
hadec2altaz = function( ha, dec, lat, ws=F) {

  d2r = pi/180.
  sh = sin(ha*d2r) 
  ch = cos(ha*d2r)
  sd = sin(dec*d2r) 
  cd = cos(dec*d2r)
  sl = sin(lat*d2r) 
  cl = cos(lat*d2r)
  x = - ch * cd * sl + sd * cl
  y = - sh * cd
  z = ch * cd * cl + sd * sl
  r = sqrt(x^2 + y^2)
  az = atan2(y,x) /d2r
  alt = atan2(z,r) / d2r
  w = which(az<0)
  az[w] = az[w] + 360.
  if(ws) az = (az + 180.) %% 360.

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astrolibR documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:26 a.m.