
Defines functions runif64 hashmapupo.integer64 hashmapupo hashmapuni.integer64 hashmapuni hashmaptab.integer64 hashmaptab hashtab.cache_integer64 hashtab hashupo.cache_integer64 hashupo hashuni.cache_integer64 hashuni hashdup.cache_integer64 hashdup hashrin.cache_integer64 hashrin hashfin.cache_integer64 hashfin hashrev.cache_integer64 hashrev hashpos.cache_integer64 hashpos hashmap.integer64 hashmap hashfun.integer64 hashfun

Documented in hashdup hashdup.cache_integer64 hashfin hashfin.cache_integer64 hashfun hashfun.integer64 hashmap hashmap.integer64 hashmaptab hashmaptab.integer64 hashmapuni hashmapuni.integer64 hashmapupo hashmapupo.integer64 hashpos hashpos.cache_integer64 hashrev hashrev.cache_integer64 hashrin hashrin.cache_integer64 hashtab hashtab.cache_integer64 hashuni hashuni.cache_integer64 hashupo hashupo.cache_integer64 runif64

# /*
# R-Code for hashing
# S3 atomic 64bit integers for R
# (c) 2011 Jens Oehlschägel
# Licence: GPL2
# Provided 'as is', use at your own risk
# Created: 2011-12-11
# Last changed:  2011-12-11
# */

#! \name{hashmap}
#! \alias{hashfun}
#! \alias{hashfun.integer64}
#! \alias{hashmap}
#! \alias{hashmap.integer64}
#! \alias{hashpos}
#! \alias{hashpos.cache_integer64}
#! \alias{hashrev}
#! \alias{hashrev.cache_integer64}
#! \alias{hashfin}
#! \alias{hashfin.cache_integer64}
#! \alias{hashrin}
#! \alias{hashrin.cache_integer64}
#! \alias{hashdup}
#! \alias{hashdup.cache_integer64}
#! \alias{hashuni}
#! \alias{hashuni.cache_integer64}
#! \alias{hashmapuni}
#! \alias{hashmapuni.integer64}
#! \alias{hashupo}
#! \alias{hashupo.cache_integer64}
#! \alias{hashmapupo}
#! \alias{hashmapupo.integer64}
#! \alias{hashtab}
#! \alias{hashtab.cache_integer64}
#! \alias{hashmaptab}
#! \alias{hashmaptab.integer64}
#! \title{
#!    Hashing for 64bit integers
#! }
#! \description{
#! This is an explicit implementation of hash functionality that underlies 
#! matching and other functions in R. Explicit means that you can create, 
#! store and use hash functionality directly. One advantage is that you can
#! re-use hashmaps, which avoid re-building hashmaps again and again.
#! }
#! \usage{
#! hashfun(x, \dots)
#! \method{hashfun}{integer64}(x, minfac=1.41, hashbits=NULL, \dots)
#! hashmap(x, \dots)
#! \method{hashmap}{integer64}(x, nunique=NULL, minfac=1.41, hashbits=NULL, cache=NULL, \dots)
#! hashpos(cache, \dots)
#! \method{hashpos}{cache_integer64}(cache, x, nomatch = NA_integer_, \dots)
#! hashrev(cache, \dots)
#! \method{hashrev}{cache_integer64}(cache, x, nomatch = NA_integer_, \dots)
#! hashfin(cache, \dots)
#! \method{hashfin}{cache_integer64}(cache, x, \dots)
#! hashrin(cache, \dots)
#! \method{hashrin}{cache_integer64}(cache, x, \dots)
#! hashdup(cache, \dots)
#! \method{hashdup}{cache_integer64}(cache, \dots)
#! hashuni(cache, \dots)
#! \method{hashuni}{cache_integer64}(cache, keep.order=FALSE, \dots)
#! hashmapuni(x, \dots)
#! \method{hashmapuni}{integer64}(x, nunique=NULL, minfac=1.5, hashbits=NULL, \dots)
#! hashupo(cache, \dots)
#! \method{hashupo}{cache_integer64}(cache, keep.order=FALSE, \dots)
#! hashmapupo(x, \dots)
#! \method{hashmapupo}{integer64}(x, nunique=NULL, minfac=1.5, hashbits=NULL, \dots)
#! hashtab(cache, \dots)
#! \method{hashtab}{cache_integer64}(cache, \dots)
#! hashmaptab(x, \dots)
#! \method{hashmaptab}{integer64}(x, nunique=NULL, minfac=1.5, hashbits=NULL, \dots)
#! }
#! \arguments{
#!   \item{x}{ an integer64 vector }
#!   \item{hashmap}{ an object of class 'hashmap' i.e. here 'cache_integer64' }
#!   \item{minfac}{ minimum factor by which the hasmap has more elements compared to the data \code{x}, ignored if \code{hashbits} is given directly }
#!   \item{hashbits}{ length of hashmap is \code{2^hashbits} }
#!   \item{cache}{ an optional \code{\link{cache}} object into which to put the hashmap (by default a new cache is created)}
#!   \item{nunique}{ giving \emph{correct} number of unique elements can help reducing the size of the hashmap }
#!   \item{nomatch}{ the value to be returned if an element is not found in the hashmap }
#!   \item{keep.order}{ determines order of results and speed: \code{FALSE} (the default) is faster and returns in the (pseudo)random order of the hash function, \code{TRUE} returns in the order of first appearance in the original data, but this requires extra work } 
#!   \item{\dots}{ further arguments, passed from generics, ignored in methods }
#! }
#! \details{
#! \tabular{rrl}{
#!    \bold{function} \tab \bold{see also}          \tab \bold{description} \cr
#!    \code{hashfun} \tab \code{digest} \tab export of the hash function used in \code{hashmap} \cr
#!    \code{hashmap} \tab \code{\link[=match.integer64]{match}} \tab return hashmap \cr
#!    \code{hashpos} \tab \code{\link[=match.integer64]{match}} \tab return positions of \code{x} in \code{hashmap} \cr
#!    \code{hashrev} \tab \code{\link[=match.integer64]{match}} \tab return positions of \code{hashmap} in \code{x} \cr
#!    \code{hashfin} \tab \code{\link{\%in\%.integer64}} \tab return logical whether \code{x} is in \code{hashmap} \cr
#!    \code{hashrin} \tab \code{\link{\%in\%.integer64}} \tab return logical whether \code{hashmap} is in \code{x}  \cr
#!    \code{hashdup} \tab \code{\link[=duplicated.integer64]{duplicated}} \tab return logical whether hashdat is duplicated using hashmap\cr
#!    \code{hashuni} \tab \code{\link[=unique.integer64]{unique}} \tab return unique values of hashmap  \cr
#!    \code{hashmapuni} \tab \code{\link[=unique.integer64]{unique}} \tab return unique values of \code{x}  \cr
#!    \code{hashupo} \tab \code{\link[=unique.integer64]{unique}} \tab return positions of unique values in hashdat \cr
#!    \code{hashmapupo} \tab \code{\link[=unique.integer64]{unique}} \tab return positions of unique values in \code{x} \cr
#!    \code{hashtab} \tab \code{\link[=table.integer64]{table}} \tab tabulate values of hashdat using hashmap in \code{keep.order=FALSE} \cr
#!    \code{hashmaptab} \tab \code{\link[=table.integer64]{table}} \tab tabulate values of \code{x} building hasmap on the fly in \code{keep.order=FALSE}\cr
#! }
#! }
#! \value{
#!   see details
#! }
#! \author{
#! Jens Oehlschlägel <Jens.Oehlschlaegel@truecluster.com>
#! }
#! \keyword{ programming }
#! \keyword{ manip }
#! \seealso{ \code{\link[=match.integer64]{match}}, \code{\link{runif64}} }
#! \examples{
#! x <- as.integer64(sample(c(NA, 0:9)))
#! y <- as.integer64(sample(c(NA, 1:9), 10, TRUE))
#! hashfun(y)
#! hx <- hashmap(x)
#! hy <- hashmap(y)
#! ls(hy)
#! hashpos(hy, x)
#! hashrev(hx, y)
#! hashfin(hy, x)
#! hashrin(hx, y)
#! hashdup(hy)
#! hashuni(hy)
#! hashuni(hy, keep.order=TRUE)
#! hashmapuni(y)
#! hashupo(hy)
#! hashupo(hy, keep.order=TRUE)
#! hashmapupo(y)
#! hashtab(hy)
#! hashmaptab(y)
#! stopifnot(identical(match(as.integer(x),as.integer(y)),hashpos(hy, x)))
#! stopifnot(identical(match(as.integer(x),as.integer(y)),hashrev(hx, y)))
#! stopifnot(identical(as.integer(x) \%in\% as.integer(y), hashfin(hy, x)))
#! stopifnot(identical(as.integer(x) \%in\% as.integer(y), hashrin(hx, y)))
#! stopifnot(identical(duplicated(as.integer(y)), hashdup(hy)))
#! stopifnot(identical(as.integer64(unique(as.integer(y))), hashuni(hy, keep.order=TRUE)))
#! stopifnot(identical(sort(hashuni(hy, keep.order=FALSE)), sort(hashuni(hy, keep.order=TRUE))))
#! stopifnot(identical(y[hashupo(hy, keep.order=FALSE)], hashuni(hy, keep.order=FALSE)))
#! stopifnot(identical(y[hashupo(hy, keep.order=TRUE)], hashuni(hy, keep.order=TRUE)))
#! stopifnot(identical(hashpos(hy, hashuni(hy, keep.order=TRUE)), hashupo(hy, keep.order=TRUE)))
#! stopifnot(identical(hashpos(hy, hashuni(hy, keep.order=FALSE)), hashupo(hy, keep.order=FALSE)))
#! stopifnot(identical(hashuni(hy, keep.order=FALSE), hashtab(hy)$values))
#! stopifnot(identical(as.vector(table(as.integer(y), useNA="ifany"))
#! , hashtab(hy)$counts[order.integer64(hashtab(hy)$values)]))
#! stopifnot(identical(hashuni(hy, keep.order=TRUE), hashmapuni(y)))
#! stopifnot(identical(hashupo(hy, keep.order=TRUE), hashmapupo(y)))
#! stopifnot(identical(hashtab(hy), hashmaptab(y)))
#! 	\dontrun{
#! 	message("explore speed given size of the hasmap in 2^hashbits and size of the data")
#! 	message("more hashbits means more random access and less collisions")
#! 	message("i.e. more data means less random access and more collisions")
#! 	bits <- 24
#! 	b <- seq(-1, 0, 0.1)
#! 	tim <- matrix(NA, length(b), 2, dimnames=list(b, c("bits","bits+1")))
#!     for (i in 1:length(b)){
#! 	  n <- as.integer(2^(bits+b[i]))
#! 	  x <- as.integer64(sample(n))
#! 	  tim[i,1] <- repeat.time(hashmap(x, hashbits=bits))[3]
#! 	  tim[i,2] <- repeat.time(hashmap(x, hashbits=bits+1))[3]
#! 	  print(tim)
#!       matplot(b, tim)
#! 	}
#! 	message("we conclude that n*sqrt(2) is enough to avoid collisions")
#! 	}
#! }

hashfun <- function(x, ...)UseMethod("hashfun")
hashfun.integer64 <- function(x, minfac=1.41, hashbits=NULL, ...){
  n <- length(x)
  if (is.null(hashbits)){
    minlen <- ceiling(n*minfac)
    if (minlen > 0L)
      hashbits <- as.integer(ceiling(log2(minlen)))
      hashbits <- 0L
    hashbits <- as.integer(hashbits)
  .Call(C_hashfun_integer64, x, hashbits, integer(n), PACKAGE = "bit64")

hashmap <- function(x, ...)UseMethod("hashmap")
hashmap.integer64 <- function(x, nunique=NULL, minfac=1.41, hashbits=NULL, cache=NULL, ...){
  if (is.null(nunique)){
    nunique <- integer(1)
	n <- length(x)
    nunique <- as.integer(nunique)
    n <- nunique
  if (is.null(hashbits)){
    minlen <- ceiling(n*minfac)
    if (minlen > 0L)
      hashbits <- as.integer(ceiling(log2(minlen)))
      hashbits <- 0L
    hashbits <- as.integer(hashbits)
  nhash <- as.integer(2^hashbits)
  hashmap <- integer(nhash)
  .Call(C_hashmap_integer64, x, hashbits, hashmap, nunique, PACKAGE = "bit64")
  if (is.null(cache))
	  cache <- newcache(x)
    if (!bit::still.identical(x, get("x", envir=cache, inherits=FALSE)))
		  stop("vector 'x' dissociated from cache")
  assign("hashmap", hashmap, envir=cache)
  assign("hashbits", hashbits, envir=cache)
  assign("nhash", nhash, envir=cache)
  assign("nunique", nunique, envir=cache)

hashpos <- function(cache, ...)UseMethod("hashpos")
hashpos.cache_integer64 <- function(cache, x, nomatch = NA_integer_, ...){
  hashbits <- get("hashbits", envir=cache, inherits=FALSE)
  hashmap <- get("hashmap", envir=cache, inherits=FALSE)
  hashdat <- get("x", envir=cache, inherits=FALSE)
  .Call(C_hashpos_integer64, as.integer64(x), hashdat, hashbits, hashmap, as.integer(nomatch), integer(length(x)), PACKAGE = "bit64")

hashrev <- function(cache, ...)UseMethod("hashrev")
hashrev.cache_integer64	 <- function(cache, x, nomatch = NA_integer_, ...){
  hashbits <- get("hashbits", envir=cache, inherits=FALSE)
  hashmap <- get("hashmap", envir=cache, inherits=FALSE)
  hashdat <- get("x", envir=cache, inherits=FALSE)
  nunique <- get("nunique", envir=cache, inherits=FALSE)
  .Call(C_hashrev_integer64, as.integer64(x), hashdat, hashbits, hashmap, nunique, as.integer(nomatch), integer(length(hashdat)), PACKAGE = "bit64")

hashfin <- function(cache, ...)UseMethod("hashfin")
hashfin.cache_integer64 <- function(cache, x, ...){
  hashbits <- get("hashbits", envir=cache, inherits=FALSE)
  hashmap <- get("hashmap", envir=cache, inherits=FALSE)
  hashdat <- get("x", envir=cache, inherits=FALSE)
  .Call(C_hashfin_integer64, as.integer64(x), hashdat, hashbits, hashmap, logical(length(x)), PACKAGE = "bit64")

hashrin <- function(cache, ...)UseMethod("hashrin")
hashrin.cache_integer64 <- function(cache, x, ...){
  hashbits <- get("hashbits", envir=cache, inherits=FALSE)
  hashmap <- get("hashmap", envir=cache, inherits=FALSE)
  hashdat <- get("x", envir=cache, inherits=FALSE)
  .Call(C_hashrin_integer64, as.integer64(x), hashdat, hashbits, hashmap, nunique, logical(length(hashdat)), PACKAGE = "bit64")

hashdup <- function(cache, ...)UseMethod("hashdup")
hashdup.cache_integer64 <- function(cache, ...){
  hashbits <- get("hashbits", envir=cache, inherits=FALSE)
  hashmap <- get("hashmap", envir=cache, inherits=FALSE)
  hashdat <- get("x", envir=cache, inherits=FALSE)
  nunique <- get("nunique", envir=cache, inherits=FALSE)
  .Call(C_hashdup_integer64, hashdat, hashbits, hashmap, nunique, logical(length(hashdat)), PACKAGE = "bit64")

hashuni <- function(cache, ...)UseMethod("hashuni")
hashuni.cache_integer64 <- function(cache, keep.order=FALSE, ...){
  hashbits <- get("hashbits", envir=cache, inherits=FALSE)
  hashmap <- get("hashmap", envir=cache, inherits=FALSE)
  hashdat <- get("x", envir=cache, inherits=FALSE)
  nunique <- get("nunique", envir=cache, inherits=FALSE)
  ret <- .Call(C_hashuni_integer64, hashdat, hashbits, hashmap, as.logical(keep.order), double(nunique), PACKAGE = "bit64")
  oldClass(ret) <- "integer64"

hashupo <- function(cache, ...)UseMethod("hashupo")
hashupo.cache_integer64 <- function(cache, keep.order=FALSE, ...){
  hashbits <- get("hashbits", envir=cache, inherits=FALSE)
  hashmap <- get("hashmap", envir=cache, inherits=FALSE)
  hashdat <- get("x", envir=cache, inherits=FALSE)
  nunique <- get("nunique", envir=cache, inherits=FALSE)
  .Call(C_hashupo_integer64, hashdat, hashbits, hashmap, as.logical(keep.order), integer(nunique), PACKAGE = "bit64")

# just returns a vector of length nunique of counts of the values 
# at positions hashupo(, keep.order=FALSE) which are those of hashuni(, keep.order=FALSE)
hashtab <- function(cache, ...)UseMethod("hashtab")
hashtab.cache_integer64 <- function(cache, ...){
  hashbits <- get("hashbits", envir=cache, inherits=FALSE)
  hashmap <- get("hashmap", envir=cache, inherits=FALSE)
  hashdat <- get("x", envir=cache, inherits=FALSE)
  nunique <- get("nunique", envir=cache, inherits=FALSE)
  ret <- .Call(C_hashtab_integer64, hashdat, hashbits, hashmap, nunique, PACKAGE = "bit64")
  attr(ret, "names") <- c("values","counts")

hashmaptab <- function(x, ...)UseMethod("hashmaptab")
hashmaptab.integer64 <- function(x, nunique=NULL, minfac=1.5, hashbits=NULL, ...){
  if (is.null(nunique)){
    nunique <- integer(1)
	n <- length(x)
    nunique <- as.integer(nunique)
    n <- nunique
  if (is.null(hashbits))
    hashbits <- as.integer(ceiling(log2(n*minfac)))
    hashbits <- as.integer(hashbits)
  nhash <- as.integer(2^hashbits)
  hashmap <- integer(nhash)
  ret <- .Call(C_hashmaptab_integer64, x, hashbits, hashmap, nunique, PACKAGE = "bit64")
  # theoretically we could use {hashmap, nunique} at this point the same way like after calling hashmap_integer64
  attr(ret, "names") <- c("values","counts")

hashmapuni <- function(x, ...)UseMethod("hashmapuni")
hashmapuni.integer64 <- function(x, nunique=NULL, minfac=1.5, hashbits=NULL, ...){
  if (is.null(nunique)){
    nunique <- integer(1)
	n <- length(x)
    nunique <- as.integer(nunique)
    n <- nunique
  if (is.null(hashbits)){
    minlen <- ceiling(n*minfac)
    if (minlen > 0L)
      hashbits <- as.integer(ceiling(log2(minlen)))
      hashbits <- 0L
    hashbits <- as.integer(hashbits)
  nhash <- as.integer(2^hashbits)
  hashmap <- integer(nhash)
  ret <- .Call(C_hashmapuni_integer64, x, hashbits, hashmap, nunique, PACKAGE = "bit64")
  # theoretically we could use {hashmap, nunique} at this point the same way like after calling hashmap_integer64
  oldClass(ret) <- "integer64"

hashmapupo <- function(x, ...)UseMethod("hashmapupo")
hashmapupo.integer64 <- function(x, nunique=NULL, minfac=1.5, hashbits=NULL, ...){
  if (is.null(nunique)){
    nunique <- integer(1)
	n <- length(x)
    nunique <- as.integer(nunique)
    n <- nunique
  if (is.null(hashbits)){
    minlen <- ceiling(n*minfac)
    if (minlen > 0L)
      hashbits <- as.integer(ceiling(log2(minlen)))
      hashbits <- 0L
    hashbits <- as.integer(hashbits)
  nhash <- as.integer(2^hashbits)
  hashmap <- integer(nhash)
  # theoretically we could use {hashmap, nunique} at this point the same way like after calling hashmap_integer64
  .Call(C_hashmapupo_integer64, x, hashbits, hashmap, nunique, PACKAGE = "bit64")

#! \name{runif64}
#! \alias{runif64}
#! \title{
#!    integer64: random numbers
#! }
#! \description{
#!   Create uniform random 64-bit integers within defined range
#! }
#! \usage{
#!   runif64(n, min = lim.integer64()[1], max = lim.integer64()[2], replace=TRUE)
#! }
#! \arguments{
#!   \item{n}{ length of return vector }
#!   \item{min}{ lower inclusive bound for random numbers }
#!   \item{max}{ upper inclusive bound for random numbers }
#!   \item{replace}{ set to FALSE for sampleing from a finite pool, see \code{\link{sample}} }
#! }
#! \value{
#!   a integer64 vector
#! }
#! \details{
#!   For each random integer we call R's internal C interface \code{unif_rand()} twice.
#!   Each call is mapped to 2^32 unsigned integers. The two 32-bit patterns are concatenated
#!   to form the new integer64. This process is repeated until the result is not a \code{NA_INTEGER64}. 
#! }
#! \author{
#! Jens Oehlschlägel <Jens.Oehlschlaegel@truecluster.com>
#! }
#! \keyword{ classes }
#! \keyword{distribution}
#! \keyword{sysdata}
#! \seealso{ 
#!   \code{\link{runif}}, \code{\link{hashfun}}
#! }
#! \examples{
#!   runif64(12)
#!   runif64(12, -16, 16)
#!   runif64(12, 0, as.integer64(2^60)-1)  # not 2^60-1 !
#!   var(runif(1e4))
#!   var(as.double(runif64(1e4, 0, 2^40))/2^40)  # ~ = 1/12 = .08333
#!   table(sample(16, replace=FALSE))
#!   table(runif64(16, 1, 16, replace=FALSE))
#!   table(sample(16, replace=TRUE))
#!   table(runif64(16, 1, 16, replace=TRUE))
#! }

runif64 <- function(n, min=lim.integer64()[1], max=lim.integer64()[2], replace = TRUE){
  n <- as.integer(n)
  min <- as.integer64(min)
  max <- as.integer64(max)
  if (replace){
    ret <- .Call(C_runif_integer64, n, min, max)
    oldClass(ret) <- "integer64"
    N <- n
    d <- max - min + 1L
    if (!is.na(d) && N > d)
      stop("cannot take a sample larger than the population when 'replace = FALSE'")
    if (!is.na(d) && n > d  / (2*log(n,64))){
      ret <- .Call(C_runif_integer64, as.integer(d), as.integer64(min), as.integer64(max))
      oldClass(ret) <- "integer64"
      ret <- sample(ret, n, FALSE)
      ret <- integer64()
      while (N > 0){
        ret <- unique(c(ret, Recall(
          if (N*1.05 < .Machine$integer.max) N*1.05 else N
        , min
        , max
        , replace=TRUE
        N <- n - length(ret)
      if (N != 0L)
        ret <- ret[1:n]

if (FALSE){
    n <- 1e6
    print(microbenchmark(runif64(n, 1, n), times=20))
    for (m in c(1,2,4,8,16)){
      print(microbenchmark(runif64(n, 1, n*m, replace=FALSE), times=20))
      print(microbenchmark(sample(n*m, n, replace=FALSE), times=20))
    print(microbenchmark(runif64(n, 1, replace=FALSE), times=20))

  n <- 1e7
  x <- as.integer64(sample(n, n, TRUE))
  t1 <- system.time({h <- hashmap(x)})[3]
  t2 <- system.time({value <- hashuni(h)})[3]
  t3 <- system.time({count <- hashtab(h)})[3]
  t4 <- system.time({ret1 <- list(values=value, counts=count)})[3]
  system.time({ret2 <- hashmaptab(x)})[3]

  x <- as.integer64(sample(n, n, TRUE))
	ret2 <- hashmaptab(x)
	cv2 <- sum(ret2$counts[ret2$counts>1])

	s <- clone(x)
	na.count <- ramsort(s, has.na = TRUE, na.last = FALSE, decreasing = FALSE, stable = FALSE, optimize = "time")
	cv <- .Call(C_r_ram_integer64_sortnut, x = s, PACKAGE = "bit64")[[2]]


  s <- clone(x); o <- seq_along(x); ramsortorder(s, o);
  t2 <- sortordertab(s,o);

  n <- 1e6
  r <- runif64(n, lim.integer64()[1], lim.integer64()[2])
  identical(r, as.integer64(as.bitstring(r)))
  x <- seq(0,1,0.1)
  y <- quantile.integer64(r, x)
  z <- diff(y)
  plot(log2(z), type="b",ylim=c(0, max(log2(z))))
  n <- 1e7

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bit64 documentation built on Aug. 30, 2020, 9:07 a.m.