
#     Michael Black 04 24 2013
#     Function: contains all the functions needed to run the examples in
#               Section 4.4 of the dissertation
#     List of functions:
#            1. for beta.dist()
#                a. f.p.ord()        gives the pdf for ordered p_i
#                b. p.f.p.ord()      p times pdf for p_i
#                c. beta.dist()      finds vector of ordered p_i
#            2. for halving()
#                a. get.tests()      iterates through number of tests
#                b. sub.grp.size()   splits groups into subgroups
#                c. halving()        finds pmf, ET and Var for halving
#            3.  for CRC 3-stage used by hierarchical and get.CRC
#                a.  Exp.Tk.3step     is for 3 steps gets the portion of E(T) for the given grouping
#                b. grps.iter.3step   iterates through all the possible groupings and sizes to find the optimal
#                c. Opt.grps.3step   calls grps.iter.3step for a specified group p and number of groupings g
#                d. Opt.grps.size_number.3step   gets opt groupings and opt sizes It calls Opt.grps.3step so looks at all possible groupings
#                e. Opt.grps.size_number_speedg.3step  is a simple modification to the above that lets us stop sooner
#            4. for ORC 3-stage used by hierarchical and get.CRC
#                a. Exp.T.3step        uses the Exp.Tk
#                b. get.fin.opt.3step  iterates until the optimal grouping is found, it assumes that
#                c. Opt.grps.speed1.3step  selects an initial estimate for groupings Then it calls the optimizer above for a specified number of groupings g
#                d. Opt.grps.size.speed.3step  iterates through the number of subgroups at stage 2 called g to find optimal
#                e. Opt.grps.size_number.speed.3step  is a simple modification to the above that lets us stop sooner
#            5. functions for Accuracy used by hierarchical and get.CRC
#                a. ProbY            Probability of actually testing testing using 3-step regrouping
#                b. ProbY.0          1-Polling specificity, obtained by changing the pi to zero one at a time and finding the pooled probability of testing positive.
#                c. ProbY.1          Polling sensitivity
#            Next same as above for 4-stages
#                d. ProbY.4s
#                e. ProbY.4s.0
#                f. ProbY.4s.1
#            6. 4-stage CRC  used by hierarchical and get.CRC
#                a. Exp.T.4step      first we get the ET for 4step.
#                b. steep.move       gives the descent part of steepest descent
#                c. grps.iter.both   iterates through m2 an m3 simultaneously
#                d. both.call.vec.g3  iterating the vec.g3 possibilities for each modified vec.g2
#                e. grps.iter.size.3s  iterates through the possible g2 given a g3
#                f. Opt.grps.size_number.4step iterates through the possible g3.
#            7. 4 stage ORC
#                a. Exp.T.4step.slow   first we get the ET for 4step.
#                b. grps.iter.4step.slow   Iterates through all the possible combinations for vec.g3 given a g3 and vec.g2 this will be replaced with faster
#                c. grps.iter.4s.slow  iterates through all the possible vec.g2 combinations given a g3
#                d. grps.iter.size.4s.slow   iterates through the possible g2 given a g3
#                e. Opt.grps.size_number.4step.slow   iterates through the possible g3.
#            8. converting notation
#                a. get.mc.3s
#                b. get.mc.4s
#            9. function called for hierarchical.desc()
#                a. get.g2_g3    to covert I2 and I3 to the form used in the programs
#                b. hierarchical.desc    gets descriptive values for given vector of p's and configuration
#            10. get.CRC         gets ORC or CRC for give vector of p's

#Start beta.dist() functions
#    Michael Black 03 12 2013
#     Function: Get E(p(i)) from a Beta distn. given a p and alpha or beta and alpha
#       calls: f.p.ord and p.f.p.ord which provide functions for beta distribution
#       inputs: p average probability = alpha/(alpha + beta),
#               or a b = beta parameter for the beta distribution,
#               a = alpha the alpha parameter for the beta distribution
#               grp.sz the number of individuals in the group
#               plot = FALSE produces a plot of the distribution with p(i) marked
#       if alpha = 0 uses an extreme value distribution based on a bernouli(p) for the p_i
#       if alpha = "inf" uses p_i = p for all i
#       note: including a value for b means function ignores p unles a = "inf"
#       demo(plotmath) will produce formatting notes for R labels creation

#PDF of ordered p_(i)
f.p.ord <- function(p, i, grp.sz, a, b) {
  factorial(grp.sz)/(factorial(i - 1)*factorial(grp.sz - i))*dbeta(x = p, shape1 = a, shape2 = b)*pbeta(q = p, shape1 = a, shape2 = b)^(i - 1)*
    (1 - pbeta(q = p, shape1 = a, shape2 = b))^(grp.sz - i)

#p * PDF of ordered p_(i) - used to find E(p_(i))
p.f.p.ord <- function(p, i, grp.sz, a, b) {
  p*factorial(grp.sz)/(factorial(i - 1)*factorial(grp.sz - i))*dbeta(x = p, shape1 = a, shape2 = b)*pbeta(q = p, shape1 = a, shape2 = b)^(i - 1) *
    (1 - pbeta(q = p, shape1 = a, shape2 = b))^(grp.sz - i)


# Start beta.dist()                                          

#' @title Expected value of order statistics from a beta distribution
#' @description Get the expected value of order statistics, E(p(i)), 
#' from a beta distribution by specifying an average probability 
#' and shape parameters for the beta distribution.
#' @param p average probability, \eqn{\frac{\alpha}{\alpha + \beta}}.
#' @param alpha the alpha parameter for the beta distribution. The 
#' details of the specification of \kbd{alpha} are given under 'Details'.
#' @param beta the beta parameter for the beta distribution, which is
#' calculated from the average probability, \kbd{p}, if it is not
#' specified. The details of the specification of \kbd{beta} are 
#' given under 'Details'.
#' @param grp.sz the number of individuals in the group.
#' @param simul a logical value indicating whether to use simulation. 
#' If simulation is used, the vector of probabilities is found by 
#' simulating 10,000 values from a beta distribution with
#' the specified shape parameters. If simulation is not used, 
#' the vector of individual probabilities is found using integration.
#' @param plot a logical value indicating whether to plot the 
#' distribution with p(i) marked.
#' @param rel.tol relative tolerance used for integration.
#' @details If \kbd{alpha} = 0, this function uses an extreme value 
#' distribution based on a Bernoulli(p) distribution to  find the 
#' individual probabilities, p_i. If \kbd{alpha} is infinite, this 
#' function uses \eqn{p_i=p} for all i.
#' If \kbd{beta} is not specified, it is calculated from the average
#' probability \kbd{p} as \eqn{b=a*\frac{1}{p-1}}. If \kbd{beta} is 
#' specified, this function ignores \kbd{p} unless \kbd{alpha} is 
#' infinite.
#' Depending on the specified probability, alpha level, and overall 
#' group size, simulation may be necessary in order to generate the 
#' vector of individual probabilities. In this case, the user should
#' specify \kbd{simul=TRUE} and set a seed in order to reproduce results. 
#' See Black et al. (2015) for additional details.
#' @return A vector of ordered probabilities, p_i.
#' @author This function was originally written by Michael S. 
#' Black for Black et al. (2015). The function was obtained 
#' from \url{http://chrisbilder.com/grouptesting}.
#' @references 
#' \insertRef{Black2015}{binGroup}
#' @seealso 
#' \url{http://chrisbilder.com/grouptesting}
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{p.vec.func}} for generating a vector of individual
#' risk probabilities for informative group testing (after checking 
#' whether simulation is needed) and \code{\link{Informative.array.prob}} 
#' for arranging a vector of individual risk probabilities in a matrix 
#' for informative array testing without master pooling.
#' @family Individual risk probability functions
#' @examples
#' # This example takes less than 1 second to run.
#' # Estimated running time was calculated using a 
#' #   computer with 16 GB of RAM and one core of an 
#' #   Intel i7-6500U processor.
#' set.seed(8791)
#' beta.dist(p=0.05, alpha=1, grp.sz=30)
#' # This example takes less than 1 second to run.
#' # Estimated running time was calculated using a 
#' #   computer with 16 GB of RAM and one core of an 
#' #   Intel i7-6500U processor.
#' set.seed(1002)
#' beta.dist(p=0.02, alpha=2, grp.sz=50, simul=TRUE)
#' # This example takes less than 1 second to run.
#' # Estimated running time was calculated using a 
#' #   computer with 16 GB of RAM and one core of an 
#' #   Intel i7-6500U processor.
#' set.seed(5732)
#' beta.dist(alpha=2, beta=5, grp.sz=15, plot=TRUE)
# function to get vector of p(i)
beta.dist <- function(p = 0.05,alpha = 1,beta = NULL, grp.sz = 10, simul = FALSE, plot = FALSE, rel.tol = ifelse(a >= 1, .Machine$double.eps^0.25,  .Machine$double.eps^0.1)) {
  a <- alpha
  b <- beta
  if (a == "inf"|| a == "hom") p.vec = rep(p, grp.sz)
  else if (a == 0) {
    p.vec <- numeric(grp.sz)
    save.err <- numeric(grp.sz)
    save.int <- 0
    for(i in 1:grp.sz) {
      save.int <- save.int + choose(grp.sz, (i - 1))*(p^(grp.sz - i + 1))*((1 - p)^(i - 1))
      p.vec[i] <- save.int
      save.err[i] <- 0
  else {
    if (is.null(b)) b = a*(1/p - 1)
    if (simul == FALSE) {
      p.vec <- numeric(grp.sz)
      save.err <- numeric(grp.sz)
      for(i in 1:grp.sz) {
        save.int <- integrate(f = p.f.p.ord, lower = 0, upper = 1, i = i, grp.sz = grp.sz, a = a, b = b, rel.tol = rel.tol)
        p.vec[i] <- save.int$value
        save.err[i] <- save.int$abs.error
    else  {
      print("Using simulation")
      presort <- matrix(rbeta(10000*grp.sz, a, b), ncol = grp.sz, byrow = 10000)
      sorted <- t(apply(presort,1,sort))
      p.vec <- colMeans(sorted)
  if (plot == TRUE && is.numeric(a) && a != 0) {
    get.beta  <- c(sort(rbeta(1000, a, b)), 1)
    y.beta <- dbeta(get.beta, a, b)
    max.y <- min(max(y.beta), 100)
    plot(x = get.beta, y = y.beta, type = "l",
         lwd = 1, col = "darkgreen", panel.first=grid(col = "gray"),
         xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, max.y),
         xlab = substitute(paste("PDF and ", italic(E)(italic(p)[(italic(i))]) , " for beta distribution with I = ", grp.sz, ", ", alpha, " = ", a, " and ", beta, " = ", b), list(grp.sz = grp.sz, a = a, b = b)),
         ylab = substitute(paste(italic(f)(italic(p)[italic(i)])), list()))
    points(x = p.vec, y = rep(0.5, length(p.vec)), type = "h", lwd = 1)
  if (plot == TRUE && !is.numeric(a) || a == 0) print("Sorry plot not available for homogeneous or extreme")
# End beta.dist() functions

# Start halving() functions
#    Michael Black 03 12 2013
#     Function: Halving PMF
#       calls:  get.tests combines possible number of tests
#               sub.grop.size  gets the subgroup sizes (could be added to main function)
#       inputs: se and sp sensitivity and specificity,
#               p a vector of individual probabilities
#               stages the number of stages for halving
#               order.p = TRUE if FALSE p.vec is not sorted for halving

#get.tests is called by halving
get.tests <- function(t1, t2) {
  t1 <- data.matrix(t1)
  t2 <- data.matrix(t2)
  one <- data.matrix(c(rep(x = 1, times = length(t1))))
  Tests <- c(1, t(one%x%t1 + t2%x%one + one%x%one))

#sub.grp.size called by halving
sub.grp.size <- function(I.0, stages) {
  if (stages == 2) {
  else if (stages == 3) {
    return(c(floor(I.0/2), I.0-floor(I.0/2)))
    #return(c(ceiling(I.0/2), I.0 - ceiling(I.0/2)))
  else {
    return(c(sub.grp.size(I.0 = floor(I.0/2), stages = stages - 1), sub.grp.size(I.0 = (I.0 - floor(I.0/2)), stages=stages - 1)))
    #return(c(sub.grp.size(I.0 = ceiling(I.0/2), stages = stages - 1), sub.grp.size(I.0 = (I.0 - ceiling(I.0/2)), stages=stages - 1)))

halving <- function(p, sp = 1, se = 1, stages = 2, order.p = TRUE) {
  if (order.p == TRUE) p <- sort(p)
  N <- length(p)
  if(stages < 2) {
    stages <- 2
    print("stages out of range, using dorfman")
  #these make sure that stages is in bounds for the program
  if(stages > 5) {
    stages = 5
    print("To many stages go back to 5")
  max.stages <- floor(log(N, 2)) + 1
  if (stages > max.stages) {
    stages <- max.stages
    print("To many stages using max.stages")
  # This splits it into final sub-groups
  fin.cnt <- sub.grp.size(I.0 = N, stages = stages)
  f <- length(fin.cnt)
  tb <- matrix(c(sp, 1 - sp, 1 - se, se), ncol = 2, byrow = 2)
  if (stages > 2){
    #the for loop below gets the matrix for the testing error part
    for (i in 2:(stages - 1)) {
      c1 <- c(sp, rep(1 - se, (2^(2^(i - 1)) -1)))
      ident <- diag(1 - c1)
      tb2 <- (tb%x%tb)
      tb3 <- t(t(tb2)%*%ident)
      tb <- cbind(c1, tb3)
    # below gets the tests matrix for given final sub-groups
    tests.start <- NULL
    for (i in 1:f) {
      tests.start <- rbind(tests.start, c(1, 1 + fin.cnt[i]))
    for (i in 1:(stages - 2)){
      tests.fin <- NULL
      for (k in 1:(f/(2^i))) {
        tests.fin <- rbind(tests.fin, get.tests(t1 = tests.start[(2*k - 1), ], t2 = tests.start[(2*k), ]))
      tests.start <- tests.fin
    Tests <- tests.start
  if (stages == 2) {
    Tests <- t(c(1, 1 + N))
  # gets the probability vector
  prob.p <- 1
  p.start <- 0
  for (j in 1:f) {
    p.end <- p.start + fin.cnt[j]
    p.part <- p[(p.start + 1):p.end]
    p.part.prod <- prod(1 - p.part)
    add.prob <- t(c(p.part.prod, 1 - p.part.prod))
    prob.p <- add.prob%x%prob.p
    p.start <- p.end
  prob.ts <- prob.p%*%tb
  test.prop <- rbind(Tests, prob.ts)
  #finalizes the pmf
  pmf <- rbind((by(test.prop[1, ], test.prop[1, ], sum)/by(test.prop[1, ],
                                                           test.prop[1, ], length)),
               by(test.prop[2, ], test.prop[1, ], sum))
  #get the E(T)
  et <- sum(pmf[1, ]*pmf[2, ])
  #get variance for T
  et2 <- sum(((pmf[1, ])^2)*pmf[2, ])
  vt <- et2 - et^2
  pmf <- data.frame(num.tests = round(pmf[1, ]), prob.tests = round(pmf[2, ], 4), row.names = NULL)
  list(pmf = pmf, et = et, vt = vt)
# End halving() functions

# Start  hierarchical.desc functions.
# First auxilary functions that are called by hierarchical
    #Start three-stage optimal functions()
# Function for grouping N individuals into g groups of optimized sizes
# 2/1/2011 Michael Black
# The idea here is to set up a recursive call to the function
# I1 goes from 1 to N-g+1
# I2 goes from ceiling1 to N-I1-g+2 , etc
# Ig is N-I1-I2-...-I(g-1)
#     this will need a conditional for final status

# Exp.Tk.3step is for 3 steps gets the portion of E(T) for the given grouping
Exp.Tk.3step <- function(p.group, p.rest, sp = 1, se = 1) {
  group.size <- length(p.group)
  if (group.size > 1) {
    ETk <- group.size*(((1 - sp)^2)*prod(1 - p.group)*prod(1 - p.rest) + se*(1 - sp)*(prod(1 - p.group)*(1 - prod(1 - p.rest))) + (se^2)*(1 - prod(1 - p.group)))
  else if (group.size == 1) ETk <- 0

#grps.iter.3step iterates through all the possible groupings and sizes to find the optimal
grps.iter.3step <- function(p, N, g, grps.size, opt.grps, fin.opt, sp, se) {
  N.all <- length(p)
  g.all <- length(opt.grps) - 1
  grps.start <- 1
  grps.fin <- N - g + 1
  if (g == 1) {
    opt.grps[g.all - g + 1] <- N.all - sum(opt.grps[1:g.all - 1])
    count <- 0
    opt.grps[g.all + 1] <- Exp.T.3step(p = p, opt.grps[1:g.all], sp = sp, se = se)
    if (opt.grps[g.all + 1] < fin.opt[g.all + 1]) {
      fin.opt <- opt.grps
  else if (g > 1) {
    for (i in grps.start:grps.fin) {
      grps.size <- i
      opt.grps[g.all - g + 1] <- i
      fin.opt <- grps.iter.3step(p = p, N = N - i, g = g - 1, grps.size = i, opt.grps = opt.grps, fin.opt = fin.opt, sp = sp, se = se)

#Opt.grps.3step calls grps.iter.3step for a specified group p and number of groupings g
Opt.grps.3step <- function(p, g = 2, sp = 1, se = 1){
  N <- length(p)
  opt.grps <- rep(0, g + 1)
  grps.size <- N - g + 1
  fin.opt <- c(rep(0, g), N + 2)
  out.this <- grps.iter.3step(p = p, N = N, g = g, grps.size = grps.size, opt.grps = opt.grps, fin.opt = fin.opt, sp = sp, se = se)

#This next program gets opt groupings and opt sizes
#   It calls Opt.grps.3step so looks at all possible groupings
Opt.grps.size_number.3step <- function(p, sp = 1, se = 1) {
  start.time <- proc.time()
  N <- length(p)
  expt.t <- 2*N
  Opt.all <- NULL
  for (g in 1:N) {
    Opt.sizes <- Opt.grps.3step(p = p, g = g, sp = sp, se = se)
    if (Opt.sizes[g + 1] < expt.t) {
      expt.t <- Opt.sizes[g + 1]
      Opt.all <- Opt.sizes
  end.time <- proc.time()
  save.time <- end.time-start.time
  cat("\n Number of minutes running for I = ", N, ":", save.time[3]/60, "\n \n")

# Opt.grps.size_number_speedg.3step is a simple modification to the above that lets us stop sooner
Opt.grps.size_number_speedg.3step<-function(p, sp = 1, se = 1) {
  start.time <- proc.time()
  N <- length(p)
  expt.t <- 2*N
  Opt.all <- NULL
  for (g in 1:N) {
    Opt.sizes <- Opt.grps.3step(p = p, g = g, sp = sp, se = se)
    if (Opt.sizes[g + 1] < expt.t) {
      expt.t <- Opt.sizes[g + 1]
      Opt.all <- Opt.sizes
    if (Opt.sizes[g + 1] > expt.t) break
  end.time <- proc.time()
  save.time <- end.time - start.time

#   The following improve the speed of the program
#       1 Set an initial grouping
#       2 add and subtract one from different groupings
#           to find the best groupings
# First get a function for Exp.T given a grouping
# this uses the Exp.Tk
Exp.T.3step <- function(p, grping, sp = 1, se = 1){
  g.all <- length(grping)
  N <- length(p)
  g.ord <- c(0, cumsum(grping))
  if (g.all > 1) {
    Exp.T<- 1 + g.all*((1 - sp)*prod(1 - p) + se*(1 - prod(1 - p)))
    for (i in 1:g.all) {
      Exp.T <- Exp.T + Exp.Tk.3step(p.group = p[(g.ord[i] + 1):g.ord[i + 1]], p.rest = p[-((g.ord[i] + 1):g.ord[i + 1])], sp = sp, se = se)
  if (g.all == 1) {
    Exp.T<-1 + grping*((1 - sp)*prod(1 - p) + se*(1 - prod(1 - p)))

#This Function iterates until the optimal grouping is found, it assumes that
#     the Exp.t is a convex function of the groupings
get.fin.opt.3step <- function( p, fin.opt, sp = 1, se = 1) {
  g <- length(fin.opt) - 1
  N <- length(p)
  init.grps <- fin.opt[1:g]
  chk.chg <- 0
  for (k in 1:g) {
    for (j in 1:2) {
      for (i in 1:g) {
        if (j == 1) {
          if (init.grps[i] > 1) {
            init.grps.mod <- init.grps
            init.grps.mod[i] <- init.grps.mod[i] - 1
            init.grps.mod[k] <- init.grps.mod[k] + 1
            chk.opt <- c(init.grps.mod, Exp.T.3step(p, grping = init.grps.mod, sp = sp, se = se))
            if ((chk.opt[g + 1]) < (fin.opt[g + 1])) {
              fin.opt <- chk.opt
              chk.chg <- 1
        if (j == 2) {
          if (init.grps[k] > 1) {
            init.grps.mod <- init.grps
            init.grps.mod[i] <- init.grps.mod[i] + 1
            init.grps.mod[k] <- init.grps.mod[k] - 1
            chk.opt <- c(init.grps.mod, Exp.T.3step(p, grping = init.grps.mod, sp = sp, se = se))
            if (chk.opt[g + 1] < fin.opt[g + 1]) {
              fin.opt <- chk.opt
              chk.chg <- 1
  if (chk.chg == 1) return(get.fin.opt.3step(p, fin.opt, sp = sp, se = se))
  if (chk.chg == 0) return(fin.opt)

# This function selects an initial estimate for groupings
#   Then it calls the optimizer above for a specified number of groupings g
# 6/15/11 Updated the starting point to be more efficient with ordering
Opt.grps.speed1.3step <- function(p, g, sp = 1, se = 1) {
  N <- length(p)
  init.grps <- c((N - (g - 1)), rep(1, g - 1))
  fin.opt <- c(init.grps, Exp.T.3step(p, grping = init.grps, sp = sp, se = se))
  fin.opt.out <- get.fin.opt.3step(p, fin.opt, sp = sp, se = se)

#This iterates through the number of subgroups at stage 2 called g to find optimal
Opt.grps.size.speed.3step <- function(p, sp = 1, se = 1) {
  start.time <- proc.time()
  N <- length(p)
  expt.t <- 2*N
  Opt.all <- NULL
  for (g in 1:N) {
    Opt.sizes <- Opt.grps.speed1.3step(p = p, g = g, sp = sp, se = se)
    if (Opt.sizes[g + 1] < expt.t) {
      expt.t <- Opt.sizes[g + 1]
      Opt.all <- Opt.sizes
  end.time <- proc.time()
  save.time <- end.time - start.time
  cat("\n Number of minutes running for I = ", N, ":", save.time[3]/60, "\n \n")

#Below is a simple modification to the above that lets us stop sooner
Opt.grps.size_number.speed.3step <- function(p, sp = 1, se = 1) {
  start.time <- proc.time()
  N <- length(p)
  expt.t <- 2*N
  Opt.all <- NULL
  for (g in 1:N) {
    Opt.sizes <- Opt.grps.speed1.3step(p = p, g = g, sp = sp, se = se)
    if (Opt.sizes[g + 1] < expt.t) {
      expt.t <- Opt.sizes[g + 1]
      Opt.all <- Opt.sizes
    if (Opt.sizes[g + 1] > expt.t) stop.count <- stop.count + 1
    if (stop.count > 1) break
  end.time <- proc.time()
  save.time <- end.time - start.time
#End three-stage functions

  #start accuracy measure functions
#   Author: Michael Black
#   Last Updated: 5-25-2012
#   Purpose: These functions were added to help get the
#             Expected individual testing probabilities and
#             diagnostic statistics
#         1. ProbY  gets the probability an individual tests positive
#         2. ProbY.0 gets individual 1 - specificity
#         3. ProbY.1 gets individual sensitivity
#         4-6 same for 4s

# Probability of actually testing testing using 3-step regrouping
ProbY <- function(p.vec, g3, sp=1, se=1) {
  g <- length(g3)
  N <- length(p.vec)
  p.ord <- p.vec
  g.ord <- c(0, cumsum(g3))
  Prob.Y <- NULL
  for (i in 1:g) {
    p.g2 <- p.ord[(g.ord[i] + 1):g.ord[i + 1]]
    I.g2 <- length(p.g2)
    if (I.g2 > 1) {
      for (j in 1:I.g2) {
        p.j <- p.g2[j]
        probYis <- ((1 - sp)^3)*prod(1 - p.ord) + se*((1 - sp)^2)*(prod(1 - p.g2) -
                                                                     prod(1 - p.ord)) + (se^2)*(1 - sp)*((1 - p.j) - prod(1 - p.g2)) + (se^3)*p.j
        Prob.Y <- rbind(Prob.Y, probYis)
    else if (I.g2 == 1) {
      p.j <- p.g2
      probYis <- ((1 - sp)^2)*prod(1 - p.ord) + se*(1 - sp)*((1 - p.j) - prod(1 - p.ord)) + (se^2)*p.j
      Prob.Y<-rbind(Prob.Y, probYis)

# 1-Polling specificity: Is specific for each individual
#                         obtained by changing the pi to zero one at a time
#                         and finding the pooled probability of testing positive.
#         Could be done on all the positives and negatives to see how they fall out.

ProbY.0 <- function(p.vec, g3, sp=1, se=1) {
  g <- length(g3)#Number of subgroups at stage 2
  N <- length(p.vec)
  p.ord <- p.vec
  g.ord <- c(0, cumsum(g3))
  Prob.Y <- NULL
  for (i in 1:g) {
    p.g2 <- p.ord[(g.ord[i] + 1):g.ord[i + 1]]
    I.g2 <- length(p.g2)
    if (I.g2 > 1) {
      for (j in 1:I.g2) {
        p.g2.mod <- p.g2
        p.ord.mod <- p.ord
        p.j <- 0
        p.g2.mod[j] <- 0
        p.ord.mod[g.ord[i] + j] <- 0
        probYis <- ((1 - sp)^3)*prod(1 - p.ord.mod) + se*((1 - sp)^2)*(prod(1 - p.g2.mod) - prod(1 - p.ord.mod)) + (se^2)*(1 - sp)*((1 - p.j) - prod(1 - p.g2.mod)) + (se^3)*p.j
        Prob.Y <- rbind(Prob.Y, probYis)
    else if (I.g2 == 1) {
      p.j <- 0
      p.ord.mod <- p.ord
      p.ord.mod[g.ord[i] + 1] <- 0
      probYis <- ((1 - sp)^2)*prod(1 - p.ord.mod) + se*(1 - sp)*((1 - p.j) - prod(1 - p.ord.mod)) + (se^2)*p.j
      Prob.Y <- rbind(Prob.Y, probYis)

ProbY.1 <- function(p.vec, g3, sp=1, se=1) {
  g <- length(g3)
  N <- length(p.vec)
  p.ord <- p.vec
  g.ord <- c(0, cumsum(g3))
  Prob.Y <- NULL
  for (i in 1:g) {
    p.g2 <- p.ord[(g.ord[i] + 1):g.ord[i + 1]]
    I.g2 <- length(p.g2)
    for (j in 1:I.g2) {
      if (I.g2 > 1) {
        Prob.Y <- rbind(Prob.Y, se^3)
      else if (I.g2 == 1) {
        Prob.Y <- rbind(Prob.Y, se^2)


#  4 step method for these tests

# 1-Polling specificity: Is specific for each individual
#                         obtained by changing the pi to zero one at a time
#                         and finding the pooled probability of testing positive.
#         Could be done on all the positives and negatives to see how they fall out.

ProbY.4s <- function(p.vec, vec.g2, vec.g3, sp = 1, se = 1) {
  g2 <- length(vec.g2)
  g3 <- length(vec.g3)
  N <- length(p.vec)
  p.ord <- p.vec
  g2.ord <- c(0,cumsum(vec.g2))
  g3.ord <- c(0,cumsum(vec.g3))
  Prob.Y <- NULL
  p.ord.prob <- prod(1-p.ord)
  for (i in 1:g2) {
    p.g2 <- p.ord[(g3.ord[(g2.ord[i] + 1)] + 1):g3.ord[g2.ord[i + 1] + 1]]
    p.g2.prob <- prod(1 - p.g2)
    for (j in (g2.ord[i] + 1):g2.ord[i + 1]) {
      p.g3 <- p.ord[(g3.ord[j] + 1):g3.ord[j + 1]]
      p.g3.prob <- prod(1 - p.g3)
      use.lgth <- length(p.g3)
      if (vec.g2[i] > 1) {
      if (use.lgth > 1) {
      for (k in 1:use.lgth) {
        p.k <- p.g3[k]
        probYis<-((1 - sp)^4)*p.ord.prob + se*((1 - sp)^3)*(p.g2.prob - p.ord.prob) +
                  (se^2)*((1 - sp)^2)*(p.g3.prob - p.g2.prob) +
                  (se^3)*(1 - sp)*((1 - p.k) - p.g3.prob) + (se^4)*p.k
        Prob.Y<-rbind(Prob.Y, probYis)
      else if (use.lgth == 1){
        probYis <- ((1 - sp)^3)*p.ord.prob + se*((1 - sp)^2)*(p.g2.prob - p.ord.prob) +
                  (se^2)*((1 - sp))*(p.g3.prob - p.g2.prob) +
                  (se^3)*(1 - p.g3.prob)
        Prob.Y <- rbind(Prob.Y, probYis)


      else if (vec.g2[i] == 1) {
      if (use.lgth > 1) {
      for (k in 1:use.lgth) {
        p.k <- p.g3[k]
        probYis <- ((1 - sp)^3)*p.ord.prob + se*((1 - sp)^2)*(p.g2.prob - p.ord.prob) +
                  (se^2)*(1 - sp)*((1 - p.k) - p.g3.prob) + (se^3)*p.k
        Prob.Y<-rbind(Prob.Y, probYis)

      else if (use.lgth == 1) {
        probYis <- ((1 - sp)^2)*p.ord.prob + se*((1 - sp))*(p.g2.prob - p.ord.prob) +
                  (se^2)*(1 - p.g3.prob)
        Prob.Y <- rbind(Prob.Y, probYis)


  #The following two if statements deal with the case of 4-stage optimal
  #     being a 3-stage configuration
  if (g2 == 1) {
   Prob.Y <- ProbY(p.vec = p.vec, g3 = vec.g3, sp = sp, se = se)
  if (g3 == N) {
   Prob.Y <- ProbY(p.vec = p.vec, g3 = vec.g2, sp = sp, se = se)


ProbY.4s.0 <- function(p.vec, vec.g2, vec.g3, sp = 1, se = 1) {
  g2 <- length(vec.g2)
  g3 <- length(vec.g3)
  N <- length(p.vec)
  p.ord <- p.vec
  g2.ord <- c(0, cumsum(vec.g2))
  g3.ord <- c(0, cumsum(vec.g3))
  Prob.Y <- NULL
  for (i in 1:g2) {
    p.g2 <- p.ord[(g3.ord[(g2.ord[i] + 1)] + 1):g3.ord[g2.ord[i + 1] + 1]]
    for (j in (g2.ord[i] + 1):g2.ord[i + 1]) {
      p.g3 <- p.ord[(g3.ord[j] + 1):g3.ord[j + 1]]
      use.lgth <- length(p.g3)
      for (k in 1:use.lgth) {
        p.k <- 0
        p.g3.0 <- p.g3
        p.g3.0[k] <- 0
        p.ord.0 <- p.ord
        p.ord.0[(g3.ord[j] + k)] <- 0
        p.g2.0 <- p.ord.0[(g3.ord[(g2.ord[i] + 1)] + 1):g3.ord[g2.ord[i + 1] + 1]]
        p.ord.prob <- prod(1 - p.ord.0)
        p.g2.prob <- prod(1 - p.g2.0)
        p.g3.prob <- prod(1 - p.g3.0)
      if (vec.g2[i] > 1) {
      if (use.lgth > 1) {
        probYis <- ((1 - sp)^4)*p.ord.prob + se*((1 - sp)^3)*(p.g2.prob - p.ord.prob) +
                  (se^2)*((1 - sp)^2)*(p.g3.prob - p.g2.prob) +
                  (se^3)*(1 - sp)*((1 - p.k) - p.g3.prob) + (se^4)*p.k
        Prob.Y<-rbind(Prob.Y, probYis)

      else if (use.lgth == 1){
        probYis<-((1 - sp)^3)*p.ord.prob + se*((1 - sp)^2)*(p.g2.prob - p.ord.prob) +
                  (se^2)*((1 - sp))*(p.g3.prob - p.g2.prob) +
                  (se^3)*(1 - p.g3.prob)
        Prob.Y<-rbind(Prob.Y, probYis)


      else if (vec.g2[i] == 1) {
      if (use.lgth > 1) {
        probYis <- ((1 - sp)^3)*p.ord.prob + se*((1 - sp)^2)*(p.g2.prob - p.ord.prob) +
                  (se^2)*(1 - sp)*((1 - p.k) - p.g3.prob) + (se^3)*p.k
        Prob.Y<-rbind(Prob.Y, probYis)
      else if (use.lgth == 1){
        probYis<-((1 - sp)^2)*p.ord.prob + se*((1 - sp))*(p.g2.prob - p.ord.prob) +
                  (se^2)*(1 - p.g3.prob)
        Prob.Y<-rbind(Prob.Y, probYis)


  #The following two if statements deal with the case of 4-stage optimal
  #     being a 3-stage configuration
  if (g2 == 1) {
   Prob.Y.0<- ProbY.0(p.vec = p.vec, g3 = vec.g3, sp = sp,se = se)
  if (g3 == N) {
   Prob.Y <- ProbY.0(p.vec = p.vec, g3 = vec.g2, sp = sp, se = se)



ProbY.4s.1 <- function(p.vec, vec.g2, vec.g3, sp = 1, se = 1) {
  g2 <- length(vec.g2)
  g3 <- length(vec.g3)
  N <- length(p.vec)
  p.ord <- p.vec
  g2.ord <- c(0, cumsum(vec.g2))
  g3.ord <- c(0, cumsum(vec.g3))
  Prob.Y <- NULL
  for (i in 1:g2) {
    p.g2 <- p.ord[(g3.ord[(g2.ord[i] + 1)] + 1):g3.ord[g2.ord[i + 1] + 1]]
    for (j in (g2.ord[i] + 1):g2.ord[i + 1]) {
      p.g3 <- p.ord[(g3.ord[j] + 1):g3.ord[j + 1]]
      use.lgth <- length(p.g3)
      for (k in 1:use.lgth) {
        p.k <- 1
        p.g3.1 <- p.g3
        p.g3.1[k] <- 1
        p.ord.1 <- p.ord
        p.ord.1[(g3.ord[j] + k)] <- 1
        p.g2.1 <- p.ord.1[(g3.ord[(g2.ord[i] + 1)] + 1):g3.ord[g2.ord[i + 1] + 1]]
        p.ord.prob <- prod(1 - p.ord.1)
        p.g2.prob <- prod(1 - p.g2.1)
        p.g3.prob <- prod(1 - p.g3.1)
      if (vec.g2[i] > 1) {
      if (use.lgth > 1) {
        probYis <- ((1 - sp)^4)*p.ord.prob + se*((1 - sp)^3)*(p.g2.prob - p.ord.prob) +
                  (se^2)*((1 - sp)^2)*(p.g3.prob - p.g2.prob) +
                  (se^3)*(1 - sp)*((1 - p.k) - p.g3.prob) + (se^4)*p.k
        Prob.Y <- rbind(Prob.Y, probYis)

      else if (use.lgth == 1) {
        probYis <- ((1 - sp)^3)*p.ord.prob + se*((1 - sp)^2)*(p.g2.prob - p.ord.prob) +
                  (se^2)*((1 - sp))*(p.g3.prob - p.g2.prob) +
                  (se^3)*(1 - p.g3.prob)
        Prob.Y <- rbind(Prob.Y, probYis)


      else if (vec.g2[i] == 1) {
      if (use.lgth > 1) {
        probYis <- ((1 -sp)^3)*p.ord.prob + se*((1 - sp)^2)*(p.g2.prob - p.ord.prob) +
                  (se^2)*(1 - sp)*((1 - p.k) - p.g3.prob) + (se^3)*p.k
        Prob.Y <- rbind(Prob.Y, probYis)
      else if (use.lgth == 1){
        probYis <- ((1 - sp)^2)*p.ord.prob + se*((1 - sp))*(p.g2.prob - p.ord.prob) +
                  (se^2)*(1 - p.g3.prob)
        Prob.Y <- rbind(Prob.Y, probYis)


  #The following two if statements deal with the case of 4-stage optimal
  #     being a 3-stage configuration
  if (g2 == 1) {
   Prob.Y<- ProbY.1(p.vec = p.vec, g3 = vec.g3, sp = sp, se = se)
  if (g3 == N) {
   Prob.Y <- ProbY.1(p.vec = p.vec, g3 = vec.g2, sp = sp, se = se)

  #end accuracy functions

  #start four-stage CRC programs
#   Author: Michael Black
#   4-step extension of optimization
#     Attempt 1 to program 4 step will try a slow program first then a fast
#     1. need to get a E(T|pvec) for 4-step set up
#         This will need final group sizes and size of previous groups
#     2. g3 will be the final number of groups at the 3rd step
#     3. g2 will be the number of groups at the 2nd step
#     4. Step4 is individual testing and step 1 is the initial group.
#     5. For the final group sizes we can have a vector of length g3 with the
#         number of individuals in each group
#     6. For the g2 groupings the vector of size g2 will have the number of
#         groupings from g3.
#         Ex for an I = 12 we could have g3 = 5, g2 = 3,
#           with vec.g3 = c(3,3,2,2,2), and vec.g2 = c(2,2,1)
#     7. If optimal vec.g2 or vec.g3 is a vector of 1s then 3 step is optimal.

#first we get the ET for 4step.
Exp.T.4step <- function(p, vec.g2, vec.g3, se = 1, sp = 1){

  g2 <- length(vec.g2)
  g3 <- length(vec.g3)
  N <- length(p)
  if (g2 == 1) {
    get.Exp.T <- N - 1#Exp.T.3step(p,grping=vec.g3,sp=sp,se=se)
  if (g2 > 1) {
  if (g2 < g3) {
  if (g3 < N) {
  get.Exp.T <- 1 + g2*((1 - sp)*prod(1 - p) + se*(1 - prod(1 - p)))
  for (i in 1:g2) {
     start.g2 <- sum(vec.g3[0:(sum(vec.g2[0:(i - 1)]))]) + 1
     end.g2 <- sum(vec.g3[0:(sum(vec.g2[0:i]))])
     p.group <- p[start.g2:end.g2]
     p.rest <- p[-(start.g2:end.g2)]
     if(vec.g2[i] > 1) {
        get.Exp.T <- get.Exp.T + vec.g2[i]*(((1 - sp)^2)*prod(1 - p) +
                se*(1 - sp)*(prod(1 - p.group)*(1 - prod(1 - p.rest))) + (se^2)*(1 - prod(1 - p.group)))
        for (j in (sum(vec.g2[0:(i - 1)]) + 1):(sum(vec.g2[1:i]))) {
          start.g3 <- sum(vec.g3[0:(j - 1)]) + 1
          end.g3 <- sum(vec.g3[1:j])
          p.group3 <- p[start.g3:end.g3];
          p.rest3 <- p.group[-((start.g3 - start.g2 + 1):(end.g3 - start.g2 + 1))]
          if(vec.g3[j] > 1) {
            get.Exp.T <- get.Exp.T + vec.g3[j]*(((1 - sp)^3)*prod(1 - p) +
                    se*((1 - sp)^2)*(prod(1 - p.group)*(1 - prod(1 - p.rest))) +
                    (se^2)*(1 - sp)*(prod(1 - p.group3)*(1 - prod(1 - p.rest3))) + (se^3)*(1 - prod(1 - p.group3)))
          if(vec.g3[j] == 1) {
            get.Exp.T <- get.Exp.T + 0
     if(vec.g2[i] == 1) {
          if(vec.g3[sum(vec.g2[1:i])] > 1) {
            get.Exp.T <- get.Exp.T + vec.g3[sum(vec.g2[1:i])]*(((1 - sp)^2)*prod(1 - p) +
                se*(1 - sp)*(prod(1 - p.group)*(1 - prod(1 - p.rest))) + (se^2)*(1 - prod(1 - p.group)))
          if(vec.g3[sum(vec.g2[1:i])] == 1) {
            get.Exp.T = get.Exp.T + 0


  get.mc <- get.mc.4s(vec.g2, vec.g3)
    # get.mc restructures the coding variables to variables used in the paper and gives the testing number of stages, that is if a 4 stage construction is really a 3 stage it returns 3 stage.
    # an example would be if vec.g2 = c(1,3,1) and vec.g3 = c(3,1,1,1,3) this is a 3 stage testing pattern.
    # this allows us to get a strictly 4 stage construction for the optimal, the code below just gives a bad value if actual stages less than 4
    if (get.mc$S < 4) {
      get.Exp.T <- N - 1
    if (g3 == N) {
      get.Exp.T <- N - 1 #Exp.T.3step(p,grping=vec.g2,sp=sp,se=se)
    if (g2 == g3) {   #when g2 equals g3 then individual testing is taking place immediately so is not a 4 stage situation, returning N-1 insures it is not optimal
      get.Exp.T <- N - 1 #Exp.T.3step(p,grping=vec.g3,sp=sp,se=se)
  list(vec.g2 = vec.g2, vec.g3 = vec.g3, Exp.T = get.Exp.T)

# This function gives the descent part of steepest descent
#  the movement continues in the steepest direction
#   until improvement stops or we hit a wall

steep.move <- function(chg.g2, chg.g3, p, N, g3, g2, opt.grps3,
                  opt.grps2, iter.opt.3s, iter.opt.2s, iter.opt.ET, sp, se)  {

  new.vec.g2 <- iter.opt.2s + chg.g2
  new.vec.g3 <- iter.opt.3s + chg.g3
  if (min(new.vec.g2) == 0) return(grps.iter.both(p, N, g3, g2, opt.grps3 = iter.opt.3s,
                            opt.grps2 = iter.opt.2s, iter.opt.3s, iter.opt.2s, iter.opt.ET, sp, se))
  if (min(new.vec.g3) == 0) return(grps.iter.both(p, N, g3, g2, opt.grps3 = iter.opt.3s,
                            opt.grps2 = iter.opt.2s, iter.opt.3s, iter.opt.2s, iter.opt.ET, sp, se))
  else {
      Opt.chk <- Exp.T.4step(p, new.vec.g2, new.vec.g3, se, sp)
          if(Opt.chk$Exp.T < iter.opt.ET) {
            iter.opt.ET <- Opt.chk$Exp.T
            iter.opt.3s <- Opt.chk$vec.g3
            iter.opt.2s <- Opt.chk$vec.g2
            Iter.all <- Opt.chk
            return(steep.move(chg.g2, chg.g3, p, N, g3, g2, opt.grps3 = iter.opt.3s,
                            opt.grps2 = iter.opt.2s, iter.opt.3s, iter.opt.2s, iter.opt.ET, sp, se))
         else return(grps.iter.both(p, N, g3, g2, opt.grps3 = iter.opt.3s,
                            opt.grps2 = iter.opt.2s, iter.opt.3s, iter.opt.2s, iter.opt.ET, sp, se))


# Trying to iterate both vec.g2 and vec.g3 simultaneously.

grps.iter.both<-function(p, N, g3, g2, opt.grps3, opt.grps2, iter.opt.3s, iter.opt.2s, iter.opt.ET, sp, se) {
  N.all <- length(p)
  g3.all <- sum(opt.grps2)
  g2.all <- length(opt.grps2)
  Iter.all <- list(vec.g2=iter.opt.2s,vec.g3=iter.opt.3s,Exp.T=iter.opt.ET)
  init.vec.g3 <- opt.grps3
  init.vec.g2 <- opt.grps2
 # init.chk<-Exp.T.4step(p,vec.g2=opt.grps2,vec.g3=init.vec.g3,sp,se)
  init.chk <- both.call.vec.g3(p, N, g3, g2, opt.grps3 = init.vec.g3, opt.grps2 = opt.grps2,
                              iter.opt.3s, iter.opt.2s, iter.opt.ET, sp, se)

  chk.chg <- 0

          if(init.chk$Exp.T < iter.opt.ET) {
            iter.opt.ET <- init.chk$Exp.T
            iter.opt.3s <- init.chk$vec.g3
            iter.opt.2s <- init.chk$vec.g2
            chk.chg <- 1
            Iter.all <- init.chk

  for (k in 1:g2.all) {
    for(j in 1:2) {
      for (i in 1:g2.all) {
        if(j == 1) {
          if (init.vec.g2[i] > 1) {
            init.vec.g2.mod <- init.vec.g2
            init.vec.g2.mod[i] <- init.vec.g2.mod[i]-1
            init.vec.g2.mod[k] <- init.vec.g2.mod[k]+1
            chk.opt <- both.call.vec.g3(p, N, g3, g2, opt.grps3 = init.vec.g3, opt.grps2 = init.vec.g2.mod,
                                        iter.opt.3s, iter.opt.2s, iter.opt.ET, sp, se)

          if(chk.opt$Exp.T < iter.opt.ET) {
            iter.opt.ET <- chk.opt$Exp.T
            iter.opt.3s <- chk.opt$vec.g3
            iter.opt.2s <- chk.opt$vec.g2
            chk.chg <- 1
            Iter.all <- chk.opt


        if(j == 2) {
          if (init.vec.g2[k] > 1) {
            init.vec.g2.mod <- init.vec.g2
            init.vec.g2.mod[k] <- init.vec.g2.mod[k]-1
            init.vec.g2.mod[i] <- init.vec.g2.mod[i]+1
            chk.opt <- both.call.vec.g3(p, N, g3, g2, opt.grps3 = init.vec.g3, opt.grps2 = init.vec.g2.mod,
                              iter.opt.3s, iter.opt.2s, iter.opt.ET, sp, se)

          if(chk.opt$Exp.T < iter.opt.ET) {
            iter.opt.ET <- chk.opt$Exp.T
            iter.opt.3s <- chk.opt$vec.g3
            iter.opt.2s <- chk.opt$vec.g2
            chk.chg <- 1
            Iter.all <- chk.opt

  chg.g2 <- iter.opt.2s - init.vec.g2
  chg.g3 <- iter.opt.3s - init.vec.g3
  if (chk.chg == 1) return(steep.move(chg.g2, chg.g3, p, N, g3, g2, opt.grps3 = iter.opt.3s,
                            opt.grps2 = iter.opt.2s, iter.opt.3s, iter.opt.2s, iter.opt.ET, sp, se))
  if (chk.chg == 0) return(Iter.all)

# iterating the vec.g3 possibilities for each modified vec.g2

# original function call changing fin. to iter. since need to check for this g2, g3 values
both.call.vec.g3 <- function(p, N, g3, g2, opt.grps3, opt.grps2, iter.opt.3s, iter.opt.2s, iter.opt.ET, sp, se) {
  N.all <- length(p)
  g3.all <- sum(opt.grps2)
  g2.all <- length(opt.grps2)
  Iter.all <- list(vec.g2 = iter.opt.2s, vec.g3 = iter.opt.3s, Exp.T = iter.opt.ET)
  init.vec.g3 <- opt.grps3
  init.chk <- Exp.T.4step(p, vec.g2 = opt.grps2, vec.g3 = init.vec.g3, sp, se)
  chk.chg <- 0
          if(init.chk$Exp.T < iter.opt.ET) {
          iter.opt.ET <- init.chk$Exp.T
          iter.opt.3s <- init.chk$vec.g3
          iter.opt.2s <- init.chk$vec.g2
          chk.chg <- 1
          Iter.all <- init.chk

  for (k in 1:g3.all) {
    for (j in 1:2)    {
      for (i in 1:g3.all) {
      if (j == 1) {
        if (init.vec.g3[i] > 1) {
        init.vec.g3.mod <- init.vec.g3
        init.vec.g3.mod[i] <- init.vec.g3.mod[i]-1
        init.vec.g3.mod[k] <- init.vec.g3.mod[k]+1
        chk.opt <- Exp.T.4step(p, vec.g2 = opt.grps2, vec.g3 = init.vec.g3.mod, sp, se)
          if(chk.opt$Exp.T < iter.opt.ET) {
          iter.opt.ET <- chk.opt$Exp.T
          iter.opt.3s <- chk.opt$vec.g3
          iter.opt.2s <- chk.opt$vec.g2
          chk.chg <- 1
          Iter.all <- chk.opt
      if (j == 2) {
        if (init.vec.g3[k] > 1) {
        init.vec.g3.mod <- init.vec.g3
        init.vec.g3.mod[k] <- init.vec.g3.mod[k] - 1
        init.vec.g3.mod[i] <- init.vec.g3.mod[i] + 1
        chk.opt <- Exp.T.4step(p, vec.g2 = opt.grps2, vec.g3 = init.vec.g3.mod, sp, se)
          if(chk.opt$Exp.T < iter.opt.ET) {
          iter.opt.ET <- chk.opt$Exp.T
          iter.opt.3s <- chk.opt$vec.g3
          iter.opt.2s <- chk.opt$vec.g2
          chk.chg <- 1
          Iter.all <- chk.opt


# This iterates through the possible g2 given a g3
grps.iter.size.3s <- function(p, N, g3, fin.opt.3s, fin.opt.2s, fin.opt.ET, sp = 1, se = 1, init.config = "hom") {
  Opt.all <- list(vec.g2 = fin.opt.2s, vec.g3 = fin.opt.3s, Exp.T = fin.opt.ET)

   for (g2 in 1:(g3 - 1)) {
  # gets front loaded initial groups
 if (init.config == "ord" || init.config == "both") {
  opt.grps3 <- c(N - g3 + 1, rep(1, g3 - 1))
  opt.grps2 <- c(g3 - g2 + 1, rep(1, g2 - 1))
  iter.opt.3s <- opt.grps3
  iter.opt.2s <- opt.grps2
     Iter.all <- Exp.T.4step(p, vec.g2 = opt.grps2, vec.g3 = opt.grps3, se, sp)
     iter.opt.ET <- Iter.all$Exp.T

     Opt.sizes <- grps.iter.both(p, N, g3, g2 = g2, opt.grps3, opt.grps2, iter.opt.3s, iter.opt.2s, iter.opt.ET, sp, se)
     Opt.ET <- Opt.sizes$Exp.T
     if (Opt.all$Exp.T > Opt.sizes$Exp.T) {
        Opt.all <- Opt.sizes
  #### Gets even sized groups. is the default method
 if (init.config == "hom" || init.config == "both") {
  if (N%%g3 == 0) {
    opt.grps3 <- c(rep(N%/%g3,g3))
  else  {
    opt.grps3 <- c(rep(N%/%g3 + 1, N%%g3), rep(N%/%g3, g3 - N%%g3))
  if  (g3%%g2 == 0) {
    opt.grps2 <- c(rep(g3%/%g2, g2))
  else {
    opt.grps2<- c(rep(g3%/%g2 + 1, g3%%g2), rep(g3%/%g2, g2 - g3%%g2))

    iter.opt.3s <- opt.grps3
    iter.opt.2s <- opt.grps2
     Iter.all <- Exp.T.4step(p, vec.g2 = opt.grps2, vec.g3 = opt.grps3, se, sp)
     iter.opt.ET <- Iter.all$Exp.T

     Opt.sizes <- grps.iter.both(p, N, g3, g2 = g2, opt.grps3, opt.grps2, iter.opt.3s, iter.opt.2s, iter.opt.ET, sp, se)
     Opt.ET <- Opt.sizes$Exp.T
     if (Opt.all$Exp.T > Opt.sizes$Exp.T) {
        Opt.all <- Opt.sizes

        fin.opt.ET <- Opt.all$Exp.T
        fin.opt.3s <- Opt.all$vec.g3
        fin.opt.2s <- Opt.all$vec.g2

  #could possibly add an early break here don't know if it is justified
        fin.opt.ET <- Opt.all$Exp.T
        fin.opt.3s <- Opt.all$vec.g3
        fin.opt.2s <- Opt.all$vec.g2

#this program iterates through the possible g3.
Opt.grps.size_number.4step <- function(p, sp = 1, se = 1, init.config = "hom") {
  start.time <- proc.time()
  N <- length(p)
  use.N <- N - floor((N - 4)/2)
  fin.opt.ET <- 2*N
  fin.opt.3s <- c(N)
  fin.opt.2s <- c(1)
  Opt.all <- NULL
  for (g3 in 2:use.N) {
     Opt.sizes2 <- grps.iter.size.3s(p, N, g3 = g3, fin.opt.3s, fin.opt.2s, fin.opt.ET, sp, se, init.config = init.config)
     Opt.ET2 <- Opt.sizes2$Exp.T
     if (g3 > 5) {
      if (Opt.sizes2$Exp.T >= fin.opt.ET) break
     if (fin.opt.ET > Opt.sizes2$Exp.T) {
        fin.opt.ET <- Opt.sizes2$Exp.T
        fin.opt.3s <- Opt.sizes2$vec.g3
        fin.opt.2s <- Opt.sizes2$vec.g2
        Opt.all <- Opt.sizes2
        fin.opt.ET <- Opt.all$Exp.T
        fin.opt.3s <- Opt.all$vec.g3
        fin.opt.2s <- Opt.all$vec.g2


  end.time <- proc.time()
  save.time <- end.time-start.time
  cat("\n Number of minutes running for I = ",N,":", save.time[3]/60, "\n \n")

  #End four-stage CRC functions

  #start four stage ORC functions
#   4-step extension of optimization
#     Attempt 1 to program 4 step will try a slow program first then a fast
#     1. need to get a E(T|pvec) for 4-step set up
#         This will need final group sizes and size of previous groups
#     2. g3 will be the final number of groups at the 3rd step
#     3. g2 will be the number of groups at the 2nd step
#     4. Step4 is individual testing and step 1 is the initial group.
#     5. For the final group sizes we can have a vector of length g3 with the
#         number of individuals in each group
#     6. For the g2 groupings the vector of size g2 will have the number of
#         groupings from g3.
#         Ex for an I = 12 we could have g3 = 5, g2 = 3,
#           with vec.g3 = c(3,3,2,2,2), and vec.g2 = c(2,2,1)
#     7. If optimal vec.g2 is a vector of 1s then 3 step is optimal.

#first we get the ET for 4step.
  if (g2==1){
  if (g2>1) {
  if (g2<g3) {
  if (g3 < N) {
  for (i in 1:g2) {
     end.g2<- sum(vec.g3[0:(sum(vec.g2[0:i]))])
     if(vec.g2[i]>1) {
                se*(1-sp)*(prod(1-p.group)*(1-prod(1-p.rest)))+(se^2)*(1 - prod(1-p.group)))
        for (j in (sum(vec.g2[0:(i-1)])+1):(sum(vec.g2[1:i]))) {
          end.g3<- sum(vec.g3[1:j])
          if(vec.g3[j]>1) {
                    (se^2)*(1-sp)*(prod(1-p.group3)*(1-prod(1-p.rest3)))+(se^3)*(1 - prod(1-p.group3)))
          if(vec.g3[j]==1) {
     if(vec.g2[i]==1) {
          if(vec.g3[sum(vec.g2[1:i])] > 1) {
                se*(1-sp)*(prod(1-p.group)*(1-prod(1-p.rest)))+(se^2)*(1 - prod(1-p.group)))
          if(vec.g3[sum(vec.g2[1:i])]==1) {
            get.Exp.T=get.Exp.T + 0


  get.mc <- get.mc.4s(vec.g2,vec.g3)
    # get.mc restructures the coding variables to variables used in the paper and gives the testing number of stages, that is if a 4 stage construction is really a 3 stage it returns 3 stage.
    # an example would be if vec.g2 = c(1,3,1) and vec.g3 = c(3,1,1,1,3) this is a 3 stage testing pattern.
    if (get.mc$S < 4) {
      get.Exp.T<- N-1
    if (g3 == N) {
    if (g2 == g3) {   #when g2 equals g3 then individual testing is taking place immediately so is not a 4 stage situation, returning N-1 insures it is not optimal

#Iterates through all the possible combinations for vec.g3 given a g3 and vec.g2 this will be replaced with faster
grps.iter.4step.slow<-function(p,N,g3,g2,opt.grps3,opt.grps2,fin.opt.3s,fin.opt.2s,fin.opt.ET,sp,se) {

  if (g3==1) {

    if (fin.opt.ET >= opt.grps.ET$Exp.T) {

  if (g3>1) {
    for (i in grps.start:grps.fin) {


#This iterates through all the possible vec.g2 combinations given a g3

    if (g2==1) {
    if (fin.opt.ET >= opt.grps$Exp.T) {
  else if (g2>1) {
    for (i in grps.start:grps.fin) {

# This iterates through the possible g2 given a g3
grps.iter.size.4s.slow<-function(p,N,g3,fin.opt.3s,fin.opt.2s,fin.opt.ET,sp=1,se=1) {
   for (g2 in 1:g3) {
     if (fin.opt.ET>=Opt.sizes$Exp.T) {


#this program iterates through the possible g3.
Opt.grps.size_number.4step.slow<-function(p,sp=1,se=1) {
  for (g3 in 1:use.N) {
     if (fin.opt.ET>=Opt.sizes2$Exp.T) {


  cat("\n Number of minutes running for I = ",N,":", save.time[3]/60, "\n \n")

  #end four-stage ORC functions

  #start notation adjustment functions
#   Author: Michael Black
get.mc.3s <- function(grping){
  c2 <- length(grping)
  N <- sum(grping)
  g.ord <- c(0, cumsum(grping))
  vec.g2.start <- g.ord[1:c2]
  vec.g2.end <- g.ord[2:(c2 + 1)]
  vec.I2 <- vec.g2.end - vec.g2.start
  vec.m2 <- grping
  S <- 3

    for (i in 1:c2) {
      if (vec.m2[i] == 1) vec.m2[i] = 0

  if (c2 == 1) {        #this is the case for 2-stage testing
    S <- 2
    vec.m2 <- NULL
    vec.I2 <- NULL
    c2 <- N
  if (c2 == N) {        #this is the case for 2-stage testing
    S <- 2
    vec.m2 <- NULL
    vec.I2 <- NULL

list(S = S, c2 = c2, vec.m2 = vec.m2, vec.I2 = vec.I2)


#first we get the ET for 4step.
get.mc.4s <- function(vec.g2, vec.g3){
  g2 <- length(vec.g2)
  g3 <- length(vec.g3)
  N <- sum(vec.g3)
  S  <- 4
  c2 <- g2
  c3 <- g3
  vec.m2 <- vec.g2
  vec.m3 <- vec.g3
    g2.ord <- c(0, cumsum(vec.g2))
    g3.ord <- c(0, cumsum(vec.g3))
    vec.I2 <- g3.ord[(g2.ord[2:(c2 + 1)] + 1)] - g3.ord[(g2.ord[1:c2] + 1)]
    vec.I3 <- g3.ord[2:(c3 + 1)] - g3.ord[1:c3]
    condition.1 <- c2
    condition.2 <- c3
    if (condition.1 == 1){           # signifies 3 stages or less
      get.mc <- get.mc.3s(grping = vec.g3)
      S <- get.mc$S
      c2 <- get.mc$c2
      c3 <- NULL
      vec.m2 <- get.mc$vec.m2
      vec.I2 <- get.mc$vec.I2
      vec.m3 <- NULL
      vec.I3 <- NULL

    if (condition.2 == N) {          #signifies 3 stages or less
      get.mc <- get.mc.3s(grping = vec.g2)
      S <- get.mc$S
      c2 <- get.mc$c2
      c3 <-NULL
      vec.m2 <- get.mc$vec.m2
      vec.I2 <- get.mc$vec.I2
      vec.m3 <- NULL
      vec.I3 <- NULL

  if (condition.1 > 1) {

  if (g3 < N) {

  for (i in condition.1:1) {

     if (vec.g2[i] == 1) {           # moves testing up a stage if it was a place holder

        condition.3 <- vec.I3[g2.ord[i + 1]]
        if (condition.3 > 1) {
          vec.I2[i] <- vec.I3[g2.ord[i + 1]]
          vec.m2[i] <- vec.m3[g2.ord[i + 1]]

          if (g2.ord[i + 1] < c3) {
            vec.m3 <- c(vec.m3[0:(g2.ord[i + 1] - 1)], rep(1, vec.I3[g2.ord[i + 1]]), vec.m3[(g2.ord[i + 1] + 1):c3])
            vec.I3 <- c(vec.I3[0:(g2.ord[i + 1] - 1)], rep(1, vec.I3[g2.ord[i + 1]]), vec.I3[(g2.ord[i + 1] + 1):c3])
          if (g2.ord[i + 1] == c3) {
            vec.m3 <- c(vec.m3[1:(g2.ord[i + 1] - 1)], rep(1, vec.I3[g2.ord[i + 1]]))
            vec.I3 <- c(vec.I3[1:(g2.ord[i + 1] - 1)], rep(1, vec.I3[g2.ord[i + 1]]))
        if (condition.3 == 1) {    #eliminates space for already tested individually

           vec.I3 <- vec.I3[-g2.ord[i + 1]]
           vec.m3 <- vec.m3[-g2.ord[i + 1]]
           vec.m2[i] = 0
        if (vec.m2[i] == 1) vec.m2[i] = 0
   c3 <- length(vec.I3)

  c3 <- length(vec.I3)

  for (j in 1:c3)   {
     if (vec.m3[j] == 1) vec.m3[j] = 0

  if(!is.null(vec.m3)) {
  if(sum(vec.m3) == 0) {
    vec.m3 <- NULL
    vec.I3 <- NULL
    S <- 3
  list(S = S, c2 = c2, m11 = c2, c3 = c3, vec.g2 = vec.g2, vec.g3 = vec.g3,
        vec.m2 = vec.m2, vec.m3 = vec.m3, I11 = N, vec.I2 = vec.I2,
        vec.I3 = vec.I3)
  #end notation adjustment functions

  #start hierarchical.desc() functions
#    Michael Black 03 12 2013
#     Function: hierarchical.desc gets descriptive/diagnostic info given a p vector and vectors for subgroup sizes for 2, 3 or 4 stages
#       calls:
#       inputs: p vector of probabilities,
#               se and sp sensitivity and specificity,,
#               g2 vector of number of subgroups stage 2 subgroups split into
#               g3 vector of number of subgroups stage 3 subgroups split into
#               m?  if we add more stages we will need more m vectors
#               order.p = TRUE if False p vector not sorted
#        note: if g2 is null, then stages = 2
#              if g3 is null but g2 has values then stages = 3
#              if g2 and g3 both have values then stages =4
#              g vectors should be entered using notation that keeps track of all individuals
#                 through all stages (eg if a group of 10 splits into 5, 4 and 1 individual
#                 at stage 2 then into 3, 2, 2, 1 and 1 individuals at stage 3
#                 before individual testing at stage 4, then g2 = c(2,3,1) and g3 = c(3,2,2,1,1,1)
#                 the one that tested individually at stage 2 is still numbered at stage 3,
#                 even though it won't be tested again
  #function called by hierarchical.desc() to convert I2 and I3 to the form used in the programs
get.g2_g3 <- function(I2, I3) {
  extra.g3  <- ifelse(I2 == 1, 1, 0)
  length.g3 <- length(I3) + sum(extra.g3)
  g2 <- rep(0, length(I2))
  for (i in 1:length(I2)) {
    if (I2[i] == 1)   I3 <- c(I3[0:(j - 1)], 1, I3[j:length(I3)])
    for (j in 1:length(I3)) {
      if (cumsum(I3)[j] == cumsum(I2)[i]) {
        g2[i] = j
  g2 <- g2 - c(0, g2[1:(length(g2) - 1)])
  g3 <- I3
  list(g2 = g2, g3 = g3)

##Note Mike Black 3/22/13: I've added the call to the function with I2 and I3 as In section 3.2,

hierarchical.desc <- function(p, I2 = NULL, I3 = NULL, se = 1, sp = 1, order.p = TRUE) {
  if (order.p == TRUE) p = sort(p)
  N <- length(p)
  g2 <- NULL
  g3 <- NULL
  if (!is.null(I2) && is.null(I3)) g2 <- I2 #converts I2 to what is used in program
  if (!is.null(I2) && !is.null(I3)) {
    get.g.vec <- get.g2_g3(I2 = I2, I3 = I3) #coverts I2, I3 to what is used in the programs
    g2 <- get.g.vec$g2
    g3 <- get.g.vec$g3
  if (is.null(g2) || (is.null(g3) && max(g2) == 1 || max(g2) == N)) {
    print("Two stage procedure")
    stages = 2
    g2 <- "individual testing"
    g3 <- NULL
    et <- 1 + N*(se*(1 - prod(1 - p)) + (1 - sp)*prod(1 - p))
    pse.vec  <- ProbY.1(p.vec = p, g3 = rep(1, N), sp = sp, se = se)
    psp.vec  <- 1 - ProbY.0(p.vec = p, g3 = rep(1,N), sp = sp, se = se)
    pppv.vec <- p*pse.vec/(p*pse.vec + (1 - p)*(1 - psp.vec))
    pnpv.vec <- (1 - p)*psp.vec/((1 - p)*psp.vec + p*(1 - pse.vec))
    pse  <- sum(p*pse.vec)/sum(p)
    psp  <- sum((1 - p)*psp.vec)/sum(1 - p)
    pppv <- sum(p*pse.vec)/sum((p*pse.vec + (1 - p)*(1 - psp.vec)))
    pnpv <- sum((1 - p)*psp.vec)/sum(((1 - p)*psp.vec + p*(1 - pse.vec)))
    I2 <- "individual testing"
    I3 <- NULL
    m1 <- N
    m2 <- "individual testing"
    m3 <- NULL
  else if (!is.null(g2) && (is.null(g3) || length(g3) == length(g2) || max(g3) == 1) ) {
    print("Three stage procedure")
    stages = 3
    g3 <- "individual testing"
    et <- Exp.T.3step(p = p, grping = g2, se = se, sp = sp)
    pse.vec  <- ProbY.1(p.vec = p,g3 = g2,sp = sp,se = se)
    psp.vec  <- 1 - ProbY.0(p.vec = p,g3 = g2,sp = sp,se = se)
    pppv.vec <- p*pse.vec/(p*pse.vec + (1 - p)*(1 - psp.vec))
    pnpv.vec <- (1 - p)*psp.vec/((1 - p)*psp.vec + p*(1 - pse.vec))
    pse  <- sum(p*pse.vec)/sum(p)
    psp  <- sum((1 - p)*psp.vec)/sum(1 - p)
    pppv <- sum(p*pse.vec)/sum((p*pse.vec + (1 - p)*(1 - psp.vec)))
    pnpv <- sum((1 - p)*psp.vec)/sum(((1 - p)*psp.vec + p*(1 - pse.vec)))
    test.pattern <- get.mc.3s(grping = g2)
    I2 <- test.pattern$vec.I2
    I3 <- "individual testing"
    m2 = test.pattern$vec.m2
    m1 = length(m2)
    m3 = "individual testing"
  else if (!is.null(g2) && !is.null(g3)) {
    print("Four stage procedure")
    stages = 4
    et <- Exp.T.4step(p = p, vec.g2 = g2, vec.g3 = g3, se = se, sp = sp)$Exp.T
    pse.vec  <- ProbY.4s.1(p.vec = p, vec.g2 = g2, vec.g3 = g3, sp = sp, se = se)
    psp.vec  <- 1 - ProbY.4s.0(p.vec = p, vec.g2 = g2, vec.g3 = g3, sp = sp, se = se)
    pppv.vec <- p*pse.vec/(p*pse.vec + (1 - p)*(1 - psp.vec))
    pnpv.vec <- (1 - p)*psp.vec/((1 - p)*psp.vec + p*(1 - pse.vec))
    pse  <- sum(p*pse.vec)/sum(p)
    psp  <- sum((1 - p)*psp.vec)/sum(1 - p)
    pppv <- sum(p*pse.vec)/sum((p*pse.vec + (1 - p)*(1 - psp.vec)))
    pnpv <- sum((1 - p)*psp.vec)/sum(((1 - p)*psp.vec + p*(1 - pse.vec)))
    test.pattern <- get.mc.4s(vec.g2 = g2, vec.g3 = g3)
    I2 <- test.pattern$vec.I2
    I3 <- test.pattern$vec.I3
    m2 = test.pattern$vec.m2
    m1 = length(m2)
    m3 = test.pattern$vec.m3
  c("PSe.individual", "PSp.individual", "PPPV.individual", "PNPV.individual")
  list(ET = et, stages = stages, group.size = N, I2 = I2, I3 = I3, m1 = m1, m2 = m2, m3 = m3,
       individual.testerror = data.frame(p, pse.vec, psp.vec, pppv.vec, pnpv.vec, row.names=NULL),
       group.testerror = c(PSe = pse, PSp = psp, PPPV = pppv, PNPV = pnpv),
       individual.probabilities = p)

## Brianna Hitt 4-11-16 - turn off printing for two, three, and four stages

#' @title Operating characteristics for hierarchical group testing
#' @description Calculate operating characteristics for hierarchical 
#' group testing with up to four stages, given a vector of individual 
#' probabilities and a testing configuration.
#' @param p vector of probabilities corresponding to each individual's 
#' risk of disease.
#' @param I2 a numeric vector of pool sizes for stage 2 testing (used in 
#' hierarchical testing with at least three stages).
#' @param I3 a numeric vector of pool sizes for stage 3 testing (used in 
#' hierarchical testing with at least four stages).
#' @param se the sensitivity of the diagnostic test.
#' @param sp the specificity of the diagnostic test.
#' @param order.p a logical value indicating whether the vector of 
#' individual probabilities needs to be sorted.
#' @details This function calculates the operating characteristics for
#' hierarchical group testing with up to four stages of testing. 
#' Operating characteristics calculated are expected number of tests, 
#' and pooling sensitivity, pooling specificity, pooling positive 
#' predictive value, and pooling negative predictive value, for each 
#' individual and for the configuration overall.
#' If \kbd{I2} is NULL, there are two stages of testing. If \kbd{I3} 
#' is NULL but \kbd{I2} has values, there are three stages of testing.
#' If both \kbd{I2} and \kbd{I3} have values, there are four stages 
#' of testing.
#' Vectors \kbd{I2} and \kbd{I3} should be entered using notation
#' that keeps track of all individuals through all stages (e.g. for
#' a group of 10 individuals that splits into 5, 4, and 1 individual
#' at stage 2, then into 3, 2, 2, 1, and 1 individual at stage 3
#' before individual testing at stage 4, then I2=c(5,4,1) and 
#' I3=c(3,2,2,1,1,1) so that the specimen that was tested 
#' individually at stage 2 is still numbered at stage 3 even though
#' it will not be tested again).
#' The displayed pooling sensitivity, pooling specificity, pooling positive 
#' predictive value, and pooling negative predictive value are weighted 
#' averages of the corresponding individual accuracy measures for all 
#' individuals within the initial group for a hierarchical algorithm.
#' Expressions for these averages are provided in the Supplementary 
#' Material for Hitt et al. (2018). These expressions are based on accuracy 
#' definitions given by Altman and Bland (1994a, 1994b).
#' @return A list containing:
#' \item{ET}{the expected number of tests.}
#' \item{stages}{the number of stages in the testing algorithm.}
#' \item{group.size}{the total number of individuals tested in the 
#' algorithm.}
#' \item{I2}{pool sizes for the second stage of testing, or
#' "individual testing" if there are only two stages of testing.}
#' \item{I3}{pool sizes for the third stage of testing, or
#' "individual testing" if there are only three stages of testing.}
#' \item{m1}{the initial (stage 1) group size for two stage testing, 
#' or the number of subgroups originating from the initial group.}
#' \item{m2}{the number of subgroups for each preceding group 
#' containing more than one individual, or "individual testing" 
#' if there are only two stages of testing.}
#' \item{m3}{the number of subgroups for each preceding group 
#' containing more than one individual, or "individual testing" 
#' if there are only three stages of testing. NULL if there are 
#' only two stages of testing.}
#' \item{individual.testerror}{a data frame containing:
#' \describe{
#' \item{pse.vec}{a vector containing each individual's pooling 
#' sensitivity.}
#' \item{psp.vec}{a vector containing each individual's pooling 
#' specificity.}
#' \item{pppv.vec}{a vector containing each individual's pooling 
#' positive predictive value.}
#' \item{pnpv.vec}{a vector containing each individual's pooling
#' negative predictive value.}}}
#' \item{group.testerror}{a vector containing:
#' \describe{
#' \item{PSe}{the overall pooling sensitivity for the algorithm. 
#' Further details are given under 'Details'.}
#' \item{PSp}{the overall pooling specificity for the algorithm. 
#' Further details are given under 'Details'.}
#' \item{PPPV}{the overall pooling positive predictive value 
#' for the algorithm. Further details are given under 'Details'.}
#' \item{PNPV}{the overall pooling negative predictive value
#' for the algorithm. Further details are given under 'Details'.}}}
#' \item{individual.probabilities}{a vector containing each 
#' individual's probability of disease. If \kbd{order.p=TRUE}, this
#' is the sorted vector of individual probabilities.}
#' @section Note: This function returns the pooling positive and negative
#' predictive values for all individuals even though these measures are 
#' diagnostic specific; i.e., PPPV (PNPV) should only be considered
#' for those individuals who have tested positive (negative).
#' @author This function was originally written by Michael S. 
#' Black for Black et al. (2015). The function was obtained from 
#' \url{http://chrisbilder.com/grouptesting}. Minor modifications were made 
#' to the function for inclusion in the binGroup package.
#' @references 
#' \insertRef{Black2015}{binGroup}
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{Array.Measures}} for calculating operating characteristics
#' under array testing without master pooling, 
#' \code{\link{MasterPool.Array.Measures}} for non-informative array 
#' testing with master pooling, and \code{\link{inf.dorf.measures}} 
#' for informative two-stage hierarchical testing. See 
#' \code{\link{p.vec.func}} for generating a vector of 
#' individual risk probabilities for informative group testing.  
#' \url{http://chrisbilder.com/grouptesting}
#' @family Operating characteristic functions
#' @examples 
#' # Calculate the operating characteristics for 
#' #   non-informative two-stage hierarchical testing
#' #   with an overall disease prevalence of p = 0.015
#' #   and an initial group size of 12.
#' # This example takes less than 1 second to run.
#' # Estimated running time was calculated using a 
#' #   computer with 16 GB of RAM and one core of an 
#' #   Intel i7-6500U processor.
#' p.vec <- rep(x=0.015, times=12)
#' hierarchical.desc2(p=p.vec, I2=NULL, I3=NULL, se=0.95, 
#' sp=0.95, order.p=FALSE)
#' # Calculate the operating characteristics for 
#' #   non-informative three-stage hierarchical testing
#' #   with an overall disease prevalence of p = 0.04, 
#' #   where an initial group of 20 individuals is 
#' #   split into equally sized subgroups of 5 each.
#' # This example takes less than 1 second to run.
#' # Estimated running time was calculated using a 
#' #   computer with 16 GB of RAM and one core of an 
#' #   Intel i7-6500U processor.
#' p.vec <- rep(x=0.04, times=20)
#' hierarchical.desc2(p=p.vec, I2=rep(x=5, times=4),
#' I3=NULL, se=0.99, sp=0.99, order.p=FALSE)
#' # Calculate the operating characteristics for 
#' #   informative three-stage hierarchical testing
#' #   where an initial group of 10 individuals is 
#' #   split into subsequent groups of 5, 4, and 1 
#' #   individual.
#' # A vector of individual probabilities is generated using
#' #   the expected value of order statistics from a beta 
#' #   distribution with p = 0.02 and a heterogeneity level 
#' #   of alpha = 0.5. Depending on the specified probability, 
#' #   alpha level, and overall group size, simulation may 
#' #   be necessary in order to generate the vector of individual
#' #   probabilities. This is done using p.vec.func() and 
#' #   requires the user to set a seed in order to reproduce 
#' #   results.
#' # This example takes less than 1 second to run.
#' # Estimated running time was calculated using a 
#' #   computer with 16 GB of RAM and one core of an 
#' #   Intel i7-6500U processor.
#' set.seed(1002)
#' p.vec <- p.vec.func(p=0.02, alpha=0.5, grp.sz=10)
#' hierarchical.desc2(p=p.vec, I2=c(5,4,1), I3=NULL,
#' se=0.90, sp=0.90, order.p=TRUE)

hierarchical.desc2 <- function(p, I2 = NULL, I3 = NULL, se = 1, sp = 1, order.p = TRUE) {
  if (order.p == TRUE) p = sort(p)
  N <- length(p)
  g2 <- NULL
  g3 <- NULL
  if (!is.null(I2) && is.null(I3)) g2 <- I2 #converts I2 to what is used in program
  if (!is.null(I2) && !is.null(I3)) {
    get.g.vec <- get.g2_g3(I2 = I2, I3 = I3) #coverts I2, I3 to what is used in the programs
    g2 <- get.g.vec$g2
    g3 <- get.g.vec$g3
  if (is.null(g2) || (is.null(g3) && max(g2) == 1 || max(g2) == N)) {
    #print("Two stage procedure")
    stages = 2
    g2 <- "individual testing"
    g3 <- NULL
    et <- 1 + N*(se*(1 - prod(1 - p)) + (1 - sp)*prod(1 - p))
    pse.vec  <- ProbY.1(p.vec = p, g3 = rep(1, N), sp = sp, se = se)
    psp.vec  <- 1 - ProbY.0(p.vec = p, g3 = rep(1,N), sp = sp, se = se)
    pppv.vec <- p*pse.vec/(p*pse.vec + (1 - p)*(1 - psp.vec))
    pnpv.vec <- (1 - p)*psp.vec/((1 - p)*psp.vec + p*(1 - pse.vec))
    pse  <- sum(p*pse.vec)/sum(p)
    psp  <- sum((1 - p)*psp.vec)/sum(1 - p)
    pppv <- sum(p*pse.vec)/sum((p*pse.vec + (1 - p)*(1 - psp.vec)))
    pnpv <- sum((1 - p)*psp.vec)/sum(((1 - p)*psp.vec + p*(1 - pse.vec)))
    I2 <- "individual testing"
    I3 <- NULL
    m1 <- N
    m2 <- "individual testing"
    m3 <- NULL
  else if (!is.null(g2) && (is.null(g3) || length(g3) == length(g2) || max(g3) == 1) ) {
    #print("Three stage procedure")
    stages = 3
    g3 <- "individual testing"
    et <- Exp.T.3step(p = p, grping = g2, se = se, sp = sp)
    pse.vec  <- ProbY.1(p.vec = p,g3 = g2,sp = sp,se = se)
    psp.vec  <- 1 - ProbY.0(p.vec = p,g3 = g2,sp = sp,se = se)
    pppv.vec <- p*pse.vec/(p*pse.vec + (1 - p)*(1 - psp.vec))
    pnpv.vec <- (1 - p)*psp.vec/((1 - p)*psp.vec + p*(1 - pse.vec))
    pse  <- sum(p*pse.vec)/sum(p)
    psp  <- sum((1 - p)*psp.vec)/sum(1 - p)
    pppv <- sum(p*pse.vec)/sum((p*pse.vec + (1 - p)*(1 - psp.vec)))
    pnpv <- sum((1 - p)*psp.vec)/sum(((1 - p)*psp.vec + p*(1 - pse.vec)))
    test.pattern <- get.mc.3s(grping = g2)
    I2 <- test.pattern$vec.I2
    I3 <- "individual testing"
    m2 = test.pattern$vec.m2
    m1 = length(m2)
    m3 = "individual testing"
  else if (!is.null(g2) && !is.null(g3)) {
    #print("Four stage procedure")
    stages = 4
    et <- Exp.T.4step(p = p, vec.g2 = g2, vec.g3 = g3, se = se, sp = sp)$Exp.T
    pse.vec  <- ProbY.4s.1(p.vec = p, vec.g2 = g2, vec.g3 = g3, sp = sp, se = se)
    psp.vec  <- 1 - ProbY.4s.0(p.vec = p, vec.g2 = g2, vec.g3 = g3, sp = sp, se = se)
    pppv.vec <- p*pse.vec/(p*pse.vec + (1 - p)*(1 - psp.vec))
    pnpv.vec <- (1 - p)*psp.vec/((1 - p)*psp.vec + p*(1 - pse.vec))
    pse  <- sum(p*pse.vec)/sum(p)
    psp  <- sum((1 - p)*psp.vec)/sum(1 - p)
    pppv <- sum(p*pse.vec)/sum((p*pse.vec + (1 - p)*(1 - psp.vec)))
    pnpv <- sum((1 - p)*psp.vec)/sum(((1 - p)*psp.vec + p*(1 - pse.vec)))
    test.pattern <- get.mc.4s(vec.g2 = g2, vec.g3 = g3)
    I2 <- test.pattern$vec.I2
    I3 <- test.pattern$vec.I3
    m2 = test.pattern$vec.m2
    m1 = length(m2)
    m3 = test.pattern$vec.m3
  c("PSe.individual", "PSp.individual", "PPPV.individual", "PNPV.individual")
  list(ET = et, stages = stages, group.size = N, I2 = I2, I3 = I3, m1 = m1, m2 = m2, m3 = m3,
       individual.testerror = data.frame(p, pse.vec, psp.vec, pppv.vec, pnpv.vec, row.names=NULL),
       group.testerror = c(PSe = pse, PSp = psp, PPPV = pppv, PNPV = pnpv),
       individual.probabilities = p)
#end hierarchical.desc() functions
#end hierarchical and additional functions

#Start get.CRC, uses same additional functions as above  for hierarchical.desc()
#    Michael Black 03 12 2013
#     Function: get.CRC gets CRC or ORC the optimal retesting configuration for 2, 3 or 4 stages
#       calls:
#       inputs: p vector of probabilities,
#               se and sp sensitivity and specificity,,
#               stages is number of stages to optimize for can be 2, 3 or 4
#               order.p = TRUE if False p vector not sorted
#        note:

get.CRC <- function(p, se = 1, sp = 1, stages = 2, order.p = TRUE,
                    everycase = FALSE, init.config = "hom")   {
  if (order.p == TRUE) p = sort(p)
  if (stages == 2) {
    print("Two stage immediately retests individually if initial group is positive")
    CRC.desc <- hierarchical.desc(p = p, se = se, sp = sp, I2 = NULL, I3 = NULL, order.p = order.p)
  if (everycase != TRUE) {
    if (stages == 3) {
      CRC <- Opt.grps.size_number.speed.3step(p = p, se = se, sp = sp) #in "integer_programming.R"
      CRC.desc <- hierarchical.desc(p=p, se = se, sp = sp, I2 = CRC[1:length(CRC) - 1], I3 = NULL, order.p = order.p)
    if (stages == 4) {
      CRC <- Opt.grps.size_number.4step(p = p, se = se, sp =sp)         #in "ET4stepOptimizing_steeper_4s_only.R"
      change.notation <- get.mc.4s(vec.g2 = CRC$vec.g2, vec.g3 = CRC$vec.g3)
      CRC.desc <- hierarchical.desc(p = p, se = se, sp = sp,
                                    I2 = change.notation$vec.I2, I3 = change.notation$vec.I3,
                                    order.p = order.p)
  if (everycase == TRUE) {
    if (stages == 3) {
      print("Warning: if group size is large (>18) progam may take excessive time")
      CRC <- Opt.grps.size_number_speedg.3step(p = p, sp = sp, se = se)        #in "integer_programming.R"
      CRC.desc <- hierarchical.desc(p = p, se = se, sp = sp, I2 = CRC[1:length(CRC) - 1], I3 = NULL, order.p = order.p)
    if (stages == 4) {
      print("Warning: if group size is large (>13) progam may take excessive time")
      CRC <- Opt.grps.size_number.4step.slow(p = p, sp = sp, se = se)         #in "ET4stepOptimizing_steeper_4s_only.R"
      change.notation <- get.mc.4s(vec.g2 = CRC$vec.g2, vec.g3 = CRC$vec.g3)
      CRC.desc <- hierarchical.desc(p = p, se = se, sp = sp,
                                    I2 = change.notation$vec.I2, I3 = change.notation$vec.I3, order.p = order.p)
    print("ORC is the optimal looking at every possible configuration")

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