binom.lrt <- function(x, n, conf.level = 0.95, bayes = FALSE, conf.adj = FALSE, plot = FALSE, ...) {
do.plot <- ((is.logical(plot) && plot) || is.list(plot)) && requireNamespace("lattice")
xn <- cbind(x = x, n = n)
ok <- ![, 1]) & ![, 2])
x <- xn[ok, "x"]
n <- xn[ok, "n"]
p <- ifelse(ok, x/n, NA)
res <- data.frame(xn, mean = p)
alpha <- 1 - conf.level
alpha <- rep(alpha, length = length(p))
res$lower <- rep(0, NROW(res))
res$upper <- rep(1, NROW(res))
args <- list(...)
tol <- if(is.null(args$tol)) .Machine$double.eps^0.5 else args$tol
bindev <- function(y, x, mu, wt, bound = 0, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5, ...) {
ll.y <- ifelse(y %in% c(0, 1), 0, ldbinom(x, wt, y)) <- ifelse(mu %in% c(0, 1), 0, ldbinom(x, wt, mu))
f <- ifelse(abs(y - mu) < tol, 0, sign(y - mu) * sqrt(-2 * (ll.y -
f - bound
args$f <- bindev
x0 <- x == 0
xn <- x == n
z <- qnorm(1 - alpha * ifelse((x0 | xn) & conf.adj, 0.25, 0.5))
if((is.logical(bayes) && bayes) || is.numeric(bayes)) {
## use bayesian adjustment for edge correction
if(is.logical(bayes)) {
bayes <- c(0.5, 0.5)
} else if(length(bayes) == 1) {
bayes <- c(bayes, bayes)
if(any(edge <- x0 | xn)) {
n[edge] <- n[edge] + bayes[1] + bayes[2]
x[edge] <- x[edge] + bayes[1]
p <- x/n
bayes <- TRUE
plot.df <- list()
for(i in seq(NROW(res))) {
if(!ok[i]) {
res$lower[i] <- res$upper[i] <- NA
args[c("x", "mu", "wt")] <- list(x = x[i], mu = p[i], wt = n[i])
if(!x0[i] && tol < p[i]) {
args$interval <- c(tol, if(p[i] < tol || p[i] == 1) 1 - tol else p[i])
args$bound <- -z[i]
res$lower[i] <- if(bindev(tol, x[i], p[i], n[i], -z[i], tol) > 0) {
if(conf.adj) z[i] <- qnorm(1 - alpha)
} else {"uniroot", args)$root
if(!xn[i] && p[i] < 1 - tol) {
args$interval <- c(if(p[i] > 1 - tol) tol else p[i], 1 - tol)
args$bound <- z[i]
res$upper[i] <- if(bindev(1 - tol, x[i], args$interval[1], n[i], z[i], tol) < 0) {
args$interval <- c(tol, p[i])
if(conf.adj) z[i] <- qnorm(1 - alpha)
args$bound <- -z[i]
res$lower[i] <- if(bindev(tol, x[i], if(p[i] < tol || p[i] == 1) 1 - tol else p[i], n[i], -z[i], tol) > 0) {
} else {"uniroot", args)$root
} else {"uniroot", args)$root
if(do.plot) {
min.p <- res$lower[i]
max.p <- res$upper[i]
dx.p <- 0.1 * (max.p - min.p)
expand.p <- seq(max(min.p - dx.p, tol), min(max.p + dx.p, 1 - tol), len = 100)
plot.df[[i]] <- data.frame(p = expand.p)
plot.df[[i]]$x <- res$x[i]
plot.df[[i]]$n <- res$n[i]
plot.df[[i]]$lower <- res$lower[i]
plot.df[[i]]$upper <- res$upper[i]
plot.df[[i]]$mean <- res$mean[i]
plot.df[[i]]$deviance <- bindev(expand.p, x[i], p[i], n[i], 0, tol)
if(do.plot) {
plot.df <-"rbind", plot.df)
xn <- unique(data.frame(x = plot.df$x, n = plot.df$n))
xn <- xn[order(xn$x, xn$n), ]
lev.xn <- with(xn, sprintf("x = %s; n = %s", x, n))
plot.df$xn <- with(plot.df, factor(sprintf("x = %s; n = %s", x, n), levels = lev.xn))
plot.args <- if(is.list(plot)) plot else list()
plot.args$x <- deviance ~ p | xn
plot.args$data <- plot.df
plot.args$lower <- plot.df$lower
plot.args$upper <- plot.df$upper
plot.args$mean <- plot.df$mean
plot.args$alpha <- unique(alpha)
plot.args$panel <- panel.binom.lrt
plot.args$xlab <- "Probability of Success (p)"
plot.args$ylab <- "Standard Normal Quantiles"
if(is.null(plot.args$par.strip.text)) {
plot.args$par.strip.text <- list(cex = 1.2)
} else if(is.null(plot.args$par.strip.text)) {
plot.args$par.strip.text$cex <- 1.2
if(is.null(plot.args$as.table)) plot.args$as.table <- TRUE
print(, plot.args))
attr(res, "conf.level") <- conf.level
cbind(method = "lrt", res)
panel.binom.lrt <- function(x, y, subscripts, lower, upper, mean, alpha, ...) {
s <- spline(x, y)
lattice::panel.xyplot(s$x, s$y, type = "l", lwd = 2, col = "darkblue")
lower <- unique(lower[subscripts])
upper <- unique(upper[subscripts])
mean <- unique(mean[subscripts])
limits <- lattice::current.panel.limits()
xlim <- limits$xlim
ylim <- limits$ylim
adj.x <- diff(xlim) * 0.04
adj.y <- diff(ylim) * 0.04
lattice::llines(c(xlim[1], mean), c(0, 0), lty = 2, col = "darkgray", lwd = 2)
lattice::llines(c(mean, mean), c(ylim[1], 0), lty = 2, col = "darkgray", lwd = 2)
lab <- sprintf("p = %0.4f", mean)
lattice::ltext(xlim[1] + adj.x, adj.y, lab, adj = 0, col = "black")
lattice::lpoints(mean, 0, col = "darkred", pch = 16, cex = 1.2)
if(lower > xlim[1] && lower < mean) {
q <- qnorm(alpha/2)
lattice::llines(c(xlim[1], lower), c(q, q), lty = 2, col = "darkgray", lwd = 2)
lattice::llines(c(lower, lower), c(ylim[1], q), lty = 2, col = "darkgray", lwd = 2)
##lab <- substitute(hat(p)[L] == phat, list(phat = sprintf("%0.4f", lower)))
lab <- sprintf("LCL = %0.4f", lower)
lattice::ltext(xlim[1] + adj.x, q + adj.y, lab, adj = 0, col = "black")
lattice::lpoints(lower, q, col = "darkred", pch = 16, cex = 1.2)
if(upper < xlim[2] && mean < upper) {
q <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
lattice::llines(c(xlim[1], upper), c(q, q), lty = 2, col = "darkgray", lwd = 2)
lattice::llines(c(upper, upper), c(ylim[1], q), lty = 2, col = "darkgray", lwd = 2)
lab <- sprintf("UCL = %0.4f", upper)
lattice::ltext(xlim[1] + adj.x, q + adj.y, lab, adj = 0, col = "black")
lattice::lpoints(upper, q, col = "darkred", pch = 16, cex = 1.2)
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