
Defines functions find_phantom phantom_paths install_phantomjs

Documented in install_phantomjs

# nocov start

## This is from the webshot package, see https://github.com/wch/webshot

#' Install PhantomJS
#' Download the zip package, unzip it, and copy the executable to a system
#' directory in which \pkg{asciicast} can look for the PhantomJS executable.
#' This function was designed primarily to help Windows users since it is
#' cumbersome to modify the \code{PATH} variable. Mac OS X users may install
#' PhantomJS via Homebrew. If you download the package from the PhantomJS
#' website instead, please make sure the executable can be found via the
#' \code{PATH} variable.
#' On Windows, the directory specified by the environment variable
#' \code{APPDATA} is used to store \file{phantomjs.exe}. On OS X, the directory
#' \file{~/Library/Application Support} is used. On other platforms (such as
#' Linux), the directory \file{~/bin} is used. If these directories are not
#' writable, the directory \file{PhantomJS} under the installation directory of
#' the \pkg{asciicast} package will be tried. If this directory still fails, you
#' will have to install PhantomJS by yourself.
#' @param version The version number of PhantomJS.
#' @param baseURL The base URL for the location of PhantomJS binaries for
#'   download. If the default download site is unavailable, you may specify an
#'   alternative mirror, such as
#'   \code{"https://bitbucket.org/ariya/phantomjs/downloads/"}.
#' @param quiet If `TRUE` suppress status messages and progress bar.
#' @return \code{NULL} (the executable is written to a system directory).
#' @export

install_phantomjs <- function(version = "2.1.1",
                              baseURL = "https://github.com/wch/webshot/releases/download/v0.3.1/",
                              quiet = FALSE) {
  if (!grepl("/$", baseURL)) baseURL <- paste0(baseURL, "/")

  owd <- setwd(tempdir())
  on.exit(setwd(owd), add = TRUE)
  if (is_windows()) {
    zipfile <- sprintf("phantomjs-%s-windows.zip", version)
    utils::download.file(paste0(baseURL, zipfile), zipfile, mode = "wb", quiet = quiet)
    zipdir <- sub(".zip$", "", zipfile)
    exec <- file.path(zipdir, "bin", "phantomjs.exe")
  } else if (is_macos()) {
    zipfile <- sprintf("phantomjs-%s-macosx.zip", version)
    utils::download.file(paste0(baseURL, zipfile), zipfile, mode = "wb", quiet = quiet)
    zipdir <- sub(".zip$", "", zipfile)
    exec <- file.path(zipdir, "bin", "phantomjs")
    Sys.chmod(exec, "0755") # chmod +x
  } else if (is_linux()) {
    zipfile <- sprintf(
      "phantomjs-%s-linux-%s.tar.bz2", version,
      if (grepl("64", Sys.info()[["machine"]])) "x86_64" else "i686"
    utils::download.file(paste0(baseURL, zipfile), zipfile, mode = "wb", quiet = quiet)
    zipdir <- sub(".tar.bz2$", "", zipfile)
    exec <- file.path(zipdir, "bin", "phantomjs")
    Sys.chmod(exec, "0755") # chmod +x
  } else {
    # Unsupported platform, like Solaris
    if (!quiet) message("Sorry, this platform is not supported.")
  success <- FALSE
  dirs <- phantom_paths()
  for (destdir in dirs) {
    dir.create(destdir, showWarnings = FALSE)
    success <- file.copy(exec, destdir, overwrite = TRUE)
    if (success) break
  unlink(c(zipdir, zipfile), recursive = TRUE)
  if (!success) {
      "Unable to install PhantomJS to {?/any of} {?this/these} dir{?s}: {.or {.path {dirs}}}."
  if (!quiet) {
    message("phantomjs has been installed to ", normalizePath(destdir))

# Possible locations of the PhantomJS executable
phantom_paths <- function() {
  if (is_windows()) {
    path <- Sys.getenv("APPDATA", "")
    path <- if (dir_exists(path)) file.path(path, "PhantomJS")
  } else if (is_macos()) {
    path <- "~/Library/Application Support"
    path <- if (dir_exists(path)) file.path(path, "PhantomJS")
  } else {
    path <- "~/bin"
  path <- c(path, system.file("PhantomJS", package = .packageName))

# Find PhantomJS from PATH, APPDATA, system.file('asciicast'), ~/bin, etc
find_phantom <- function() {
  for (d in phantom_paths()) {
    exec <- if (is_windows()) "phantomjs.exe" else "phantomjs"
    path <- file.path(d, exec)
    if (utils::file_test("-x", path)) break else path <- ""

  if (path == "") {
    path <- Sys.which("phantomjs")
    if (path != "") {

  if (path == "") {
    # It would make the most sense to throw an error here. However, that would
    # cause problems with CRAN. The CRAN checking systems may not have phantomjs
    # and may not be capable of installing phantomjs (like on Solaris), and any
    # packages which use asciicast in their R CMD check (in examples or vignettes)
    # will get an ERROR. We'll issue a message and return NULL; other
      "PhantomJS not found. You can install it with asciicast::install_phantomjs(). ",
      "If it is installed, please make sure the phantomjs executable ",
      "can be found via the PATH variable."

# nocov end

Try the asciicast package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

asciicast documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:24 a.m.