#' Bunching Plot
#' Creates the bunching plot.
#' @param binned_data binned data with frequency and estimated counterfactual.
#' @param b normalized bunching estimate.
#' @param b_sd standard deviation of the normalized bunching estimate.
#' @param e elasticity estimate.
#' @param e_sd standard deviation of the elasticity estimate.
#' @param cf the counterfactual to be plotted.
#' @inheritParams bunchit
#' @seealso \code{\link{bunchit}}
#' @return \code{plot_bunching} returns a plot with the frequency, counterfactual and bunching region demarcated. Can also include the bunching and elasticity estimate if specified.
#' @examples
#' data(bunching_data)
#' binned_data <- bin_data(z_vector = bunching_data$kink, zstar = 10000,
#' binwidth = 50, bins_l = 20, bins_r = 20)
#' prepped_data <- prep_data_for_fit(binned_data, zstar = 10000, binwidth = 50,
#' bins_l = 20, bins_r = 20, poly = 4)
#' fitted <- fit_bunching(thedata = prepped_data$data_binned,
#' themodelformula = prepped_data$model_formula,
#' binwidth = 50)
#' plot_bunching(z_vector = bunching_data$kink_vector,
#' binned_data = prepped_data$data_binned,
#' cf = fitted$cf_density, zstar = 10000,
#' binwidth = 50, bins_excl_l = 0 , bins_excl_r = 0,
#' b = 1.989, b_sd = 0.005, p_b = TRUE)
#' @export
plot_bunching <- function(z_vector, binned_data, cf, zstar,
binwidth, bins_excl_l = 0, bins_excl_r = 0,
p_title = "", p_xtitle = deparse(substitute(z_vector)), p_ytitle = "Count",
p_miny = 0, p_maxy = NA, p_ybreaks = NA,
p_title_size = 11, p_axis_title_size = 10, p_axis_val_size = 8.5,
p_freq_color = "black", p_cf_color = "maroon",
p_zstar_color = "red", p_grid_major_y_color = "lightgrey",
p_freq_size = .5, p_freq_msize = 1, p_cf_size = .5, p_zstar_size = .5,
p_b = FALSE, b = NA, b_sd = NA, p_e = FALSE, e = NA, e_sd = NA, p_b_e_xpos = NA,
p_b_e_ypos = NA, p_b_e_size = 3,
t0 = NA, t1 = NA, notch = FALSE,
p_domregion_color = NA, p_domregion_ltype = NA) {
# if p_b_e_xpos/p_y_e_xpos not chosen, set them. get data ranges
zmin <- min(binned_data$bin, na.rm = TRUE)
zmax <- max(binned_data$bin,na.rm = TRUE) # also needed to customize plot region
maxy <- max(binned_data$freq_orig, cf)
# bunching/elasticity estimates' x position
if( {
if (notch == TRUE) {
p_b_e_xpos <- zmin + (zstar - zmin)*.3
} else {
p_b_e_xpos <- zstar + (zmax - zstar)*.7
# y position
if( {
p_b_e_ypos <- maxy * .8
# prepare data for graphing in "long" structure
df_plot <- data.frame(cbind(binned_data[,c("bin", "freq_orig")], "cf_graph" = cf))
df_plot <- df_plot %>% tidyr::gather(key, value, freq_orig, cf_graph)
# get position of bunching region lower and upper bounds and add them to vector that includes kinklevel
lb <- zstar - bins_excl_l * binwidth
ub <- zstar + bins_excl_r * binwidth
# create vector of linetypes (solid Vs dashed) for each
vlines <- c(lb, zstar, ub)
vlines_type <- rep("solid", 3) # make them all solid. if one is different, make dashed
vlines_type[vlines != zstar] <- "dashed"
vlines_color <- rep(p_zstar_color, 3)
# if it's a notch, add domregion bin marker to vlines
if(notch == TRUE) {
bin_domregion <- domregion(zstar, t0, t1, binwidth)$zD
vlines <- c(vlines, bin_domregion)
vlines_type <- c(vlines_type, p_domregion_ltype)
vlines_color <- c(vlines_color, p_domregion_color)
# combine b and b_sd (e and e_sd) to pass to graph (if b_sd is not NA, otherwise only report point estimate)
if(! {
b_estimates <- paste0("b = ", round(b,3), "(", round(b_sd,3), ")")
e_estimates <- paste0("e = ", round(e,3), "(", round(e_sd, 3), ")")
} else {
b_estimates <- paste0("b = ", round(b,3))
e_estimates <- paste0("e = ", round(e,3))
# prepare color vector for main lines
freq_cf_colors <- c("freq_orig" = p_freq_color, "cf_graph" = p_cf_color)
freq_cf_sizes <- c("freq_orig" = p_freq_size, "cf_graph" = p_cf_size)
# the plot
bunch_plot <- ggplot2::ggplot(df_plot, aes(y = value, x = bin, color = key, size = key)) +
# plot main lines, pass size and color options
ggplot2::geom_line() + ggplot2::scale_size_manual(values = freq_cf_sizes) + ggplot2::scale_colour_manual(values = freq_cf_colors) +
# plot vertical lines first so that they appear behind plot binpoints
ggplot2::geom_vline(xintercept=vlines, linetype=vlines_type, color = vlines_color, size=p_zstar_size) +
# plot connector point marker for freq line
ggplot2::geom_point(data = df_plot[df_plot$key == "freq_orig",], size = p_freq_msize) +
theme_classic() + #eval(parse(text = p_theme))
ggplot2::theme(panel.grid.major.y = element_line(colour = p_grid_major_y_color),
panel.grid.minor.y = element_blank(),
panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank(),
plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, size = p_title_size),
text = element_text(size = p_axis_title_size),
axis.text=element_text(size = p_axis_val_size),
legend.position = "none",
panel.background = element_blank(),
panel.grid = element_blank(),
panel.border = element_blank()) +
ggplot2::labs(title = p_title, x = p_xtitle, y = p_ytitle) +
ggplot2::guides(fill = "none", color = "none")
# pass choice of ylim and p_ybreaks
if(sum( == length(p_ybreaks)) {
bunch_plot <- bunch_plot + scale_y_continuous(limits= c(p_miny, p_maxy))
} else {
bunch_plot <- bunch_plot + scale_y_continuous(limits= c(p_miny, p_maxy), breaks = p_ybreaks)
# choice to show b (and e) on plot or not
if(p_b == TRUE) {
if(p_e == TRUE) {
# if both TRUE, add both on separate lines
text_to_print <- paste0(b_estimates, "\n", e_estimates)
} else { # add only b
text_to_print <- b_estimates
bunch_plot <- bunch_plot +
ggplot2::annotate("text", x = p_b_e_xpos, y = p_b_e_ypos,
label = text_to_print, size = p_b_e_size)
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