##This function is from fungible package (version 1.5).
##The fungible package has been withdrawn in CRAN.
##The tile of this function is Standard Errors and CIs for Standardized Regression Coefficients
##It computes normal theory and ADF standard errors and CIs for standardized regression coefficients
##The authors are Jeff Jones and Niels Waller.
##The reference paper is
##Jones, J. A, and Waller, N. G. (2015).
##The Normal-Theory and Asymptotic Distribution-Free (ADF) covariance matrix of
##standardized regression coefficients: Theoretical extensions and finite sample behavior.
##Psychometrika, 80, 365-378.
#' Standard Errors and CIs for Standardized Regression Coefficients
#' Computes Normal Theory and ADF Standard Errors and CIs for Standardized
#' Regression Coefficients
#' @aliases seBeta seBeta
#' @param X Matrix of predictor scores.
#' @param y Vector of criterion scores.
#' @param cov.x Covariance or correlation matrix of predictors.
#' @param cov.xy Vector of covariances or correlations between predictors and
#' criterion.
#' @param var.y Criterion variance.
#' @param Nobs Number of observations.
#' @param alpha Desired Type I error rate; default = .05.
#' @param estimator 'ADF' or 'Normal' confidence intervals - requires raw X and
#' raw y; default = 'ADF'.
#' @return \item{cov.Beta}{ Normal theory or ADF covariance matrix of
#' standardized regression coefficients. } \item{se.Beta}{ standard errors for
#' standardized regression coefficients. } \item{alpha}{ desired Type-I error
#' rate. } \item{CI.Beta}{ Normal theory or ADF (1-alpha)% confidence
#' intervals for standardized regression coefficients. } \item{estimator}{
#' estimator = "ADF" or "Normal". }
#' @author Jeff Jones and Niels Waller
#' @references Jones, J. A, and Waller, N. G. (2015). The Normal-Theory and
#' Asymptotic Distribution-Free (ADF) covariance matrix of standardized
#' regression coefficients: Theoretical extensions and finite sample behavior.
#' Psychometrika, 80, 365-378.
#' @keywords Statistics
#' @examples
#' set.seed(123)
#' R <- matrix(.5, 3, 3)
#' diag(R) <- 1
#' X <- sesamesim[, c("peabody", "prenumb", "postnumb")]
#' y <- sesamesim$age
#' results <- seBeta(X, y, Nobs = nrow(sesamesim), alpha = .05, estimator = 'ADF')
#' print(results, digits = 3)
#' \donttest{
#' library(MASS)
#' set.seed(123)
#' R <- matrix(.5, 3, 3)
#' diag(R) <- 1
#' X <- mvrnorm(n = 200, mu = rep(0, 3), Sigma = R, empirical = TRUE)
#' Beta <- c(.2, .3, .4)
#' y <- X %*% Beta + .64 * scale(rnorm(200))
#' results <- seBeta(X, y, Nobs = 200, alpha = .05, estimator = 'ADF')
#' print(results, digits = 3)
#' }
#' @export
seBeta<-function (X = NULL, y = NULL, cov.x = NULL, cov.xy = NULL, var.y = NULL,
Nobs = NULL, alpha = 0.05, estimator = "ADF")
adfCOV <- function(X, y) {
dev <- scale(cbind(X, y), scale = FALSE)
nvar <- ncol(dev)
N <- nrow(dev)
ue <- nvar * (nvar + 1)/2
s <- vector(length = ue, mode = "character")
z <- 0
for (i in 1:nvar) {
for (j in i:nvar) {
z <- z + 1
s[z] <- paste(i, j, sep = "")
v <- expand.grid(s, s)
V <- paste(v[, 1], v[, 2], sep = "")
id.mat <- matrix(0, nrow = ue^2, 4)
for (i in 1:4) id.mat[, i] <- as.numeric(sapply(V, substr,
i, i))
M <- matrix(1:ue^2, ue, ue, byrow = TRUE)
r <- M[lower.tri(M, diag = TRUE)]
ids <- id.mat[r, ]
adfCovMat <- matrix(0, ue, ue)
covs <- matrix(0, nrow(ids), 1)
for (i in 1:nrow(ids)) {
w_ij <- crossprod(dev[, ids[i, 1]], dev[, ids[i,
w_ik <- crossprod(dev[, ids[i, 1]], dev[, ids[i,
w_il <- crossprod(dev[, ids[i, 1]], dev[, ids[i,
w_jk <- crossprod(dev[, ids[i, 2]], dev[, ids[i,
w_jl <- crossprod(dev[, ids[i, 2]], dev[, ids[i,
w_kl <- crossprod(dev[, ids[i, 3]], dev[, ids[i,
w_ijkl <- (t(dev[, ids[i, 1]] * dev[, ids[i, 2]]) %*%
(dev[, ids[i, 3]] * dev[, ids[i, 4]])/N)
covs[i] <- (N * (N - 1) * (1/((N - 2) * (N - 3))) *
(w_ijkl - w_ij * w_kl) - N * (1/((N - 2) * (N -
3))) * (w_ik * w_jl + w_il * w_jk - (2/(N - 1)) *
w_ij * w_kl))
adfCovMat[lower.tri(adfCovMat, diag = T)] <- covs
vars <- diag(adfCovMat)
adfCovMat <- adfCovMat + t(adfCovMat) - diag(vars)
vech <- function(x) t(x[!upper.tri(x)])
Dn <- function(x) {
mat <- diag(x)
index <- seq(x * (x + 1)/2)
mat[lower.tri(mat, TRUE)] <- index
mat[upper.tri(mat)] <- t(mat)[upper.tri(mat)]
outer(c(mat), index, function(x, y) ifelse(x == y, 1,
DIAG <- function(x = 1, nrow, ncol) {
if (length(x) == 1)
x <- as.matrix(x)
if (is.matrix(x))
else return(diag(x, nrow, ncol))
if ((is.null(X) | is.null(y)) & estimator == "ADF")
stop("\nYou need to supply both X and y for ADF Estimation\n")
if (is.null(X) & !is.null(y))
stop("\n y is not defined\n Need to specify both X and y\n")
if (!is.null(X) & is.null(y))
stop("\n X is not defined\n Need to specify both X and y\n")
if (is.null(X) & is.null(y)) {
if (is.null(cov.x) | is.null(cov.xy) | is.null(var.y) |
stop("\nYou need to specify covariances and sample size\n")
scov <- rbind(cbind(cov.x, cov.xy), c(cov.xy, var.y))
N <- Nobs
p <- nrow(cov.x)
else {
X <- as.matrix(X)
y <- as.matrix(y)
scov <- cov(cbind(X, y))
N <- length(y)
p <- ncol(X)
if (estimator == "ADF") {
cov.cov <- adfCOV(X, y)
else {
Kp.lft <- solve(t(Dn(p + 1)) %*% Dn(p + 1)) %*% t(Dn(p +
cov.cov <- 2 * Kp.lft %*% (scov %x% scov) %*% t(Kp.lft)
param <- c(vech(scov))
ncovs <- length(param)
if (p == 1) { <- 1
else { <- c(1, rep(0, p - 1))
for (i in 2:p)[i] <-[i - 1] + p - (i -
cx <- scov[1:p, 1:p]
cxy <- scov[1:p, p + 1]
vy <- scov[p + 1, p + 1]
sx <- sqrt(DIAG(cx))
sy <- sqrt(vy)
bu <- solve(cx) %*% cxy
ncx <- length(vech(cx))
db <- matrix(0, p, ncovs)
V <- matrix(0, p, ncx)
V[as.matrix(cbind(1:p,] <- 1
db[, 1:ncx] <- (DIAG(c(solve(DIAG(2 * sx * sy)) %*% bu)) %*%
V - DIAG(sx/sy) %*% (t(bu) %x% solve(cx)) %*% Dn(p))
db[, (ncx + 1):(ncx + p)] <- DIAG(sx/sy) %*% solve(cx)
db[, ncovs] <- -DIAG(sx/(2 * sy^3)) %*% bu
cx.nms <- matrix(0, p, p)
cxy.nms <- c(rep(0, p), "var_y")
for (i in 1:p) for (j in 1:p) cx.nms[i, j] <- paste("cov_x",
i, "x", j, sep = "")
for (i in 1:p) cxy.nms[i] <- paste("cov_x", i, "y", sep = "")
old.ord <- c(vech(cx.nms), cxy.nms)
new.ord <- vech(rbind(cbind(cx.nms, cxy.nms[1:p]), c(cxy.nms)))
db <- db[, match(new.ord, old.ord)]
if (p == 1)
DEL.cmat <- t(db) %*% cov.cov %*% db/N
else DEL.cmat <- db %*% cov.cov %*% t(db)/N
b.nms <- NULL
for (i in 1:p) b.nms[i] <- paste("beta_", i, sep = "")
rownames(DEL.cmat) <- colnames(DEL.cmat) <- b.nms
DELse <- sqrt(DIAG(DEL.cmat))
CIs <-, p, 3))
colnames(CIs) <- c("lbound", "estimate", "ubound")
for (i in 1:p) rownames(CIs)[i] <- paste("beta_", i, sep = "")
tc <- qt(alpha/2, N - p - 1, lower.tail = F)
beta <- DIAG(sx) %*% bu * sy^-1
for (i in 1:p) {
CIs[i, ] <- c(beta[i] - tc * DELse[i], beta[i], beta[i] +
tc * DELse[i])
out <- list(cov.mat = DEL.cmat, SEs = DELse, alpha = alpha,
CIs = CIs, estimator = estimator)
class(out) <- c("seBeta", "list")
#' @method print seBeta
#' @export
print.seBeta <- function(x, digits = getOption("digits"), ...){
cat("\n", 100 * (1 - x$alpha), "% CIs for Standardized Regression Coefficients:\n\n",
sep = "")
print(round(x$CIs, digits))
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