
Defines functions BridgeReport

Documented in BridgeReport

#' Shinyapp reporting for drawing RNA decay curve.
#' \code{BridgeReport} returns a shinyapp object to draw RNA decay curve.
#' You can easily check RNA half-life and RNA decay fitting curve on
#' your web browser.
#' @param inputFile The vector of tab-delimited matrix file.
#' @param group The vector of group names.
#' @param hour The vector of time course about BRIC-seq experiment.
#' @param comparisonFile The vector of group names.
#' @param searchRowName Row name for searching.
#' @param inforColumn The number of information columns.
#' @param color color of line graph for two decay curve.
#' @param TimePointRemoval1 The candicate_1 of time point removal.
#' @param TimePointRemoval2 The candicate_2 of time point removal.
#' @export
#' @return shiny.appobj object for searching and showing RNA decay curve for each gene.
#' @examples
#' library(data.table)
#' normalized_rpkm_matrix <- data.table(gr_id = c(8, 9, 14),
#'                                      symbol = c("AAAS", "AACS", "AADAT"),
#'                                      accession_id = c("NM_015665", "NM_023928", "NM_182662"),
#'                                      locus = c("chr12", "chr12", "chr4"),
#'                                      CTRL_1_0h = c(1.00, 1.00, 1.00),
#'                                      CTRL_1_1h = c(1.00, 0.86, 0.96),
#'                                      CTRL_1_2h = c(1.00, 0.96, 0.88),
#'                                      CTRL_1_4h = c(1.00, 0.74, 0.85),
#'                                      CTRL_1_8h = c(1.00, 0.86, 0.68),
#'                                      CTRL_1_12h = c(1.01, 0.65, 0.60),
#'                                      gr_id = c(8, 9, 14),
#'                                      symbol = c("AAAS", "AACS", "AADAT"),
#'                                      accession_id = c("NM_015665", "NM_023928", "NM_182662"),
#'                                      locus = c("chr12", "chr12", "chr4"),
#'                                      KD_1_0h = c(1.00, 1.00, 1.00),
#'                                      KD_1_1h = c(1.01, 0.73, 0.71),
#'                                      KD_1_2h = c(1.01, 0.77, 0.69),
#'                                      KD_1_4h = c(1.01, 0.72, 0.67),
#'                                      KD_1_8h = c(1.01, 0.64, 0.38),
#'                                      KD_1_12h = c(1.00, 0.89, 0.63))
#' group <- c("Control", "Knockdown")
#' hour <- c(0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12)
#' halflife_table <- BridgeRHalfLifeCalcR2Select(normalized_rpkm_matrix,
#'                                               group = group,
#'                                               hour = hour,
#'                                               save = FALSE)
#' pvalue_table <- BridgeRPvalueEvaluation(halflife_table,
#'                                         save = FALSE)
#' shiny_test <- BridgeReport(pvalue_table)
#' @import shiny shinydashboard data.table ggplot2
#' @importFrom plotly ggplotly renderPlotly plotlyOutput

BridgeReport <- function(inputFile,
                         group = c("Control","Knockdown"),
                         hour = c(0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12),
                         comparisonFile = c("Control","Knockdown"),
                         searchRowName = "symbol",
                         inforColumn = 4,
                         color = c("black","red"),
                         TimePointRemoval1 = c(1,2),
                         TimePointRemoval2 = c(8,12)){

  # check arguments
  stopifnot(is.character(group) && is.vector(group))
  stopifnot(is.numeric(hour) && is.vector(hour))
  stopifnot(is.character(comparisonFile) && is.vector(comparisonFile))
  stopifnot(is.character(color) && is.vector(color))

  # data infor
  time_points <- length(hour)
  group_number <- length(group)
  comp_file_index <- as.vector(sapply(comparisonFile,
                                      function(test) which(group == test)))

  # key setting
  setkeyv(inputFile, searchRowName)

  # removed time points label prep
  TimePointRemoval1 <- sort(TimePointRemoval1, decreasing = T)
  TimePointRemoval2 <- sort(TimePointRemoval2, decreasing = F)

  create_delete_time_label <- function(test_time){
    times_length <- length(test_time) #c(12, 8) => 2, c(12) => 1

    times_index <- c(times_length)
    add_index <- times_length
    label_list <- NULL
    for(counter in times_length:1){
      # excepted_time_points
      check_times <- test_time[times_index] #c(24), c(24,12), c(24,12,8)
      time_point_exp_del_label <- paste("Delete_",paste(check_times,collapse="hr_"),"hr",sep="")
      label_list <- append(label_list, time_point_exp_del_label) #

      # counter
      add_index <- add_index - 1
      times_index <- append(times_index, add_index)

  rm_time_points1 <- create_delete_time_label(TimePointRemoval1)
  rm_time_points2 <- create_delete_time_label(TimePointRemoval2)
  select_model_label <- c("Raw", rm_time_points1, rm_time_points2)

  # table header infor
  header_st <- inforColumn + 1    # 0hr_exp
  header_ed <- inforColumn + time_points + 3    # half-life
  table_header <- colnames(inputFile[header_st:header_ed])

  # index search prep
  exp_index_table <- NULL
  model_index_vec <- NULL

  for (group_index in comp_file_index) {
    # exp index prep
    infor_st <- 1 + (group_index - 1) * (time_points + inforColumn + 3)
    infor_ed <- inforColumn * group_index + (group_index - 1) * (time_points + 3)
    exp_st <- infor_ed + 1
    exp_ed <- infor_ed + time_points
    exp_st_ed <- data.frame(exp_st = c(exp_st),
                            exp_ed = c(exp_ed))
    exp_index_table <- rbind(exp_index_table, exp_st_ed)

    # model index prep
    model_index <- infor_ed + time_points + 1
    model_index_vec <- c(model_index_vec, model_index)

  # exp index example
  #   st ed
  # 1  5 10
  # 2 18 23

  # model index example
  #   model
  # 1    11
  # 2    24

  # function_4
  decay_calc_for_shiny <- function(data,
    # index search
    fig_data <- NULL
    predicted_data <- NULL
    table_data <- NULL
    data_label <- comparisonFile
    model_list <- c(select1, select2)
    # model_list <- c("Raw", "Raw")

    for (table_index in 1:length(comp_file_index)) {
      # index infor
      exp_index <- as.numeric(exp_index_table[table_index, ])
      model_index <- as.numeric(model_index_vec[table_index])

      # extract exp/model data
      exp <- as.numeric(as.vector(data[exp_index[1]:exp_index[2]]))
      # model <- data[model_index]
      model <- model_list[table_index]

      # data table
      time_point_exp_raw <- data.frame(hour, exp)
      time_point_exp_del <- NULL
      if (model == "Raw") {
        time_point_exp_del <- time_point_exp_raw
      } else {
        check <- parse_rm_hr_infor(model)    # util.R
        check_index <- sapply(check,
                              function(t) which(time_point_exp_raw$hour == t))
        time_point_exp_del <- time_point_exp_raw[-check_index,]
      time_point_exp_del <- time_point_exp_del[as.numeric(as.vector(time_point_exp_del$exp)) > 0,]
      label <- rep(data_label[table_index], nrow(time_point_exp_del))

      # model fitting
      fitting <- lm(log(as.numeric(as.vector(exp))) ~ hour - 1, time_point_exp_del)
      fitting_model <- summary(fitting)

      # halflife calc
      coef <- -fitting_model$coefficients[1]
      half_life <- log(2) / coef
      if(coef < 0 || half_life >= 24){
        half_life <- 24

      # R2 calc
      R2 <- fitting_model$r.squared

      # table data prep
      table_data <- rbind(table_data, c(exp, R2, half_life))

      # predicted data prep
      predicted <- exp(predict(fitting, data.frame(hour=time_point_exp_del$hour)))

      # result
      predicted_data <- rbind(predicted_data, data.frame(hour=time_point_exp_del$hour,
                                                         Condition = label))
      fig_data <- rbind(fig_data,
                        cbind(time_point_exp_del, Condition = as.factor(label)))

    # table data
    hour_label <- sapply(hour, function(t) paste(t, "hr", sep=""))
    colnames(table_data) <- c(hour_label, "R2", "Half-life")
    rownames(table_data) <- comparisonFile

    return(list(fig_data, predicted_data, table_data))

  # ggplotly wrapper
  ggplotly_decay_curve <- function(data,
    p <- ggplot(data,aes_string(x = "hour",
                                y = "exp",
                                colour = "Condition"))
    p <- p + geom_point(size=2.5, shape=19)
    p <- p + scale_color_manual(values = c("black", "orange"))
    p <- p + geom_line(data = predicted, size=0.9)
    p <- p + ggtitle(gene_name)
    p <- p + xlab("Time (hr)")
    p <- p + ylab("Relative RPKM (Time0 = 1)")
    p <- p + scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(0, 12, by=2), limits = c(0, 12))
    ybreaks <- c(0.01, 0.1, 1, 10)
    p <- p + scale_y_log10(breaks=ybreaks,
                           limits=c(y_range[1], y_range[2]))
    p <- p + theme(title = element_text(size=15), axis.title.x = element_text(size=12), axis.title.y = element_text(size=12))
    p <- p + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size=10), axis.text.y = element_text(size=10))
    # p <- p + theme(legend.position = "none")

  # plotly wrapper
  # plotly_decay_curve <- function(data,
  #                                predicted,
  #                                gene_name){
  #   p <- plot_ly(data, x = ~hour, y = ~exp(exp)) %>%
  #     layout(yaxis = list(type = "log"))
  #   return(p)
  # }

  # UI - shiny dashboard
  ui_body <- dashboardBody(
      box(title = tagList(icon("check-square"), "Inputs"), status = "primary", solidHeader = TRUE, width = 4, # background = "navy",
          helpText("Select your favorite gene symbol to examine."),
                    label = "Input gene symbol",
                    placeholder = "Search..."),
                      label = "X-axis(Time course):",
                      min = 0, max = 12, value = c(0, 12)),
                      label = "Y-axis(Relative RNA remaining):",
                      min = 0.001, max = 10, value = c(0.001,1.5)),
          submitButton(tagList(icon("search"), "Update View"))

      box(title = tagList(icon("line-chart"), "RNA decay"), status = "primary", solidHeader = TRUE, width = 8,
                       width = 500, height = 400)

      box(title = tagList(icon("gear"), "Detail information"), status = "primary", solidHeader = TRUE, width = 12,

  ui <- dashboardPage(
    dashboardHeader(title = "BridgeReport"),
    dashboardSidebar(disable = TRUE),

  # Server- define server logic required to draw RNA decay curve
  server <- shinyServer(function(input, output){
    # select time points
    # condition_1
    output$selectInput1 <- renderUI({
                         label = paste(comparisonFile[1],
                                       "(Select time points)", sep=""),
                         choices = select_model_label,
                         selected = 1))

    # condition_2
    output$selectInput2 <- renderUI({
                         label = paste(comparisonFile[2],
                                       "(Select time points)", sep=""),
                         choices = select_model_label,
                         selected = 1))

    # Draw RNA decay curve
    output$plot1 <- renderPlotly({
      # Start
      if (input$text == '') {
        p <- ggplot()

      # exp data prep
      data <- as.vector(as.matrix(inputFile[input$text]))
      gene_name <- as.character(input$text)

      # data <- as.vector(as.matrix(inputFile["GAPDH"]))
      # gene_name <- as.character("GAPDH")

      data_list <- decay_calc_for_shiny(data,

      # data prep
      fig_data <- data_list[[1]]
      predicted_data <- data_list[[2]]
      table_data <- data_list[[3]]

      # table
      output$mytable1 = renderTable({

      # plotting

    # Information box - condition_1
    output$controlBox <- renderInfoBox({
      data <- as.vector(as.matrix(inputFile[input$text]))
        comparisonFile[1], data[model_index_vec[1]], icon = icon("line-chart"),
        color = "navy", fill = TRUE

    # Information box - condition_2
    output$treatedBox <- renderInfoBox({
      data <- as.vector(as.matrix(inputFile[input$text]))
        comparisonFile[2], data[model_index_vec[2]], icon = icon("line-chart"),
        color = "yellow", fill = TRUE

  # Run the application
  shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Try the bridger2 package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

bridger2 documentation built on May 2, 2019, 8:14 a.m.