## allow stat functions to be passed as single arguments that are strings of function names
## Store this as attribute in the modeldf column, along with the actual name of the variable,
## rather than anova(age) showing up in the result (though anova(age) will be the column name in modeldf
## but we pull these attributes off later.
inline_tableby_stat_test <- function(x, ..., digits = NULL, digits.count = NULL, digits.pct = NULL,
numeric.simplify = NULL, cat.simplify = NULL, cat.droplevels = NULL,
ordered.simplify = NULL, date.simplify = NULL)
attr(x, "term") <- attr(x, "name") <- deparse(substitute(x))
attr(x, "stats") <- if(missing(...)) NULL else list(...)
attr(x, "control.list") <- list(digits = digits, digits.count = digits.count, digits.pct = digits.pct,
numeric.simplify = numeric.simplify, cat.simplify = cat.simplify, cat.droplevels = cat.droplevels,
ordered.simplify = ordered.simplify, date.simplify = date.simplify)
class(x) <- c("keep_tableby_attrs", class(x)[class(x) != "keep_tableby_attrs"])
#' @export
`[.keep_tableby_attrs` <- function(x, ...)
y <- NextMethod()
attr(y, "name") <- attr(x, "name")
attr(y, "stats") <- attr(x, "stats")
attr(y, "term") <- attr(x, "term")
attr(y, "control.list") <- attr(x, "control.list")
class(y) <- class(y)[class(y) != "keep_tableby_attrs"] # purposely drop the class
get_attr <- function(x, which, default)
x <- attr(x, which, exact = TRUE)
if(is.null(x)) default else x
#' @export
format.tbstat <- function(x, digits = NULL, ...)
x <- x[] # to remove classes
if(is.numeric(x)) x <- trimws(formatC(x, digits = digits, format = "f"))
if(is.list(x) && any(idx <- vapply(x, inherits, NA, "difftime")))
x[idx] <- lapply(x[idx], function(xx) paste(trimws(formatC(unclass(xx), digits = digits, format = "f")), units(xx)))
if(length(x) == 1) return(paste0(x))
parens <- get_attr(x, "parens", c("", ""))
sep <- get_attr(x, "sep", " ")
sep2 <- get_attr(x, "sep2", " ")
pct <- get_attr(x, "pct", "")
if(length(x) == 2)
paste0(x[1], sep, parens[1], x[2], pct, parens[2])
} else paste0(x[1], sep, parens[1], x[2], sep2, x[3], parens[2])
#' @export
format.tbstat_countpct <- function(x, digits.count = NULL, digits.pct = NULL, digits = NULL, ...)
att <- attributes(x)
x <- vapply(seq_along(x), function(i) {
d <- if(i %in% att$which.pct) digits.pct else if(i %in% att$which.count) digits.count else digits
formatC(x[i], digits = d, format = "f")
}, NA_character_)
x <- trimws(x)
attributes(x) <- att
#' Internal \code{tableby} functions
#' A collection of functions that may help users create custom functions that are formatted correctly.
#' @param x Usually a vector.
#' @param oldClass class(es) to add to the resulting object.
#' @param sep The separator between \code{x[1]} and the rest of the vector.
#' @param parens A length-2 vector denoting parentheses to use around \code{x[2]} and \code{x[3]}.
#' @param sep2 The separator between \code{x[2]} and \code{x[3]}.
#' @param pct For statistics of length 2, the symbol to use after the second one. (It's called
#' "pct" because usually the first statistic is never a percent, but the second often is.)
#' @param which.pct Which statistics are percents? The default is 0, indicating that none are.
#' @param which.count Which statistics are counts? The default is everything except the things that are percents.
#' @param ... arguments to pass to \code{as.tbstat}.
#' @details
#' The vignette has an example on how to use these.
#' \code{as.tbstat} defines a tableby statistic with its appropriate formatting.
#' \code{as.countpct} adds another class to \code{as.tbstat} to use different "digits" arguments
#' (i.e., \code{digits.count} or \code{digits.pct}). See \code{\link{tableby.control}}.
#' \code{as.tbstat_multirow} marks an object (usually a list) for multiple-row printing.
#' @name tableby.stats.internal
#' @rdname tableby.stats.internal
#' @export
as.tbstat <- function(x, oldClass = NULL, sep = NULL, parens = NULL, sep2 = NULL, pct = NULL, ...)
structure(x, class = c("tbstat", oldClass),
sep = sep, parens = parens, sep2 = sep2, pct = pct, ...)
#' @rdname tableby.stats.internal
#' @export
as.countpct <- function(x, ..., which.count = setdiff(seq_along(x), which.pct), which.pct = 0L)
tmp <- as.tbstat(x, ..., which.count = which.count, which.pct = which.pct)
class(tmp) <- c("tbstat_countpct", class(tmp))
#' @rdname tableby.stats.internal
#' @export
as.tbstat_multirow <- function(x)
class(x) <- c("tbstat_multirow", class(x))
extract_tbstat <- function(x, ...)
x <- NextMethod("[")
class(x) <- class(x)[class(x) %nin% c("tbstat", "tbstat_countpct", "tbstat_multirow")]
extract2_tbstat <- function(x, ...)
x <- NextMethod("[[")
class(x) <- class(x)[class(x) %nin% c("tbstat", "tbstat_countpct", "tbstat_multirow")]
#' @export
`[.tbstat` <- extract_tbstat
#' @export
`[.tbstat_countpct` <- extract_tbstat
#' @export
`[.tbstat_multirow` <- extract_tbstat
#' @export
`[[.tbstat` <- extract2_tbstat
#' @export
`[[.tbstat_countpct` <- extract2_tbstat
#' @export
`[[.tbsta_multirowt` <- extract2_tbstat
## merge two tableby objects
## both must have same "by" variable and levels
## if some RHS variables have same names, keep both, the one in y add ".y"
#' Helper functions for tableby
#' A set of helper functions for \code{\link{tableby}}.
#' @param ... Other arguments.
#' @param x A \code{tableby} object.
#' @param pdata A named data.frame where the first column is the by-variable names, the (optional) second is the strata value, the next is
#' the x variable names, the next is p-values (or some test stat), and the (optional) next column is the method name.
#' @param e1,e2 \code{\link{tableby}} objects, or numbers to compare them to.
#' @param use.pname Logical, denoting whether the column name in \code{pdata} corresponding to the p-values should be used
#' in the output of the object.
#' @param n A single integer. See \code{\link[utils]{head}} or \code{\link[utils:head]{tail}} for more details
#' @param lhs Logical, denoting whether to remove \code{NA}s from the first column of the data.frame (the "left-hand side")
#' @return \code{na.tableby} returns a subsetted version of \code{object} (with attributes). \code{Ops.tableby} returns
#' a logical vector. \code{xtfrm.tableby} returns the p-values (which are ordered by \code{\link{order}} to \code{\link{sort}}).
#' @details
#' Logical comparisons are implemented for \code{Ops.tableby}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{arsenal_table}}, \code{\link{sort}}, \code{\link[utils]{head}}, \code{\link[utils:head]{tail}},
#' \code{\link{tableby}}, \code{\link{summary.tableby}}, \code{\link{tableby.control}}
#' @name tableby.internal
#' @rdname tableby.internal
#' @export
is.tableby <- function(x) inherits(x, "tableby")
#' @rdname tableby.internal
#' @export
is.summary.tableby <- function(x) inherits(x, "summary.tableby")
## pdata is a named data.frame where the first column is the x variable names matched by name,
## p-values (or some test stat) are numbers and the name is matched
## method name is the third column (optional)
## to the x variable in the tableby object (x)
#' @rdname tableby.internal
#' @export
modpval.tableby <- function(x, pdata, use.pname=FALSE) {
## set control$test to TRUE
if(any(pdata[[1]] %in% names(x$tables))) {
x$control$test <- TRUE
## change test results
for(k in seq_len(nrow(pdata))) {
yname <- as.character(pdata[[1]][k])
hasStrata <- x$tables[[yname]]$strata$hasStrata
strat <- if(hasStrata) as.character(pdata[[2]][k]) else ""
xname <- as.character(pdata[[2 + hasStrata]][k])
p <- pdata[[3 + hasStrata]][k]
method <- if(ncol(pdata) > 3 + hasStrata) pdata[[4 + hasStrata]][k] else "Modified by user"
if(xname %in% names(x$tables[[yname]]$x) && strat %in% x$tables[[yname]]$strata$values)
idx <- which(x$tables[[yname]]$strata$values == strat)
stopifnot(length(idx) == 1)
x$tables[[yname]]$tables[[idx]][[xname]]$test$p.value <- p
x$tables[[yname]]$tables[[idx]][[xname]]$test$method <- method
if(use.pname & nchar(names(pdata)[3 + hasStrata]) > 0) {
## put different test column name in control
x$control$test.pname <- names(pdata)[3 + hasStrata]
} else warning("Couldn't match any by-variables to the first column of 'x'.")
## Get the labels from the tableby object's elements in the order they appear in the fomula/Call
## including the y and x variables
# labels <- function(x) {
# UseMethod("labels")
# }
## retrieve variable labels (y, x-vec) from tableby object
## define generic function for tests, so tests(tbObj) will work
#' @rdname tableby.internal
#' @export
tests <- function(x) UseMethod("tests")
## retrieve the names of the tests performed per variable
#' @rdname tableby.internal
#' @export
tests.tableby <- function(x) {
if(x$control$test) {
df <-, list.ok = TRUE)
hasStrata <- has_strata(x)
if(any(hasStrata) != all(hasStrata)) stop("Some tables in 'x' have strata, but others don't")
testdf <-, Map(df, hasStrata, f = function(i, s) i[c("group.label", if(s) names(i)[4], "variable", "p.value", "test")]))
testdf <- unique(testdf)
row.names(testdf) <- NULL
names(testdf)[c(1, any(hasStrata) + (2:4))] <- c("Group", "Variable",
if(!is.null(x$control$test.pname)) x$control$test.pname else "p.value", "Method")
} else {
cat("No tests run on tableby object\n")
testdf <- NULL
## function to handle na.action for tableby formula, data.frame
#' @rdname tableby.internal
#' @export
na.tableby <- function(lhs = TRUE)
if( stop("na.tableby now generates functions (and no longer accepts data.frames). ",
"Use 'na.tableby()' to generate the function that used to be 'na.tableby'.")
if(lhs) return(na_lhs_strata)
function(object, ...) {
omit <- if("(strata)" %in% names(object))[["(strata)"]]) else rep(FALSE, nrow(object))
xx <- object[!omit, , drop = FALSE]
if(any(omit)) {
temp <- stats::setNames(seq_along(omit)[omit], attr(object, "row.names")[omit])
attr(temp, "class") <- "omit"
attr(xx, "na.action") <- temp
#' @rdname tableby.internal
#' @export
xtfrm.tableby <- function(x)
if(!x$control$test) stop("Can't extract p-values from a tableby object created with test=FALSE.")
unlist(lapply(x$tables, function(lst) lapply(lst$tables, function(strat) lapply(strat, function(i) i$test$p.value))), use.names = FALSE)
#' @rdname tableby.internal
#' @export
sort.tableby <- function(x, ...)
if(!x$control$test) stop("Can't sort a tableby object created with test=FALSE.")
if(any(has_strata(x)) || length(x$tables) > 1) stop("Can't sort a tableby object with strata or multiple by variables")
#' @rdname tableby.internal
#' @export
Ops.tableby <- function(e1, e2)
ok <- switch(.Generic, `<` = , `>` = , `<=` = , `>=` = , `==` = , `!=` = TRUE, FALSE)
if(!ok) stop("'", .Generic, "' is not meaningful for tableby objects")
if(inherits(e1, "tableby")) e1 <- xtfrm(e1)
if(inherits(e2, "tableby")) e2 <- xtfrm(e2)
get(.Generic, mode = "function")(e1, e2)
#' @rdname tableby.internal
#' @export
head.tableby <- function(x, n = 6L, ...)
stopifnot(length(n) == 1L)
xlen <- unique(vapply(x$tables, function(obj) length(obj$x), NA_integer_))
if(length(xlen) != 1) stop("length isn't defined for tableby objects with differing x-variables per by-variable")
n <- if(n < 0L) max(xlen + n, 0L) else min(n, xlen)
#' @rdname tableby.internal
#' @export
tail.tableby <- function(x, n = 6L, ...)
stopifnot(length(n) == 1L)
xlen <- unique(vapply(x$tables, function(obj) length(obj$x), NA_integer_))
if(length(xlen) != 1) stop("length isn't defined for tableby objects with differing x-variables per by-variable")
n <- if(n < 0L) max(xlen + n, 0L) else min(n, xlen)
x[ = xlen, length.out = n)]
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