PSIwgt: Psi-weight calculation for a VARMA model. NOTE: This is an...

View source: R/varma.R

PSIwgtR Documentation

Psi-weight calculation for a VARMA model. NOTE: This is an exact copy of the MTS::PSIwgt function (only with the plot functionality removed, as not needed). This has to be done because the MTS package has been removed from CRAN in April 2022.


Psi-weight calculation for a VARMA model. NOTE: This is an exact copy of the MTS::PSIwgt function (only with the plot functionality removed, as not needed). This has to be done because the MTS package has been removed from CRAN in April 2022.


PSIwgt(Phi = NULL, Theta = NULL, lag = 12, plot = TRUE, output = FALSE)

beyondWhittle documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:35 a.m.