# arules - Mining Association Rules and Frequent Itemsets
# Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Michael Hahsler, Christian Buchta,
# Bettina Gruen and Kurt Hornik
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
## dissimilarity is currently implemented using dense matrices
## Memory usage of dissimilarity with "jaccard", "matching" ore "dice"
## (on a 32 bit machine)
## input: x and y (integer, 4 byte)
## intermediate: 4 matrices size nx x ny (double, 8 byte)
## result: either 1 dist nx x ny /2 or full matrix for crossdissim.
## total w/o input: about 5 * nx * ny * 8 byte
#' Classes dist, ar_cross_dissimilarity and ar_similarity --- Proximity
#' Matrices
#' Simple classes to represent proximity matrices.
#' For compatibility with
#' clustering functions in `R`, we represent dissimilarities as the
#' `S3` class `dist`. For cross-dissimilarities and similarities, we
#' provide the `S4` classes `ar_cross_dissimilarities` and
#' `ar_similarities`.
#' @name proximity-classes
#' @family proximity classes and functions
#' @section Objects from the Class: `dist` objects are the result of
#' calling the method `dissimilarity()` with one argument or any
#' `R` function returning a `S3 dist` object.
#' `ar_cross_dissimilarity` objects are the result of calling the method
#' `dissimilarity()` with two arguments, by calls of the form
#' `new("similarity", ...)`, or by coercion from matrix.
#' `ar_similarity` objects are the result of calling the method
#' [affinity()], by calls of the form `new("similarity", ...)`,
#' or by coercion from matrix.
#' @author Michael Hahsler
#' @seealso [stats::dist()], [proxy::dist()]
#' @keywords classes
#' @rdname proximity-classes
contains = "matrix",
representation(method = "character"))
#' @rdname proximity-classes
contains = "matrix",
representation(method = "character"))
#' Dissimilarity Matrix Computation for Associations and Transactions
#' Provides the generic function `dissimilarity()` and the methods to
#' compute and returns distances for binary data in a `matrix`,
#' [transactions] or [associations] which
#' can be used for grouping and clustering. See Hahsler (2016) for an
#' introduction to distance-based clustering of association rules.
#' @aliases dissimilarity dist
#' @family proximity classes and functions
#' @param x the set of elements (e.g., `matrix`, [itemMatrix], [transactions],
#' [itemsets], [rules]).
#' @param y `NULL` or a second set to calculate cross dissimilarities.
#' @param method the distance measure to be used. Implemented measures are
#' (defaults to `"jaccard"`):
#' * `"affinity"`:
#' measure based on the [affinity()], a similarity measure between
#' items. It is defined as the average affinity between the items in two
#' transactions (see Aggarwal et al. (2002)). If `x` is not the full
#' transaction set `args` needs to contain either precalculated affinities
#' as element `"affinities"` or the transaction set as element
#' `"transactions"`.
#' * `"cosine"`: the Cosine distance.
#' * `"dice"`: Dice's coefficient defined by Dice (1945).
#' Similar to Jaccard but gives double the weight to agreeing items.
#' * `"euclidean"`: the Euclidean distance.
#' * `"jaccard"`: the number of items which occur in both elements
#' divided by the total number of items in the elements (Sneath, 1957). This
#' measure is often also called: binary, asymmetric binary, etc.
#' * `"matching"`: the matching coefficient defined by
#' Sokal and Michener (1958). This coefficient gives the same weight to
#' presents and absence of items.
#' * `"pearson"` A distance calculated by \eqn{1 - r}
#' if \eqn{r>1} and \eqn{1} otherwise, where \eqn{r} is the Pearson's correlation
#' coefficient.
#' * `"phi"`: same as `"pearson"`. Pearson's correlation coefficient
#' reduces to the phi coefficient for the 2x2 contingency tables used
#' here.
#' * `"toivonen"`: Method described in Toivonen et al. (1995). For
#' rules this measure is only defined between rules with the same consequent.
#' The distance between two rules is defined as the number of transactions
#' which is covered by only one of the two rules. The transactions used to
#' mine the associations has to be passed on via `args` as element
#' `"transactions"`.
#' * `"gupta"`: Method described in Gupta et al. (1999). The
#' distance between two rules is defined as 1 minus the proportion of
#' transactions which are covered by both rules in the transactions covered by
#' each rule individually. The transactions used to mine the associations has
#' to be passed on via `args` as element `"transactions"`.
#' @param args a list of additional arguments for the methods.
#' @param which a character string indicating if the dissimilarity should be
#' calculated between transactions/associations (default) or items (use `"items"`).
#' @param ... further arguments.
#' @return returns an object of class `dist`.
#' @author Michael Hahsler
#' @references Aggarwal, C.C., Cecilia Procopiuc, and Philip S. Yu. (2002)
#' Finding localized associations in market basket data. _IEEE Trans. on
#' Knowledge and Data Engineering_ 14(1):51--62.
#' Dice, L. R. (1945) Measures of the amount of ecologic association between
#' species. _Ecology_ 26, pages 297--302.
#' Gupta, G., Strehl, A., and Ghosh, J. (1999) Distance based clustering of
#' association rules. _In Intelligent Engineering Systems Through
#' Artificial Neural Networks (Proceedings of ANNIE 1999)_, pages 759-764. ASME
#' Press.
#' Hahsler, M. (2016) Grouping association rules using lift. In C. Iyigun, R.
#' Moghaddess, and A. Oztekin, editors, _11th INFORMS Workshop on Data Mining
#' and Decision Analytics_ (DM-DA 2016).
#' Sneath, P. H. A. (1957) Some thoughts on bacterial classification.
#' _Journal of General Microbiology_ 17, pages 184--200.
#' Sokal, R. R. and Michener, C. D. (1958) A statistical method for evaluating
#' systematic relationships. _University of Kansas Science Bulletin_ 38,
#' pages 1409--1438.
#' Toivonen, H., Klemettinen, M., Ronkainen, P., Hatonen, K. and Mannila H.
#' (1995) Pruning and grouping discovered association rules. _In
#' Proceedings of KDD'95_.
#' @keywords cluster models
#' @examples
#' ## cluster items in Groceries with support > 5%
#' data("Groceries")
#' s <- Groceries[, itemFrequency(Groceries) > 0.05]
#' d_jaccard <- dissimilarity(s, which = "items")
#' plot(hclust(d_jaccard, method = "ward.D2"), main = "Dendrogram for items")
#' ## cluster transactions for a sample of Adult
#' data("Adult")
#' s <- sample(Adult, 500)
#' ## calculate Jaccard distances and do hclust
#' d_jaccard <- dissimilarity(s)
#' hc <- hclust(d_jaccard, method = "ward.D2")
#' plot(hc, labels = FALSE, main = "Dendrogram for Transactions (Jaccard)")
#' ## get 20 clusters and look at the difference of the item frequencies (bars)
#' ## for the top 20 items) in cluster 1 compared to the data (line)
#' assign <- cutree(hc, 20)
#' itemFrequencyPlot(s[assign == 1], population = s, topN = 20)
#' ## calculate affinity-based distances between transactions and do hclust
#' d_affinity <- dissimilarity(s, method = "affinity")
#' hc <- hclust(d_affinity, method = "ward.D2")
#' plot(hc, labels = FALSE, main = "Dendrogram for Transactions (Affinity)")
#' ## cluster association rules
#' rules <- apriori(Adult, parameter = list(support = 0.3))
#' rules <- subset(rules, subset = lift > 2)
#' ## use affinity to cluster rules
#' ## Note: we need to supply the transactions (or affinities) from the
#' ## dataset (sample).
#' d_affinity <- dissimilarity(rules, method = "affinity",
#' args = list(transactions = s))
#' hc <- hclust(d_affinity, method = "ward.D2")
#' plot(hc, main = "Dendrogram for Rules (Affinity)")
#' ## create 4 groups and inspect the rules in the first group.
#' assign <- cutree(hc, k = 3)
#' inspect(rules[assign == 1])
y = NULL,
method = NULL,
args = NULL,
#' @rdname dissimilarity
setMethod("dissimilarity", signature(x = "matrix"),
y = NULL,
method = NULL,
args = NULL) {
## Compute dissimilarities on binary data
## make sure the input is a 0-1 matrix or a logical matrix
is.zeroone <- function(x)
(all(x == 0 | x == 1))
storage.mode(x) <- "numeric"
if (!is.zeroone(x))
stop("x is not a binary matrix (0-1 or logical)!")
## cross dissimilarities? Check y
if (!is.null(y)) {
if (!is.matrix(y))
stop("'y' not a matrix")
storage.mode(y) <- "numeric"
if (!is.zeroone(y))
stop("y is not a binary matrix (0-1 or logical)!")
cross <- TRUE
} else
cross <- FALSE
builtin_methods <- c("affinity",
if (is.null(method))
ind <- 2 # Jaccard is standard
else if ( <- pmatch(tolower(method),
"Value '%s' is not a valid abbreviation for a similarity method.",
domain = NA
method <- builtin_methods[ind]
## affinity is special!
if (ind == 1) {
## Affinity.
## for rules and itemsets we need transactions or affinities
## given affinities or transactions? Otherwise, calculate!
if (!is.null(args$aff))
affinities <- args$aff
else if (!is.null(args$trans))
affinities <- affinity(args$trans)
affinities <- affinity(x)
## Normalize transaction incidences by transaction length.
x <- x / pmax(rowSums(x), 1)
if (!cross) {
dist <- 1 - stats::as.dist(x %*% affinities %*% t(x))
} else{
y <- y / pmax(rowSums(y), 1)
dist <- new("ar_cross_dissimilarity",
1 - x %*% affinities %*% t(y))
## Euclidean is special too
} else if (ind == 6) {
if (cross)
stop("Euclidean cross-distance not implemented.")
dist <- dist(x, method = "euclidean")
## Pearson correlation coefficient (Note: cor is calculated
## between columns and we only use pos. correlation)
## Phi is the same as pearson
} else if (ind == 7 || ind == 8) {
if (!cross) {
## warnings for zero variance!
suppressWarnings(cm <- stats::cor(t(x), method = "pearson"))
## pairwise complete is very slow
#cm <- stats::cor(t(x), method = "pearson",
# use="pairwise.complete.obs")
cm[cm < 0 |] <- 0
dist <- stats::as.dist(1 - cm)
} else {
suppressWarnings(cm <- stats::cor(t(x), t(y), method = "pearson"))
#cm <- stats::cor(t(x), t(y), method = "pearson",
# use="pairwise.complete.obs")
cm[cm < 0 |] <- 0
dist <- new("ar_cross_dissimilarity", 1 - cm)
} else {
if (!cross)
y <- x
## prepare a, b, c, d (response table) for the rest of measures
## see: Gower, J. C. and P. Legendre. 1986. Metric and
## Euclidean properties of dissimilarity coefficients.
## J. Classif. 3: 5 - 48.
#a <- x %*% t(y)
a <- tcrossprod(x, y)
## save some memory
#b <- x %*% (1 - t(y))
#c <- (1 - x) %*% t(y)
#d <- ncol(x) - a - b - c
# even faster code adapted from Leisch (2005): A toolbox for
# K-centroids cluster analysis, Preprint.
nx <- nrow(x)
ny <- nrow(y)
c <- matrix(rowSums(x), nrow = nx, ncol = ny) - a
b <-
nrow = nx,
ncol = ny,
byrow = TRUE) - a
#a_b_c <- matrix(rowSums(x), nrow = nx, ncol = ny) +
#matrix(rowSums(y), nrow = nx, ncol = ny, byrow = TRUE) - a
if (ind == 2) {
## Jaccard == binary (Sneath, 1957)
#dist <- dist(as(x, "matrix"), "binary")
dist <- 1 - a / (a + b + c)
#dist <- 1 - (a/a_b_c)
} else if (ind == 3) {
## Matching Coefficient (Sokal and Michener, 1958)
#we need d only here
#d <- ncol(x) - a_b_c
d <- ncol(x) - (a + b + c)
dist <- 1 - (a + d) / (a + b + c + d)
#dist <- 1 - ((a + d) / (a_b_c + d))
} else if (ind == 4) {
## Dice Coefficient (Dice, 1945)
dist <- 1 - 2 * a / (2 * a + b + c)
#dist <- 1 - 2 * a / (a + a_b_c)
} else if (ind == 5) {
## Cosine
dist <- 1 - a / sqrt((a + b) * (a + c))
# in case we divided by zero
dist[is.nan(dist)] <- 0
if (!cross) {
# return a S3 "dist" object just add "ar_dissimilarity"
dist <- stats::as.dist(dist)
attr(dist, "method") <- method
#class(dist) <- c("ar_dissimilarity", class(dist))
} else{
# return a S4 "ar_cross_dist" object
dist <- new("ar_cross_dissimilarity", dist, method = method)
#' @rdname dissimilarity
setMethod("dissimilarity", signature(x = "itemMatrix"),
y = NULL,
method = NULL,
args = NULL,
which = "transactions") {
## use items?
if (is.null(which))
which <- "transactions"
items <- pmatch(tolower(which), "items", nomatch = 0) == 1
x <- as(x, "matrix")
if (items)
x <- t(x)
if (!is.null(y)) {
y <- as(y, "matrix")
if (items)
y <- t(y)
x = x,
y = y,
method = method,
args = args
#' @rdname dissimilarity
setMethod("dissimilarity", signature(x = "associations"),
y = NULL,
method = NULL,
args = NULL,
which = "associations") {
if (is.null(method))
method <- "jaccard" # Jaccard is standard
builtin_methods <- c("gupta", "toivonen")
if (! <- pmatch(tolower(method),
tolower(builtin_methods)))) {
method <- builtin_methods[ind]
if (!is.null(y))
stop("Cross dissimilarities not implemented for this method!")
trans <- args$trans
if (is.null(trans))
stop("Transactions needed in args for this method!")
if (ind == 1) {
##gupta: use tidlist intersection
## FIXME: tidlist operations should be made functions
## calculate tidlist for rules
tids <- .associationTidLists(x, trans)
m_X <- sapply(tids, length)
n <- length(x)
m <- matrix(nrow = n, ncol = n)
for (i in 1:n) {
for (j in i:n) {
m_XiXj <- length(intersect(tids[[i]], tids[[j]]))
m[i, j] <- 1 - m_XiXj / (m_X[i] + m_X[j] - m_XiXj)
m[j, i] <- m[i, j] ## dists are symmetric
dist <- stats::as.dist(m)
attr(dist, "method") <- method
} else{
## toivonen
## only one RHS allowed
if (length(unique(rhs(x))) != 1)
stop("Only a single RHS allowed for this method!")
## calculate tidlist for rules
tids <- .associationTidLists(x, trans)
m_X <- sapply(tids, length)
n <- length(x)
m <- matrix(nrow = n, ncol = n)
for (i in 1:n) {
for (j in i:n) {
m_XiXj <- length(intersect(tids[[i]], tids[[j]]))
m[i, j] <- m_X[i] + m_X[j] - 2 * m_XiXj
m[j, i] <- m[i, j] ## dists are symmetric
dist <- stats::as.dist(m)
attr(dist, "method") <- method
## use methods for transactions
if (!is.null(y))
y <- items(y)
method = method,
args = args,
which = which)
## helper to compute tidLists for associations
## returns a list and not a tidList object
.associationTidLists <- function(x, trans) {
I <- LIST(items(x), decode = FALSE)
tlists <- LIST(as(trans, "tidLists"), decode = FALSE)
tids <- list()
for (i in seq_len(length(I))) {
v <- I[[i]]
tids[[i]] <- tlists[[v[1]]]
if (length(v) > 1)
for (j in 2:length(v)) {
tids[[i]] <- intersect(tids[[i]], tlists[[v[j]]])
#' Computing Affinity Between Items
#' Provides the generic function `affinity()` and methods to compute
#' and return a similarity matrix with the affinities between items for a set
#' itemsets stored in a matrix or in [transactions] via its superclass [itemMatrix].
#' Affinity between the two items \eqn{i} and \eqn{j} is defined by Aggarwal et
#' al. (2002) as \deqn{A(i,j) = \frac{supp(\{i,j\})}{supp(\{i\}) + supp(\{j\}) -
#' supp(\{i,j\})},}{A(i,j) = supp({i,j})/(supp({i}) + supp({j}) - supp({i,j})),}
#' where \eqn{supp(.)} is the support measure. Note that affinity is equivalent to the
#' Jaccard similarity between items.
#' @family proximity classes and functions
#' @param x a matrix or an object of class [itemMatrix] or
#' [transactions] containing itemsets.
#' @return returns an object of class [ar_similarity-class] which represents the
#' affinities between items in `x`.
#' @author Michael Hahsler
#' @references Charu C. Aggarwal, Cecilia Procopiuc, and Philip S. Yu (2002)
#' Finding localized associations in market basket data, _IEEE Trans. on
#' Knowledge and Data Engineering,_ 14(1):51--62.
#' @keywords cluster models
#' @examples
#' data("Adult")
#' ## choose a sample, calculate affinities
#' s <- sample(Adult, 500)
#' s
#' a <- affinity(s)
#' image(a)
#' @rdname affinity
setMethod("affinity", signature(x = "matrix"),
function(x) {
## Affinity is basically the Jaccard similarity between items
as.matrix(1 - dissimilarity(t(x), method = "Jaccard")),
method = "Affinity")
## Fix: S4 as(..., "matrix") does not work
#' @rdname affinity
setMethod("affinity", signature(x = "itemMatrix"),
function(x) {
affinity(as(x, "matrix"))
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