
Defines functions testGoF

Documented in testGoF

testGoF <-
function(data, type, numSims=10, plot=TRUE,  main){
	if(missing(data) || missing(type))
		stop("data and/or type is missing.")
	if(numSims <= 0)
		stop("The number of simulations must be an integer greater than 0.")
	numGraphs <- ncol(data)
	gstar <- estGStar(data)
	tau <- estTau(data, type, gstar)
	nodes <- getNumNodes(data, type)
	edges <- getNumEdges(nodes, type)
	# Calculate the prob for a graph k-distance away and calculate the expected counts of trees k-distance from gstar
	possEdges <- 0:edges
	distProb <- exp(lgamma(edges+1) - lgamma(edges-possEdges+1) - lgamma(possEdges+1) - tau*possEdges-edges * log(1+exp(-tau)))
	expCounts <- cbind(possEdges, numGraphs*distProb)
	# Calculate the observed counts of trees k-distance from gstar
	distToGStar <- apply(data, 2, function(x, g, type){calcDistance(x, g, type)}, g=gstar, type=type)
	distTable <- table(distToGStar)
	obsCounts <- cbind(as.integer(names(distTable)), as.integer(distTable))
	# Combine observed and expected counts into a single object
	obsExpCounts <- merge(expCounts, obsCounts, by=1, all=TRUE)
	colnames(obsExpCounts) <- c("dist", "expected", "observed")
	obsExpCounts[is.na(obsExpCounts)] <- 0
	methodA <- "Chisq"
	# Combine distances with a theoretical count < 5 (1 if there aren't enough at 5)
	signifExpect <- obsExpCounts$expected >= 5 
	if(sum(signifExpect) <= 1){
		signifExpect <- obsExpCounts$expected >= 1
		if(sum(signifExpect) < 1){
			stop("Expected counts below the threshold of 1. Goodness of fit cannot be calculated")
			methodA <- "MC"
			warning("Expected counts below the threshold of 5; threshold lowered to 1 \n 
							P-value computed using Monte-Carlo simulation instead of asymptotic distribution.")
	# Determine main concentration of graphs
	sumSignifExp <- sum(signifExpect)
	lowerBound <- which(cumsum(signifExpect)==1)
	upperBound <- length(signifExpect)-which(cumsum(rev(signifExpect))==1)+1
	signifExpect[c(lowerBound, upperBound)] <- FALSE 
	# Collapse groups below/above the bounds
	lowerCount <- colSums(obsExpCounts[1:lowerBound, c("expected", "observed")])
	upperCount <- colSums(obsExpCounts[upperBound:length(signifExpect), c("expected", "observed")])
	mainCount <- obsExpCounts[signifExpect, c("expected", "observed")]
	# Bind all groups into 1 table
	oTable <- rbind(lowerCount, mainCount, upperCount)
	rownames(oTable) <- c(paste("<=", obsExpCounts[lowerBound, 1]), obsExpCounts[signifExpect, 1], paste(">=", obsExpCounts[upperBound, 1]))
	# Compute Pearson Chi-Squared Statistics
	pearsonStats <- sum(((oTable$observed - oTable$expected)^2)/oTable$expected)
	df <- nrow(oTable) - 1
	#Compute the Chi-Squared Statistics
	chisq <- chisq.test(oTable$observed, p=oTable$expected/numGraphs, simulate.p.value=ifelse(methodA == "MC", TRUE, FALSE), B=numSims)
	pvalueC <- chisq$p.value
	# Compute the G Statistics if needed
	if(sum(oTable$observed == 0) == 0){
		gStats <- 2*sum(oTable$observed * log(oTable$observed/oTable$expected))
		gdf <- nrow(oTable) - 1
		if(gdf <= 0){
			gdf <- nrow(oTable)
			warning("df is zero or negative; df replaced by the number of cells. (Conservative Test)")
		pvalueG <- pchisq(gStats, df=gdf, ncp=0, lower.tail=FALSE, log.p=FALSE)
		gStats <- NA
		pvalueG <- NA
	pval <- ifelse(is.na(pvalueG), pvalueC, pvalueG)
	ptype <- ifelse(is.na(pvalueG), ifelse(methodA=="MC", "Monte-Carlo simulation", "Pearson Chi-square"), "G-test Statistics")
	# Plot the observed vs expected data
		mycolor <- c("red", "blue")
		mylegend <- c("Expected", "Observed")
		signifExpect[c(lowerBound, upperBound)] <- TRUE 
		dist <- obsExpCounts[signifExpect, 1]
		matplot(dist, oTable, pch=19, type="p", col=mycolor)
		legend("topright", legend=mylegend, col=mycolor, pch=19)
			title(c(paste(ptype), paste("P-value:", round(pval, 2))))
	results	<- list(ptype, df, pval, oTable)
	names(results) <- c("Method", "df", "pvalue",  "table")

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