
Defines functions bootImputeAnalyse bootImpute

Documented in bootImpute bootImputeAnalyse

#' Bootstrap then impute an incomplete dataset
#' Bootstraps an incomplete dataset and then imputes each bootstrap a number
#' of times. The resulting list of bootstrapped then imputed datasets can
#' be analysed with \code{\link{bootImputeAnalyse}}.
#' The \code{impfun} must be a function which when passed an incomplete datasets
#' and possibly additional arguments, returns a list of (e.g. 2) imputed datasets.
#' The number of imputed datasets that \code{impfun} returns should match the value
#' you specify for the argument \code{nImp}. Depending on what your imputation function
#' returns by default, you may need to write a small wrapper function that calls
#' the imputation procedure and returns the list of \code{nImp} datasets.See the
#' Example for an illustration with the \code{mice} package.
#' To improve computation times, \code{bootImpute} now supports
#' multiple cores through the \code{nCores} argument which uses the \code{parallel}
#' package.
#' @param obsdata The data frame to be imputed.
#' @param impfun A function which when passed an incomplete dataset will
#' return a list of imputed data frames.
#' @param nBoot The number of bootstrap samples to take. It is recommended
#' that you use a minimum of 200. If you specify \code{nCores>1}, \code{nBoot} must
#' be a multiple of the specified \code{nCores} value.
#' @param nImp The number of times to impute each bootstrap sample. Two
#' is recommended.
#' @param nCores The number of CPU cores to use. If specified greater than one,
#' \code{bootImpute} will impute using the number of cores specified.
#' @param seed Random number seed.
#' @param ... Other parameters that are to be passed through to \code{impfun},
#' which will often include the argument that tells \code{impfun} to generate
#' as many imputations as specified by the value passed to \code{nImp}.
#' @return A list of imputed datasets.
#' @example data-raw/bootImputeExamples.r
#' @export
bootImpute <- function(obsdata, impfun, nBoot=200, nImp=2, nCores=1, seed=NULL, ...) {
  if (nBoot<200) {
    warning("It is recommended to use at least 200 bootstraps.")
  if ((nCores>1) & (is.null(seed))) {
    stop("If you specify nCores>1 you must set a seed.")
  n <- dim(obsdata)[1]
  imps <- vector("list", nBoot*nImp)
  count <- 1

  #check impfun returns what we want
  newImps <- impfun(obsdata, ...)
  #check newImps is a list of right type and length
  if (typeof(newImps)!="list") {
    stop("Your imputation function must return a list of imputed datasets.")
  if (length(newImps)!=nImp) {
    stop("Your imputation function must return the same number of imputed datasets as the value you specify for nImp.")

  #capture extra arguments into an object called args
  args <- list(...)

  if (nCores>1) {
    #use multiple cores
    if ((nBoot %% nCores)!=0) stop("nBoot must be a multiple of nCores.")
    nBootPerCore <- nBoot/nCores

    #the setup_strategy argument here is to temporarily deal with
    #this issue which affects Macs: https://github.com/rstudio/rstudio/issues/6692
    cl <- parallel::makeCluster(nCores, setup_strategy = "sequential")
    #cl <- parallel::makeCluster(nCores)
    if (!is.null(seed)) {
      parallel::clusterSetRNGStream(cl, seed)
    dots <- list(...)
    if (length(dots)==0) {
      #no extra arguments to pass to imputation function
      parallel::clusterExport(cl, c("obsdata", "impfun", "nBootPerCore", "nImp"),
      parImps <- parallel::parLapply(cl, X=1:nCores, fun = function(no){
        bootImpute::bootImpute(obsdata, impfun, nBoot=nBootPerCore, nImp=nImp, nCores=1)
    } else {
      #some extra arguments to pass to imputation function
      parallel::clusterExport(cl, c("obsdata", "impfun", "nBootPerCore", "nImp", "dots"),
      parImps <- parallel::parLapply(cl, X=1:nCores, fun = function(no){
        newarg <- c(list(obsdata=obsdata, impfun=impfun, nBoot=nBootPerCore, nImp=nImp, nCores=1), dots)
        do.call(bootImpute::bootImpute, newarg)

    imps <- do.call(c, parImps)

  } else {
    if (!is.null(seed)) {

    for (b in 1:nBoot) {
      #take bootstrap sample
      bsIndices <- sample(1:n, replace=TRUE)
      #impute nImp times
      newImps <- impfun(obsdata[bsIndices,], ...)
      for (m in 1:nImp) {
        imps[[count]] <- newImps[[m]]
        count <- count + 1
  attributes(imps) <- list(nBoot=nBoot, nImp=nImp)

  #return list of imputations

#' Analyse bootstrapped and imputed estimates
#' Applies the user specified analysis function to each imputed dataset contained
#' in \code{imps}, then calculates estimates, confidence intervals and p-values
#' for each parameter, as proposed by von Hippel and Bartlett (2021).
#' Multiple cores can be used by using the \code{nCores} argument, which may be
#' useful for reducing computation times.
#' @param imps The list of imputed datasets returned by \code{\link{bootImpute}}
#' @param analysisfun A function which when applied to a single dataset returns
#' the estimate of the parameter(s) of interest. The dataset to be analysed
#' is passed to \code{analysisfun} as its first argument.
#' @param nCores The number of CPU cores to use. If specified greater than one,
#' \code{bootImputeAnalyse} will impute using the number of cores specified. The
#' number of bootstrap samples in \code{imps} should be divisible by \code{nCores}.
#' @param quiet Specify whether to print a table of estimates, confidence intervals
#' and p-values.
#' @param ... Other parameters that are to be passed through to \code{analysisfun}.
#' @return A vector containing the point estimate(s), variance estimates, and
#' degrees of freedom.
#' @references von Hippel PT, Bartlett JW. Maximum likelihood multiple imputation: faster,
#' more efficient imputation without posterior draws. Statistical Science, 2021, 36(3):400-420.
#' \doi{10.1214/20-STS793}
#' @import stats
#' @example data-raw/bootImputeAnalyseExamples.r
#' @export
bootImputeAnalyse <- function(imps, analysisfun, nCores=1, quiet=FALSE, ...) {
  nBoot <- attributes(imps)$nBoot
  nImp <- attributes(imps)$nImp

  #find out how many parameters are returned by analysisFun
  firstResult <- analysisfun(imps[[1]],...)
  nParms <- length(firstResult)
  ests <- array(0, dim=c(nBoot,nImp,nParms))

  if (nCores>1) {
    #use multiple cores
    if ((nBoot %% nCores)!=0) stop("nBoot must be divisible by nCores.")
    nBootPerCore <- nBoot/nCores

    #the setup_strategy argument here is to temporarily deal with
    #this issue: https://github.com/rstudio/rstudio/issues/6692
    cl <- parallel::makeCluster(nCores, setup_strategy = "sequential")

    dots <- list(...)
    if (length(dots)==0) {
      #no extra arguments to pass to analysis function
      parallel::clusterExport(cl, c("imps", "analysisfun", "nBootPerCore", "nImp", "nParms"),
      parEsts <- parallel::parLapply(cl, X=1:nCores, fun = function(no){
        estArray <- array(0, dim=c(nBootPerCore, nImp, nParms))
        bootStart <- (no-1)*nBootPerCore+1
        impToAnalyse <- (bootStart-1)*nImp + 1
        for (i in 1:nBootPerCore) {
          for (j in 1:nImp) {
            estArray[i,j,] <- analysisfun(imps[[impToAnalyse]])
            impToAnalyse <- impToAnalyse + 1
    } else {
      #some extra arguments to pass to analysis function
      parallel::clusterExport(cl, c("imps", "analysisfun", "nBootPerCore", "nImp", "nParms", "dots"),
      parEsts <- parallel::parLapply(cl, X=1:nCores, fun = function(no){
        estArray <- array(0, dim=c(nBootPerCore, nImp, nParms))
        bootStart <- (no-1)*nBootPerCore+1
        impToAnalyse <- (bootStart-1)*nImp + 1
        for (i in 1:nBootPerCore) {
          for (j in 1:nImp) {
            newarg <- c(list(data=imps[[impToAnalyse]]), dots)
            estArray[i,j,] <- do.call(analysisfun, newarg)
            impToAnalyse <- impToAnalyse + 1

    for (i in 1:nCores) {
      ests[((i-1)*nBootPerCore+1):(i*nBootPerCore),,] <- parEsts[[i]]

  } else {
    #use single core
    count <- 1
    for (b in 1:nBoot) {
      for (m in 1:nImp) {
        ests[b,m,] <- analysisfun(imps[[count]],...)
        count <- count + 1

  #fit one way model, separately for each parameter
  est <- array(0, dim=nParms)
  var <- array(0, dim=nParms)
  ci <- array(0, dim=c(nParms,2))
  df <- array(0, dim=nParms)

  for (i in 1:nParms) {
    SSW <- sum((ests[,,i]-rowMeans(ests[,,i]))^2)
    SSB <- nImp*sum((rowMeans(ests[,,i])-mean(ests[,,i]))^2)
    MSW <- SSW/(nBoot*(nImp-1))
    MSB <- SSB/(nBoot-1)
    resVar <- MSW
    randIntVar <- (MSB-MSW)/nImp
    if (randIntVar <= 0) {
      warning(paste("Parameter ",i," has an estimated between bootstrap variance of zero. You should re-run with a larger nBoot value.",sep=""))
      randIntVar <- 0
      resVar <- (SSW+SSB)/(nBoot*nImp-1)
    est[i] <- mean(ests[,,i])
    var[i] <- (1+1/nBoot)*randIntVar + resVar/(nBoot*nImp)
    df[i] <- (var[i]^2)/((((nBoot+1)/(nBoot*nImp))^2*MSB^2 / (nBoot-1)) + MSW^2/(nBoot*nImp^2*(nImp-1)))
    #prevent df from going below 3
    df[i] <- max(3,df[i])
    ci[i,] <- c(est[i]-stats::qt(0.975,df[i])*var[i]^0.5, est[i]+stats::qt(0.975,df[i])*var[i]^0.5)

  if (quiet==FALSE) {
    resTable <- array(0, dim=c(nParms,5))
    resTable[,1] <- est
    resTable[,2] <- var^0.5
    resTable[,3] <- ci[,1]
    resTable[,4] <- ci[,2]
    resTable[,5] <- 2*stats::pt(abs(est/var^0.5), df=df,lower.tail = FALSE)

    colnames(resTable) <- c("Estimate", "Std. error", "95% CI lower", "95% CI upper", "p")
    rownames(resTable) <- names(firstResult)

  list(ests=est, var=var, ci=ci, df=df)


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bootImpute documentation built on June 7, 2023, 5:55 p.m.