Defines functions AICctab BICtab AICtab as.data.frame.ICtab print.ICtab ICtab

Documented in AICctab AICtab BICtab ICtab print.ICtab

ICtab <- function(...,type=c("AIC","BIC","AICc","qAIC","qAICc"),
                  sort=TRUE,nobs=NULL,dispersion=1,mnames,k=2) {
    ## TO DO: allow inclusion of log-likelihood (or negative log-likelihood?)
    ## base or delta? or both?  Should deltas include delta-df as well?
    L <- list(...)
    if (is.list(L[[1]]) && length(L)==1) L <- L[[1]]
    type <- match.arg(type)
    if (dispersion !=1) {
        if (type=="BIC") stop("cannot specify dispersion with BIC")
        if (substr(type,1,1)!="q") {
            type = paste("q",type,sep="")
            warning("dispersion!=1, type changed to ",type)
    if (type=="AICc" || type=="BIC" || type=="qAICc") {
        if (is.null(nobs)) {
            ## if(is.null(attr(L[[1]],"nobs")))
            ## stop("must specify number of observations if corr=TRUE")
            ## nobs <- sapply(L,attr,"nobs")
            nobs <- sapply(L,nobs)
            if (length(unique(nobs))>1)
                stop("nobs different: must have identical data for all objects")
            nobs <- nobs[1]
    ICs <- switch(type,
    logLiks <- sapply(L,function(x) c(logLik(x)))
    ## hack: protect against aod method
    if (is.matrix(ICs)) ICs <- ICs["AIC",]  
    getdf <- function(x) {
        if (!is.null(df <- attr(x,"df"))) return(df)
        else if (!is.null(df <- attr(logLik(x),"df"))) return(df)
    dIC <- ICs-min(ICs,na.rm=TRUE)
    dlogLiks <- logLiks-min(logLiks,na.rm=TRUE)
    df <- sapply(L,getdf)
    tab <- data.frame(df=df)
    if (delta) {
        dName <- paste0("d",type)
        tab <- cbind(setNames(data.frame(dIC),dName),tab)
        if (logLik) {
            tab <- cbind(data.frame(dLogLik=dlogLiks),tab)
    if (base) {
        tab <- cbind(setNames(data.frame(ICs),type),tab)
        if (logLik) {
            tab <- cbind(data.frame(logLik=logLiks),tab)
    if (!delta && !base) stop("either 'base' or 'delta' must be TRUE")
    if (weights) {
        dIC_noNA <- na.exclude(dIC)
        wts <- napredict(attr(dIC_noNA,"na.action"),
        tab <- data.frame(tab,weight=wts)
    if (missing(mnames)) {
        Call <- match.call()
        if (!is.null(names(Call))) {
            xargs <- which(names(Call) %in% names(formals())[-1])
        } else xargs <- numeric(0)
        mnames <- as.character(Call)[c(-1,-xargs)]
    row.names(tab) <- mnames
    if (sort) {
        tab <- tab[order(ICs),]
    class(tab) <- "ICtab"

print.ICtab <- function(x,...,min.weight=0.001) {
    chtab <- format(do.call("cbind",lapply(x,round,1)))
    rownames(chtab) <- attr(x,"row.names")
    chtab[,"df"] <- as.character(round(x$df,1))
    if (!is.null(x$weight))
        chtab[,"weight"] <- format.pval(x$weight,eps=min.weight,

as.data.frame.ICtab <- function(x, row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, ...){
    attr(x,"class") <- "data.frame"
    as.data.frame(x, row.names = row.names, optional = optional)

AICtab <- function(...,mnames) {
    ## fancy footwork to preserve model names
    if (missing(mnames)) mnames <- get.mnames(match.call())
BICtab <- function(...,mnames) {
    if (missing(mnames)) mnames <- get.mnames(match.call())

AICctab <- function(...,mnames) {
    if (missing(mnames)) mnames <- get.mnames(match.call())

setGeneric("AICc", function(object, ..., nobs=NULL, k=2) standardGeneric("AICc"))

setMethod("AICc", "mle2",
          function (object, ..., nobs, k)  {
              L <- list(...)
              if (length(L)) {
                  L = c(list(object), L)
                  # First, we attempt to use the "nobs" attribute
                  if (is.null(nobs)) {
                      nobs <- unlist(lapply(L, attr,"nobs"))
                  # If that is still null, maybe there's a "nobs" method?
                  if (is.null(nobs)) {
                      nobs <- unlist(lapply(L,nobs))
                  if (length(unique(nobs))>1)
                      stop("nobs different: must have identical data for all objects")
                  logLiks <- lapply(L, logLik)
                  df <- sapply(logLiks,attr,"df")
                  val <- -2*unlist(logLiks)+k*df+k*df*(df+1)/(nobs-df-1)
              } else {
                  if (is.null(nobs)) {
                      nobs <- attr(object,"nobs")
                  if (is.null(nobs)) {
                      nobs <- nobs(object)
                  AICc(object=logLik(object), nobs=nobs, k=k)

setMethod("AICc", signature(object="logLik"),
          function(object, ..., nobs, k){
              # Handles the "nobs" argument
              if (missing(nobs)) {
                  if (is.null(attr(object,"nobs")))
                      stop("number of observations not specified")
                  nobs <- attr(object,"nobs")
              if (length(list(...))>1)
                  warning("additional parameters ignored")

              df <- attr(object,"df")

setMethod("AICc", signature(object="ANY"),
          function(object, ..., nobs, k){
              AICc(object=logLik(object, ...), nobs=nobs, k=k)

setMethod("AIC", "mle2",
          function (object, ..., k = 2) {
              L <- list(...)
              if (length(L)) {
                  L <- c(list(object),L)
                  logLiks <- lapply(L, logLik)
                  AICs <- sapply(logLiks,AIC,k=k)
                  df <- sapply(logLiks,attr,"df")
              } else AIC(logLik(object), k = k)

### quasi- methods

setGeneric("qAICc", function(object, ..., nobs=NULL, dispersion, k=2)

setMethod("qAICc", signature(object="ANY"),
          function(object, ..., nobs=NULL, dispersion, k=2){
              qAICc(object=logLik(object), nobs=nobs, dispersion=dispersion, k=k)

setMethod("qAICc", "mle2",
          function (object, ..., nobs, dispersion, k)  {
              L <- list(...)
              if (length(L)) {
                  L <- c(list(object),L)
                  if (missing(nobs)) {
                      nobs <- sapply(L,nobs)
                  if (missing(dispersion) && is.null(attr(object,"dispersion")))
                      stop("must specify (over)dispersion coefficient")
                  if (length(unique(nobs))>1)
                      stop("nobs different: must have identical data for all obj
                  if (length(nobs)==0) stop("must specify nobs")
                  nobs <- nobs[1]
                  logLiks <- sapply(L, logLik)/dispersion
                  df <- sapply(L,attr,"df")+1 ## add one for scale parameter
                  val <- -2*logLiks+k*df+k*df*(df+1)/(nobs-df-1)
              } else {
                  df <- attr(object,"df")

setMethod("qAICc", signature(object="logLik"),
          function(object, ..., nobs, dispersion, k){
              if (missing(nobs)) {
                  if (is.null(attr(object,"nobs")))
                      stop("number of observations not specified")
                  nobs <- attr(object,"nobs")
              if (missing(dispersion)) {
                  if (is.null(attr(object,"dispersion")))
                      stop("dispersion not specified")
                  dispersion <- attr(object,"dispersion")
              df <- attr(object,"df")+1 ## add one for scale parameter
              -2 * c(object)/dispersion + k*df+2*df*(df+1)/(nobs-df-1)

setGeneric("qAIC", function(object, ..., dispersion, k=2)

setMethod("qAIC", signature(object="ANY"),
          function(object, ..., dispersion, k=2){
              qAIC(object=logLik(object), dispersion=dispersion, k)

setMethod("qAIC", signature(object="logLik"),
          function(object, ..., dispersion, k){
              if (missing(dispersion)) {
                  if (is.null(attr(object,"dispersion")))
                      stop("dispersion not specified")
                  dispersion <- attr(object,"dispersion")
              df <- attr(object,"df")
              -2 * c(object)/dispersion + k*df

setMethod("qAIC", "mle2",
          function (object, ..., dispersion, k=2) {
              L <- list(...)
              if (length(L)) {
                  L <- c(list(object),L)
                  if (!all(sapply(L,
                                  function(x) inherits(x, "mle2")))) {
                      stop("all objects in list must be class mle2")
                  logLiks <- lapply(L, logLik)
                  AICs <- sapply(logLiks,qAIC, k=k, dispersion=dispersion)
                  df <- sapply(L,attr,"df")
              } else {
                  qAIC(logLik(object), k=k, dispersion=dispersion)

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