
Defines functions fit_MCMC_growth fit_dynamic_growth get_dyna_residuals

Documented in fit_dynamic_growth fit_MCMC_growth get_dyna_residuals

#' Residuals of dynamic prediction
#' Function for calculating residuals of a dynamic prediction according
#' to the requirements of [modFit()].
#' @param this_p named vector of model parameters
#' @param fit_data tibble with the data for the fit
#' @param env_conditions tibble with the environmental conditions
#' @param known_pars named vector of known model parameters
#' @param sec_model_names named character vector with names the
#' environmental conditions and values the secondary model (e.g. 'CPM').
#' @param cost an instance of modCost to be combined (to fit multiple models).
#' @param logbase_mu Base of the logarithm of the growthrate. 
#' By default, the same as logbase_logN. See vignette about units for details. 
#' @param logbase_logN Base of the logarithm for the population size. By default,
#' 10 (i.e. log10). See vignette about units for details.
#' @return An instance of [modCost()].
#' @importFrom FME modCost
get_dyna_residuals <- function(this_p, fit_data, env_conditions,
                               known_pars, sec_model_names,
                               cost = NULL,
                               logbase_mu = logbase_logN,
                               logbase_logN = 10 
                               ) {

    ## Build the parameters of the primary model

    primary_pars <- extract_primary_pars(this_p, known_pars)

    ## Build the parameters of the secondary model

    secondary_models <- extract_secondary_pars(this_p, known_pars,

    ## Calculate the prediction

    times <- seq(0, max(fit_data$time), length = 1000)
    prediction <- predict_growth(environment = "dynamic",
                                 logbase_mu = logbase_mu,
                                 logbase_logN = logbase_logN

    ## Calculate residuals

    modCost(model = as.data.frame(prediction$simulation),
            obs = as.data.frame(fit_data),
            cost = cost


#' Fit dynamic growth models
#' @description 
#' `r lifecycle::badge("superseded")`
#' The function [fit_dynamic_growth()] has been superseded by the top-level
#' function [fit_growth()], which provides a unified approach for growth modelling.
#' Nonetheless, it can still fit a growth model to data obtained under dynamic conditions
#' using the one-step approach (non-linear regression).
#' @param fit_data Tibble with the data to use for model fit. It must
#' contain a column with the elapsed time (named "time" by default) and another one
#' with the decimal logarithm of the observed population size (named "logN" by default).
#' Different column names can be specified using the "formula" argument.
#' @param env_conditions Tibble with the (dynamic) environmental conditions
#' during the experiment. It must have one column with the
#' elapsed time (named "time" by default) and as many columns as required with the 
#' environmental conditions. A different column name can be specified using the 
#' "formula" argument, although it must be the same one as in "fit_data".
#' Note that only those defined in "sec_model_names" will be considered for
#' the model fit.
#' @param starting_point A named vector of starting values for the model parameters.
#' Parameters for the primary model must be named in the usual way. Parameters for the
#' secondary model are named as `env_factor`+'_'+`parameter`. For instance,
#' the maximum growth temperature shall be named 'temperature_xmax'.
#' @param known_pars A named vector of known model parameters (i.e. not fitted). They
#' must be named using the same convention as for `starting_point`.
#' @param sec_model_names A named character vector defining the secondary model for each
#' environmental factor. The names define the factor and the value the type of model.
#' Names must match columns in `fit_data` and `env_conditions`.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to modFit.
#' @param check Whether to check model parameters (TRUE by default).
#' @param formula an object of class "formula" describing the x and y variables.
#' `logN ~ time` as a default.
#' @param logbase_mu Base of the logarithm the growth rate is referred to. 
#' By default, the same as logbase_logN. See vignette about units for details. 
#' @param logbase_logN Base of the logarithm for the population size. By default,
#' 10 (i.e. log10). See vignette about units for details.
#' @return An instance of [FitDynamicGrowth()].
#' @importFrom FME modFit
#' @importFrom dplyr rename
#' @importFrom formula.tools lhs rhs get.vars
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ## We use the datasets included in the package
#' data("example_dynamic_growth")
#' data("example_env_conditions")
#' ## Define the secondary models
#' sec_model_names <- c(temperature = "CPM", aw= "CPM")
#' ## Any model parameter can be fixed
#' known_pars <- list(Nmax = 1e4,  # Primary model
#'     N0 = 1e0, Q0 = 1e-3,  # Initial values of the primary model
#'     mu_opt = 4, # mu_opt of the gamma model
#'     temperature_n = 1,  # Secondary model for temperature
#'     aw_xmax = 1, aw_xmin = .9, aw_n = 1  # Secondary model for water activity
#'     )
#' ## The remaining parameters need initial values
#' my_start <- list(temperature_xmin = 25, temperature_xopt = 35,
#'     temperature_xmax = 40, aw_xopt = .95)
#' ## We can now call the fitting function
#' my_dyna_fit <- fit_dynamic_growth(example_dynamic_growth, example_env_conditions,
#'     my_start, known_pars, sec_model_names)
#' summary(my_dyna_fit)
#' ## We can compare the data and the fitted curve
#' plot(my_dyna_fit)
#' ## We can plot any environmental condition using add_factor
#' plot(my_dyna_fit, add_factor = "aw",
#'     label_y1 = "Log count (log CFU/ml)",
#'     label_y2 = "Water activity")
#' }
fit_dynamic_growth <- function(fit_data, env_conditions,
                               starting_point, known_pars,
                               sec_model_names, ...,
                               logbase_mu = logbase_logN,
                               logbase_logN = 10,
                               formula = logN ~ time
                               ) {
    ## Check the model parameters
    if (isTRUE(check)) {
        check_secondary_pars(starting_point, known_pars, sec_model_names,
                             primary_pars = c("mu_opt", "N0", "Nmax", "Q0"))
    ## Apply the formula
    if (length(get.vars(formula)) > 2) {
        stop("Only formulas with 2 terms are supported.")
    y_col <- lhs(formula)
    x_col <- rhs(formula)
    fit_data <- select(fit_data, 
                       time = x_col,
                       logN = y_col
    env_conditions <- rename(env_conditions,
                             time =  x_col)
    ## Call the fitting function

    my_fit <- modFit(get_dyna_residuals, unlist(starting_point),
                     fit_data = fit_data,
                     env_conditions = env_conditions,
                     known_pars = unlist(known_pars),
                     sec_model_names = sec_model_names,
                     logbase_mu = logbase_mu,
                     logbase_logN = logbase_logN,

    #- Output the results

    pars_fit <- my_fit$par

    primary_pars <- extract_primary_pars(pars_fit, known_pars)

    secondary_models <- extract_secondary_pars(pars_fit, known_pars,

    times <- seq(0, max(fit_data$time), length=100)

    # best_prediction <- predict_dynamic_growth(times, env_conditions,
    #                                           as.list(primary_pars),
    #                                           secondary_models)
    best_prediction <- predict_growth(environment = "dynamic",
                                 logbase_mu = logbase_mu ,
                                 logbase_logN = logbase_logN

    out <- list(fit_results = my_fit,
                best_prediction = best_prediction,
                data = fit_data,
                env_conditions = env_conditions,
                starting = starting_point,
                known = known_pars,
                sec_models = sec_model_names,
                logbase_mu = logbase_mu,
                logbase_logN = logbase_logN

    class(out) <- c("FitDynamicGrowth", class(out))


#' Fit growth models using MCMC
#' @description 
#' `r lifecycle::badge("superseded")`
#' The function [fit_MCMC_growth()] has been superseded by the top-level
#' function [fit_growth()], which provides a unified approach for growth modelling.
#' But, it can still fit a growth model to a data obtained under dynamic conditions
#' using the one-step approach (MCMC algorithm).
#' @inheritParams fit_dynamic_growth
#' @param niter number of iterations of the MCMC algorithm.
#' @param logbase_logN Base of the logarithm for the population size. By default,
#' 10 (i.e. log10). See vignette about units for details.
#' @return An instance of [FitDynamicGrowthMCMC()].
#' @importFrom FME modMCMC
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ## We use the example data included in the package
#' data("example_dynamic_growth")
#' data("example_env_conditions")
#' ## Definition of the secondary models
#' sec_model_names <- c(temperature = "CPM", aw= "CPM")
#' ## Any model parameter can be fixed
#' known_pars <- list(Nmax = 1e4,  # Primary model
#'     N0 = 1e0, Q0 = 1e-3,  # Initial values of the primary model
#'     mu_opt = 4, # mu_opt of the gamma model
#'     temperature_n = 1,  # Secondary model for temperature
#'     aw_xmax = 1, aw_xmin = .9, aw_n = 1  # Secondary model for water activity
#'     )
#' ## We need starting values for the remaining parameters
#' my_start <- list(temperature_xmin = 25, temperature_xopt = 35,
#'     temperature_xmax = 40,
#'     aw_xopt = .95)
#' ## We can now call the fitting function
#' set.seed(12124) # Setting seed for repeatability
#' my_MCMC_fit <- fit_MCMC_growth(example_dynamic_growth, example_env_conditions,
#'     my_start, known_pars, sec_model_names, niter = 3000)
#' ## Always check the MCMC chain!!
#' plot(my_MCMC_fit$fit_results)
#' ## We can compare data against fitted curve
#' plot(my_MCMC_fit)
#' ## Any environmental factor can be included using add_factor
#' plot(my_MCMC_fit, add_factor = "temperature",
#'     label_y1 = "Count (log CFU/ml)", label_y2 = "Temperature (C)")
#' }
fit_MCMC_growth <- function(fit_data, env_conditions,
                            starting_point, known_pars,
                            sec_model_names, niter, ...,
                            check = TRUE,
                            formula = logN ~ time,
                            logbase_mu = logbase_logN,
                            logbase_logN = 10
                            ) {

    ## Check the model parameters
    if (isTRUE(check)) {
        check_secondary_pars(starting_point, known_pars, sec_model_names,
                             primary_pars = c("mu_opt", "N0", "Nmax", "Q0"))
    ## Apply the formula
    if (length(get.vars(formula)) > 2) {
        stop("Only formulas with 2 terms are supported.")
    y_col <- lhs(formula)
    x_col <- rhs(formula)
    fit_data <- select(fit_data, 
                       time = x_col,
                       logN = y_col
    env_conditions <- rename(env_conditions,
                             time =  x_col)
    ## Fit the model
    my_fit <- modMCMC(get_dyna_residuals, unlist(starting_point),
                     fit_data = fit_data,
                     env_conditions = env_conditions,
                     known_pars = unlist(known_pars),
                     sec_model_names = sec_model_names,
                     niter = niter,
                     logbase_mu = logbase_mu,
                     logbase_logN = logbase_logN,

    #- Output the results

    pars_fit <- my_fit$bestpar

    primary_pars <- extract_primary_pars(pars_fit, known_pars)

    secondary_models <- extract_secondary_pars(pars_fit, known_pars,

    times <- seq(0, max(fit_data$time), length=100)

    # best_prediction <- predict_dynamic_growth(times, env_conditions,
    #                                           as.list(primary_pars),
    #                                           secondary_models)
    best_prediction <- predict_growth(environment = "dynamic",
                                      logbase_mu = logbase_mu,
                                      logbase_logN = logbase_logN

    out <- list(fit_results = my_fit,
                best_prediction = best_prediction,
                env_conditions = env_conditions,
                data = fit_data,
                starting = starting_point,
                known = known_pars,
                sec_models = sec_model_names,
                logbase_mu = logbase_mu,
                logbase_logN = logbase_logN

    class(out) <- c("FitDynamicGrowthMCMC", class(out))


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biogrowth documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:17 a.m.