
audioHist <- function(x, name = "Variable", purge.plots = FALSE,
                      bins = 30, breaks = "Scott", radius = floor(sqrt(bins))-1, 
                      key = "C", quality = "Major", tempo = 80, reverb = 1,
                      directory = file.path (Sys.getenv("R_LIBS_USER"), "audiolyzR"),
                      output = file.path (tempdir(), "json_matrix"), write.to.home = NULL, ...) 
  if (bins > 32) cat("WARNING: audiolyzR supports 32 distinct notes, so /n bin values over 32 can generate hard-to-hear results.")
  #checks whether audiolyzR is installed correctly
  if( is.null(get("write.to.home", envir=asNamespace("audiolyzR"), inherits = FALSE) ) ) {
    message("R would like permission to write audioplot data files to: \n    ",
            file.path(Sys.getenv("HOME")),"  during this session.", 
            "\nOtherwise you will have to manually drag that folder to the synthesizer.",
            "\nIs that OK?")
    ANSWER <- readline("Type y or n")
    if (ANSWER %in% c("y","Y","yes","Yes","YES") )
      write.to.home <- TRUE else write.to.home <- FALSE
    unlockBinding("write.to.home", env = asNamespace("audiolyzR") )
    assign("write.to.home", write.to.home, envir = asNamespace("audiolyzR"))
  } else write.to.home <- get("write.to.home", envir = asNamespace("audiolyzR"), inherits=FALSE)
  h <- hist(x, breaks=breaks ,freq=TRUE, xlab=name, main=paste("Histogram of", name))
  bins <- ceiling(bins/length(h$counts)) * length(h$counts)
  counts <- ceiling(rescale(h$counts, c(0,bins-1)))
  mat <- matrix(sapply(counts, function(x)
    rep( c(rep(0, ( (bins) - x) ), rep(1, x) ), bins/length(counts))), ncol = bins)
  coords <- data.frame(Xcoord = rep(seq(1:bins)-1, bins),
                       Ycoord = rev(rep(c(0:(bins-1)), each=bins)))
  coords$V3 <- sapply(1:nrow(coords), function(x) 
    mat[coords[x ,2]+1, coords[x ,1]+1] )
  mat <- matricize (a = coords, b = name, bins = bins, 
                    radius = radius, type = "hist")
  dimensions <- data.frame(X = max(mat[,1])+1,
                           Y = max(mat[,2])+1)
  global.options <- data.frame(key=paste(key), 
  mat <- mat[-which(mat[,3]==0),]
  labels <- data.frame(main.x=paste(name),main.y="Freq") #stores actual names
  names(mat) <- c("Xcoord","Ycoord","plot.1","dist.1") #replaces with generic names
  mat.main <- split(mat, 1:nrow(mat))
  max.out <- list(mat.main,dimensions,global.options,labels)
  names(max.out) <- c("matrix","dimensions","globaloptions","labels")
  if (write.to.home)
    output <- file.path(Sys.getenv("HOME"),"json_matrix")
  if (purge.plots)
    unlink(output, recursive=TRUE)
  dir.create(output, showWarnings=FALSE)
  file <- paste(labels[1,1],"_",labels[1,2],".json",sep="")
  max.out <- toJSON(max.out, .withNames=TRUE)
  writeLines(max.out, paste(output,file,sep="/"))
  return(invisible(list(hist(x, breaks="Scott", freq=TRUE, 
                             xlab=name, main=paste("Histogram of", name)),
                        systemRun(directory, output, write.to.home))))

Try the audiolyzR package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

audiolyzR documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:15 a.m.