An Overview of the aqp Package"

  message = FALSE,
  warning = FALSE,
  background = '#F7F7F7',
  fig.align = 'center',
  dev = 'png',
  comment = "#>"

# keep examples from using more than 2 cores
data.table::setDTthreads(Sys.getenv("OMP_THREAD_LIMIT", unset = 2))

options(width = 100, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, timeout = 600)

Soil morphology, observed properties, and geomorphic context represent a complex package of interrelated information that can be difficult to analyze and communicate as a whole. Graphical methods such as soil profile sketches and cross-sections represent a few of the possible methods commonly used to report on these kind of data. The Algorithms for Quantitative Pedology (AQP) project encompasses several related R packages tailored to this style of work. A specialized data structure (SoilProfileCollection) maintains linkages between soil horizons, diagnostic features, above-ground data, and geomorphic context. SoilProfileCollection objects can be filtered, subset, resampled (over new depth intervals), and re-ordered; all while preserving links to above and below-ground, linked data. Functions are provided for the conversion of soil colors to and from Munsell notation and several other color space coordinates. Graphical methods for the SoilProfileCollection provide a simple but flexible framework for the design and layout of soil profile sketches, aligned to x and or y axes defined by linked data.

Related Tutorials by Topic

Soil Morphology

Soil Color

Numerical Classification

Soil Hydrology


Soil Taxonomy

Multivariate Summaries of Soil Property Data

Soil Spectroscopy

Function Index by Topic

SoilProfileCollection Objects








Change of Support

Horizon Depth Logic

Data QC

Object Coercion

Spatial Data

Internal Consistency

Soil Profile Sketches

Soil Color / Color Science

Color Conversion




Simulation of Mixtures

Numerical Classification of Soil Profiles


Soil Texture

Coarse Fragments

Soil Taxonomy

Generalized Horizon Labels (GHL)


Accuracy and Uncertainty

Overlapping Annotation

Example Data

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aqp documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:24 a.m.