
Defines functions .FindHolidayEffects PlotHoliday PlotDynamicRegression PlotBstsResiduals PlotBstsForecastDistribution PlotBstsPredictionErrors PlotBstsState plot.StateModel .PlotStateContribution .PlotRegressionComponent PlotBstsComponents PlotBstsSize PlotBstsCoefficients PlotBstsPredictors plot.bsts MonthPlot YearPlot DayPlot AcfDist qqdist

Documented in AcfDist DayPlot MonthPlot plot.bsts PlotBstsCoefficients PlotBstsComponents PlotBstsForecastDistribution PlotBstsPredictionErrors PlotBstsPredictors PlotBstsResiduals PlotBstsSize PlotBstsState PlotDynamicRegression PlotHoliday qqdist YearPlot

# Copyright 2018 Google LLC. All Rights Reserved.
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA

qqdist <- function(draws, ...) {
  ## The distribution of a QQ plot for a set of noisy observations thought to be
  ## normally distributed.
  ## Args:
  ##   draws: A matrix of Monte Carlo draws.  Rows correspond to draws.  Columns
  ##     to noisy observations.
  ##   ...: Extra arguments passed to PlotDynamicDistribution.
  ## Effects:
  ##   A dynamic distribution plot is added to the graphics device, showing the
  ##   posterior distribution of the observations, sorted by their posterior
  ##   mean.  The plot also contains a reference line showing the expected
  ##   values of the points under perfect normality, and blue dots based on the
  ##   posterior means of the noisy observations.

  ## Step 1: draw the dynamic distribution plot.
  post.mean <- colMeans(draws)
  sample.size <- length(post.mean)
  draws <- draws[, order(post.mean)]
  expected <- qnorm(ppoints(sample.size))
  PlotDynamicDistribution(draws, timestamps = expected,
    xlab = "Quantiles of Standard Normal", ylab = "Distribution",

  ## Step 2: Add the reference line.
  probs <- c(.25, .75)
  x <- qnorm(probs)
  y <- quantile(post.mean, probs)
  abline(lsfit(x, y), col = "green")

  ## Step3:  Add the points from the posterior means.
  points(expected, sort(post.mean), pch = 20, col = "blue")


AcfDist <- function(draws, lag.max = NULL,
                    xlab = "Lag", ylab = "Autocorrelation", ...) {
  ## Plot the posterior distribution of the autocorrelation function for 'draws'.
  ## Args:
  ##   draws: A matrix representing the posterior distribution of a time series.
  ##     Each row is a Monte Carlo draw, and each column is a time point.
  ##   lag.max:  The number of lags in the ACF.  Passed directly to 'acf'.
  ##   xlab:  Label for the horizontal axis.
  ##   ylab:  Label for the vertical axis.
  ##   ...:  Extra arguments passed to 'boxplot'.x
  ## Details:
  ##   A sequence of boxplots is plotted, each giving the marginal posterior
  ##   distribution of the ACF at a specific lag.
  ## Returns:
  ##   invisible(NULL).
  dist <- t(apply(draws, 1, function(x) {
    return(acf(x, plot = FALSE, lag.max = lag.max)$acf)
  lag.names <- as.character(seq(from = 0, len = ncol(dist), by = 1))
  boxplot(dist, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, names = lag.names, ...)
  abline(h = 0)

DayPlot <- function(y, colors = NULL, ylab = NULL, ...) {
  ## Plot the time series of each day of the week, all on the same plot (so
  ## seven lines on the same plot, for Sunday, Monday, ...)
  ## Args:
  ##   y: A zoo object containing daily data.  The index of y must be either
  ##     Date or POSIXt.
  ##   colors:  A vector of colors to use for the lines.
  ##   ylab:  The label for the vertical axis.
  ## Effects:
  ##   Plots seven time series on the same set of axes, showing the time series
  ##   of Mondays, Tuesdays, etc.  This is obviously only useful for data
  ##   observed at daily or finer time scales.
  return(MonthPlot(y, seasonal.identifier = base::weekdays,
    colors = colors, ylab = ylab, ...))

YearPlot <- function(y, colors = NULL, ylab = NULL, ylim = NULL, legend = TRUE, ...) {
  ## Overlay the time plot for each year of the time series on the same axis.
  ## Args:
  ##   y: A zoo object to be plotted.  The index of y must have class Date or
  ##     POSIXt.
  ##   colors:  A vector of colors to use for the lines.
  ##   ylab:  The label for the vertical axis.
  ##   ylim:  Limits for the vertical axis.
  ##   legend:  Logical.  If TRUE then a legend is added to the plot.
  ## Effects:
  ##   A plot is added to the current graphics device.  Each year of y is shown
  ##   as a separate line on the plot.  This plot is most effective when there
  ##   are a modest number of years (say 20 or less) of time series data on the
  ##   monthly, weekly, or daily scale.
  if (is.null(ylab)) {
    ylab <- deparse(substitute(y))
  if (is.ts(y)) {
    y <- as.zoo(y)
  if (inherits(index(y), "yearmon")) {
    index(y) <- YearMonToPOSIX(index(y))
  stopifnot(inherits(index(y), c("Date", "POSIXt")))
  if (inherits(index(y), "Date")) {
    index(y) <- DateToPOSIX(index(y))

  years <- sort(unique(sapply(strsplit(as.character(index(y)), "-"),
    function(x) as.numeric(x[1]))))

  ts.list <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(years)) {
    year <- years[i]
    begin <- as.POSIXct(paste0(year, "-01-01"))
    end <- as.POSIXct(paste0(year, "-12-31"))
    yearly.series <- window(y, start = begin, end = end)

    ##### Daily data assumed here.
    idx <- as.POSIXlt(as.character(index(yearly.series)))
    ## POSIXlt stores the year relative to 1900.
    idx$year <- years[1] - 1900
    index(yearly.series) <- idx
    ts.list[[i]] <- yearly.series
  if (is.null(colors)) {
    colors <- 1:length(ts.list)
  stopifnot(length(colors) >= length(ts.list))
  names(ts.list) <- as.character(years)
  time.index <- seq(DateToPOSIX(as.Date(paste0(years[1], "-01-01"))),
    length = 365,
    by = "day")
  if(is.null(ylim)) {
    ylim <- range(y, na.rm = TRUE)
  plot(ts.list[[1]], ylim = ylim, xlim = range(time.index, na.rm = TRUE),
    ylab = ylab, ...)
  for (i in 2:length(years)) {
    lines(ts.list[[i]], lty = i, col = colors[i], ...)
  if (legend) {
      legend = as.character(years),
      lty = 1:length(years),
      col = colors[1:length(years)],
      bg = "white")

MonthPlot <- function(y, seasonal.identifier = months, colors = NULL, ylab = NULL, ...) {
  ## Plot the time series of each day of the week, all on the same plot (so
  ## seven lines on the same plot, for Sunday, Monday, ...)
  ## Args:
  ##   y:  A ts or zoo object containing seasonal data.
  ##   seasonal.identifier: a function that takes a vector of timestamps as an
  ##     argument, and returns the name of the season containing the timestamp.
  ##     See ?weekdays for other options.
  ##   colors:  A vector of colors to use for the lines.
  ##   ylab:  Label for the vertical axis.
  ##   ...: Other arguments passed to plot and lines.
  if (is.null(ylab)) {
    ylab <- deparse(substitute(y))
  if (is.ts(y)) {
    y <- as.zoo(y)
  stopifnot(inherits(index(y), c("Date", "POSIXt", "yearmon")))
  if (inherits(index(y), "yearmon")) {
    index(y) <- YearMonToPOSIX(index(y))
  } else if (inherits(index(y), "Date")) {
    index(y) <- DateToPOSIX(index(y))

  season.names <- unique(seasonal.identifier(index(y)))
  if (is.null(colors)) {
    colors <- 1:length(season.names)
  stopifnot(length(colors) >= length(season.names))

  for (i in 1:length(season.names)) {
    season <- season.names[i]
    index <- as.character(seasonal.identifier(index(y))) == season
    if (i == 1) {
      plot(y[index], ylim = range(y, na.rm = TRUE), col = colors[i], ylab = ylab, ...)
    } else {
      lines(y[index], col = i, ...)
  abline(v = seq(from = min(index(y)), to = max(index(y)), by = "year"), lty = 3)
  legend("topleft", col = colors[1:length(season.names)],
    legend = season.names, bg = "white", lty = 1)

plot.bsts <- function(x,
                      y = c("state", "components", "residuals", "coefficients",
                          "prediction.errors", "forecast.distribution",
                          "predictors", "size",
                          "dynamic", "seasonal", "monthly", "help"),
                      ...) {
  ## S3 method for plotting bsts objects.
  ## Args:
  ##   x: An object of class 'bsts'.
  ##   y: character string indicating the aspect of the model that
  ##     should be plotted.  Partial matching is allowed,
  ##     so 'y = "res"' will produce a plot of the residuals.
  ## Returns:
  ##   This function is called for its side effect, which is to
  ##   produce a plot on the current graphics device.
  y <- match.arg(y)
  if (y == "state") {
    PlotBstsState(x, ...)
  } else if (y == "components") {
    PlotBstsComponents(x, ...)
  } else if (y == "residuals") {
    PlotBstsResiduals(x, ...)
  } else if (y == "coefficients") {
    PlotBstsCoefficients(x, ...)
  } else if (y == "prediction.errors") {
    PlotBstsPredictionErrors(x, ...)
  } else if (y == "forecast.distribution") {
    PlotBstsForecastDistribution(x, ...)
  } else if (y == "predictors") {
    PlotBstsPredictors(x, ...)
  } else if (y == "size") {
    PlotBstsSize(x, ...)
  } else if (y == "dynamic") {
    PlotDynamicRegression(x, ...)
  } else if (y == "seasonal") {
    PlotSeasonalEffect(x, ...)
  } else if (y == "monthly") {
    PlotMonthlyAnnualCycle(x, ...)
  } else if (y == "help") {
    help("plot.bsts", package = "bsts", help_type = "html")
PlotBstsPredictors <- function(bsts.object,
                               burn = SuggestBurn(.1, bsts.object),
                               inclusion.threshold = .10,
                               ylim = NULL,
                               flip.signs = TRUE,
                               show.legend = TRUE,
                               grayscale = TRUE,
                               short.names = TRUE,
                               ...) {
  ## Plots the time series of predictors with high inclusion
  ## probabilities.
  ## Args:
  ##   bsts.object:  A bsts object containing a regression component.
  ##   burn:  The number of MCMC iterations to discard as burn-in.
  ##   inclusion.threshold: An inclusion probability that coefficients
  ##     must exceed in order to be displayed.
  ##   ylim:  Limits on the vertical axis.
  ##   flip.signs: If true then a predictor with a negative sign will
  ##     be flipped before being plotted, to better align visually
  ##     with the target series.
  ##   ...:  Extra arguments passed to either 'plot' or 'plot.zoo'.
  ## Returns:
  ##   Invisible NULL.
  stopifnot(inherits(bsts.object, "bsts"))
  if (HasDuplicateTimestamps(bsts.object)) {
    stop("The bsts predictor plot is does not support multiple time stamps.")
  beta <- bsts.object$coefficients
  if (burn > 0) {
    beta <- beta[-(1:burn), , drop = FALSE]
  inclusion.probabilities <- colMeans(beta != 0)
  keep <- inclusion.probabilities > inclusion.threshold
  if (any(keep)) {

    predictors <- bsts.object$predictors[, keep, drop = FALSE]
    predictors <- scale(predictors)
    if (flip.signs) {
      compute.positive.prob <- function(x) {
        x <- x[x != 0]
        if (length(x) == 0) {
        return(mean(x > 0))
      positive.prob <- apply(beta[, keep, drop = FALSE], 2,
      signs <- ifelse(positive.prob > .5, 1, -1)
      predictors <- scale(predictors, scale = signs)

    inclusion.probabilities <- inclusion.probabilities[keep]
    number.of.predictors <- ncol(predictors)
    original <- scale(bsts.object$original.series)
    if (is.null(ylim)) {
      ylim <- range(predictors, original, na.rm = TRUE)
    index <- rev(order(inclusion.probabilities))
    predictors <- predictors[, index]
    inclusion.probabilities <- inclusion.probabilities[index]
    predictor.names <- colnames(predictors)
    if (short.names) {
      predictor.names <- Shorten(predictor.names)

    if (grayscale) {
      line.colors <- gray(1 - inclusion.probabilities)
    } else {
      line.colors <- rep("black", number.of.predictors)
    times <- bsts.object$timestamp.info$timestamps
    if (number.of.predictors == 1) {
      plot(times, predictors, type = "l", lty = 1, col = line.colors,
           ylim = ylim, xlab = "", ylab = "Scaled Value", ...)
    } else {
      plot(times, predictors[, 1], type = "n", ylim = ylim, xlab = "",
           ylab = "Scaled Value", ...)
      for (i in 1:number.of.predictors) {
        lines(times, predictors[, i], lty = i, col = line.colors[i], ...)
    lines(zoo(scale(bsts.object$original.series), times),
          col = "blue",
          lwd = 3)
    if (show.legend) {
      legend.text <- paste(round(inclusion.probabilities, 2), predictor.names)
      legend("topright", legend = legend.text, lty = 1:number.of.predictors,
             col = line.colors, bg = "white")
  } else {
    plot(0, 0, type = "n",
         main = "No predictors above the inclusion threshold.", ...)

PlotBstsCoefficients <- function(bsts.object,
                                 burn = SuggestBurn(.1, bsts.object),
                                 inclusion.threshold = 0,
                                 number.of.variables = NULL,
                                 ...) {
  ## Creates a plot of the regression coefficients in the bsts.object.
  ## This is a wrapper for plot.lm.spike from the BoomSpikeSlab package.
  ## Args:
  ##   bsts.object:  An object of class 'bsts'
  ##   burn: The number of MCMC iterations to discard as burn-in.
  ##   inclusion.threshold: An inclusion probability that coefficients
  ##     must exceed in order to be displayed.
  ##   number.of.variables: If non-NULL this specifies the number of
  ##     coefficients to plot, taking precedence over
  ##     inclusion.threshold.
  ## Returns:
  ##   Invisibly returns a list with the following elements:
  ##   barplot: The midpoints of each bar, which is useful for adding
  ##     to the plot
  ##   inclusion.prob: The marginal inclusion probabilities of each
  ##     variable, ordered smallest to largest (the same ordering as
  ##     the plot).
  ##   positive.prob: The probability that each variable has a
  ##     positive coefficient, in the same order as inclusion.prob.
  ##   permutation: The permutation of beta that puts the coefficients
  ##     in the same order as positive.prob and inclusion.prob.  That
  ##     is: beta[, permutation] will have the most significant
  ##     coefficients in the right hand columns.
  stopifnot(inherits(bsts.object, "bsts"))
  if (is.null(bsts.object$coefficients)) {
    stop("No coefficients to plot in PlotBstsCoefficients.")
          burn = burn,
          inclusion.threshold = inclusion.threshold,
          number.of.variables = number.of.variables,
PlotBstsSize <- function(bsts.object,
                         burn = SuggestBurn(.1, bsts.object),
                         style = c("histogram", "ts"),
                         ...) {
  ## Plots the distribution of the number of variables in the bsts model.
  ## Args:
  ##   bsts.object:  An object of class 'bsts' to plot.
  ##   burn: The number of MCMC iterations to discard as burn-in.
  ##   style:  The desired plot style.
  ##   ...:  Extra arguments passed to lower level plotting functions.
  ## Returns:
  ##   Nothing interesting.  Draws a plot on the current graphics device.
  beta <- bsts.object$coefficients
  if (is.null(beta)) {
    stop("The model has no coefficients")
  if (burn > 0) {
    beta <- beta[-(1:burn), , drop = FALSE]
  size <- rowSums(beta != 0)
  style <- match.arg(style)
  if (style == "ts") {
    plot.ts(size, ...)
  } else if (style == "histogram") {
    hist(size, ...)

PlotBstsComponents <- function(bsts.object,
                               burn = SuggestBurn(.1, bsts.object),
                               time = NULL,
                               same.scale = TRUE,
                               layout = c("square", "horizontal", "vertical"),
                               style = c("dynamic", "boxplot"),
                               ylim = NULL,
                               components = 1:length(bsts.object$state.specification),
                               ...) {
  ## Plots the posterior distribution of each state model's contributions to the
  ## mean of the time series.
  ## Args:
  ##   bsts.object: An object of class 'bsts'.
  ##   burn: The number of MCMC iterations to be discarded as burn-in.
  ##   time: An optional vector of values to plot on the time axis.
  ##   same.scale: Logical.  If TRUE then all plots will share a common scale
  ##     for the vertical axis.  Otherwise the veritcal scales for each plot
  ##     will be determined independently.
  ##   layout: A text string indicating whether the state components plots
  ##     should be laid out in a square (maximizing plot area), vertically, or
  ##     horizontally.
  ##   style: Either "dynamic", for dynamic distribution plots, or "boxplot",
  ##     for box plots.  Partial matching is allowed, so "dyn" or "box" would
  ##     work, for example.
  ##   ylim:  Limits on the vertical axis.
  ##   components: A numeric index vector indicating which state components to
  ##     plot.
  ##   ...: Extra arguments passed to PlotDynamicDistribution.
  ## Returns:
  ##   Produces a plot on the current graphics device.  Returns invisible NULL.
    length(components) >= 1,
    all(components == round(components)),
    min(components) >= 1,
    max(components) <= length(bsts.object$state.specification))
  components <- unique(components)

  state.specification <- bsts.object$state.specification[components]
  number.of.components <- length(state.specification)
  if (bsts.object$has.regression) {
    number.of.components <- number.of.components + 1

  if (is.null(time)) {
    time <- bsts.object$timestamp.info$regular.timestamps

  layout <- match.arg(layout)
  if (layout == "square") {
    num.rows <- floor(sqrt(number.of.components))
    num.cols <- ceiling(number.of.components / num.rows)
  } else if (layout == "vertical") {
    num.rows <- number.of.components
    num.cols <- 1
  } else if (layout == "horizontal") {
    num.rows <- 1
    num.cols <- number.of.components

  screen.matrix <- .ScreenMatrix(num.rows, num.cols, side.margin = 0)
  close.screen(all.screens = TRUE)
  original.par <- par(mfrow = c(1,1))
  par(mfrow = c(num.rows, num.cols))
  cex <- par("cex")
  par(mfrow = c(1,1), cex= cex)

  screen.numbers <- split.screen(screen.matrix)
  on.exit({close.screen(screen.numbers); par(original.par)})

  if (is.null(ylim) && same.scale) {
    if (burn > 0) {
      ylim <- range(bsts.object$state.contributions[-(1:burn), , ])
    } else {
      ylim <- range(bsts.object$state.contributions)
  if (is.null(burn)) {
    burn <- 0
  for (i in 1:length(components)) {
    ## Each state component has a generic plot function that knows how to make
    ## the right plot.
    plot(state.specification[[i]], bsts.object, burn = burn,
      time = time, style = style, ylim = ylim, ...)
  if (bsts.object$has.regression) {
    screen(screen.numbers[length(components) + 1])
    .PlotRegressionComponent(bsts.object, burn = burn, time = time,
      style = style, ylim = ylim, ...)

.PlotRegressionComponent <- function(bsts.object,
                                     burn = NULL,
                                     time = NULL,
                                     style = c("dynamic", "boxplot"),
                                     ylim = NULL,
                                     ...) {
  ## Plot the regression component of a state space model.
  ## Args:
  ##   bsts.object:  The object from which state.contribution was extracted.
  ##   burn:  The number of observations to discard as burn-in.
  ##   time:  A vector of time stamps to plot against.
  ##   style:  The style of plot desired.
  ##   ylim:  Limits for the vertical axis.
  ##   ...: Extra arguments passed to TimeSeriesBoxplot or
  ##     PlotDynamicDistribution.
  stopifnot(inherits(bsts.object, "bsts"), bsts.object$has.regression)
  state.contribution <- bsts.object$state.contributions[, "regression", ]
  style <- match.arg(style)
  .PlotStateContribution(state.contribution, bsts.object, burn, time, style,
    ylim, ...)
  title(main = "Regression")

.PlotStateContribution <- function(state.contribution,
                                   burn = NULL,
                                   time = NULL,
                                   style = c("dynamic", "boxplot"),
                                   ylim = NULL,
                                   ...) {
  ## Create a dynamic distribution plot or time series boxplot showing the
  ## contribution of a state component to the mean of the time series being
  ## modeled.
  ## Args:
  ##   state.contribution: A matrix of MCMC draws.  Each row is a draw.  Each
  ##     column is a time point.
  ##   bsts.object:  The object from which state.contribution was extracted.
  ##   burn:  The number of observations to discard as burn-in.
  ##   time:  A vector of time stamps to plot against.
  ##   style:  The style of plot desired.
  ##   ylim:  Limits for the vertical axis.
  ##   ...: Extra arguments passed to TimeSeriesBoxplot or
  ##     PlotDynamicDistribution.
  if (!is.matrix(state.contribution)) {
    state <- matrix(state.contribution, ncol = 1)
  if (is.null(burn)) {
    burn <- 0
  if (burn > 0) {
    state.contribution <- state.contribution[-(1:burn), ]
  if (is.null(time)) {
    time <- bsts.object$timestamp.info$regular.timestamps
  if (is.null(ylim)) {
    ylim <- range(state.contribution)
  style <- match.arg(style)
  if (style == "boxplot") {
    TimeSeriesBoxplot(state.contribution, time = time, ylim = ylim, ...)
  } else {
    PlotDynamicDistribution(state.contribution, timestamps = time, ylim = ylim, ...)


plot.StateModel <- function(x,
                            burn = NULL,
                            time = NULL,
                            style = c("dynamic", "boxplot"),
                            ylim = NULL,
                            ...) {
  ## The default plotting method for a StateModel is to find the column of
  ## bsts.object$state.contributions corresponding to state.specification$name
  ## and plot it using either PlotDynamicRegression or TimeSeriesBoxplot.
  ## Args:
  ##   x:  An object inheriting from StateModel.
  ##   bsts.object: A bsts model that includes state.specification in its state
  ##     specification.
  ##   burn:  The number of MCMC iterations to burn.
  ##   time: An optional vector of values to plot on the time axis.
  ##   style: Either "dynamic", for dynamic distribution plots, or "boxplot",
  ##     for box plots.  Partial matching is allowed, so "dyn" or "box" would
  ##     work, for example.
  ##   ylim:  Limits on the vertical axis.
  ##   ...: Extra arguments passed to PlotDynamicDistribution or
  ##     TimeSeriesBoxplot.
  ## Returns:
  ##   Draws a plot on the current plotting device.
  state.specification <- x
  stopifnot(inherits(state.specification, "StateModel"))
  stopifnot(inherits(bsts.object, "bsts"))
  if (is.null(.FindStateSpecification(state.specification, bsts.object))) {
    stop("The state specification is not part of the bsts object.")
  style <- match.arg(style)
  state <- bsts.object$state.contributions[, state.specification$name, ]
  if (is.null(state)) {
    stop("Could not find state contributions for ", state.specification$name)
  .PlotStateContribution(state, bsts.object, burn, time, style, ylim, ...)
  title(main = state.specification$name)

PlotBstsState <- function(bsts.object, burn = SuggestBurn(.1, bsts.object),
                          time, show.actuals = TRUE,
                          style = c("dynamic", "boxplot"),
                          scale = c("linear", "mean"),
                          ylim = NULL,
                          ...) {
  ## Plots the posterior distribution of the mean of the training
  ## data, as determined by the state.
  ## Args:
  ##   bsts.object:  An object of class 'bsts'.
  ##   burn: The number of MCMC iterations to be discarded as burn-in.
  ##   time: An optional vector of values to plot on the time axis.
  ##   show.actuals: If TRUE then the original values from the series
  ##     will be added to the plot.
  ##   style: Either "dynamic", for dynamic distribution plots, or
  ##     "boxplot", for box plots.  Partial matching is allowed, so
  ##     "dyn" or "box" would work, for example.
  ##   scale: If the error family is logit or Poisson then setting
  ##     scale to "mean" will pass the model state through the logit
  ##     or exponential link functions before plotting.
  ##   ...: Extra arguments passed to PlotDynamicDistribution.
  ## Returns:
  ##   This function is called for its side effect, which is to
  ##   produce a plot on the current graphics device.
  stopifnot(inherits(bsts.object, "bsts"))
  style <- match.arg(style)
  scale <- match.arg(scale)
  if (missing(time)) {
    time <- bsts.object$timestamp.info$regular.timestamps
  state <- bsts.object$state.contributions
  if (burn > 0) {
    state <- state[-(1:burn), , , drop = FALSE]
  state <- rowSums(aperm(state, c(1, 3, 2)), dims = 2)
  if (scale == "mean") {
    if (bsts.object$family == "logit") {
      state <- t(t(plogis(state)) * bsts.object$trials)
    } else if (bsts.object$family == "poisson") {
      state <- t(t(exp(state)) * bsts.object$exposure)
  } else {
    ## If the plot is not on the scale of the data then don't show the actual
    ## data values.
    if (bsts.object$family %in% c("poisson", "logit")) {
      show.actuals <- FALSE

  if (is.null(ylim)) {
    if (show.actuals) {
      ylim <- range(state, bsts.object$original.series, na.rm = TRUE)
    } else {
      ylim <- range(state, na.rm = TRUE)

  if (style == "boxplot") {
    TimeSeriesBoxplot(state, time = time, ylim = ylim, ...)
  } else {
    PlotDynamicDistribution(state, timestamps = time, ylim = ylim, ...)
  if (show.actuals) {
           col = "blue",

PlotBstsPredictionErrors <- function(bsts.object,
                                     cutpoints = NULL,
                                     burn = SuggestBurn(.1, bsts.object),
                                     style = c("dynamic", "boxplot"),
                                     xlab = "Time",
                                     ylab = "",
                                     main = "",
                                     ...) {
  style <- match.arg(style)
  stopifnot(inherits(bsts.object, "bsts"))
  prediction.errors = bsts.prediction.errors(bsts.object,
                                             cutpoints = cutpoints,
                                             burn = burn)
  timestamps <- attributes(prediction.errors)$timestamps
  cutpoints <-  timestamps[attributes(prediction.errors)$cutpoints]
      timestamps = timestamps,
      style = style,
      xlab = xlab,
      ylab = ylab,
      frame.labels = c(as.character(cutpoints), "in.sample"),
      main = main,
      actuals = NULL,
      vertical.cuts = c(cutpoints, NA),

PlotBstsForecastDistribution <- function(bsts.object,
                                         cutpoints = NULL,
                                         burn = SuggestBurn(.1, bsts.object),
                                         style = c("dynamic", "boxplot"),
                                         xlab = "Time",
                                         ylab = "",
                                         main = "",
                                         show.actuals = TRUE,
                                         col.actuals = "blue",
                                         ...) {
  ## Plots the posterior distribution of the one-step-ahead forecasts
  ## for a bsts model.  This is the distribution of p(y[t+1] | y[1:t],
  ## \theta) averaged over p(\theta | y[1:T]).
  ## Args:
  ##   bsts.object:  An object of class 'bsts'.
  ##   burn: The number of MCMC iterations to be discarded as burn-in.
  ##   style: Either "dynamic", for dynamic distribution plots, or
  ##     "boxplot", for box plots.  Partial matching is allowed, so
  ##     "dyn" or "box" would work, for example.
  ##   show.actuals: If TRUE then the original values from the series
  ##     will be added to the plot.
  ##   col.actuals: The color to use when plotting original values
  ##     from the time series being modeled.
  ##   ...: Extra arguments passed to TimeSeriesBoxplot,
  ##     PlotDynamicDistribution, and points.
  ## Returns:
  ##   invisible NULL
  stopifnot(inherits(bsts.object, "bsts"))
  style = match.arg(style)
  errors <- bsts.prediction.errors(bsts.object,
                                   cutpoints = cutpoints,
                                   burn = burn)
  forecast <- errors
  if (length(forecast) == 0) {
    stop("No forecast errors are available.")
  for (i in 1:length(forecast)) {
    forecast[[i]] <-
        t(as.numeric(bsts.object$original.series) - t(forecast[[i]]))
  timestamps <- attributes(errors)$timestamps
  cutpoints <- timestamps[attributes(errors)$cutpoints]
  if (show.actuals) {
    actuals <- bsts.object$original.series
  } else {
    actuals <- NULL
      timestamps = timestamps,
      style = style,
      xlab = xlab,
      ylab = ylab,
      main = main,
      frame.labels = c(as.character(cutpoints), "in.sample"),
      actuals = actuals,
      vertical.cuts = c(cutpoints, NA),
      col.actuals = col.actuals,

PlotBstsResiduals <- function(bsts.object, burn = SuggestBurn(.1, bsts.object),
                              time, style = c("dynamic", "boxplot"), means = TRUE,
                              ...) {
  ## Plots the posterior distribution of the residuals from the bsts
  ## model, after subtracting off the state effects (including
  ## regression effects).
  ## Args:
  ##   bsts.object:  An object of class 'bsts'.
  ##   burn: The number of MCMC iterations to be discarded as burn-in.
  ##   time: An optional vector of values to plot on the time axis.
  ##   means: If TRUE then the posterior mean of each residual is plotted as a
  ##     blue dot on top of the boxplot or the dynamic distribution plot.
  ##   style: Either "dynamic", for dynamic distribution plots, or
  ##     "boxplot", for box plots.  Partial matching is allowed, so
  ##     "dyn" or "box" would work, for example.
  ##   ...:  Extra arguments passed to PlotDynamicDistribution.
  ## Returns:
  ##   This function is called for its side effect, which is to
  ##   produce a plot on the current graphics device.
  stopifnot(inherits(bsts.object, "bsts"))
  if (HasDuplicateTimestamps(bsts.object)) {
    stop("The bsts residual plot does not support duplicate time stamps.")
  if (bsts.object$family %in% c("poisson", "logit")) {
    stop("The bsts residual plot is only supported for continuous error",
         " families.")
  style <- match.arg(style)
  if (missing(time)) {
    time <- bsts.object$timestamp.info$timestamps
  residuals <- residuals(bsts.object)
  if (style == "dynamic") {
    PlotDynamicDistribution(residuals, timestamps = time, ...)
  } else {
    TimeSeriesBoxplot(residuals, time = time, ...)

  if (means) {
    points(time, colMeans(residuals), pch = 20, col = "blue")

PlotDynamicRegression <- function(
    burn = SuggestBurn(.1, bsts.object),
    time = NULL,
    same.scale = FALSE,
    style = c("dynamic", "boxplot"),
    layout = c("square", "horizontal", "vertical"),
    ylim = NULL,
    zero.width = 2,
    zero.color = "green",
    ...) {
  ## Plot the coefficients of a dynamic regression state component.
  ## Args:
  ##   bsts.object: The bsts object containing the dynamic regression
  ##     state component to be plotted.
  ##   burn: The number of MCMC iterations to be discarded as burn-in.
  ##   time: An optional vector of values to plot on the time axis.
  ##   layout: A text string indicating whether the state components
  ##     plots should be laid out in a square (maximizing plot area),
  ##     vertically, or horizontally.
  ##   style: Either "dynamic", for dynamic distribution plots, or
  ##     "boxplot", for box plots.  Partial matching is allowed, so
  ##     "dyn" or "box" would work, for example.
  ##   ...: Additional arguments passed to PlotDynamicDistribution or
  ##     TimeSeriesBoxplot.
  stopifnot(inherits(bsts.object, "bsts"))
  if (!("dynamic.regression.coefficients" %in% names(bsts.object))) {
    stop("The model object does not contain a dynamic regression component.")
  style <- match.arg(style)
  if (is.null(time)) {
    time <- bsts.object$timestamp.info$regular.timestamps
  beta <- bsts.object$dynamic.regression.coefficients
  ndraws <- dim(beta)[1]
  number.of.variables <- dim(beta)[2]
  stopifnot(length(time) == dim(beta)[3])

  if (burn > 0) {
    beta <- beta[-(1:burn), , , drop = FALSE]
  if (is.null(ylim) && same.scale == TRUE) {
    ylim <- range(beta, na.rm = TRUE)

  layout <- match.arg(layout)
  if (layout == "square") {
    num.rows <- floor(sqrt(number.of.variables))
    num.cols <- ceiling(number.of.variables / num.rows)
  } else if (layout == "vertical") {
    num.rows <- number.of.variables
    num.cols <- 1
  } else if (layout == "horizontal") {
    num.rows <- 1
    num.cols <- number.of.variables
  original.par <- par(mfrow = c(num.rows, num.cols))
  beta.names <- dimnames(beta)[[2]]
  need.ylim <- is.null(ylim)
  for (variable in 1:number.of.variables) {
    if (need.ylim) {
      ylim <- range(beta[, variable, ], na.rm = TRUE)
    if (style == "boxplot") {
      TimeSeriesBoxplot(beta[, variable, ],
        time = time, ylim = ylim, ...)
    } else if (style == "dynamic") {
      PlotDynamicDistribution(beta[, variable, ],
        timestamps = time, ylim = ylim, ...)
    if (!is.null(zero.width) && !is.null(zero.color)) {
      abline(h = 0, lty = 3, lwd = zero.width, col = zero.color)
PlotHoliday <- function(holiday, model, show.raw.data = TRUE,
                        ylim = NULL, ...) {
  ## Plot the estimated holiday effect for the given holiday.
  ## Args:
  ##   holiday:  An object of class Holiday.
  ##   model: A bsts model object with a state specification that includes
  ##     'holiday' in a RegressionHolidayStateModel or
  ##     HierarchicalRegressionHolidayStateModel.
  ##   show.raw.data: Logical indicating if the raw data corresponding to the
  ##     holiday should be superimposed on the plot.  The 'raw data' are the
  ##     actual values of the target series, minus the value of the target
  ##     series the day before the holiday began, which is a (somewhat poor)
  ##     proxy for remaining state elements.  The raw data can appear
  ##     artificially noisy if there are other strong state effects such as a
  ##     day-of-week effect for holidays that don't always occur on the same day
  ##     of the week.
  ##   ylim:  Limits for the vertical axis.
  ## Effects:
  ##   A set of boxplots are drawn on the current graphics device showing the
  ##   posterior distribution of the impact of the holiday during each day of
  ##   its influence window.
  date.ranges <- DateRange(holiday, model$timestamp.info$timestamps)
  raw.data<- list()
  for (i in 1:nrow(date.ranges)) {
    baseline <- as.numeric(model$original.series[date.ranges[i, 1] - 1])
    actuals <- as.numeric(window(model$original.series,
      start = date.ranges[i, 1],
      end = date.ranges[i, 2]))
    raw.data[[i]] <- actuals - baseline

  holiday.effects <- .FindHolidayEffects(model, holiday$name)
  if (is.null(ylim)) {
    ylim <- range(holiday.effects, na.rm = TRUE)
    if (show.raw.data) {
      ylim <- range(ylim, raw.data, na.rm = TRUE)

  boxplot(holiday.effects, ylim = ylim, ...)
  if (show.raw.data) {
    for (i in 1:length(raw.data)) {
      lines(raw.data[[i]], col = i, lty = i)

.FindHolidayEffects <- function(model, holiday.name) {
  ## Look through all the state specificiations and find all the ones that
  ## inherit from HolidayModel.
  ## Args:
  ##   model:  a bsts model to search.
  ##   holiday.name:  The name of a holiday expected to be part of 'model'.
  ## Returns:
  ##    If a holiday named 'holiday.name' was included in 'model' as part of a
  ##    RegressionHolidayStateModel or HierarchicalRegressionHolidayStateModel
  ##    then find the MCMC draws of its coefficients and return them as a
  ##    matrix. Otherwise raise an error.
  state.specification <- model$state.specification
  for (i in 1:length(state.specification)) {
    if (inherits(state.specification[[i]], "RegressionHolidayStateModel")) {
      holiday.names <- sapply(state.specification[[i]]$holidays, function(x)
      if (holiday.name %in% holiday.names) {
    } else if (inherits(state.specification[[i]],
      "HierarchicalRegressionHolidayStateModel")) {
      return(model$holiday.coefficients[, holiday.name, ])
    } else if (inherits(state.specification[[i]], "RandomWalkHolidayStateModel")) {
      stop("A plot method for RandomWalkHolidayStateModel never got implemented.")
  stop(paste0("Could not find a holiday named ", holiday.name, "."))

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bsts documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:14 a.m.