
Defines functions poisson_model_nof1

Documented in poisson_model_nof1

#' PoissonModelNof1
#' A model to estimate the number of missing taxa under a zero- and one-truncated Poisson Model
#' @param input_data A frequency count table
#' @param cutoff The largest frequency to use for predicting f0 and f1. Defaults to 10.
#' @return An object of class \code{alpha_estimate}.
#' @import magrittr 
#' @importFrom stats uniroot
#' @export
poisson_model_nof1 <- function(input_data, 
                          cutoff = 10) {
  my_warnings <- NULL
  if ((intersect(class(input_data), 
                 c("phyloseq", "otu_table")) %>% length) > 0) {
    return(physeq_wrap(fn = poisson_model, physeq = input_data,
  my_data <- convert(input_data)
  if (is.na(cutoff)) cutoff <- 10
  # cutoff <- cutoff_wrap(my_data, requested = cutoff) 
  input_data <- my_data
  # print(input_data)
  included <- input_data[input_data$index <= cutoff, ]
  excluded <- input_data[input_data$index > cutoff, ]
  if (nrow(included) == 0) {
    included <- input_data
    excluded <- list("index" = Inf, "frequency" = 0)
    warning("Cut-off was too low: no data available for estimation")
  # s = sum f_j
  cc <- included$frequency %>% sum
  cc_excluded  <- excluded$frequency %>% sum
  # n = sum j f_j
  nn <- crossprod(included$index, included$frequency)
  zero_one_truncated_poisson_likelihood <- function(lambda) {
    -cc * log(1 - exp(-lambda) - lambda * exp(-lambda)) - lambda * cc + nn * log(lambda)
  # MLE for lambda maximises...
  # TODO
  optim_output <- optim(par=mean(included$frequency), 
        fn = zero_one_truncated_poisson_likelihood,
        lower = 0.0001, control=list(fnscale = -1),
        method = "L-BFGS-B")
  ## MLE for lambda is solution to 
  ## (1-exp(-lambda))/lambda = c/n
  # poisson_fn <- function(lambda) {
  #   (1-exp(-lambda))/lambda - cc/nn
  # }
  if (cc == nn) {
    stop("Amy needs to figure out happens now")
    # warning("Only one frequency count was observed below cutoff.\nConsider increasing cutoff.")
    # lambda_hat <- 0 # maximiser of poisson_fn is zero
    # ccc_hat <- cc + cc_excluded
    # ccc_se <- 0
    # f0 <- 0
    # d <- 1
  } else {
    # eqn nonlinear; so use Newton's method
    lambda_hat <- optim_output$par
    # TODO
    ccc_subset <- cc / (1-exp(-lambda_hat)-lambda_hat*exp(-lambda_hat)) 
    ccc_hat <- ccc_subset + cc_excluded
    ccc_se <- sqrt(ccc_subset/(exp(lambda_hat)-1-lambda_hat))
    f0 <- ccc_subset - cc # previously ccc_hat - (cc + cc_excluded)
    d <- exp(1.96*sqrt(log(1+ccc_se^2/f0)))
  alpha_estimate(estimate = ccc_hat,
                 error = ccc_se,
                 estimand = "richness",
                 name = "PoissonModel",
                 interval = c(cc + cc_excluded + f0/d, cc + cc_excluded + f0*d), 
                 type = "parametric",
                 model = "Poisson",
                 frequentist = TRUE,
                 parametric = TRUE,
                 reasonable = FALSE,
                 interval_type = "Approximate: log-normal",
                 other = list("lambda_hat" = lambda_hat,
                              "cutoff" = cutoff))

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