
Defines functions blob_detection

Documented in blob_detection

#' Blob detection of a region of interest into a spectrographic representation of the recording
#' This function is a modified version of the Bat classify software developed by Christopher Scott (2014).
#' It combines several algorithms for detection, filtering and audio feature extraction.
#' @inheritParams threshold_detection
#' @param min_area integer. Minimum area threshold in number of pixels.
#' Extracted segments with an area shorter than this threshold are discarded.
#' Default setting is 40 pixels.
#' @param blur integer. Gaussian smoothing function for blurring the spectrogram of the audio event to reduce image noise.
#' Default setting is 2.
#' @param contrast_boost integer. Edge contrast enhancement filter of the spectrogram of the audio event to improve its apparent sharpness.
#' Default setting is 20.
#' @param bg_substract integer. Foreground extraction with a mean filter applied on the spectrogram of the audio even for image denoising.
#' Default setting is 20.
#' @export
#' @importClassesFrom tuneR Wave
#' @importFrom graphics axis box legend lines par plot text
#' @importFrom grDevices png
#' @importFrom methods is slot
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @examples
#' data(myotis)
#' Output <- blob_detection(myotis, time_exp = 10, contrast_boost = 30, bg_substract = 30)
#' Output$data
#' @rdname blob_detection

blob_detection <- function(wave,
                           channel = 'left',
                           time_exp = 1,
                           min_dur = 1.5,
                           max_dur = 80,
                           min_area = 40,
                           min_TBE = 20,
                           max_TBE = 1000,
                           EDG = .9,
                           HPF = 16000,
                           FFT_size = 256,
                           FFT_overlap = 0.875,
                           blur = 2,
                           bg_substract = 20,
                           contrast_boost = 20,
                           settings = FALSE,
                           acoustic_feat = TRUE,
                           metadata = FALSE,
                           spectro_dir = NULL,
                           time_scale = 0.1,
                           ticks = TRUE)
  if (is.character(wave))
    wave <- read_audio(wave)

  filepath <- attr(wave, 'filepath')

  filename <-
    if (!is.null(attr(wave, 'filename')))
      attr(wave, 'filename')
  else if (!is.null(filepath))

  sample_rate <- slot(wave, 'samp.rate') * time_exp
  bit_depth <- slot(wave, 'bit')

    LPF <- sample_rate / 2

    LPF <- sample_rate / 2
    LPF <- min(LPF, sample_rate / 2)

  blobs <- blob_detection_impl(
    audio_samples = slot(wave, channel <- ifelse(slot(wave, 'stereo'), channel, 'left')),
    sample_rate = sample_rate,
    LPF = LPF,
    HPF = HPF,
    min_TBE = min_TBE,
    max_TBE = max_TBE,
    EDG = EDG,
    FFT_size = FFT_size,
    FFT_overlap = FFT_overlap,
    min_d = min_dur,
    max_d = max_dur,
    area = min_area,
    blur_f = blur,
    bg_substract = bg_substract,
    boost = contrast_boost

  if (length(blobs) == 0)
      "No audio events found",
      if (!is.na(filename)) paste0(" for file '", basename(filename), "'")

    output <- list(data = NULL)
    if ( !is.null(spectro_dir) )
      if ( !dir.exists(file.path(spectro_dir, 'spectrograms')) )
        stopifnot(dir.create(file.path(spectro_dir, 'spectrograms'), recursive = TRUE)) # Stop if directory creation fails

      spectro_dir <- tools::file_path_as_absolute(spectro_dir)

      if (is.logical(ticks))
        if (ticks)
          ticks_at <- seq(0, FFT_size, length.out = 12) / FFT_size
      else if (is.numeric(ticks))
        ticks_at <- seq(ticks[1L], ticks[2L], ticks[3L]) / (sample_rate / 2)
        ticks <- TRUE

      bare_name <- if (!is.na(filename)) tools::file_path_sans_ext(filename)
      html_file <- paste0('spectrograms--', bare_name, format(Sys.time(), '--%y%m%d--%H%M%S'), '.html')

      tags <- htmltools::tags

      fft_step <- floor(FFT_size * (1 - FFT_overlap))

      html_doc <- tags$html(
                png_file <- file.path('spectrograms', paste0(format(Sys.time(), '%y%m%d--%H%M%S--'), bare_name, '--', i, '.png'))
                png(file.path(spectro_dir, png_file), width = (((1 - FFT_overlap) * FFT_size) / sample_rate * 1000) * ncol(blobs[[2]][[i]]) / time_scale)
                par(mar = rep_len(0L,4L), oma = c(.1,.1,.1,.1))

                .spectro(data = to_dB(rotate90(blobs[[2]][[i]])), colors = gray.colors(25, 1, 0))
                lgd <- legend('topright', legend = NA, inset = 0, box.col = NA)
                text(x = lgd$rect$left + min(lgd$rect$w, 1) / 2L, y = lgd$text$y, labels = i, adj = .5)
                if (ticks)
                  axis(2, at = ticks_at, tcl = .4, col = NA, col.ticks = 'black', labels = FALSE)
                tags$img(src = png_file)

      htmltools::save_html(html = html_doc, file = file.path(spectro_dir, html_file))
      utils::browseURL(file.path(spectro_dir, html_file)) # Open html page on favorite browser

    if (!acoustic_feat)
      blobs[[1L]] <- blobs[[1L]][, c('starting_time', 'duration')]

    # Add info about filename if available
    blobs[[1L]] <- cbind(
        filename = basename(filename),
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE

    output <- list( data = blobs[[1L]] )

  if (metadata)
    if (!is.null(attr(wave, "metadata")))
      output$metadata <- metadata(wave)
      if (!is.null(filepath))
        output$metadata$file$sample_rate <- sample_rate
        output$metadata$file$bit_depth <- bit_depth

        if (length(guano_md <- guano_md(filepath)) > 0)
          output$metadata$guano <- guano_md

  if (settings)
    output$metadata$settings_blob_detection <- list(
      channel = channel,
      min_dur = min_dur,
      max_dur = max_dur,
      min_area = min_area,
      LPF = LPF,
      HPF = HPF,
      min_TBE = min_TBE,
      max_TBE = max_TBE,
      EDG = EDG,
      FFT_size = FFT_size,
      FFT_overlap = FFT_overlap,
      blur = blur,
      bg_substract = bg_substract,
      contrast_boost = contrast_boost,
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE

  class(output) <- "blob_detection"


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bioacoustics documentation built on Feb. 8, 2022, 5:06 p.m.