#' Obtain posterior samples of predictions at new points
#' Obtains posterior samples of \code{E(Y) = h(Znew) + beta*Xnew} or of \code{g^{-1}[E(y)]}
#' @param sel A vector selecting which iterations of the BKMR fit should be retained for inference. If not specified, will default to keeping every 10 iterations after dropping the first 50\% of samples, or if this results in fewer than 100 iterations, than 100 iterations are kept
#' @param Znew optional matrix of new predictor values at which to predict new \code{h}, where each row represents a new observation. If not specified, defaults to using observed Z values
#' @param Xnew optional matrix of new covariate values at which to obtain predictions. If not specified, defaults to using observed X values
#' @param type whether to make predictions on the scale of the link or of the response; only relevant for the binomial outcome family
#' @param ... other arguments; not currently used
#' @inheritParams kmbayes
#' @inheritParams ExtractEsts
#' @details For guided examples, go to \url{}
#' @export
#' @return a matrix with the posterior samples at the new points
#' @examples
#' set.seed(111)
#' dat <- SimData(n = 50, M = 4)
#' y <- dat$y
#' Z <- dat$Z
#' X <- dat$X
#' ## Fit model with component-wise variable selection
#' ## Using only 100 iterations to make example run quickly
#' ## Typically should use a large number of iterations for inference
#' set.seed(111)
#' fitkm <- kmbayes(y = y, Z = Z, X = X, iter = 100, verbose = FALSE, varsel = TRUE)
#' med_vals <- apply(Z, 2, median)
#' Znew <- matrix(med_vals, nrow = 1)
#' h_true <- dat$HFun(Znew)
#' set.seed(111)
#' samps3 <- SamplePred(fitkm, Znew = Znew, Xnew = cbind(0))
#' head(samps3)
SamplePred <- function(fit, Znew = NULL, Xnew = NULL, Z = NULL, X = NULL, y = NULL, sel = NULL, type = c("link", "response"), ...) {
if (inherits(fit, "bkmrfit")) {
if (is.null(y)) y <- fit$y
if (is.null(Z)) Z <- fit$Z
if (is.null(X)) X <- fit$X
if (length(type) > 1) type <- type[1]
if (!is.null(Znew)) {
if (is.null(dim(Znew))) Znew <- matrix(Znew, nrow = 1)
if (inherits(Znew, "data.frame")) Znew <- data.matrix(Znew)
if (ncol(Z) != ncol(Znew)) {
stop("Znew must have the same number of columns as Z")
if (is.null(Xnew)) Xnew <- X
if (!inherits(Xnew, "matrix")) Xnew <- matrix(Xnew, nrow = 1)
if (ncol(X) != ncol(Xnew)) {
stop("Xnew must have the same number of columns as X")
if (is.null(sel)) {
sel <- with(fit, seq(floor(iter/2) + 1, iter, 10))
if (length(sel) < 100) {
sel <- with(fit, seq(floor(iter/2) + 1, iter, length.out = 100))
sel <- unique(floor(sel))
family <- fit$family
data.comps <- fit$data.comps
lambda <- fit$lambda
sigsq.eps <- fit$sigsq.eps
beta <- fit$beta
r <- fit$r
if (!is.null(Znew)) {
preds <- matrix(NA, length(sel), nrow(Znew))
colnames(preds) <- paste0("znew", 1:nrow(Znew))
} else {
preds <- matrix(NA, length(sel), nrow(Z))
colnames(preds) <- paste0("z", 1:nrow(Z))
rownames(preds) <- paste0("iter", sel)
for (s in sel) {
beta.samp <- beta[s, ]
if (family == "gaussian") {
ycont <- y
} else if (family == "binomial") {
ycont <- fit$ystar[s, ]
if (!is.null(Znew)) {
hsamp <- newh.update(Z = Z, Znew = Znew, Vcomps = NULL, lambda = lambda[s, ], sigsq.eps = sigsq.eps[s], r = r[s, ], y = ycont, X = X, beta = beta.samp, data.comps = data.comps)
} else {
hsamp <- h.update(lambda = lambda[s, ], Vcomps = NULL, sigsq.eps = sigsq.eps[s], y = ycont, X = X, beta = beta.samp, r = r[s, ], Z = Z, data.comps = data.comps)$hsamp
Xbeta <- drop(Xnew %*% beta.samp)
linpred <- hsamp + Xbeta
if (type == "link") {
pred <- linpred
} else if (type == "response") {
if (family == "gaussian") {
pred <- linpred
} else if (family == "binomial") {
pred <- pnorm(linpred)
preds[paste0("iter", s), ] <- pred
attr(preds, "type") <- type
attr(preds, "family") <- family
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