#' Returns Bundesbank data for a given flow and key
#' @param flow `character(1)` flow to query, 5-8 characters.
#' See [bbk_metadata()] for available dataflows.
#' @param key `character(1)` key to query.
#' @param start_period `character(1)` start date of the data. Supported formats:
#' - YYYY for annual data (e.g., "2019")
#' - YYYY-S\[1-2\] for semi-annual data (e.g., "2019-S1")
#' - YYYY-Q\[1-4\] for quarterly data (e.g., "2019-Q1")
#' - YYYY-MM for monthly data (e.g., "2019-01")
#' - YYYY-W\[01-53\] for weekly data (e.g., "2019-W01")
#' - YYYY-MM-DD for daily and business data (e.g., "2019-01-01")
#' If `NULL`, no start date restriction is applied (data retrieved from the
#' earliest available date). Default `NULL`.
#' @param end_period `character(1)` end date of the data, in the same format as
#' start_period. If `NULL`, no end date restriction is applied (data
#' retrieved up to the most recent available date). Default `NULL`.
#' @param first_n `numeric(1)` number of observations to retrieve from the
#' start of the series. If `NULL`, no restriction is applied. Default `NULL`.
#' @param last_n `numeric(1)` number of observations to retrieve from the end
#' of the series. If `NULL`, no restriction is applied. Default `NULL`.
#' @returns A `data.frame()` with the requested data.
#' @source <>
#' @family data
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # fetch all data for a given flow and key
#' bbk_data("BBSIS", "D.I.ZAR.ZI.EUR.S1311.B.A604.R10XX.R.A.A._Z._Z.A")
#' # fetch data for multiple keys
#' bbk_data("BBK01", c("TTA032", "TTA010"))
#' # specified period (start date-end date) for daily data
#' bbk_data(
#' "BBSIS", "D.I.ZAR.ZI.EUR.S1311.B.A604.R10XX.R.A.A._Z._Z.A",
#' start_period = "2020-01-01",
#' end_period = "2020-08-01"
#' )
#' # or only specify the start date
#' bbk_data(
#' "BBSIS", "D.I.ZAR.ZI.EUR.S1311.B.A604.R10XX.R.A.A._Z._Z.A",
#' start_period = "2024-04-01"
#' )
#' }
bbk_data <- function(flow,
key = NULL,
start_period = NULL,
end_period = NULL,
first_n = NULL,
last_n = NULL) {
is_string(flow), nchar(flow) %in% 5:8,
flow <- toupper(flow)
if (is.null(key)) {
resource <- sprintf("data/%s", flow)
} else {
key <- toupper(key)
key <- paste(key, collapse = "+")
resource <- sprintf("data/%s/%s", flow, key)
body <- make_request(
resource = resource,
startPeriod = start_period,
endPeriod = end_period,
firstNObservations = first_n,
lastNObservations = last_n
data <- parse_bbk_data(body)
#' Returns the Bundesbank time serie that is found with the specified time series key
#' @inherit bbk_data source
#' @inheritParams bbk_data
#' @inherit bbk_data return
#' @family data
#' @seealso [bbk_data()] for an endpoint with more options.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' bbk_series("BBEX3.M.DKK.EUR.BB.AC.A01")
#' bbk_series("BBAF3.Q.F41.S121.DE.S1.W0.LE.N._X.B")
#' bbk_series("BBBK11.D.TTA000")
#' }
bbk_series <- function(key) {
body <- build_request("data/tsIdList", accept = "application/") |>
req_body_json(key, auto_unbox = FALSE) |>
req_perform() |>
data <- parse_bbk_series(body, key)
#' Returns the available Bundesbank metadata
#' Retrieval of the metadata stored in the Bundesbank's time series database.
#' Access via the SDMX Web Service API of the Bundesbank.
#' @param type `character(1)` the type of metadata to query. One of:
#' `"datastructure"`, `"dataflow"`, `"codelist"`, or `"concept"`.
#' @param id `character(1)` id to query. Default `NULL`.
#' @param lang `character(1)` language to query, either `"en"` or `"de"`.
#' Default `"en"`.
#' @returns A `data.frame()` with the queried metadata.
#' The columns are:
#' \item{id}{The id of the metadata}
#' \item{name}{The name of the metadata}
#' @source <>
#' @family metadata
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' bbk_metadata("datastructure")
#' bbk_metadata("dataflow", "BBSIS")
#' bbk_metadata("codelist", "CL_BBK_ACIP_ASSET_LIABILITY")
#' bbk_metadata("concept", "CS_BBK_BSPL")
#' }
bbk_metadata <- function(type, id = NULL, lang = c("en", "de")) {
type <- match.arg(type, c("datastructure", "dataflow", "codelist", "concept"))
args <- switch(type,
datastructure = list("datastructure/BBK", "//structure:DataStructure"),
dataflow = list("dataflow/BBK", "//structure:Dataflow"),
codelist = list("codelist/BBK", "//structure:Codelist"),
concept = list("conceptscheme/BBK", "//structure:ConceptScheme")
res <-, c(args, list(id, lang)))
res$name <- na_if_empty(res$name)
parse_bbk_series <- function(body, key) {
tmp <- tempfile()
on.exit(unlink(tmp, recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE)
tf <- file.path(tmp, "")
writeBin(body, tf)
utils::unzip(tf, exdir = tmp)
files <- list.files(tmp, full.names = TRUE)
path <- grep("\\.csv$", files, value = TRUE)[[1L]]
res <- read.csv(path, header = FALSE, skip = 11L)[, 1:2] |>
stats::setNames(c("date", "value"))
res$value <- na_if_empty(res$value, ".")
res <- stats::na.omit(res)
metadata <- readLines(path, n = 10L)
title <- sub("^[\",]+", "", metadata[[2L]])
title <- sub("[\",]+$", "", title)
freq <- extract_metadata(metadata, "^Time format code")
unit <- extract_metadata(metadata, "^Unit \\(in english\\),")
if ( {
unit <- extract_metadata(metadata, "^unit,")
unit_mult <- extract_metadata(metadata, "^unit multiplier,")
category <- extract_metadata(metadata, "^category,")
last_update <- extract_metadata(metadata, "^last update,")
comment <- extract_metadata(metadata, "^Comment \\(in english\\),")
comment <- sub("^\"", "", comment)
src <- extract_metadata(metadata, "^Source \\(in english\\),")
freq <- switch(freq,
P1M = "monthly",
P3M = "quarterly",
P1Y = "annual",
P1D = "daily"
res$date <- parse_date(res$date, freq)
res <- cbind(
res, key, title, freq, category, unit, unit_mult, last_update, comment,
source = src
res <- res[union(c("date", "key", "value", "title", "freq"), names(res))]
parse_bbk_metadata <- function(x, lang) {
res <- lapply(x, \(node) {
id <- xml2::xml_attr(node, "id")
nms <- node |>
xml2::xml_find_all(sprintf(".//common:Name[@xml:lang='%s']", lang)) |>
data.frame(id = id, name = nms)
}), res)
parse_bbk_data <- function(body) {
series <- body |> xml2::xml_find_all(".//generic:Series")
res <- lapply(series, \(x) {
series_key <- x |>
xml2::xml_find_first(".//generic:SeriesKey") |>
nms <- series_key |>
xml2::xml_attr("id") |>
series_key <- series_key |>
xml2::xml_attr("value") |>
stats::setNames(nms) |>
attrs <- x |>
xml2::xml_find_first(".//generic:Attributes") |>
nms <- attrs |>
xml2::xml_attr("id") |>
nms <- replace(nms, nms == "bbk_title_eng", "title")
nms <- replace(nms, nms == "bbk_id", "key")
attrs <- attrs |>
xml2::xml_attr("value") |>
stats::setNames(nms) |>
data <- c(series_key, attrs)
nms <- names(data)
nms <- sub("^bbk_(seis_)?", "", nms)
nms <- sub("^std_", "", nms)
names(data) <- replace(nms, nms == "web_category", "category")
data$freq <- switch(data$time_format,
P1M = "monthly",
P3M = "quarterly",
P1Y = "annual",
P1D = "daily"
entries <- xml2::xml_find_all(body, "//generic:Obs[generic:ObsValue]")
data$date <- entries |>
xml2::xml_find_all(".//generic:ObsDimension") |>
xml2::xml_attr("value") |>
data$value <- entries |>
xml2::xml_find_all(".//generic:ObsValue") |>
xml2::xml_attr("value") |>
res <-, res)
res <- res[union(c("date", "key", "value", "title", "freq"), names(res))]
fetch_bbk_metadata <- function(resource, xpath, id = NULL, lang = "en") {
lang <- match.arg(lang, c("en", "de"))
resource <- paste("metadata", resource, sep = "/")
if (!is.null(id)) {
resource <- paste(resource, toupper(id), sep = "/")
body <- make_request(resource)
entries <- xml2::xml_find_all(body, xpath)
res <- parse_bbk_metadata(entries, lang)
bbk_error_body <- function(resp) {
body <- resp_body_json(resp)
message <- body$title
docs <- "See docs at <>" # nolint
c(message, docs)
build_request <- function(resource, accept = NULL) {
request("") |>
req_user_agent("bbk (") |>
req_headers(`Accept-Language` = "en", accept = accept) |>
req_url_path_append(resource) |>
req_error(body = bbk_error_body)
make_request <- function(resource, ...) {
build_request(resource) |>
req_url_query(...) |>
req_perform() |>
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