
Defines functions ruleInduction.index ruleInduction.ptree ruleInduction.tidlists ruleInduction.apriori

# arules - Mining Association Rules and Frequent Itemsets
# Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Michael Hahsler, Christian Buchta,
#			Bettina Gruen and Kurt Hornik
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

#' Association Rule Induction from Itemsets
#' Provides the generic function `ruleInduction()` and the method to induce all association 
#' [rules] which can be generated by the given set of [itemsets] from a [transactions]
#' dataset.
#' All rules that can be created using the supplied itemsets and that surpass the 
#' specified minimum confidence threshold are returned.
#' `ruleInduction()` can be used to produce
#' closed association rules defined by Pei
#' et al. (2000) as rules `X => Y` where both `X` and `Y` are
#' closed frequent itemsets. See the code example in the Example section.
#' Rule induction implements several induction methods. The default method is `"ptree"`
#' - `"ptree"` **method without transactions:**
#'   No transactions are need to be specified if 
#'   `x` contains a complete set of frequent or
#'   itemsets. The itemsets' support counts are stored in a ptree and then retrieved to
#'   create rules and calculate rules confidence. This is very fast, 
#'   but fails because of missing
#'   support values if `x` is not a complete set of frequent itemsets.
#' - `"ptree"` **method with transactions:**
#'   If transactions are specified then all transactions are counted into a prefix 
#'   tree and
#'   later retrieved to create rules from the itemsets and calculate confidence values.
#'   This is slower, but necessary if `x` is not a complete set of frequent itemsets.
#'   To improve speed, unused items are removed from the transaction
#'   data before creating the prefix tree (this behavior can be changed using the 
#'   argument `reduce`). This might be slower for large transaction
#'   data sets. However, this is highly recommended as the items are also
#'   reordered to reduce the counting time.
#'- `"apriori"` **method (always needs transactions):**
#'   All association rules are mined from the transactions data set using [apriori()] 
#'   with the
#'   smallest support found in the itemsets. In a second step, all rules which cannot
#'   be generated from one of the itemsets are removed. This procedure is very slow, 
#'   especially for itemsets with many elements or very low support.
#' @family mining algorithms
#' @family postporocessing
#' @param x the set of [itemsets] from which rules will be induced.
#' @param transactions the [transactions] used to mine the itemsets. Can
#' be omitted for method `"ptree"`, 
#' if `x` contains a (complete set) of frequent itemsets
#' together with their support counts.
#' @param confidence a numeric value between 0 and 1 giving the minimum confidence 
#' threshold for the rules.
#' @param method `"ptree"` or `"apriori"`
#' @param reduce remove unused items to speed up the counting process?
#' @param verbose report progress?
#' @param ... further arguments.
#' @return An object of class [rules].
#' @author Christian Buchta and Michael Hahsler
#' @references Michael Hahsler, Christian Buchta, and Kurt Hornik. Selective
#' association rule generation. _Computational Statistics,_ 23(2):303-315,
#' April 2008.
#' Jian Pei, Jiawei Han, Runying Mao. CLOSET: An Efficient Algorithm for Mining
#' Frequent Closed Itemsets. _ACM SIGMOD Workshop on Research Issues in Data
#' Mining and Knowledge Discovery (DMKD 2000)._
#' @keywords models
#' @examples
#' data("Adult")
#' ## find all closed frequent itemsets
#' closed_is <- apriori(Adult, target = "closed frequent itemsets", support = 0.4)
#' closed_is
#' ## use rule induction to produce all closed association rules
#' closed_rules <- ruleInduction(closed_is, transactions = Adult, verbose = TRUE)
#' ## inspect the resulting closed rules
#' summary(closed_rules)
#' inspect(head(closed_rules, by = "lift"))
#' ## get rules from frequent itemsets. Here, transactions does not need to be
#' ## specified for rule induction.
#' frequent_is  <- eclat(Adult, support = 0.4)
#' assoc_rules <- ruleInduction(frequent_is)
#' assoc_rules
#' inspect(head(assoc_rules))
#' ## for itemsets that are not a complete set of frequent itemsets,
#' ## transactions need to be specified.
#' some_is <- sample(frequent_is, 10)
#' some_rules <- ruleInduction(some_is, transactions = Adult)
#' some_rules
  function(x, ...)

#' @rdname ruleInduction
setMethod("ruleInduction",  signature(x = "itemsets"),
    transactions = NULL,
    confidence = 0.8,
    method = c("ptree", "apriori"), 
    reduce = FALSE,
    verbose = FALSE,
    ...) {
    method <- match.arg(method)
    ## check transaction data
    if (!is.null(transactions)) {
      nItems <- nitems(transactions)
      if (nItems != nitems(items(x)))
        stop("Dimensions of x and transactions do not match!")
      if (any(itemLabels(x) != itemLabels(transactions)))
        stop("Item labels for x and transactions do not match!")
    if (verbose)
      cat("ruleInduction: using method", method, "\n")
    ## find rules
    pt1 <-  proc.time()
    rules <-
      if (method == "ptree" && !is.null(transactions))
        ruleInduction.ptree(x, transactions,
          confidence, reduce, verbose)
    else if (method == "ptree" && is.null(transactions))
      ruleInduction.index(x, confidence, verbose)
    #else if(method == "tidlists") ruleInduction.tidlists(x,
    #    transactions, confidence, verbose)
      ruleInduction.apriori(x, transactions,
        confidence, reduce, verbose)
    pt2 <-  proc.time()
    if (verbose)
      cat("searching done [", pt2[1] - pt1[1], "s].\n", sep = "")
    info <- x@info
    if (is.null(info$data))
      info <- c(x = match.call()$x, info)
    ## apriori
    if (is.null(info$confidence))
      info <- c(info, confidence = confidence)
      info$confidence <- confidence
    rules@info <- info
    pt3 <-  proc.time()
    if (verbose)
      cat("postprocessing done [", pt3[1] - pt2[1], "s].\n",
        sep = "")
    ## return found rules

ruleInduction.apriori <-
    confidence = 0.8,
    reduce = FALSE,
    verbose = FALSE) {
    if (is.null(transactions))
      stop("rule induction method apriori needs transactions!")
    nItems <- nitems(transactions)
    itemInfo <- itemInfo(transactions)
    if (reduce) {
      ifreq <- itemFrequency(items(x), type = "abs")
      items.involved <- which(ifreq > 0)
      if (verbose)
          "reducing data from",
          "items to",
          length(items.involved) ,
      x@items <- x@items[, items.involved]
      transactions <- transactions[, items.involved]
    empty_rules <- function(trans) {
      em <- as(trans, "itemMatrix")[0]
        lhs = em,
        rhs = em,
        quality = data.frame(
          support = numeric(0),
          confidence = numeric(0),
          lift = numeric(0)
    if (length(transactions) < 1)
    ## itemset sizes
    isetsSize <-  size(x)
    ## find minimal support and mine all rules
    ## Note: minSupport is reduced by epsilon so we get the rules
    ##	with support == min support in x
    minSupport <-
      min(quality(x)$support) - 1 / length(transactions)
    ### suppress maxlen warnings
    suppressWarnings(rules <-
          parameter = list(
            support = minSupport,
            confidence = confidence,
            target = "rules",
            minlen = min(isetsSize),
            maxlen = max(isetsSize)
          control = list(verbose = verbose)
    ## find rules which were generated by the itemsets
    if (verbose)
      cat(paste("starting to filter", length(rules), "rules.\n"))
    take <- !is.na(match(items(rules), items(x)))
    if (verbose)
      cat("filtering done.\n")
    rules <- rules[take]
    if (verbose)
      cat("left with", length(rules), "rules.\n")
    if (reduce) {
      ## expand items back to full space
      ## -1 since indices in ngCMatix start with 0
      items.index <- items.involved - 1L
      ## fix dim
      rules@lhs@data@Dim[1] <- nItems
      rules@rhs@data@Dim[1] <- nItems
      ## fix column indices
      ## +1 since indices in ngCMatix start with 0
      rules@lhs@data@i <- items.index[(rules@lhs@data@i + 1L)]
      rules@rhs@data@i <- items.index[(rules@rhs@data@i + 1L)]
      ## fix item labels
      rules@lhs@itemInfo <- itemInfo
      rules@rhs@itemInfo <- itemInfo

# FIXME: Currently disabled
ruleInduction.tidlists <-
    confidence = 0.8,
    verbose = FALSE) {
    tid <- as(transactions, "tidLists")
    data <- .Call(R_tid_rules , tid@data, x@items@data)
    names(data) <- c("support",
    quality <-
      data.frame(support = data$support,
        confidence = data$confidence)
    lhs <-
        i = data$lhs_i,
        p = data$lhs_p,
        Dim = data$Dim
    rhs <-
        i = data$rhs_i,
        p = data$rhs_p,
        Dim = data$Dim
    lhs <-
        data = lhs,
        itemInfo = x@items@itemInfo)
    rhs <-
        data = rhs,
        itemInfo = x@items@itemInfo)
    rules <- new("rules",
      lhs = lhs,
      rhs = rhs,
      quality = quality)
    rules <- rules[quality(rules)$confidence > confidence]

## ptree support counting

ruleInduction.ptree <-
    confidence = 0.8,
    reduce = FALSE,
    verbose = FALSE) {
    r <-
    names(r) <-
    ## quality: set NAs to 0 since they are the result of items missing
    ## in transactions
    q <- as.data.frame(r[3:6])
    q[is.na(q)] <- 0
    take <- q$confidence >= confidence
      lhs = new(
        data     = r$data.lhs,
        itemInfo = transactions@itemInfo
      rhs = new(
        data     = r$data.rhs,
        itemInfo = transactions@itemInfo
      quality = q[take,]

## ptree indexing

ruleInduction.index <-
    confidence = 0.8,
    verbose = FALSE) {
    if (is.null(quality(x)$support))
      stop("cannot induce rules because support is missing ! Specify transactions.")
    r <- data.frame(.Call(R_pnrindex, x@items@data, verbose))
    names(r) <- c("i", "li", "ri")
    if (!all(r$li) || !all(r$ri))
      stop("cannot induce rules because itemsets are incomplete ! Specify transactions.")
    r$support <- x@quality$support[r$i]
    r$confidence <- r$support /
    # filter
    r <- r[r$confidence >= confidence, ]
    if (dim(r)[1] == 0)
    r$lift <- r$confidence / x@quality$support[r$ri]
    rules(lhs = x@items[r$li],
      rhs = x@items[r$ri],
      quality = r[4:6])

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arules documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:15 p.m.