand side"))
t2 <- substr(con, t0, t0)
t3 <- substr(con, t0+1, nchar(con))
t0 <- c(0,0,0)
#if(!all(c(t1,t3) %in% c(gVarNamesFixed, gVarNamesNormal, "0"))) stop(paste0("SYNTAX ISSUE - Constraint ", con, " includes invalid variable names"))
if(!all(c(t1,t3) %in% c(gVarNamesNormal, "0"))) stop(paste0("SYNTAX ISSUE - Constraint ", con, " includes invalid variable names (only random params allowed)"))
#t0[1] <- which(names(theta_est)==t1)
t0[1] <- which(gVarNamesNormal==t1)
t0[2] <- ifelse(t2=="<", 1, 2)
#t0[3] <- ifelse(t3=="0", 0, which(names(theta_est)==t3))
t0[3] <- ifelse(t3=="0", 0, which(gVarNamesNormal==t3))
translated[[i]] <- t0
names(translated) <- NULL
apollo_HB$constraintsNorm <- translated
if(!silent) apollo_print("All checks on apollo_HB completed.")
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