
Defines functions predict.big_SVD predict.mhtest `[.big_sp_list` predict.big_sp_list predict.big_sp

Documented in predict.big_sp predict.big_sp_list predict.big_SVD predict.mhtest


#' Predict method
#' Predict method for class `big_sp`.
#' @param object Object of class `big_sp`.
#' @inheritParams bigstatsr-package
#' @param ... Not used.
#' @return A vector of scores, corresponding to `ind.row`.
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @seealso [big_spLinReg] and [big_spLogReg].
predict.big_sp <- function(object, X, ind.row, ind.col,
                           covar.row = NULL,
                           ncores = 1,
                           ...) {


  beta <- object$beta

  if (is.null(covar.row)) {

    ind.nozero <- which(beta != 0)
    scores <- big_prodVec(X, beta[ind.nozero], ind.row = ind.row,
                          ind.col = ind.col[ind.nozero], ncores = ncores)
  } else {

    assert_lengths(ind.row, rows_along(covar.row))

    ind.X <- seq_along(ind.col)
    ind.nozero <- which(beta[ind.X] != 0)
    scores <- big_prodVec(X, beta[ind.nozero], ind.row = ind.row,
                          ind.col = ind.col[ind.nozero], ncores = ncores) +
      drop(covar.row %*% beta[-ind.X])

  names(scores) <- ind.row
  scores + object$intercept


#' Predict method
#' Predict method for class `big_sp_list`.
#' @param object Object of class `big_sp_list`.
#' @inheritParams bigstatsr-package
#' @param ... Not used.
#' @param proba Whether to return probabilities?
#' @param base.row Vector of base predictions, corresponding to `ind.row`.
#' @return A vector of scores, corresponding to `ind.row`.
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @seealso [big_spLinReg] and [big_spLogReg].
predict.big_sp_list <- function(object, X,
                                ind.row = rows_along(X),
                                ind.col = attr(object, "ind.col"),
                                covar.row = NULL,
                                proba = (attr(object, "family") == "binomial"),
                                base.row = NULL,
                                ncores = 1,
                                ...) {


  if (is.null(base.row)) {
    if (any(attr(object, "base") != 0)) {
      stop2("You forgot to provide 'base.row' in predict().")
    base.row <- rep(0, length(ind.row))
  } else {
    assert_lengths(base.row, ind.row)

  covar_used <- (length(attr(object, "pf")) > length(attr(object, "ind.col")))
  if (covar_used && is.null(covar.row))
    stop2("You forgot to provide 'covar.row' in predict().")

  summ_best <- summary(object, best.only = TRUE)
  obj.big_sp <- structure(
    list(intercept = summ_best$intercept, beta = summ_best$beta[[1]]),
    class = "big_sp")

  one_score <- base.row + predict(obj.big_sp, X, ind.row, ind.col, covar.row, ncores)
  `if`(proba, 1 / (1 + exp(-one_score)), one_score)


#' @export
`[.big_sp_list` <- function(x, i, ...) {


  attr <- attributes(x)
  attr$alphas <- attr$alphas[i]

  r <- NextMethod("[")
  mostattributes(r) <- attr


#' Predict method
#' Predict method for class `mhtest`.
#' @param object An object of class `mhtest` from you get the probability
#'   function with possibly pre-transformation of scores.
#' @param scores Raw scores (before transformation) that you want to transform
#'   to p-values.
#' @param log10 Are p-values returned on the `log10` scale? Default is `TRUE`.
#' @param ... Not used.
#' @return Vector of **`log10(p-values)`** associated with `scores` and `object`.
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @seealso [big_univLinReg] and [big_univLogReg].
predict.mhtest <- function(object, scores = object$score, log10 = TRUE, ...) {

  scores.trans <- attr(object, "transfo")(scores)
  lpval        <- attr(object, "predict")(scores.trans)

  `if`(log10, lpval, 10^lpval)


#' Scores of PCA
#' Get the scores of PCA associated with an svd decomposition (class `big_SVD`).
#' @inheritParams bigstatsr-package
#' @param object A list returned by `big_SVD` or `big_randomSVD`.
#' @param ... Not used.
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @return A matrix of size \eqn{n \times K} where `n` is the number of samples
#' corresponding to indices in `ind.row` and K the number of PCs
#' computed in `object`. If `X` is not specified, this just returns
#' the scores of the training set of `object`.
#' @example examples/example-SVD.R
#' @seealso [predict][stats::prcomp] [big_SVD] [big_randomSVD]
predict.big_SVD <- function(object, X = NULL,
                            ind.row = rows_along(X),
                            ind.col = cols_along(X),
                            block.size = block_size(nrow(X)),
                            ...) {


  if (is.null(X)) {
    # U * D
    sweep(object$u, 2, object$d, '*')
  } else {
    # X * V
    big_prodMat(X, object$v,
                ind.row = ind.row,
                ind.col = ind.col,
                block.size = block.size,
                center = object$center,
                scale  = object$scale)


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bigstatsr documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:08 p.m.