
Defines functions cdt somQuality somDist somInit

Documented in cdt somDist somInit somQuality

## Functions useful in the training of SOM

#' Initialize SOM prototypes
#' Prototypes are the artificial points in data space that are used to cluster
#' observations: each observation is assigned to the cluster of its closest
#' prototype. In self-organizing maps, each cell of the map has its own
#' prototype, and training is performed by iteratively adjusting the prototypes.
#' This function creates an initial guess for the prototypes of a SOM grid, to
#' be used as the \code{init} argument to the \code{kohonen::som} function (see example).
#' @param traindat Matrix of training data, that will also be used to train the
#'   SOM.
#' @param nrows Number of rows on the map.
#' @param ncols Number of columns on the map.
#' @param method Method used, see Details. "pca" or "random"
#' @return A matrix of prototype coordinates.
#' @details The default method "pca.sample" takes as prototypes the observations
#'   that are closest to the nodes of a 2d grid placed along the first two
#'   components of a PCA. The "pca" method uses the nodes instead of the
#'   observations. The "random" method samples random observations.
#' @examples
#' dat <- iris[, c("Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width", "Petal.Length", "Petal.Width")]
#' ### Scale training data
#' dat <- scale(dat)
#' ## Train SOM
#' ### Initialization (PCA grid)
#' init <- somInit(dat, 4, 4)
#' the.som <- kohonen::som(dat, grid = kohonen::somgrid(4, 4, 'hexagonal'), 
#'                         rlen = 100, alpha = c(0.05, 0.01), 
#'                         radius = c(2.65,-2.65), init = init, 
#'                         dist.fcts = 'sumofsquares')

somInit <- function(traindat, nrows, ncols, 
                    method= c("pca.sample", "pca", "random")) {
  method <- match.arg(method)
  if (method == "random") {
    init <- traindat[sample(nrow(traindat), nrows * ncols, replace= TRUE), ]
  } else if (method %in% c("pca.sample", "pca")) {
    # the most detailed grid axis is assigned to the first component
    if (nrows >= ncols) {
      x.ev <- 1
      y.ev <- 2
    } else {
      x.ev <- 2
      y.ev <- 1
    # perform PCA (NA filled with mean, PCA rotated so that the first variable
    # is positively correlated with each principal axis)
    pcadat <- apply(traindat, 2, 
                    function(x) {x[is.na(x)] <- mean(x, na.rm = T); x})
    traindata.pca <- prcomp(pcadat)
    traindata.pca$x <- traindata.pca$x %*% diag(sign(traindata.pca$rotation[1, ]))
    init.x <- seq(from= quantile(traindata.pca$x[,x.ev], .025), 
                  to= quantile(traindata.pca$x[,x.ev], .975),
                  length.out= nrows)
    init.y <- seq(from= quantile(traindata.pca$x[,y.ev], .025), 
                  to= quantile(traindata.pca$x[,y.ev], .975),
                  length.out= ncols)
    init.base <- as.matrix(expand.grid(x= init.x, y= init.y)) # here a hex variant could be created instead if hex topology
    if (method == "pca.sample") {
      ## Init to observations closest to a 2D PCA grid
      closest.obs <- apply(init.base, 1, function(point) 
      init <- traindat[closest.obs,]
    } else if (method == "pca") {
      ## Pure PCA grid 
      init <- tcrossprod(init.base, traindata.pca$rotation[, 1:2]) %*%
        diag(sign(traindata.pca$rotation[1, ]))

#' Distance measures on a SOM
#' Several distance measures between cells or prototypes of a trained SOM (in
#' grid space, in data space).
#' @param som \code{kohonen} object, a SOM created by the \code{som} function.
#' @return A \code{list} with distance measures: between cells on the grid,
#'   between prototypes in data space, and the neighborhood matrix on the grid.
somDist <- function(som){
  if (is.null(som)) return(NULL)
  proto.gridspace.dist <- kohonen::unit.distances(som$grid, F)
  proto.dataspace.dist <- as.matrix(dist(som$codes[[1]]))
  neigh <- round(proto.gridspace.dist, 3) == 1
  proto.dataspace.dist.neigh <- proto.dataspace.dist
  proto.dataspace.dist.neigh[!neigh] <- NA
  list(proto.grid.dist= proto.gridspace.dist, 
       neigh.matrix= neigh, 
       proto.data.dist= proto.dataspace.dist, 
       proto.data.dist.neigh= proto.dataspace.dist.neigh)

#' SOM quality measures
#' Computes several quality measures on a trained SOM (see Details).
#' @param som \code{kohonen} object, a SOM created by the \code{kohonen::som} function.
#' @param traindat matrix containing the training data.
#' @references Kohonen T. (2001) \emph{Self-Organizing Maps}, 3rd edition,
#'   Springer Press, Berlin. <doi:10.1007/978-3-642-56927-2>
#'   Kaski, S. and Lagus, K. (1996) Comparing Self-Organizing Maps. In C. von
#'   der Malsburg, W. von Seelen, J. C. Vorbruggen, and B. Sendho (Eds.)
#'   \emph{Proceedings of ICANN96, International Conference on Articial Neural
#'   Networks , Lecture Notes in Computer Science} vol. 1112, pp. 809-814.
#'   Springer, Berlin. <doi:10.1007/3-540-61510-5_136>
#' @details Four measures of SOM quality are returned : 
#' \describe{
#'   \item{Quantization error:}{Average squared distance between the data points and the map's prototypes to which they are mapped. Lower is better.}
#'   \item{Percentage of explained variance:}{Similar to other clustering methods, the share of total variance that is explained by the clustering (equal to 1 minus the ratio of quantization error to total variance). Higher is better.}
#'   \item{Topographic error:}{Measures how well the topographic structure of the data is preserved on the map. It is computed as the share of observations for which the best-matching node is not a neighbor of the second-best matching node on the map. Lower is better: 0 indicates excellent topographic representation (all best and second-best matching nodes are neighbors), 1 is the maximum error (best and second-best nodes are never neighbors).}
#'   \item{Kaski-Lagus error:}{Combines aspects of the quantization and topographic error. It is the sum of the mean distance between points and their best-matching prototypes, and of the mean geodesic distance (pairwise prototype distances following the SOM grid) between the points and their second-best matching prototype.}
#' }
#' @return A \code{list} containing quality measures : quantization error, share
#'   of explained variance, topographic error and Kaski-Lagus error (see
#'   Details).
somQuality <- function(som, traindat){
  if(is.null(som)) return(NULL)
  ok.dist <- somDist(som)
  ## BMU, Squared distance from obs to BMU
  bmu <- som$unit.classif
  sqdist <- rowSums((traindat - som$codes[[1]][bmu, ])^2, na.rm = TRUE)
  ## Quantization error
  err.quant <- mean(sqdist)
  ## Interclass variance ratio
  # totalvar <- sum(apply(traindat, 2, var, na.rm = TRUE)) * 
  #   (nrow(traindat) - 1) / nrow(traindat)
  totalvar <- mean(rowSums(t(t(traindat) - colMeans(traindat, na.rm = TRUE))^2, 
                           na.rm = TRUE))
  err.varratio <- 100 - round(100 * err.quant / totalvar, 2)
  ## Topographic error
  bmu2 <- apply(traindat, 1, function(row) {
    dist <- colMeans((t(som$codes[[1]]) - row)^2, na.rm = TRUE)
  err.topo <- mean(!ok.dist$neigh.matrix[cbind(bmu, bmu2)])
  ## Kaski-Lagus error
  err.kaski <- e1071::allShortestPaths(ok.dist$proto.data.dist.neigh)$length[cbind(bmu, bmu2)]
  err.kaski <- mean(err.kaski + sqrt(sqdist))
  ## Distribution of individuals in cells
  cellpop <- table(factor(som$unit.classif, levels= 1:nrow(som$grid$pts)))
  res <- list(err.quant= err.quant, err.varratio= err.varratio, 
              err.topo= err.topo, err.kaski= err.kaski, cellpop= cellpop)
  class(res) <- "somQual"

#' Complete disjunctive table
#' Computes the complete disjunctive table of a set of factors, where each
#' factor (ie categorical variable) is encoded as a set of dummy variables, one
#' for each level (category).
#' @param x \code{data.frame} on which the table is computed. All columns will
#'   be treated as factors.
#' @return A \code{matrix} of dummy variables, with \code{nrow(x)} rows and a
#'   number of columns equal to the sum of numbers of levels in all the
#'   variables of \code{x}.
cdt <- function(x) {
  attr(x, "na.action") <- "na.pass"
  do.call(cbind, lapply(colnames(x), function(ivar) {
    res <- model.matrix(as.formula(paste0("~as.factor(", ivar, ")+0")), x)
    colnames(res) <- paste0(ivar, "_", gsub("as[.]factor[(].*?\\)", "", colnames(res)))

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