
Defines functions createreport print.fig fig print.out out print.sexpr sexpr print.verbatim verbatim print.paragraph paragraph print.section section convert replace asciiOpts

Documented in asciiOpts convert createreport fig out paragraph print.fig print.out print.paragraph print.section print.sexpr print.verbatim replace section sexpr verbatim

##' asciiOptions
##' @param select select
##' @param .backends .backends
##' @param .outputs .outputs
##' @param .extensions .extensions
##' @param .cli .cli
##' @param .args .args
##' @param .O .O
##' @param .f .f
##' @param .e .e
##' @param .preambule .preambule
##' @return options
##' @author David.hajage
##' @keywords internal
asciiOpts <- function(select = "all", .backends = NULL, .outputs = NULL, .extensions = NULL, .cli = NULL, .args = NULL, .O = NULL, .f = NULL, .e = NULL, .preambule = NULL) {

  if (is.null(.backends)) {
    .backends <- c("asciidoc", "a2x", "t2t", "pandoc", "markdown2pdf")

  if (is.null(.outputs)) {
    .outputs = list(
      asciidoc = c("html", "docbook", "slidy"),
      a2x = c("xhtml", "chunked", "htmlhelp", "epub", "pdf", "text", "dvi", "ps", "tex", "asciidoc"),
      t2t = c("aap", "aas", "aat", "adoc", "bbcode", "creole", "csv", "dbk", "doku", "gwiki", "html", "html5", "lout", "man", "md", "mgp", "moin", "ods", "pm6", "pmw", "red", "rtf", "sgml", "spip", "tex", "txt", "txt2t", "wiki", "xhtml", "xhtmls"),
      pandoc = c("native", "json", "html", "html+lhs", "s5", "slidy", "docbook", "opendocument", "latex", "latex+lhs", "context", "texinfo", "man", "markdown", "markdown+lhs", "plain", "rst", "rst+lhs", "mediawiki", "textile", "rtf", "org", "odt", "epub"),
      markdown2pdf = "")

  if (is.null(.extensions)) {
    .extensions = list(
      docbook = "xml",
      slidy = "html",
      xhtml = "html",
      chunked = "html",
      htmlhelp = "html",
      asciidoc = "adoc",
      html5 = "html",
      txt2t = "t2t",
      xhtml = "html",
      xhtmls = "html",
      "html+lhs" = "html",
      s5 = "html",
      slidy = "html",
      opendocument = "odt",
      latex = "tex",
      "latex+lhs" = "tex",
      markdown = "md",
      "markdown+lhs" = "md",
      "rst+lhs" = "rst")

  if (is.null(.cli)) {
    .cli = list(
      asciidoc = c("asciidoc %options", paste(Sys.getenv("COMSPEC"), "/c", "asciidoc.py %options"), "bash -c \"asciidoc %options \""),
      a2x = c("a2x %options", paste(Sys.getenv("COMSPEC"), "/c", "a2x.py %options"), "bash -c \"a2x %options \""),
      t2t = c("txt2tags %options", paste(Sys.getenv("COMSPEC"), "/c", "txt2tags.py %options"), "bash -c \"txt2tags %options \""),
      pandoc = c("pandoc %options", paste(Sys.getenv("COMSPEC"), "/c", "pandoc %options"), "bash -c \"pandoc %options \""),
      markdown2pdf = c("pandoc %options", paste(Sys.getenv("COMSPEC"), "/c", "pandoc %options"), "bash -c \"pandoc %options \""))

  if (is.null(.args)) {
    .args = list(
      asciidoc = "-a encoding=%e -b %f %O -o %d/%o %i",
      a2x = "-a encoding=%e -D %d -f %f %O %i",
      t2t = "--encoding=%e -t %f %O -o %d/%o %i",
      pandoc = "-t %f -o %d/%o %O %i",
      markdown2pdf = "-t latex -o %d/%o %O %i")

  if (is.null(.O)) {
    .O = list(
      asciidoc = "-a toc",
      a2x = "-a toc",
      t2t = "",
      pandoc = "-s",
      markdown2pdf = "")

  if (is.null(.f)) {
    .f = list(
      asciidoc = "html",
      a2x = "xhtml",
      t2t = "html",
      pandoc = "html",
      markdown2pdf = "pdf")

  if (is.null(.e)) {
    .e = list(
      asciidoc = "UTF-8",
      a2x = "UTF-8",
      t2t = "UTF-8",
      pandoc = "",
      markdown2pdf = "")

  if (is.null(.preambule)) {
    .preambule = list(
      asciidoc =
"= %title
:author:    %author
:email:     %email
:revdate:   %date

      t2t =

      pandoc =
"% %title
% %author %email
% %date


  opts <- list(".backends" = .backends, ".outputs" = .outputs, ".extensions" = .extensions, ".cli" = .cli, ".args" = .args, ".O" = .O, ".f" = .f, ".e" = .e, ".preambule" = .preambule)

  if (select == "all")

##' replace
##' @param backend backend
##' @param cygwin cygwin
##' @param i i
##' @param f f
##' @param d d
##' @param e e
##' @param O O
##' @keywords internal
##' @author David Hajage
replace <- function(backend = getOption("asciiBackend"), cygwin = FALSE, i, f = NULL, d = NULL, e = NULL, O = NULL) {
  if (is.null(f))
    f <- asciiOpts(".f")[[backend]]
  if (is.null(d))
    d <- dirname(i)
  if (is.null(e))
    e <- asciiOpts(".e")[[backend]]
  if (is.null(O))
    O <- asciiOpts(".O")[[backend]]

  extension <- ifelse(f %in% names(asciiOpts(".extensions")), asciiOpts(".extensions")[[f]], f)
  basefile <- sub("(.+)(\\..+$)", "\\1", basename(i))
  file <- paste(basefile, extension, sep = ".")

  if (grepl("w|W", .Platform$OS.type)) {
    if (cygwin) {
      cli <- asciiOpts(".cli")[[backend]][3]
    } else {
      cli <- asciiOpts(".cli")[[backend]][2]
  } else {
    cli <- asciiOpts(".cli")[[backend]][1]

  args <- asciiOpts(".args")[[backend]]
  args <- sub("%i", i, args)
  args <- sub("%f", f, args)
  args <- sub("%d", d, args)
  args <- sub("%o", file, args)
  args <- sub("%e", e, args)
  args <- sub("%O", O, args)

  results <- sub("%options", args, cli)
  attr(results, "file") <- file
  attr(results, "directory") <- d
  attr(results, "f") <- f
  attr(results, "cygwin") <- cygwin

##' Convert a file with specified backend
##' This function convert a file with asciidoc, txt2tags or pandoc backend
##' @title Convert a file with specified backend
##' @param i input file
##' @param d output directory
##' @param f format
##' @param e encoding
##' @param O other options
##' @param backend backend (\code{"asciidoc"}, \code{"t2t"} or \code{"pandoc"})
##' @param cygwin use cygwin?
##' @param open open resulting file?
##' @return Nothing
##' @export
##' @author David Hajage
convert <- function(i, d = NULL, f = NULL, e = NULL, O = NULL, backend = getOption("asciiBackend"), cygwin = FALSE, open = FALSE) {

  if (!(backend %in% asciiOpts(".backends")))
    stop(paste("Wrong backend. Please choose: ", paste(asciiOpts(".backends"), collapse = ", "), ".", sep = ""))

  cmd <- replace(backend, cygwin = cygwin, i = i, d = d, f = f, e = e, O = O)
  windows <- grepl("w|W", .Platform$OS.type)
  if (windows) { # because pandoc doesn't like path with "/"
    cmd <- gsub("/", "\\\\", cmd)
    cmd <- sub("cmd.exe \\\\c ", "cmd.exe /c ", cmd)
  err <- system(cmd, wait = TRUE)

  file <- attr(cmd, "file")
  f <- attr(cmd, "f")
  directory <- attr(cmd, "d")

  if (f == "chunked") {
    dfile <- paste(directory, paste(sub("(.+)(\\..+$)", "\\1", file), "chunked", sep = "."), "index.html", sep = "/")
  } else {
    dfile <- paste(directory, file, sep = "/")

  if (open) {
    cat("Trying to open ", dfile, sep = "")
    if (windows) {
      cat(" with shell.exec...\n")
      if (!grepl(":", dfile)) {
        dfile <- paste("\"", sub("(^.+)(/$)", "\\", getwd()), "/", dfile, "\"", sep = "")
    } else if (grepl("darwin", version$os)) {
      cat(" with open...\n")
      system(paste(shQuote("open"), shQuote(dfile)), wait = FALSE, ignore.stderr = TRUE)
    } else {
      cat(" with xdg-open...\n")
      system(paste(shQuote("/usr/bin/xdg-open"), shQuote(dfile)), wait = FALSE, ignore.stderr = TRUE)

##' Create a section
##' \code{section} can be used with \code{export} function to add\dots a section
##' @param caption a string
##' @param caption.level caption level
##' @return A section object.
##' @export
##' @author David Hajage
section <- function(caption, caption.level = 1) {
  results <- list(caption = caption, caption.level = caption.level)
  class(results) <- "section"

##' Print a section object
##' Print a section object
##' @param x a section object
##' @param backend ascii backend
##' @param ... not used
##' @method print section
##' @export
##' @author David Hajage
print.section <- function(x, backend = getOption("asciiBackend"), ...) {
  caption <- x$caption
  caption.level <- x$caption.level
  if (backend == "asciidoc" | backend == "a2x")
    results <- header.asciidoc(caption, caption.level+1)
  if (backend == "t2t")
    results <- header.t2t(caption, caption.level)
  if (backend == "pandoc" | backend == "markdown2pdf")
    results <- header.pandoc(caption, caption.level)
  cat("\n", results, sep = "")

##' Create a paragraph
##' \code{paragraph} can be used with \code{export} function to add\dots a paragraph
##' @param ... strings composing the paragraph
##' @param new whether to create a new paragraph or to continue a preceding one
##' @return A paragraph object.
##' @export
##' @author David Hajage
paragraph <- function(..., new = TRUE) {
  results <- list(text = list(...), new = new)
  class(results) <- "paragraph"

##' Print a paragraph object
##' Print a paragraph object
##' @param x a paragraph object
##' @param ... not used
##' @method print paragraph
##' @export
##' @author David Hajage
print.paragraph <- function(x, ...) {
  newline <- "\n"
  text <- x$text
  new <- x$new

  if (new) {
  for (i in 1:length(text)) {
    if (class(text[[i]]) == "sexpr") {
    else {
      cat(text[[i]], " ", sep = "")

##' Create a verbatim paragraph
##' \code{verbatim} can be used with \code{export} function to add a verbatim paragraph
##' @param ... strings composing the paragraph (line by line)
##' @return A verbatim object.
##' @export
##' @author David Hajage
verbatim <- function(...) {
  results <- c(...)
  class(results) <- "verbatim"

##' Print a verbatim object
##' Print a verbatim object
##' @param x a verbatim object
##' @param backend ascii backend
##' @param ... not used
##' @method print verbatim
##' @export
##' @author David Hajage
print.verbatim <- function(x, backend = getOption("asciiBackend"), ...) {
  if (backend == "asciidoc" | backend == "a2x")
  if (backend == "t2t")
  if (backend == "pandoc" | backend == "markdown2pdf")

  cat(x, sep = "\n", ...)

  if (backend == "asciidoc" | backend == "a2x")
  if (backend == "t2t")
  if (backend == "pandoc" | backend == "markdown2pdf")

##' Insert an inline R result
##' \code{sexpr} can be used with \code{export} function to insert an inline R results
##' @param x an R results (of length one)
##' @return A sexpr object.
##' @export
##' @author David Hajage
sexpr <- function(x) {
  results <- x
  class(results) <- "sexpr"

##' Print a sexpr object
##' Print a sexpr object
##' @param x a sexpr object
##' @param ... not used
##' @method print sexpr
##' @export
##' @author David Hajage
print.sexpr <- function(x, ...) {
  cat(x, sep = "")

##' Export R objects
##' \code{out} can be used with \code{export} function to insert an R results
##' @param x an R object
##' @param results if \code{'verbatim'}, the output is included in a verbatim environment. If \code{'ascii'}, the output is taken to be already proper markup and included as is.
##' @return An out object
##' @export
##' @author David Hajage
out <- function(x, results = "verbatim") {
  results <- list(capture.output(x), results = "verbatim")
  class(results) <- "out"

##' Print an out object
##' Print an out object
##' @param x an out object
##' @param backend ascii backend
##' @param ... not used
##' @method print out
##' @export
##' @author David Hajage
print.out <- function(x, backend = getOption("asciiBackend"), ...) {
  results <- x[[2]]
  if (results == "verbatim") {
    if (backend == "asciidoc" | backend == "a2x")
    if (backend == "t2t")
    if (backend == "pandoc" | backend == "markdown2pdf")
  cat(x[[1]], sep = "\n")
  if (results == "verbatim") {
    if (backend == "asciidoc" | backend == "a2x")
    if (backend == "t2t")
    if (backend == "pandoc" | backend == "markdown2pdf")
  } else {

##' Insert figure
##' \code{graph} can be used with \code{export} function to insert an R graphic.
##' @aliases graph
##' @param file character string (
##' @param graph a recordedplot, a lattice plot, a ggplot, or an expression producing a plot (optional if the file already exists)
##' @param format jpg, png or pdf (or guessed with the file name)
##' @param ... additional arguments (passed to format options)
##' @return A fig object
##' @export
##' @author David Hajage
fig <- function(file = NULL, graph = NULL, format = NULL, ...) {

  if (is.null(file) & is.null(graph)) {
    stop("Please provide a graph or a link to an existing graph.")

  if (is.null(format)) {
    if (!is.null(file)) {
      ext <- tolower(sub("(^.+\\.)(.+$)", "\\2", file))
      if (grepl(ext, "jpg|jpeg"))
        format <- "jpg"
      if (grepl(ext, "png"))
        format <- "png"
      if (grepl(ext, "pdf"))
        format <- "pdf"
    } else {
      format <- "png"

  if (is.null(file)) {
    file <- paste(tempfile("graph"), format, sep = ".")

  if (!is.null(graph)) {
    if (format == "jpg") {
      grDevices::jpeg(file, ...)
    if (format == "png") {
      grDevices::png(file, ...)
    if (format == "pdf") {
      grDevices::pdf(file, ...)
    if (is.expression(graph)) {
    else {

  results <- file
  class(results) <- "fig"

graph <- fig

##' Print an graph object
##' Print an graph object
##' @param x an graph object
##' @param backend ascii backend
##' @param ... not used
##' @method print fig
##' @export
##' @author David Hajage
print.fig <- function(x, backend = getOption("asciiBackend"), ...) {
  if (backend == "asciidoc" | backend == "a2x")
    results <- paste("image::", x, "[]", sep = "")
  if (backend == "t2t")
    results <- paste("[", x, "]", sep = "")
  if (backend == "pandoc" | backend == "markdown2pdf")
    results <- paste("![](", x, ")", sep = "")
  cat("\n", results, "\n\n", sep = "")

##' Produce a report
##' Produce a report from a list of R objects. This function can be
##' used directly, or through a \code{Report} object (see
##' examples). \code{Report$new()} creates a new object,
##' \code{Report$create()} produce a report. Exportation options can
##' be specified with \code{Report$nameoftheoption <- option} or
##' directly in \code{Report$create(nameoftheoption = option)}.
##' Special objects can be used to create sections (see
##' \code{?section}), paragraphs (see \code{?paragraph}), verbatim
##' environment (see \code{?verbatim} and to insert figures (see
##' \code{?fig}) or inline results (see \code{?sexpr}). Helpers exist:
##' \code{Report$addSection()}, \code{Report$addParagraph()},
##' \code{Report$addVerbatim()}, \code{Report$addFig()}.
##' It needs a working installation of asciidoc, a2x tool chain,
##' txt2tags and/or pandoc (NB: markdown2pdf uses pandoc with latex).
##' @aliases Report
##' @title Report creation
##' @param ... R objects (not used if \code{"list"} is not NULL)
##' @param list list of R objects
##' @param file name of the output file (without extension)
##' @param format format of the output file
##' @param open open resulting file?
##' @param backend backend
##' @param encoding encoding
##' @param options other options
##' @param cygwin use cygwin?
##' @param title title of the report
##' @param author author of the report
##' @param email email of the author
##' @param date date
##' @return Nothing
##' @export
##' @import methods
##' @rdname createreport
##' @author David Hajage
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' op <- options(asciiType = "asciidoc")
##' createreport(head(esoph))
##' r <- Report$new(author = "David Hajage", email = "dhajage at gmail dot com")
##' r$add(section("First section"))
##' r$addSection("First subsection", 2)
##' r$add(paragraph("The data set has", sexpr(nrow(esoph)), " lines. See yourself:"), esoph)
##' r$addSection("Second subsection: age and alc group", 2)
##' tab <- with(esoph, table(alcgp, agegp))
##' r$add(ascii(tab), ascii(summary(tab), format = "nice"))
##' r$create()
##' r$format <- "slidy"
##' r$create()
##' r$title <- "R report example"
##' r$author <- "David Hajage"
##' r$email <- "dhajage at gmail dot com"
##' options(asciiType = "pandoc")
##' r$backend <- "pandoc"
##' r$format <- "odt"
##' r$create()
##' r$create(backend = "markdown2pdf", format = "pdf")
##' options(op)
##' }
createreport <- function(..., list = NULL, file = NULL, format = NULL, open = TRUE, backend = getOption("asciiBackend"), encoding = NULL, options = NULL, cygwin = FALSE, title = NULL, author = NULL, email = NULL, date = NULL) {

  if (is.null(file)) {
    file <- tempfile("R-report")

  wd <- dirname(file)
  file <- paste(wd, basename(file), sep = "/")

  if (is.null(title)) {
    title <- sub("\\~", "\\\\~", paste(wd, basename(file), sep = "/"))
    if (backend == "asciidoc")
      title <- beauty.asciidoc(title, "m")
    if (backend == "text2tags")
      title <- beauty.t2t(title, "m")
    if (backend == "pandoc")
      title <- beauty.pandoc(title, "m")

  if (backend == "a2x") {
    preambule <- asciiOpts(".preambule")[["asciidoc"]]
  } else if (backend == "markdown2pdf") {
    preambule <- asciiOpts(".preambule")[["pandoc"]]
  } else {
    preambule <- asciiOpts(".preambule")[[backend]]

  if (is.null(author)) {
    author <- paste(version$language, " ", paste(version$major, version$minor, sep = "."), " ascii ", packageDescription("ascii")$Version, sep = "")

  if (is.null(email)) {
    email <- "cran@r-project.org"

  if (is.null(date)) {
    date <- format(Sys.time(), "%Y/%m/%d %X")

  preambule <- sub("%title", title, preambule)
  preambule <- sub("%author", author, preambule)
  preambule <- sub("%email", email, preambule)
  preambule <- sub("%date", date, preambule)

  if (is.null(list)) {
    args <- list(...)
  } else {
    args <- list

  lines <- capture.output({

    for (i in seq_along(args)) {
      arg <- args[[i]]
      if (!is.null(names(args))) {
        if (names(args)[i] != "") {
          cat(".", names(args)[i], "\n", sep = "")
      if ("asciiTable" %in% class(arg) | "asciiList" %in% class(arg) | "asciiMixed" %in% class(arg)) {
      } else if ("out" %in% class(arg) | "section" %in% class(arg) | "paragraph" %in% class(arg) | "verbatim" %in% class(arg) | "fig" %in% class(arg)) {
        print(arg, backend = backend)
      } else {
        print(out(arg, "verbatim"), backend = backend)
  textfile <- paste(file, "txt", sep = ".")
  f <- file(textfile, "w")
  writeLines(lines, f)

  convert(i = textfile, d = NULL, f = format, e = encoding, O = options, backend = backend, cygwin = cygwin, open = open)

##' Report generator
##' @author David Hajage
##' @rdname createreport
##' @import methods
##' @export Report
##' @exportClass Report
Report <- setRefClass("Report",
                      fields = c("file", "format", "open", "backend", "encoding", "options", "cygwin", "title", "author", "email", "date", "objects"),

                      methods = list(
                        initialize = function(...) {
                          initFields(file = NULL)
                          initFields(format = "html")
                          initFields(open = TRUE)
                          initFields(backend = getOption("asciiBackend"))
                          initFields(encoding = NULL)
                          initFields(options = NULL)
                          initFields(cygwin = FALSE)
                          initFields(title = NULL)
                          initFields(author = NULL)
                          initFields(email = NULL)
                          initFields(date = NULL)
                          initFields(objects = list())


                        add = function(...) {
                          obj <- list(...)
                          .self$objects <- c(.self$objects, obj)

                        addSection = function(x, caption.level = 1) {
                          .self$objects <- c(.self$objects, list(section(x, caption.level)))

                        addParagraphs = function(..., new = TRUE) {
                          .self$objects <- c(.self$objects, list(paragraph(..., new = new)))

                        addVerbatim = function(...) {
                          .self$objects <- c(.self$objects, list(verbatim(...)))

                        addFig = function(file = NULL, graph = NULL, format = NULL, ...) {
                          .self$objects <- c(.self$objects, list(fig(file, graph, format, ...)))

                        show.Report = function(help = FALSE) {
                          cat("Report object:\n\n")
                          cat("  title:   ", ifelse(is.null(.self$title), "None", .self$title), "\n")
                          cat("  author:  ", ifelse(is.null(.self$author), "None", .self$author), "\n")
                          cat("  email:   ", ifelse(is.null(.self$email), "None", .self$email), "\n")
                          cat("  date:    ", ifelse(is.null(.self$date), format(Sys.time(), "%Y/%m/%d %X"), .self$date), "\n")
                          cat("  file:    ", ifelse(is.null(.self$file), "Temporary file", .self$file), "\n")
                          cat("  open:    ", .self$open, "\n")
                          cat("  backend: ", .self$backend, "\n")
                          cat("  format:  ", .self$format, "\n")
                          cat("  encoding:", ifelse(is.null(.self$encoding), asciiOpts(".e")[[.self$backend]], .self$encoding), "\n")
                          cat("  options: ", ifelse(is.null(.self$options), asciiOpts(".O")[[.self$backend]], .self$options), "\n")
                          cat("  cygwin:  ", .self$cygwin, "\n")

                          if(help) {
                            cat("\nTo change a slot:\n")
                            cat("\tyourreport$slot <- 'value'\n\n")
                            cat("To create the report:\n")

                        create = function(list = .self$objects, file = .self$file, format = .self$format, open = .self$open, backend = .self$backend, encoding = .self$encoding, options = .self$options, cygwin = .self$cygwin, title = .self$title, author = .self$author, email = .self$email, date = .self$date) {
                          createreport(list = list, file = file, format = format, open = open, backend = backend, encoding = encoding, options = options, cygwin = cygwin, title = title, author = author, email = email, date = date)

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ascii documentation built on Sept. 17, 2020, 5:07 p.m.