#' Big survival data analysis using stochastic gradient descent
#' Fits Cox model via stochastic gradient descent (SGD). This implementation avoids computational
#' instability of the standard Cox Model when datasets are large. Furthermore, it scales up with
#' very large datasets that do not fit the memory. It also handles large sparse datasets using the
#' proximal stochastic gradient descent algorithm. For more details about the method, please see
#' Aliasghar Tarkhan and Noah Simon (2020) <arXiv:2003.00116v2>.
#' @param formula a formula in format of Surv(time=time, status=status)~feature1+feature2+...
#' describing time-to-event variable, status variable, and features to be
#' included in model. Default is "Surv(time, status)~." that regresses
#' on all the features included in the dataset.
#' @param data survival dataset. It can be in form of data.frame or a path to a .csv file if
#' we aim not to read data off the memory. If we aim to read data off the memory, it must be
#' a path to a .csv data.
#' @param norm.method normalization method before starting the analysis.
#' "center" only centers the features by subtracting the mean, "scale" only
#' scales the features by dividing features to their standard deviation, "normalization"
#' does both centering and scaling, and "none" does not perform any pre-processing. The default
#' is "normalization".
#' @param opt.method optimization algorithm: "SGD" estimates the coefficients
#' using the standard stochastic gradient descent; "ADAM" estimates the coefficients
#' using ADAM optimizer; "AMSGrad" estimates the coefficients using AMSGrad optimizer.
#' The default is "AMSGrad".
#' @param features.mean mean vector of features used for normalization.
#' The default is NULL where our alorithm calculates it.
#' @param standard deviation vector of features used for normalization.
#' The default is NULL where our alorithm calculates it.
#' @param beta.init initialization for coefficient. The default is NULL where our algorithm
#' starts with an all-zero vector.
#' @param beta.type type of coefficient to be returned. If specified as "single", the last
#' updated coefficient is returned. If specified as "averaged", the Polyak-Ruppert
#' (i.e., average over iterates) is returned. The default is "averaged".
#' @param lr.const proportional constant for the learning rate. The higher values
#' give faster but noisier estimates and vice versa. The default is 0.12 for
#' "AMSGrad" optimizer.
#' @param lr.tau the power of iteration index in the learning rate. The bigger
#' value represents the faster decay in the lerning rate and vice versa. The
#' default is 0.5.
#' @param strata.size strata size. The default is 20 patients per stratum.
#' @param batch.size batch size. The default is 1 stratum per batch.
#' @param num.epoch Number of epochs for the SGD-based algorithms. The default is 100.
#' @param b1 hyper parameter for "AMSGrad" and "ADAM". The default is 0.9.
#' See \url{} for "ADMA" and
#' \url{} for "AMSGrad".
#' @param b2 hyper parameter for "AMSGrad" and "ADAM". The default is 0.99.
#' @param eps hyper parameter for "AMSGrad" and "ADAM". The default is 1e-8.
#' @param inference.method method for inference, i.e., constructing confidence
#' interval (CI): "bootstrap" constructs CI usin non-parametric bootstrap;
#' "plugin": constructs CI using asymptotic properties of U-statistics;
#' The default is "plugin" which returns estimates, confidence intervals,
#' test statistics, and p-values.
#' @param num.boot number of boostrap resamples. Default is 1000.
#' @param num.epoch.boot number of epochs for each boorstrap resamples.
#' Default is 100.
#' @param boot.method optimization method for bootstrap. Default is "SGD".
#' @param lr.const.boot proportional constant for the learning rate for bootstrap
#' resamples. Defauls is "0.12"
#' @param lr.tau.boot power of iteration index in the learning rate for bootstrap resamples.
#' Defauls is "0.5"
#' @param num.sample.strata number of sample strata per observation to estimate
#' standard error using plugin method. Default value is 1000.
#' @param sig.level significance level for constructing (1-sig.level) confidence interval.
#' Default is 0.05.
#' @param beta0 null vector of coefficients for calculating p-value using plugin method.
#' Default is zero vector.
#' @param alpha penalty coeficient between 0 and 1. alpha=0 only considers
#' the ridge penlaty and alpha=1 only considers the lasso penalty. Otherwise,
#' it considers a convex combination of these two penalties. Defualt is NULL, i.e.,
#' no penalty.
#' @param lambda coeficient for the elastic net penalty.
#' There are three possible scenarios: (1) If alpha is defined NULL, no penalty
#' (ridge or lasso) is considered regardless of values of lambda; (2)
#' If alpha is not NULL but lambda is NULL, it first calculates
#' the largest value of lambda (lambda.max) for which all coefficients become zero.
#' Then it considers an exponentially decreasing sequence of lambda starting from
#' lambda.max ges toward lambda.min (lambda.min=0.01*lambda.max if p>n, otherewise
#' lambda.min=0.0001*lambda.max) and return their corresponding coefficients.
#' (3) If a value for lambda is specified, our algorithm returns
#' coefficients for specified pair of (lambda, alpha). The default is NULL.
#' @param nlambda number of elements to be considered for scenario (2) above.
#' Default is 100.
#' @param lambda.scale we scale lambda.max to make sure we start with a lambda
#' for which we get all coefficients equal to 0. Default is 1.
#' @param num.strata.lambda number of sample strata to estimate maximum lambda (lambda.max)
#' when alpha is not NULL and lambda=NULL (see lambda).
#' @param parallel.flag to specify if we want to use parallel computing for
#' inference. Default is "F", i.e., no parallel computing.
#' @param num.cores number of cores for parallel computing. The default is "NULL"
#' for which if parallel.flag=T, it uses all available cores on your system.
#' @param bigmemory.flag determins if data needs to be read off the memory in case
#' data does not fit memory. Default is F, not to use bigmemoty package.
#' @param num.rows.chunk maximum number of rows per chunk to be read off the memory.
#' This is crucial for the large datasets that do not fit memory.
#' Use fewer number of rows for the large number of features, especially
#' if you receive an error due to lack of memory. The default value is 1e6 rows.
#' @param col.names a vector of characters for column names of data.
#' If NULL, the column names of dataset "data" will be selected. The default
#' is NULL (i.e., reads columns of given dataset).
#' @return coef: Log of hazards ratio. If no inference is used, it returns a vector for estimated
#' coefficients: If inference is used, it returns a matrix including estimates and
#' confidence intervals of coefficients. In case of penalization, it resturns a
#' matrix with columns corresponding to lambdas.
#' @return coef.exp: Exponentiated version of coef (hazards ratio).
#' @return lambda: Returns lambda(s) used for penalizarion.
#' @return alpha: Returns alpha used for penalizarion.
#' @return features.mean: Returns means of features, if given or calculated
#' @return Returns standard deviations of features, if given or calculated.
#' @examples
#' # Simulated survival data - just estimation and no confidence interval
#' data(survData) # a dataset with 1000 observations (rows) and 10 features (columns)
#' resultsBig <- bigSurvSGD(formula=Surv(time, status)~.,data=survData, inference.method="none",
#' parallel.flag=TRUE, num.cores=2)
#' resultsBig
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Simulated survival data
#' data(survData) # a dataset with 1000 observations (rows) and 10 features (columns)
#' resultsBig <- bigSurvSGD(formula=Surv(time, status)~.,data=survData, inference="none",
#' parallel.flag=TRUE, num.cores=2)
#' resultsBig
#' }
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Simulated survival data to be read off the memory
#' data(survData) # a dataset with 1000 observations (rows) and 10 features (columns)
#' # Save dataset survSGD as bigSurvSGD to be read chunk-by-chunk off the memory
#' write.csv(survData, file.path(tempdir(), "bigSurvData.csv"), row.names = FALSE)
#' dataPath <- file.path(tempdir(), "bigSurvData.csv") # path to where data is
#' resultsBigOffMemory <- bigSurvSGD(formula=Surv(time, status)~., data=dataPath,
#' bigmemory.flag=TRUE, parallel.flag=TRUE, num.cores=2)
#' resultsBigOffMemory
#' }
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Simulated sparse survival data
#' data(sparseSurvData) # a sparse data with 100 observations (rows) and 150 features (columns)
#' resultsBigSparse <- bigSurvSGD(formula=Surv(time, status)~.,data=sparseSurvData,
#' alpha=0.9, lambda=0.1)
#' resultsBigSparse
#' }
#' @export
bigSurvSGD <- function(formula=Surv(time=time, status=status)~., data,
norm.method="standardize", features.mean=NULL,,
opt.method="AMSGrad", beta.init=NULL, beta.type="averaged",
lr.const=0.12, lr.tau=0.5, strata.size=20, batch.size=1,
num.epoch=100, b1=0.9, b2=0.99, eps=1e-8, inference.method="plugin",
num.boot=1000, num.epoch.boot=100, boot.method="SGD", lr.const.boot=0.12,
lr.tau.boot=0.5, num.sample.strata=1000, sig.level=0.05, beta0=0,
alpha=NULL, lambda=NULL, nlambda=100, num.strata.lambda=10, lambda.scale=1,
parallel.flag=FALSE, num.cores=NULL,
bigmemory.flag=FALSE, num.rows.chunk=1e6, col.names=NULL){
# Reading big data off the memory
if (!bigmemory.flag){ # if not using bigmemory
if (!{ # if you give a path for your data <- read.csv(file = data)
}else{ # # if you give data frame <- data
} else { # if you aim to use bigmemory
# If you provide an address to read your data, it will be read as bigmemmory
if (!is.null(col.names)){ # if dataset does not feature names and you provide it as "col.names" <- read.big.matrix(filename=data, sep=",",
skip=0, header = TRUE, col.names = col.names)
} else { # if dataset already has feature names <- read.big.matrix(filename=data, sep=",",
skip=0, header = TRUE)
# Number of rows in the original
num.rows.big <- nrow(
# Check if there is at least one covariate
if (ncol( < 3){
stop("data must have 3 or more columns: time, status, and at least one feature")
# Choose a smaller number of strata size if number of rows are less than strata size times mini-batch size
if (nrow( < 2){
stop("Sample size is too small (with size less than 2)")
## All variables in your formula
all.variables <- all.vars(formula)
# indices for "time" and "status" (the first two elements of )
surv.indices <- match(all.variables[1:2], colnames(
if (length(all.variables)==3 & all.variables[3]=="."){ # if all features must be used in the analysis
# indices for desired features except "time" and "status"
features.indices <- setdiff(1:NCOL(, surv.indices)
sub.col.names <- colnames([features.indices]
}else{ # If a subset of feature(s) must be used in the analysis
# indices for desired features except "time" and "status"
features.indices <- match(all.variables[3:length(all.variables)], colnames(
sub.col.names <- all.variables[3:length(all.variables)]
## check if strata and mini-batch sizes are small enough for given number observations
## If not, decrease them until at least we have two mini-batches of strata
chengeStrataBatch <- (strata.size>floor(num.rows.big/batch.size)) & (strata.size>2)
while((strata.size>floor(num.rows.big/batch.size)) & (strata.size>2)){
if (batch.size>1){
batch.size <- max(floor(batch.size/2),1)
strata.size <- max(floor(num.rows.big/batch.size),2)
warning(paste0("Strata size times batch size is greater than number of observations.\n This package resizes them to strata size = ", strata.size, " and batch size = ", batch.size))
## Estimate mean and standard deviation of features for normalization
# Number of chunks must be read in case there are many subjects
num.sub.sample <- floor(num.rows.big/num.rows.chunk)
chunks.length <- c(0, rep(num.rows.chunk, floor(num.rows.big/num.rows.chunk)),
if(num.rows.big %% num.rows.chunk != 0){num.rows.big %% num.rows.chunk})
if (is.null(features.mean) & is.null({ # if mean and standard deviation of features were not provided
if (norm.method == "center"){ # if only centering is needed
n2 <- 0
features.mean <- 0
for (i in 1:(length(chunks.length)-1)){
indices.chunk <- (sum(chunks.length[1:i])+1):(sum(chunks.length[1:(i+1)])) <-[indices.chunk, features.indices]
n1 <- NROW(
if (NCOL( > 1){
M1 <- colMeans(, na.rm = TRUE)
M1 <- mean(, na.rm = TRUE)
features.mean <- (n1*M1+n2*features.mean)/(n1+n2)
n2 <- n1+n2
} <- rep(1,NCOL(
}else if (norm.method == "scale" || norm.method == "standardize") { # If scaling or normalization is needed
n2 <- 0
features.mean <- 0 <- 0
for (i in 1:(length(chunks.length)-1)){
indices.chunk <- (sum(chunks.length[1:i])+1):(sum(chunks.length[1:(i+1)])) <-[indices.chunk, features.indices]
n1 <- NROW(
if (NCOL( > 1){
M1 <- colMeans(, na.rm = TRUE)
M1 <- mean(, na.rm = TRUE)
if (NCOL( > 1){
S1 <- colMeans(^2, na.rm = TRUE)-M1^2
S1 <- mean(^2, na.rm = TRUE)-M1^2
M2 <- features.mean
S2 <-
features.mean <- (n1*M1+n2*M2)/(n1+n2) <- 1/(n1+n2)*(n1*S1+n2*S2+(n1*n2)/(n1+n2)*(M1-M2)^2)
n2 <- n1+n2
} <- sqrt(
} else {
features.mean <- rep(0,NCOL( <- rep(1,NCOL(
# Check if there is at least one covariate
if (sum( > 0){
stop(paste0("feature(s) ", colnames([features.indices][which(],
" is/are constant without any variability"))
# Maximum penalty coefficient (lambda) for which all coefficients become 0
lambda.max <- function(, strata.size, num.rows.big, num.rows.chunk, num.strata.lambda,
features.indices, surv.indices){
# maps chunk size to be divisible by strata size
num.rows.chunk <- strata.size*floor(num.rows.big/strata.size)
# determine how many iterations of data needed to achieve total sample strata
num.round <- num.strata.lambda/floor(num.rows.big/strata.size)
num.round.vec <- c(rep(floor(num.rows.big/strata.size),floor(num.round)),
if((num.round %% 1)>0){ceiling((num.round %% 1)*floor(num.rows.big/strata.size))})
indices.stratas <- NULL
for (i in 1:length(num.round.vec)){
indices.stratas <- c(indices.stratas, sample(1:num.rows.big, num.round.vec[i]*strata.size, replace = FALSE))
# Initialize sum of gradient
gt.sum <- 0
# determine number of chunks
num.round <- length(indices.stratas)/num.rows.chunk
num.round.vec <- cumsum(c(0, rep(num.rows.chunk, floor(num.round)),
if((num.round %% 1)>0){ceiling((num.round %% 1)*num.rows.chunk)}))
# a loop over chunks of data
for (i.chunk in 1:(length(num.round.vec)-1)){
# Indices for a chunk of data
indices.chosen <- indices.stratas[(num.round.vec[i.chunk]+1):(num.round.vec[i.chunk+1])] <- as.matrix([indices.chosen, c(surv.indices, features.indices)])
gt.sum <- gt.sum + lambdaMaxC(, strata.size, norm.method, features.mean,
# returns maximum element of absolute sum of gradients
## A function that performs a round of estimate with prespecified number of epochs
## This function is also used to get estimates from bootstrap resamples for constructing CI <- function(, num.rows.chunk, num.rows.big, norm.method, opt.method,
beta.init, beta.type,
lr.const, lr.tau, strata.size, batch.size,
num.epoch, b1, b2, eps,
lambda, alpha, bootstrap,
features.indices, surv.indices,
# initializes beta with
beta.norm <- beta.init
# Initializes parameters for ADAM and AMSGrad
t <- 0
m <- rep(0, length(beta.init))
v <- rep(0, length(beta.init))
vHat <- rep(0, length(beta.init))
if (bootstrap){ # if replacement use sample with repalcement
sample.indices.all <- sample(1:num.rows.big, num.rows.big , replace = TRUE)
}else{ # if non-bootstrap, it samples without replacement
sample.indices.all <- sample(1:num.rows.big, num.rows.big , replace = FALSE)
# divides data indices to chunks of indices if data size is greater than chunk size
num.rows.chunk <- strata.size*floor(num.rows.chunk/strata.size)
num.round <- num.rows.big/num.rows.chunk
num.round.vec <- cumsum(c(0, rep(num.rows.chunk, floor(num.round)),
if((num.round %% 1)>0){ceiling((num.round %% 1)*num.rows.chunk)}))
# a loop over epochs
for (n_e in 1:num.epoch){
# Shuffles indices for new epoch
sample.indices <- sample(sample.indices.all, num.rows.big, replace = FALSE)
# goes through all chunks of data for an epoch
for (i.chunk in 1:(length(num.round.vec)-1)){
# Indices for each chunk of data
indices.chosen <- sample.indices[(num.round.vec[i.chunk]+1):(num.round.vec[i.chunk+1])]
# Sub-data for a chunk of data <- as.matrix([indices.chosen, c(surv.indices, features.indices)])
# Add a small jitter to time-to-event outcomes to deal with ties
time.unique.sorted <- sort(unique([,1]))
sd.jitter <- 0.1*min(abs(time.unique.sorted[2:length(time.unique.sorted)]-
time.unique.sorted[1:(length(time.unique.sorted)-1)]))[,1] <-[,1]+rnorm(NROW(, mean=0, sd=sd.jitter)
# update the coefficients and parameters for one chunk of data
oneChunkResult <- oneChunkC(, beta.init, beta.type,
strata.size, batch.size,
t, m, v, vHat, lr.const, lr.tau,
opt.method, norm.method,
b1, b2, eps,
lambda, alpha,
# update parameters after each chunk of data
beta.init <- oneChunkResult$beta
beta.ave <- oneChunkResult$betaAve
t <- oneChunkResult$t
tAve <- oneChunkResult$tAve
m <- oneChunkResult$m
v <- oneChunkResult$v
vHat <- oneChunkResult$vHat
if (beta.type == "averaged"){ # calculate average over iterates
beta.norm <- ((t-tAve)*beta.norm+tAve*oneChunkResult$betaAve)/t
}else{ # calculate single estimate
beta.norm <- beta.init
} # for chunks
} # for epoch
## One iterate of plugin approach for a single subject
do.plugin <- function(k,, num.rows.chunk, num.rows.big,
norm.method, beta.hat,
strata.size, num.sample.strata,
surv.indices, features.indices, features.mean,{
# number of iteration of data needed for total sample strata
num.round <- num.sample.strata/floor((num.rows.big-1)/(strata.size-1))
num.round.vec <- c(rep(floor((num.rows.big-1)/(strata.size-1)),floor(num.round)),
if((num.round %% 1)>0){ceiling((num.round %% 1)*floor((num.rows.big-1)/(strata.size-1)))})
# exclude observation k from whole cohort
indices.Not.k <- (1:num.rows.big)[-k]
indices.stratas <- NULL
for (i in 1:length(num.round.vec)){
indices.stratas <- c(indices.stratas, sample(indices.Not.k, num.round.vec[i]*(strata.size-1), replace = FALSE))
r.cum <- 0
h.cum <- 0
# maps chunk size to a number that is divisible by starta.size-1
num.rows.chunk <- (strata.size-1)*floor(num.rows.chunk/(strata.size-1))
num.round <- length(indices.stratas)/num.rows.chunk
num.round.vec <- cumsum(c(0, rep(num.rows.chunk, floor(num.round)),
if((num.round %% 1)>0){ceiling((num.round %% 1)*num.rows.chunk)}))
# a loop over chunks of data
for (i.chunk in 1:(length(num.round.vec)-1)){
# check if we are at the last chunk and that we have enough data
# Indices for a chunk of data
indices.chosen <- indices.stratas[(num.round.vec[i.chunk]+1):(num.round.vec[i.chunk+1])]
# Sub-data for a chunk of data <- as.matrix([c(k, indices.chosen), c(surv.indices, features.indices)])
oneObsResults <- oneObsPlugingC(, beta.hat, strata.size, norm.method, features.mean,
r.cum <- r.cum + oneObsResults$Grad
h.cum <- h.cum + oneObsResults$Hessian
r.cum <- r.cum/num.sample.strata
h.cum <- h.cum/num.sample.strata
r.cum <- matrix(r.cum, ncol = 1)%*%matrix(r.cum, nrow = 1)
# return H and V matrices corresponding to observation k
list(r.cum=r.cum, h.cum=h.cum)
# initializes beta as 0 if not specified in advance
if (is.null(beta.init)){
beta.init <- matrix(0,length(features.indices),1)
# If alpha specified but not lambda, it estimates maximum lambda and then makes a vector of lambdas
if (!is.null(alpha) & is.null(lambda)){
# Makes sure alpha is greater than or equal to 0
if (alpha < 0){
warning("alpha < 0; set to 0")
alpha <- 0
# Makes sure alpha is less than or equal to 1
if (alpha > 1){
warning("alpha > 1; set to 1")
alpha <- 1
# Estimates maximum lambda for which all coefiicients are 0 (it scales up with factor lambda.scale)
lam.max <- lambda.max(, strata.size, num.rows.big, norm.method, num.strata.lambda,
features.indices, surv.indices) * lambda.scale
# If number of features is less than number of subjects, consider vector of smaller lambdas
if (length(features.indices) < num.rows.big){
lam.min <- 0.01*lam.max
lam.min <- 0.0001*lam.max
# Creates a vector of lambda with maximum element of lam.max
lambdaAll <- round(lam.max * (lam.min/lam.max)^seq(0,1,l=nlambda), 10)
# Initializes a matrix with each column is for each lambda
beta.hat <- matrix(0, length(beta.init), length(lambdaAll))
colnames(beta.hat) <- paste0("lambda=", lambdaAll)
rownames(beta.hat) <- sub.col.names
# Estimates coefficients for all specified lambdas given by lambdaAll
for (l in 1:length(lambdaAll)){
results.hat <-, num.rows.chunk, num.rows.big, norm.method, opt.method,
beta.init, beta.type="single",
lr.const, lr.tau, strata.size, batch.size,
num.epoch, b1, b2, eps,
lambda=lambdaAll[l], alpha, bootstrap=FALSE,
features.indices, surv.indices,
# Uses estimated coefficients from a bigger lambda for smaller lambdas
beta.init <- results.hat
beta.hat[,l] <- results.hat
# Scales back the coefficients is "scaling" or "normalization has been used"
beta.hat[!=0,] <- beta.hat[!=0,]/matrix(rep([!=0], length(lambdaAll)), nrow(beta.hat),
length(lambdaAll), byrow = FALSE)
beta.hat.exp <- exp(beta.hat)
lambda <- lambdaAll
}else if (!is.null(alpha) & !is.null(lambda)){
# Makes sure alpha is greater than or equal to 0
if (alpha < 0){
warning("alpha < 0; set to 0")
alpha <- 0
# Makes sure alpha is less than or equal to 1
if (alpha > 1){
warning("alpha > 1; set to 1")
alpha <- 1
# Makes sure lambda is greater than or equal to 0
if (lambda < 0){
warning("lambda < 0; set to 0")
lambda <- 0
# Estimates coefficients for speficed pair of (alpha, lambda)
beta.hat <-, num.rows.chunk, num.rows.big, norm.method, opt.method,
beta.init, beta.type="single",
lr.const, lr.tau, strata.size, batch.size,
num.epoch, b1, b2, eps,
lambda, alpha, bootstrap=FALSE,
features.indices, surv.indices,
# Scales back the coefficients is "scaling" or "normalization has been used"
beta.hat[!=0] <- beta.hat[!=0]/[!=0]
names(beta.hat) <- sub.col.names
beta.hat.exp <- exp(beta.hat)
}else{ # No regularization
alpha <- 0
lambda <- 0
# Estimates coefficients without regularization
beta.hat <-, num.rows.chunk, num.rows.big, norm.method, opt.method,
beta.init, beta.type,
lr.const, lr.tau, strata.size, batch.size,
num.epoch, b1, b2, eps,
lambda=0, alpha=0, bootstrap=FALSE,
features.indices, surv.indices,
if (inference.method == "bootstrap"){ # Uses bootstrap approach for constructing confidence interval
# Initializes coefficients for non-bootstrap sample and bootstrap resamples
if (!parallel.flag){ # If parallel computation has not been requested
beta.boot <- matrix(0, length(beta.hat), num.boot)
for (i in 1:num.boot){
beta.boot[, i] <-, num.rows.chunk, num.rows.big, norm.method, opt.method=boot.method,
beta.hat, beta.type,
lr.const=lr.const.boot, lr.tau=lr.tau.boot, strata.size, batch.size,
num.epoch.boot, b1, b2, eps,
lambda=0, alpha=0, bootstrap=TRUE,
features.indices, surv.indices,
}else{ # If parallel computation has been requested
# Uses all cores of your system if it has not been specified
if (is.null(num.cores)){
num.cores <- detectCores()
# Registers requested number of cores
# cl <- makeCluster(num.cores)
registerDoParallel(cores = num.cores)
beta.boot <- foreach(i=1:num.boot, .combine = cbind) %dopar% {, num.rows.chunk, num.rows.big, norm.method, opt.method=boot.method,
beta.hat, beta.type,
lr.const=lr.const.boot, lr.tau=lr.tau.boot, strata.size, batch.size,
num.epoch.boot, b1, b2, eps,
lambda=0, alpha=0, bootstrap=TRUE,
features.indices, surv.indices,
# Estimates quantiles and then CI
quantiles.boot <- apply((beta.boot-matrix(rep(beta.hat, num.boot),
length(beta.hat), num.boot, byrow = FALSE)), 1,
function(x) quantile(x, probs = c((sig.level/2),
(1-sig.level/2)), na.rm = TRUE))
beta.hat <- cbind(beta.hat,
rownames(beta.hat) <- sub.col.names
colnames(beta.hat) <- c("estimate", paste0("lower ", (1-sig.level),"%CI"), paste0("upper ", (1-sig.level),"%CI"))
# Scales back the coefficients is "scaling" or "normalization has been used"
beta.hat[!=0,1:3] <- beta.hat[!=0,1:3]/matrix(rep([!=0], 3), nrow(beta.hat), 3, byrow = FALSE)
beta.hat.exp <- exp(beta.hat)
} else if (inference.method == "plugin") { # Uses plugin approach for constructing confidence interval
v.hat <- h.hat <- 0
if (!parallel.flag){
for (k in 1:num.rows.big){
results.vh <- do.plugin(k,, num.rows.chunk, num.rows.big,
norm.method, beta.hat,
strata.size, num.sample.strata,
surv.indices, features.indices, features.mean,
v.hat <- v.hat+results.vh$r.cum
h.hat <- h.hat+results.vh$h.cum
# Uses all cores of your system if it has not been specified
if (is.null(num.cores)){
num.cores <- detectCores()
# Registers requested number of cores
#cl <- makeCluster(num.cores)
registerDoParallel(cores = num.cores)
grad.hes <- foreach(k=1:num.rows.big) %dopar% {
do.plugin(k,, num.rows.chunk, num.rows.big,
norm.method, beta.hat,
strata.size, num.sample.strata,
surv.indices, features.indices, features.mean,
for (i in 1:length(grad.hes)){
v.hat <- v.hat+grad.hes[[i]]$r.cum
h.hat <- h.hat+grad.hes[[i]]$h.cum
v.hat <- strata.size^2 * v.hat / num.rows.big
h.hat <- h.hat / num.rows.big
# Estimates covariance matrix and then CI
Sigma.hat <- solve(h.hat) %*% v.hat %*% solve(h.hat)
se.hat <- sqrt(diag(Sigma.hat)/num.rows.big)
t.stat <- (beta.hat-beta0)/se.hat
p.value <- 2*pt(-abs(t.stat),df=num.rows.big-1)
beta.hat <- cbind(beta.hat, beta.hat - qt(1-(sig.level/2), df=num.rows.big) * se.hat,
beta.hat + qt(1-(sig.level/2), df=num.rows.big) * se.hat,
t.stat, p.value)
colnames(beta.hat) <- c("estimate", paste0("lower ", (1-sig.level),"%CI"), paste0("upper ", (1-sig.level),"%CI"), "z", "p-value")
rownames(beta.hat) <- sub.col.names
# Scales back the coefficients is "scaling" or "normalization has been used"
beta.hat[!=0,1:3] <- beta.hat[!=0,1:3]/
matrix(rep([!=0], 3), nrow(beta.hat), 3, byrow = FALSE)
beta.hat.exp <- beta.hat
beta.hat.exp[,c(1,2,3)] <- exp(beta.hat[,c(1,2,3)])
}else{ # If constructing CI has not been asked
names(beta.hat) <- sub.col.names
beta.hat[!=0] <- beta.hat[!=0]/[!=0]
beta.hat.exp <- exp(beta.hat)
out <- NULL
out$coef <- beta.hat
out$coef.exp <- beta.hat.exp
out$lambda <- lambda
out$alpha <- alpha
out$features.mean <- features.mean
out$ <-
out$call <-
class(out) <- "bigSurvSGD"
#' A S3 function to print output
#' @rdname bigSurvSGD
#' @param x a 'bigSurvSGD' object
#' @exportMethod
#' S3method(bigSurvSGD, "bigSurvSGD", met="print.bigSurvSGD")
print.bigSurvSGD <- function(x, ...){
cat("\nCoefficients (log hazards ratio)\n")
X5 <- matrix(NA, nrow(x$coef),1)
colnames(X5) < "p-value"
for(i in 1:nrow(x$coef)){
X5[i] <- "<2e-16 ***"
}else if(x$coef[i,5]<0.001){
X5[i] <- "<0.001 ***"
}else if(x$coef[i,5]<0.01){
X5[i] <- "<0.01 **"
}else if(x$coef[i,5]<0.05){
X5[i] <- paste0(round(x$coef[i,5],2), " *")
X5[i] <- paste0(round(x$coef[i,5],2))
X <- data.frame(cbind(round(x$coef[,1:4],4), X5))
colnames(X)[5] <- "p-value'"
cat("\nCoefficients (hazards ratio)\n")
X <- data.frame(cbind(round(x$coef.exp[,1:4],4), X5))
colnames(X)[5] <- "p-value"
#' A S3 function to plot coefficients against lambdas
#' @rdname bigSurvSGD
#' @param x a 'bigSurvSGD' object
#' @param ... additional argument used
#' @exportMethod
#' S3method(bigSurvSGD, "bigSurvSGD", met="plot.bigSurvSGD")
plot.bigSurvSGD <- function(x, ...){
plot(x$lambda, x$coef[1,], xlab = "lambda", ylab = "coefficients", type = "l", col=1,
ylim = c(min(x$coef), max(x$coef)))
for(l in 2:nrow(x$coef)){
lines(x$lambda, x$coef[l,], lty=1, col=l)
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