
predict.bigssp <-
           design=FALSE,smoothMatrix=FALSE,intercept=NULL,...) {
    ###### Predicts for class "bigssp" objects
    ###### Nathaniel E. Helwig (helwig@umn.edu)
    ###### Last modified: January 22, 2017
    ### check newdata
    effect <- effect[1]
    if(!any(effect==c("all","0","lin","non"))){stop("Must set 'effect' to one of four specified options.")}
      yhat <- object$modelspec$coef[1]
        pse <- sqrt(sum(object$modelspec$coef.csqrt[1,]^2))
        predssp <- list(fit=as.numeric(yhat),se.fit=pse)
      } else {
        predssp <- as.numeric(yhat)
    xnames <- names(object$xvars)
    nxvar <- length(object$xvars)
      newdata <- object$xvars
    } else {
      newdata <- as.list(newdata)
      newDnames <- names(newdata)
      if(is.null(newDnames)){stop("Variable names in 'newdata' must match those of 'xvars' element of input 'object'.")}
      midx <- match(newDnames,xnames)
      widx <- which(is.na(midx))
        if(length(widx)==length(newdata)){stop("Variable names in 'newdata' must match those of 'xvars' element of input 'object'.")}
        midx <- midx[-widx]
        newdata <- newdata[-widx]
        newDnames <- newDnames[-widx]
        midx <- match(newDnames,xnames)
      lenmidx <- length(midx)
        amidx <- 1:nxvar
        for(k in 1:lenmidx){amidx <- amidx[-which(amidx==midx[k])]}
        newDnames <- c(newDnames,xnames[amidx])
        newdata <- c(newdata,rep(NA,nxvar-lenmidx))
      midx <- match(xnames,newDnames)
      newdata <- newdata[midx]
      names(newdata) <- xnames
    } # end if(is.null(newdata))
    ### check include
    newnames <- include
    oldnames <- object$tnames
    lnt <- length(newnames)
    midx <- match(newnames,oldnames)
    if(any(is.na(midx))){stop("Term names in 'include' must match those in 'tnames' element of input 'object'.")}
    newform <- as.formula(paste("y~",paste(newnames,collapse="+"),sep=""))
    trmfrm <- terms.formula(newform)
    et <- attr(trmfrm,"factors")
    etdim <- dim(et)
    etnames <- rownames(et)[2:etdim[1]]
    etidx <- match(etnames,xnames)
    Etab <- matrix(0L,nxvar,etdim[2])
    rownames(Etab) <- xnames
    Etab[etidx,] <- et[-1,]
    Etab <- rbind(0L,Etab)
    ### check for missing and transform
    newdim <- rep(NA,nxvar)
    for(k in 1:nxvar){
          stop(paste("No data in 'newdata' for",xnames[k],"term in 'include' input."))
          newdata[[k]] <- as.matrix(newdata[[k]]+0.0)
        } else {
          fidx <- match(newdata[[k]],object$modelspec$flvls[[k]])
          if(any(is.na(fidx))){stop(paste("Inappropriate 'newdata' for",xnames[k],"(factor levels don't match)."))}
          newdata[[k]] <- as.matrix(as.integer(fidx))
          newdata[[k]] <- (newdata[[k]]-object$modelspec$xrng[[k]][1])/(object$modelspec$xrng[[k]][2]-object$modelspec$xrng[[k]][1])
        newdim[k] <- nrow(newdata[[k]])
        if(k>1L && newdim[k]!=max(newdim,na.rm=TRUE)){stop("Must have same number of observations for each covariate in newdata.")}
      } else {
        newdata[[k]] <- NA
      } # end if(sum(Etab[k+1L,])>0)
    } # end for(k in 1:nxvar)
    ### make marginal reproducing kernel matrices
    rks <- makerkm(newdata,object$type,object$modelspec$myknots,object$modelspec$xrng,
    ### make design and penalty matrices
    if(lnt==length(oldnames) && effect=="all"){intid <- TRUE} else {intid <- includeint}
    intercept <- intercept[1]
      if(!is.logical(intercept)) stop("Input 'intercept' must be logical")
      intid <- intercept
    dps <- sspdpm(newdata,object$type,rks[1:3],object$modelspec$myknots,Etab,pred=TRUE,effect,intid)
    Knames <- colnames(dps$Kmat)
    nknots <- nrow(object$modelspec$myknots[[1]])
    ### get appropriate coefficients
    kidx <- jidx <- Jmat <- NULL
    pse <- NA
    gnames <- names(object$modelspec$thetas)
    nbf <- length(object$modelspec$coef)-nknots
      if(is.null(dps$Jmats)){stop("No non/linear effect for terms in 'include' input.")}
      thvec <- NULL
      for(j in 1:lnt){
        widx <- which(gnames==newnames[j])
        thvec <- c(thvec,object$modelspec$thetas[widx])
      jidx <- (nbf+1):(nbf+nknots)
      Jmat <- dps$Jmats%*%kronecker(thvec,diag(nknots))
      yhat <- Jmat%*%object$modelspec$coef[jidx]
      if(se.fit){pse <- sqrt(postvar(NULL,Jmat,object$modelspec$coef.csqrt[jidx,]))}
    } else if(is.null(dps$Jmats)){
      for(k in 1:nbf){kidx <- c(kidx,which(object$modelspec$Knames==Knames[k]))}
      kidx <- unique(kidx)
      yhat <- dps$Kmat%*%object$modelspec$coef[kidx]
      if(se.fit){pse <- sqrt(postvar(dps$Kmat,NULL,object$modelspec$coef.csqrt[kidx,]))}
    } else {
      for(k in 1:nbf){kidx <- c(kidx,which(object$modelspec$Knames==Knames[k]))}
      kidx <- unique(kidx)
      thvec <- NULL
      for(j in 1:lnt){
        widx <- which(gnames==newnames[j])
        thvec <- c(thvec,object$modelspec$thetas[widx])
      jidx <- (nbf+1):(nbf+nknots)
      Jmat <- dps$Jmats%*%kronecker(thvec,diag(nknots))
      yhat <- cbind(dps$Kmat,Jmat)%*%object$modelspec$coef[c(kidx,jidx)]
      if(se.fit){pse <- sqrt(postvar(dps$Kmat,Jmat,object$modelspec$coef.csqrt[c(kidx,jidx),]))}
    }# end if(is.null(Knames))
    ### collect new yhat
    if(se.fit | design | smoothMatrix){
      predssp <- list(fit=as.numeric(yhat))
      if(se.fit){predssp <- c(predssp,list(se.fit=pse))}
      if(design){predssp <- c(predssp,list(X=cbind(dps$Kmat,Jmat),ix=c(kidx,jidx)))}
      if(smoothMatrix){predssp <- c(predssp,list(S=tcrossprod(cbind(dps$Kmat,Jmat)%*%object$modelspec$coef.csqrt[c(kidx,jidx),])))}
    } else {
      predssp <- as.numeric(yhat)

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