
#' Builds an archive URL, based on connection parameters, seriesId, field, frequency and start and end date.  
#' @param con connection parameters, will be initialized with aqInit() if void
#' @param seriesId the series name
#' @param field the field to load 
#' @param freq a frequency string, such as HOURS_1
#' @param startDate the start date
#' @param endDate the end date 
#' @return the complete archive URL as character 
buildArchiveURL <- function(con=aqInit(), seriesId, field, freq, startDate, endDate){
  url = paste("http://", con$tsHost, ":", con$tsPort,"/csv/?SERIESID=",seriesId,"&FREQ=",freq,"&FIELD=",field,"&STARTDATE=", startDate, "&ENDDATE=",endDate, sep="")

#' Saves an XTS object to csv file. 
#' @param filename where to save data to 
#' @param historyXts the input xts object
aqSaveXtsToCsv <- function(filename, historyXts){
	write.csv2(as.data.frame(historyXts), file=filename)

#' Loads a XTS object from CSV, to be used with our aqSaveXtsToCsv function. This method 
#' assumes that the fie's first column contains an interpretable timestmap. 
#' Implementation in progress (16 Feb 2014)
#' @param filename the csv file which to load as XTS. 
#' @return an XTS object
aqLoadXtsFromCsv <- function(filename){

#' Loads EOD data from Yahoo and returns an XTS object. 
#' @param instrument a Yahoo Instrument ID
#' @param start a POSIXlt start date
#' @param end a POSIXlt end date
#' @return instrument prices as XTS object
aqLoadYahooEOD <-function(instrument,start=oneMonthAgo(), end=today()){
    stop("No instrument given to load. ")
    url <- paste("http://ichart.finance.yahoo.com/table.csv?s=", instrument, "&a=",start$mon,"&b=",start$mday,"&c=",(1900+start$year),"&d=",end$mon,"&e=",end$mday,"&f=",(1900+end$year),"&g=d&ignore=.csv", sep="")
    cat("Loading data from ", url, "\n")
    rawData <-read.csv(url)
    dataTable <- cbind(rawData[,2],rawData[,3],rawData[,4], rawData[,5],rawData[,6], rawData[,7])
    ret <- xts(x=dataTable, order.by=strptime(rawData[,1], format="%Y-%m-%d"))
    colnames(ret) <- c("OPEN", "HIGH", "LOW", "CLOSE", "VOLUME", "ADJUSTED_CLOSE")

#' Loads OHLC from an AQ Master Server
#' @param seriesId a series ID 
#' @param freq frequency in enumeration form, f.e. HOURS_1, MINUTES_1 
#' @param startDate a Date8 
#' @param endDate a Date8
#' @param con a fully initialized connection definition 
#' @param useCache a boolean that says whether you want use and cache data
#' @param cacheDir a directory name that will be used for caching if enabled
#' @return a XTS object
aqLoadOHLC <- function(seriesId, freq, startDate, endDate, con = aqInit(), useCache = FALSE, cacheDir = getwd()){  
	if(is.null(con) || (is.null(con$tsHost)) || (is.null(con$tsHost))){
		# throw a fatal error. 
		stop("AQConfig list not configured properly.")

  cacheKey = paste(seriesId, "_", freq, "_", startDate,"_", endDate, ".history", sep="") 
	# let's check if the cacheDir exists. 
  	if (!file.exists(paste(cacheDir, "/", sep = "/", collapse = "/"))) {
	    message("Cache directory doesn't exist, creating it.")
	    dir.create(file.path(cacheDir), recursive=TRUE)
        message("Using cache key ", cacheKey, " in directory ", cacheDir)
   	# ok, let's create the final cache key. 
	cacheKey = paste(cacheDir, "/", cacheKey, sep="")
  if(useCache && file.exists(cacheKey)){
    message("Loading history from cache.")
    # let's return the file from cache. 
    # we know that the object was called xtsOhlcv
	# load the individual columns.table 
	open = read.csv(buildArchiveURL(con, seriesId, con$openField, freq, startDate, endDate))
	high = read.csv(buildArchiveURL(con, seriesId, con$highField, freq, startDate, endDate))
	low = read.csv(buildArchiveURL(con, seriesId, con$lowField, freq, startDate, endDate))
	close = read.csv(buildArchiveURL(con, seriesId, con$closeField, freq, startDate, endDate))
	volume = read.csv(buildArchiveURL(con, seriesId, con$volField, freq, startDate, endDate))
	if(nrow(high)==nrow(open) && nrow(low) == nrow(open) && nrow(close) == nrow(open) && nrow(open)>0 ){
	  # convert everything to XTS. 
		  volume = NA 
		  volume = volume[,3]
	  ohlcv = cbind(open[,3], high[,3], low[,3], close[,3], volume)
		  xtsOhlcv= xts(ohlcv, order.by=as.POSIXct(open[,1]/1000000000, origin="1970/01/01"))
		  colnames(xtsOhlcv) <- c("OPEN", "HIGH", "LOW", "CLOSE", "VOLUME")

                message("Storing history to cache.")
		save(xtsOhlcv, file=cacheKey)
	# still here. 

#' stores a matrix onto an AQ Master Server
#' @param seriesId a series ID to store
#' @param freq the frequency, must be one of AQ's enums
#' @param data the data as XTS object
#' @param con a connection object, will be initialized by aqInit by default
#' @param silent whether  it should print storage diagnostics. 
aqStoreMatrix <- function(seriesId, freq, data, con=aqInit(), silent=FALSE){
  for(i in colnames(data)){
    aqStoreSeriesField(seriesId, i, freq, data[,i], con, silent);

#' Loads one series field from an AQ Master Server
#' @param seriesId the series name
#' @param fieldId the field name
#' @param freq the frequency, must be one of ActiveQuant's enums
#' @param startDate a start date in date8 format (yyyyMMdd)
#' @param endDate an end date in date8 format (yyyyMMdd)
#' @param con a connection object
#' @return the loaded series as XTS object
aqLoadSeriesField <- function(seriesId, fieldId, freq, startDate, endDate, con = aqInit()){
	if(is.null(con) || (is.null(con$tsHost)) || (is.null(con$tsHost))){
		# throw a fatal error. 
		stop("AQConfig list not configured properly.")

	data <- read.csv(buildArchiveURL(con, seriesId, fieldId, freq, startDate, endDate))
		dataXts = xts(data[,3], order.by=as.POSIXct(data[,1]/1000000000, origin="1970/01/01"))


#' Stores one series field to an AQ Master Server, typicall called from aqStoreSeries. 
#' This function assumes that data is either a zoo object, or that is a matrix with two columns where the first column contains a time series index in NANOSECONDS(!!!)
#' @param seriesId a series name
#' @param fieldId the field ID of this data series
#' @param freq a frequency string, must be one of AQ's suported enum names
#' @param data the data as XTS object
#' @param con a connection object, will be initialized by aqInit by default
#' @param silent whether  it should print storage diagnostics. 
aqStoreSeriesField <- function(seriesId, fieldId, freq, data, con = aqInit(), silent=FALSE){

	  warning("Only the first data column will be stored.")
	toBeStored <- c()
	# let's check if we have a zoo object. 
	  # convert it to nano seconds. 
	  toBeStored <- cbind(as.numeric(as.POSIXct(index(data))) * 1000000000, data[,1])
	  warning("No zoo object. First column assumed to be timestamp in nanoseconds and second column assumed to contain data series.") 
	  toBeStored = data[,1:2]

	convertedData <- capture.output(write.table(format(toBeStored, scientific=FALSE), row.names=FALSE,  col.names=FALSE,quote=FALSE, sep=","))
	response <- postForm(paste("http://", con$tsHost, ":", con$tsPort, "/csv/", sep=""), 
		FIELD = fieldId, 
		FREQ = freq, 
		DATA = convertedData, style="httppost")

Try the aqr package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

aqr documentation built on May 1, 2019, 7:55 p.m.