
Defines functions bind_task_button.ExtendedTask bind_task_button.default bind_task_button input_task_button_input_handler is_task_button_manual_reset set_task_button_manual_reset task_button_manual_reset_map update_task_button input_task_button

Documented in bind_task_button bind_task_button.default bind_task_button.ExtendedTask input_task_button update_task_button

#' Button for launching longer-running operations
#' @description
#' `input_task_button` is a button that can be used in conjuction with
#' [shiny::bindEvent()] (or the older [shiny::eventReactive()] and
#' [shiny::observeEvent()] functions) to trigger actions or recomputation.
#' It is similar to [shiny::actionButton()], except it prevents the user from
#' clicking when its operation is already in progress.
#' Upon click, it automatically displays a customizable progress message and
#' disables itself; and after the server has dealt with whatever reactivity is
#' triggered from the click, the button automatically reverts to its original
#' appearance and re-enables itself.
#' @section Manual button reset:
#' In some advanced use cases, it may be necessary to keep a task button in its
#' busy state even after the normal reactive processing has completed. Calling
#' `update_task_button(id, state = "busy")` from the server will opt out of any
#' currently pending reset for a specific task button. After doing so, the
#' button can be re-enabled by calling `update_task_button(id, state = "ready")`
#' after each click's work is complete.
#' You can also pass an explicit `auto_reset = FALSE` to `input_task_button()`,
#' which means that button will _never_ be automatically re-enabled and will
#' require `update_task_button(id, state = "ready")` to be called each time.
#' Note that, as a general rule, Shiny's `update` family of functions do not
#' take effect at the instant that they are called, but are held until the end
#' of the current reactive cycle. So if you have many different reactive
#' calculations and outputs, you don't have to be too careful about when you
#' call `update_task_button(id, state = "ready")`, as the button on the client
#' will not actually re-enable until the same moment that all of the updated
#' outputs simultaneously sent to the client.
#' @param id The `input` slot that will be used to access the value.
#' @param label The label of the button while it is in ready (clickable) state;
#'   usually a string.
#' @param icon An optional icon to display next to the label while the button is
#'   in ready state. See [fontawesome::fa_i()].
#' @param label_busy The label of the button while it is busy.
#' @param icon_busy The icon to display while the button is busy. By default,
#'   `fontawesome::fa_i("refresh", class = "fa-spin", "aria-hidden" = "true")`
#'   is used, which displays a spinning "chasing arrows" icon. You can create
#'   spinning icons out of other Font Awesome icons by using the same
#'   expression, but replacing `"refresh"` with a different icon name. See
#'   [fontawesome::fa_i()].
#' @param type One of the Bootstrap theme colors (`"primary"`, `"default"`,
#'   `"secondary"`, `"success"`, `"danger"`, `"warning"`, `"info"`, `"light"`,
#'   `"dark"`), or `NULL` to leave off the Bootstrap-specific button CSS classes
#'   altogether.
#' @param ... Named arguments become attributes to include on the `<button>`
#'   element.
#' @param auto_reset If `TRUE` (the default), automatically put the button back
#'   in "ready" state after its click is handled by the server.
#' @section Server value:
#' An integer of class `"shinyActionButtonValue"`. This class differs from
#' ordinary integers in that a value of 0 is considered "falsy".
#' This implies two things:
#'   * Event handlers (e.g., [shiny::observeEvent()], [shiny::eventReactive()]) won't execute on initial load.
#'   * Input validation (e.g., [shiny::req()], [shiny::need()]) will fail on initial load.
#' @seealso [bind_task_button()]
#' @examplesIf interactive()
#' library(shiny)
#' library(bslib)
#' ui <- page_sidebar(
#'   sidebar = sidebar(
#'     open = "always",
#'     input_task_button("resample", "Resample"),
#'   ),
#'   verbatimTextOutput("summary")
#' )
#' server <- function(input, output, session) {
#'   sample <- eventReactive(input$resample, ignoreNULL=FALSE, {
#'     Sys.sleep(2)  # Make this artificially slow
#'     rnorm(100)
#'   })
#'   output$summary <- renderPrint({
#'     summary(sample())
#'   })
#' }
#' shinyApp(ui, server)
#' @export
input_task_button <- function(id, label, ..., icon = NULL,
  label_busy = "Processing...", icon_busy = rlang::missing_arg(),
  type = "primary", auto_reset = TRUE) {

  dots <- separate_arguments(...)
  attribs <- dots$attribs
  children <- dots$children

  icon_busy <- rlang::maybe_missing(
    fontawesome::fa_i("refresh", class = "fa-spin", "aria-hidden" = "true")

    id = id,
    class = if (!is.null(type)) paste0("btn btn-", type),
    class = "bslib-task-button",
    type = "button",
    "data-auto-reset" = if (isTRUE(auto_reset)) NA else NULL,


        case = "ready",
        span(slot = "ready",
          icon, label
        span(slot = "busy",
          icon_busy, label_busy

#' @param state If `"busy"`, put the button into busy/disabled state. If
#'   `"ready"`, put the button into ready/enabled state.
#' @param session The `session` object; using the default is recommended.
#' @rdname input_task_button
#' @export
update_task_button <- function(id, ..., state = NULL, session = get_current_session()) {


  if (!is.null(state)) {
    if (!rlang::is_string(state)) {
      abort("`state` must be a single character value.")
    set_task_button_manual_reset(session, id, manual = !identical(state, "ready"))

  session$sendInputMessage(id, dropNulls(list(state = state)))

task_button_manual_reset_map <- function(session) {
  key <- "manual_task_button_reset"
  map <- session$userData[[key]]
  if (is.null(map)) {
    map <- fastmap::fastmap()
    session$userData[[key]] <- map

# Prevent automatic resetting of the task button when this reactive flush is
# complete
set_task_button_manual_reset <- function(session, id, manual = TRUE) {
  ns_id <- session$ns(id)
  map <- task_button_manual_reset_map(session)
  if (isTRUE(manual)) {
    map$set(ns_id, TRUE)
  } else {

is_task_button_manual_reset <- function(session, id) {
  ns_id <- session$ns(id)
  map <- task_button_manual_reset_map(session)
  map$get(ns_id, FALSE)

input_task_button_input_handler <- function(val, shinysession, name) {
  value <- val[["value"]]

  if (isTRUE(val[["autoReset"]])) {
    shinysession$onFlush(once = TRUE, function() {
      # This is input_task_button's auto-reset feature: unless the button has
      # opted out using set_task_button_manual_reset(), we should reset after
      # a flush cycle where a bslib.taskbutton value is seen.
      if (!is_task_button_manual_reset(shinysession, name)) {
        update_task_button(name, state = "ready", session = shinysession)

  # mark up the action button value with a special class so we can recognize it later
  class(value) <- c("shinyActionButtonValue", class(value))

#' Bind `input_task_button` to `ExtendedTask`
#' @description
#' Sets up a [shiny::ExtendedTask] to relay its state to an existing
#' [input_task_button()], so the task button stays in its "busy" state for as
#' long as the extended task is running.
#' Note that `bind_task_button` does _not_ automatically cause button presses to
#' invoke the extended task; you still need to use [shiny::bindEvent()] (or
#' [shiny::observeEvent()]) to cause the button press to trigger an invocation,
#' as in the example below.
#' `bind_task_button` cannot be used to bind one task button to multiple
#' `ExtendedTask` objects; if you attempt to do so, any bound `ExtendedTask`
#' that completes will cause the button to return to "ready" state.
#' @param target The target object (i.e. `ExtendedTask`).
#' @param task_button_id A string matching the `id` argument passed to the
#'   corresponding [input_task_button()] call.
#' @param session A Shiny session object (the default should almost always be
#'   used).
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to other methods.
#' @returns The `target` object that was passed in.
#' @examplesIf rlang::is_interactive()
#' library(shiny)
#' library(bslib)
#' library(future)
#' plan(multisession)
#' ui <- page_sidebar(
#'   sidebar = sidebar(
#'     input_task_button("recalc", "Recalculate")
#'   ),
#'   textOutput("outval")
#' )
#' server <- function(input, output) {
#'   rand_task <- ExtendedTask$new(function() {
#'     future({
#'       # Slow operation goes here
#'       Sys.sleep(2)
#'       runif(1)
#'     }, seed = TRUE)
#'   })
#'   # Make button state reflect task.
#'   # If using R >=4.1, you can do this instead:
#'   # rand_task <- ExtendedTask$new(...) |> bind_task_button("recalc")
#'   bind_task_button(rand_task, "recalc")
#'   observeEvent(input$recalc, {
#'     rand_task$invoke()
#'   })
#'   output$outval <- renderText({
#'     rand_task$result()
#'   })
#' }
#' shinyApp(ui, server)
#' @export
bind_task_button <- function(target, task_button_id, ...) {

#' @rdname bind_task_button
#' @export
bind_task_button.default <- function(target, task_button_id, ...) {
    "Don't know how to bind a task button to an object of class '",

#' @rdname bind_task_button
#' @export
bind_task_button.ExtendedTask <- function(target, task_button_id,
  ..., session = get_current_session()) {


  was_running <- FALSE
    running <- target$status() == "running"
    if (running != was_running) {
      was_running <<- running
      if (running) {
        update_task_button(task_button_id, state = "busy", session = session)
      } else {
        update_task_button(task_button_id, state = "ready", session = session)
  }, priority = 1000)

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bslib documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:31 a.m.