#' @templateVar class prcomp
#' @template title_desc_tidy
#' @param x A `prcomp` object returned by [stats::prcomp()].
#' @param matrix Character specifying which component of the PCA should be
#' tidied.
#' - `"u"`, `"samples"`, `"scores"`, or `"x"`: returns information about
#' the map from the original space into principle components space.
#' - `"v"`, `"rotation"`, `"loadings"` or `"variables"`: returns information
#' about the map from principle components space back into the original
#' space.
#' - `"d"`, `"eigenvalues"` or `"pcs"`: returns information about the
#' eigenvalues.
#' @template param_unused_dots
#' @return A [tibble::tibble] with columns depending on the component of
#' PCA being tidied.
#' If `matrix` is `"u"`, `"samples"`, `"scores"`, or `"x"` each row in the
#' tidied output corresponds to the original data in PCA space. The columns
#' are:
#' \item{`row`}{ID of the original observation (i.e. rowname from original
#' data).}
#' \item{`PC`}{Integer indicating a principal component.}
#' \item{`value`}{The score of the observation for that particular principal
#' component. That is, the location of the observation in PCA space.}
#' If `matrix` is `"v"`, `"rotation"`, `"loadings"` or `"variables"`, each
#' row in the tidied output corresponds to information about the principle
#' components in the original space. The columns are:
#' \item{`row`}{The variable labels (colnames) of the data set on
#' which PCA was performed.}
#' \item{`PC`}{An integer vector indicating the principal component.}
#' \item{`value`}{The value of the eigenvector (axis score) on the
#' indicated principal component.}
#' If `matrix` is `"d"`, `"eigenvalues"` or `"pcs"`, the columns are:
#' \item{`PC`}{An integer vector indicating the principal component.}
#' \item{``}{Standard deviation explained by this PC.}
#' \item{`percent`}{Fraction of variation explained by this component
#' (a numeric value between 0 and 1).}
#' \item{`cumulative`}{Cumulative fraction of variation explained by
#' principle components up to this component (a numeric value between 0 and
#' 1).}
#' @details See
#' for information on how to interpret the various tidied matrices. Note
#' that SVD is only equivalent to PCA on centered data.
#' @examplesIf rlang::is_installed(c("maps", "ggplot2"))
#' pc <- prcomp(USArrests, scale = TRUE)
#' # information about rotation
#' tidy(pc)
#' # information about samples (states)
#' tidy(pc, "samples")
#' # information about PCs
#' tidy(pc, "pcs")
#' # state map
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(ggplot2)
#' library(maps)
#' pc %>%
#' tidy(matrix = "samples") %>%
#' mutate(region = tolower(row)) %>%
#' inner_join(map_data("state"), by = "region") %>%
#' ggplot(aes(long, lat, group = group, fill = value)) +
#' geom_polygon() +
#' facet_wrap(~PC) +
#' theme_void() +
#' ggtitle("Principal components of arrest data")
#' au <- augment(pc, data = USArrests)
#' au
#' ggplot(au, aes(.fittedPC1, .fittedPC2)) +
#' geom_point() +
#' geom_text(aes(label = .rownames), vjust = 1, hjust = 1)
#' @aliases prcomp_tidiers
#' @export
#' @seealso [stats::prcomp()], [svd_tidiers]
#' @family svd tidiers
tidy.prcomp <- function(x, matrix = "u", ...) {
if (length(matrix) > 1) {
stop("Must select a single matrix to tidy.", call. = FALSE)
MATRIX <- c(
"rotation", "x", "variables", "samples", "v", "u", "pcs", "d",
"scores", "loadings", "eigenvalues"
matrix <- rlang::arg_match(matrix, MATRIX)
ncomp <- NCOL(x$rotation)
if (matrix %in% c("pcs", "d", "eigenvalues")) {
ret <- as_tidy_tibble(
new_names = c("", "percent", "cumulative"),
new_column = "PC"
} else if (matrix %in% c("rotation", "variables", "v", "loadings")) {
ret <- x$rotation %>%
tibble::as_tibble(rownames = "column") %>%
cols = -"column",
names_to = "PC",
values_to = "value"
if (is.null(rownames(x$rotation))) ret$column <- as.integer(ret$column)
} else if (matrix %in% c("x", "samples", "u", "scores")) {
ret <- x$x %>%
tibble::as_tibble(rownames = "row") %>%
cols = -"row",
names_to = "PC",
values_to = "value"
if (is.null(rownames(x$x))) ret$row <- as.integer(ret$row)
# change the PC to a numeric
ret <- mutate(ret, PC = as.numeric(stringr::str_replace(PC, "PC", "")))
#' @templateVar class prcomp
#' @template title_desc_augment
#' @inheritParams tidy.prcomp
#' @template param_data
#' @template param_newdata
#' @return A [tibble::tibble] containing the original data along with
#' additional columns containing each observation's projection into
#' PCA space.
#' @export
#' @seealso [stats::prcomp()], [svd_tidiers]
#' @family svd tidiers
augment.prcomp <- function(x, data = NULL, newdata, ...) {
ret <- if (!missing(newdata)) {
ret <- data.frame(.rownames = rownames(newdata))
pred <-, newdata = newdata))
names(pred) <- paste0(".fitted", names(pred))
cbind(ret, newdata, pred)
} else {
pred <-
names(pred) <- paste0(".fitted", names(pred))
if (!missing(data) && !is.null(data)) {
cbind(.rownames = rownames(, data, pred)
} else {
data.frame(.rownames = rownames($x)), pred)
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