
Defines functions mjca mjca.table mjca.array mjca.data.frame mjca.default

Documented in mjca mjca.array mjca.data.frame mjca.default mjca.table

# mjca(): Computation of MCA & JCA (ca package 0.70)
# generic mjca()
mjca <- function(obj, ...){

mjca.table <- function(obj, ...){
  obj <- expand.dft(obj)
  mjca.default(obj, ...)

mjca.array <- function(obj, ...){
  if (!all(floor(obj) == obj, na.rm = TRUE)) stop("Input object must contain integers")
  obj <- expand.dft(as.table(obj))
  mjca.default(obj, ...)

mjca.data.frame <- function(obj, ...){
  mjca.default(obj, ...)

mjca.default <- function(obj, 
                 nd        = 2, 
                 lambda    = c("adjusted", "indicator", "Burt", "JCA"), 
                 supcol    = NA, 
                 subsetcat = NA, 
                 ps        = ":", 
                 maxit     = 50, 
                 epsilon   = 0.0001, 
                 reti      = FALSE,
##### Part 1: Input checks:
  lambda    <- match.arg(lambda)
  obj       <- data.frame(lapply(data.frame(obj), factor)) 
  subsetcol <- subsetcat

##### Part 2: Data preparation
 # Indicator and Burt matrix:
  levels.n.0  <- unlist(lapply(obj, nlevels))
  rn.0        <- dimnames(obj)[[1]]
  cn.0        <- dimnames(obj)[[2]]
  n.0         <- cumsum(levels.n.0)
  I.0         <- dim(obj)[1]
  Q.0         <- dim(obj)[2]
  Q.sup       <- NA
  J.0         <- sum(levels.n.0)
  J.sup       <- NA
  Qind.0      <- 1:Q.0
  Qind        <- Qind.0
  Qind.sup    <- NA
  ind.0       <- 1:J.0
  ind.sub     <- NA
  ind.sup.foo <- NA
  ind.sup     <- NA
  cn          <- dimnames(obj)[[2]]
  fn          <- rep(names(obj), unlist(lapply(obj, nlevels)))
  ln          <- unlist(lapply(obj,levels))
  col.names   <- paste(fn, ln, sep = ps)
 # Subsets, supplementary check:
  if (!(is.na(subsetcol)[1] & length(subsetcol) == 1)){
   # check if given as vector
    if (mode(subsetcol) != "list"){
      if (sum(subsetcol < 0) == length(subsetcol)){ # check for negative indexes
        subsetcol <- (1:sum(levels.n))[subsetcol]
      lut <- cumsum(levels.n.0) - unlist(levels.n.0)
      s0  <- (1:sum(levels.n.0))[subsetcol]
      } # end subset-vector

    if (mode(subsetcol) == "list"){
      s0 <- list()
      if (length(subsetcol) < length(obj)){
        for (i in (length(subsetcol)+1):length(obj)){
          subsetcol[[i]] <- NA
      for (i in 1:length(obj)){
        if (is.na(subsetcol[[i]])[1]){
          s0[[i]] <- NA
          } else {
          s0[[i]] <- (1:nlevels(obj[[i]]))[subsetcol[[i]]]
      } # end subset-list
    subsetcol <- s0
    } # end subset 

 # Supplementary points:
  if (!is.na(supcol)[1]){
    Qind     <- Qind.0[-supcol]
    Qind.sup <- supcol
   # get indices for Burt matrix:
    for (k in 1:length(supcol)){
      ind.sup <- c(ind.sup, (c(0,n.0)[supcol[k]] + 1):(c(0,n.0)[supcol[k]+1]))
    ind.sup  <- ind.sup[-1]
    ind      <- ind.0[-ind.sup]
    Q.sup    <- length(supcol)
    Q        <- Q.0 - Q.sup
    J.sup    <- sum(levels.n.0[Qind.sup])
    J        <- sum(levels.n.0[Qind])
   # check: subset and supplementary?
    ind.sup.foo <- ind.sup
    if (!(is.na(subsetcol)[1] & length(subsetcol) == 1)){
      ind.sup.foo <- ind.sup.foo - (length(ind) - length(subsetcol))
    } else {
      ind.sup <- NA
      ind     <- ind.0
      Q.sup   <- NA
      Q       <- Q.0
      J.sup   <- NA
      J       <- J.0
    } # end supplementary 

  levels.n <- levels.n.0[Qind]
 # Subset indexes:
  if (!(is.na(subsetcol)[1] & length(subsetcol) == 1)){
    ind.sub <- subsetcol
   # Levels in Subset:
    levels.n.sub        <- table(rep(1:Q, levels.n)[subsetcol])
   # names(levels.n.sub) <- names(levels.n)
    foo <- rep(names(levels.n), levels.n)[subsetcol]
    if (is.na(supcol)[1]){
      names(levels.n.sub) <- foo[!duplicated(foo)]
      } else {
      names(levels.n.sub) <- (foo[!duplicated(foo)])[-supcol]
    Q.sub               <- Q - sum(levels.n.sub == 0)
    levels.n.sub        <- levels.n.sub[levels.n.sub != 0]
 ##### Part 3: 'Core' Computation
 ### Set up data
 # Indicator and Burt matrix:
  Z.0      <- matrix(0, nrow = I.0, ncol = J.0)
  newdat   <- lapply(obj, as.numeric)
  offset.b <- c(0, n.0)
  offset   <- c(0, n.0[-length(n.0)])
  for (i in 1:Q.0){
    Z.0[1:I.0 + (I.0 * (offset[i] + newdat[[i]] - 1))] <- 1
  fn         <- rep(names(obj), unlist(lapply(obj, nlevels)))
  ln         <- unlist(lapply(obj,levels))
  B.0        <- t(Z.0) %*% Z.0
  B          <- B.0[ind, ind]
  Z          <- Z.0[,ind]
  P          <- B / sum(B)
  cm         <- apply(P, 2, sum)
  rm         <- apply(Z.0/sum(Z.0), 1, sum)
  S          <- diag(sqrt(1/cm)) %*% (P - cm %*% t(cm)) %*% diag(sqrt(1/cm))
  evd.S      <- eigen(S)
  evd.S$values[evd.S$values < 0] <- 0
  obj.num    <- as.matrix(data.frame(lapply(obj[,Qind], as.numeric)))
  rowmass    <- rep(1/I.0, I.0) #NA # rep(1/I.0, I.0)
#  rowinertia <- apply(((Z.0/sum(Z.0)) - rm %*% t(cm))^2, 1, sum) #NA # apply(S^2, 1, sum)
  rowinertia <- apply(((Z/sum(Z)) - rm %*% t(cm))^2, 1, sum) #NA # apply(S^2, 1, sum)
  rowdist    <- sqrt(rowinertia / rm) #NA # sqrt(rowinertia / rm)
  colinertia <- apply(S^2, 2, sum)
  coldist    <- sqrt(colinertia / cm)
 # Burt bits for supplementary variables:
  if (!is.na(ind.sup[1])){
    B.sup <- B.0[ind.sup, ind]
      ind.sub     <- c(ind.sup,ind.sub)
      ind.sub     <- (ind.sub[!duplicated(ind.sub)])[-(1:length(ind.sup))]
      subsetcol   <- ind.sub
      ind.sup.foo <- ind.sup - (length(ind.0)-length(c(ind.sub,ind.sup)))
 #   B.sub <- B[ind.sub,ind.sub]
    B.sub <- B.0[ind.sub,ind.sub]
 # some placeholders for adjusted/JCA
  B.star       <- NA
  lambda.adj   <- NA
  JCA.it       <- list(NA, c(NA, NA))
  subin        <- subinr(B, levels.n)
 # placeholders for rows:
  row.ctr <- NA
  row.cor <- NA
 ##### 3.1: 'lambda' = "indicator"
  if (lambda == "indicator"){
    nd.max  <- J - Q
    col.sc  <- diag(1 / sqrt(cm)) %*% evd.S$vectors[,1:(J-Q)] 
    col.pc  <- col.sc %*% diag(sqrt(evd.S$values[1:(J-Q)]))
   # Computations for rows:
	if (!is.na(supcol)[1]){
	  offset.shift <- rep(0, length(Qind))
	  for (i in 1:length(Qind.sup)){
	    offset.shift[offset[Qind] > offset[Qind.sup[i]]] <- -offset[Qind.sup[i]]
      indices <- t(t(obj.num) + offset[Qind] + offset.shift)
      row.pc  <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(obj.num), ncol = J-Q)
      for(i in 1:nrow(obj.num)){
        row.pc[i,] <- apply(col.sc[indices[i,],], 2, sum) / Q
	  } else {
      indices <- t(t(obj.num) + offset[Qind])
      row.pc  <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(obj.num), ncol = J-Q)
      for(i in 1:nrow(obj.num)){
        row.pc[i,] <- apply(col.sc[indices[i,],], 2, sum) / Q
    row.sc    <- row.pc %*% diag(1/sqrt(evd.S$values[1:(J-Q)]))
    col.ctr   <- evd.S$vectors[,1:(J-Q)]^2
    row.ctr   <- (1/nrow(obj.num)) * row.pc^2 %*% diag(1/evd.S$values[1:(J-Q)])
    col.cor   <- col.pc^2 / apply(col.pc^2, 1, sum)
    row.cor   <- row.pc^2 / apply(row.pc^2, 1, sum)
    lambda0   <- evd.S$values[1:nd.max]
    lambda.t  <- sum(lambda0)
    lambda.e  <- lambda0 / lambda.t
    lambda.et <- 1
   # Subset analysis:
    if (!is.na(subsetcol)[1]){
      nd.max  <- min(length(ind.sub), J-Q)
      if (!is.na(supcol)[1]){
	    subsetcol.shift <- rep(0, length(subsetcol))
		subsetcol.ranka <- rank(c(ind.sup,subsetcol))[1:length(ind.sup)]
		subsetcol.rankb <- rank(c(ind.sup,subsetcol))[-(1:length(ind.sup))]
		for (i in 1:length(ind.sup)){
		  subsetcol.shift[subsetcol.rankb > subsetcol.ranka[1]] <- subsetcol.shift[subsetcol.rankb > subsetcol.ranka[1]] - 1
        evd.S   <- eigen(S[subsetcol+subsetcol.shift,subsetcol+subsetcol.shift])
        } else {
        evd.S   <- eigen(S[subsetcol,subsetcol])
      col.sc  <- diag(1 / sqrt(cm[subsetcol])) %*% evd.S$vectors[,1:nd.max] 
      col.pc  <- col.sc %*% diag(sqrt(evd.S$values[1:nd.max]))
      col.ctr <- evd.S$vectors[,1:nd.max]^2
      col.cor <- col.pc^2 / apply(col.pc^2, 1, sum)
      lookup  <- offset[1:Q]
      rpm     <- as.matrix(data.frame(newdat))[,1:Q]
      indices <- t(t(rpm) + lookup)
      row.pc  <- matrix(0, nrow = I.0, ncol = nd.max)
      for(i in 1:(I.0)) {
        profile              <- -cm
        profile[indices[i,]] <- profile[indices[i,]]+1/Q
        profile              <- profile[subsetcol]
        row.pc[i,]           <- t(profile) %*% col.sc
      row.sc  <- row.pc %*% diag(1/sqrt(evd.S$values[1:nd.max]))
      row.ctr <- (1/I.0) * row.pc^2 %*% diag(1/evd.S$values[1:nd.max])
      row.cor <- row.pc^2 / apply(row.pc^2, 1, sum)
     # Subset & Supplementary variables:
        cols.pc  <- sweep((B.sup / apply(B.sup, 1, sum))[,subsetcol+subsetcol.shift], 2, cm[subsetcol+subsetcol.shift]) %*% col.sc
        cols.sc  <- cols.pc %*% diag(1/sqrt(evd.S$values[1:nd.max]))
        cols.cor <- cols.pc^2 / apply(cols.pc^2,1,sum)
      } # END Subset
   # Supplementary points:
    if (!is.na(supcol)[1] & is.na(subsetcol)[1]){  
      cols.pc  <- (B.sup / apply(B.sup, 1, sum)) %*% col.sc
      cols.sc  <- cols.pc %*% diag(1 / evd.S$values[1:nd.max])
      cols.sqd <- apply((sweep(sweep((B.sup / apply(B.sup,1,sum)), 2, cm), 2, sqrt(cm), FUN = "/"))^2, 1, sum)
      cols.cor <- cols.pc^2 / apply(cols.pc^2, 1, sum)
      } # End supplementary
    } else { # END if "indicator"
 ##### 3.2: 'lambda' = "Burt"
    col.sc  <- diag(1/sqrt(cm)) %*% evd.S$vectors[,1:(J-Q)] 
    col.pc  <- col.sc %*% diag(evd.S$values[1:(J-Q)])
###    row.sc  <- col.sc
###    row.pc  <- col.pc
#mjca2#    row.pc <- t(t(Z) %*% diag(1/apply(Z, 1, sum))) %*% col.sc
    row.pc <- (Z/Q) %*% col.sc
	row.sc <- row.pc %*% diag(1/evd.S$values[1:(J-Q)])
    col.ctr <- evd.S$vectors[,1:(J-Q)]^2
    col.cor <- col.pc^2 / apply(col.pc^2, 1, sum)
   # Subset analysis:
    if (!is.na(subsetcol)[1]){
      nd.max  <- min(length(ind.sub), J-Q)
#      evd.S   <- eigen(S[subsetcol,subsetcol])
      if (!is.na(supcol)[1]){
	    subsetcol.shift <- rep(0, length(subsetcol))
		subsetcol.ranka <- rank(c(ind.sup,subsetcol))[1:length(ind.sup)]
		subsetcol.rankb <- rank(c(ind.sup,subsetcol))[-(1:length(ind.sup))]
		for (i in 1:length(ind.sup)){
		  subsetcol.shift[subsetcol.rankb > subsetcol.ranka[1]] <- subsetcol.shift[subsetcol.rankb > subsetcol.ranka[1]] - 1
        evd.S   <- eigen(S[subsetcol+subsetcol.shift,subsetcol+subsetcol.shift])
        } else {
        evd.S   <- eigen(S[subsetcol,subsetcol])
      col.sc  <- diag(1/sqrt(cm[subsetcol])) %*% evd.S$vectors[,1:nd.max] 
      col.pc  <- col.sc %*% diag(evd.S$values[1:nd.max])
###      row.sc  <- col.sc
###      row.pc  <- col.pc
#mjca2#      row.pc  <- t(t(Z[,subsetcol]) %*% diag(1/apply(Z[,subsetcol], 1, sum))) %*% col.sc
# 0.65:      row.pc <- (Z/Q) %*% col.sc
      if (!is.na(subsetcol)[1]){
        row.pc <- (Z[,subsetcol]/Q) %*% col.sc
        } else {
        row.pc <- (Z/Q) %*% col.sc
## 0.65
      row.sc  <- row.pc %*% diag(1/evd.S$values[1:nd.max])
      col.ctr <- evd.S$vectors[,1:nd.max]^2
      col.cor <- col.pc^2 / apply(col.pc^2, 1, sum)
     # Subset & Supplementary variables:
        cols.pc  <- sweep((B.sup / apply(B.sup, 1, sum))[,subsetcol+subsetcol.shift], 2, cm[subsetcol+subsetcol.shift]) %*% col.sc
#        cols.pc  <- sweep((B.sup / apply(B.sup, 1, sum))[,subsetcol], 2, cm[subsetcol]) %*% col.sc
        cols.sc  <- cols.pc %*% diag(1 / evd.S$values[1:nd.max])
        cols.cor <- cols.pc^2 / apply(cols.pc^2, 1, sum)
      } # End Subset
   # Supplementary points:
    if (!is.na(supcol)[1] & is.na(subsetcol)[1]){
      B.sup    <- B.0[ind.sup, 1:J]
      cols.pc  <- (B.sup / apply(B.sup, 1, sum)) %*% col.sc
      cols.sc  <- cols.pc %*% diag(1/evd.S$values[1:(J-Q)])
      cols.cor <- cols.pc^2 / apply(cols.pc^2, 1, sum)
      } # End supplementary
    nd.max     <- J - Q
    lambda0    <- (evd.S$values[1:nd.max])^2
   # remove NAs in lambda:
    lambda0 <- lambda0[!is.na(lambda0)]
    nd.max <- min(nd.max, length(lambda0))
    lambda.t   <- sum(lambda0)
    lambda.e   <- lambda0 / lambda.t
    lambda.et  <- 1
 ##### 3.3: 'lambda' = "adjusted"
    if (lambda != "Burt"){
      nd.max     <- sum(sqrt(lambda0) >= 1/Q, na.rm = TRUE)
      B.null     <- B - diag(diag(B))
      P.null     <- B.null / sum(B.null)
      S.null     <- diag(sqrt(1/cm)) %*% (P.null - cm %*% t(cm)) %*% diag(sqrt(1/cm))
      evd.S.null <- eigen(S.null)
      K0         <- length(which(evd.S.null$values > 1e-8))
      Pe         <- P
      for(q in 1:Q){
        Pe[(offset.b[q]+1):offset.b[q+1],(offset.b[q]+1):offset.b[q+1]] <- 
          cm[(offset.b[q]+1):offset.b[q+1]] %*% t(cm[(offset.b[q]+1):offset.b[q+1]])
      Se          <- diag(sqrt(1/cm)) %*% (Pe-cm%*%t(cm)) %*% diag(sqrt(1/cm))
      inertia.adj <- sum(Se^2) * Q / (Q-1)
      col.sc      <- diag(1/sqrt(cm)) %*% evd.S.null$vectors[,1:K0] 
      col.pc      <- col.sc %*% diag(evd.S.null$values[1:K0])
###      row.sc      <- col.sc
###      row.pc      <- col.pc
#mjca2#      row.pc <- t(t(Z) %*% diag(1/apply(Z, 1, sum))) %*% col.sc
      row.pc <- (Z/Q) %*% col.sc
      row.sc <- row.pc %*% diag(1/evd.S.null$values[1:K0])
      col.ctr     <- evd.S.null$vectors[,1:K0]^2
      col.inr.adj <- apply(Se^2,2,sum) * Q/(Q-1)
      col.cor     <- diag(cm) %*% col.pc^2 / col.inr.adj
      lambda.adj  <- ((Q/(Q-1))^2 * (sqrt(lambda0)[1:nd.max] - 1/Q)^2)
      lambda.t    <- (Q/(Q-1)) * (sum(lambda0) - ((J - Q) / Q^2))
      lambda.e    <- lambda.adj / lambda.t
      lambda.et   <- NA
      lambda0     <- lambda.adj
     # Subset analysis:
      if (!is.na(subsetcol)[1]){
	    if (!is.na(supcol)[1]){
          evd.S0 <- eigen(S.null[subsetcol+subsetcol.shift,subsetcol+subsetcol.shift])
		  } else {
          evd.S0 <- eigen(S.null[subsetcol,subsetcol])
        K0     <- length(which(evd.S0$values>1e-8))
        nd.max <- K0
        lookup <- offset.b[1:(Q+1)]
        Pe     <- P
        for(q in 1:Q){ 
          Pe[(lookup[q]+1):lookup[q+1],(lookup[q]+1):lookup[q+1]] <- 
             cm[(lookup[q]+1):lookup[q+1]] %*% t(cm[(lookup[q]+1):lookup[q+1]])
        Se <- diag(sqrt(1/cm))%*%(Pe-cm%*%t(cm))%*%diag(sqrt(1/cm))
        lambda.adj <- evd.S0$values[1:K0]^2
        lambda0    <- lambda.adj
	    if (!is.na(supcol)[1]){
          lambda.t   <- sum(Se[subsetcol+subsetcol.shift,subsetcol+subsetcol.shift]^2)*Q / (Q-1)
          lambda.e   <- lambda.adj / lambda.t
          col.sc     <- diag(1/sqrt(cm[subsetcol+subsetcol.shift])) %*% evd.S0$vectors[,1:K0] 
		  } else {
          lambda.t   <- sum(Se[subsetcol,subsetcol]^2)*Q / (Q-1)
          lambda.e   <- lambda.adj / lambda.t
          col.sc     <- diag(1/sqrt(cm[subsetcol])) %*% evd.S0$vectors[,1:K0] 
       # fix: 
        if (K0 > 1){
          col.pc     <- col.sc %*% diag(evd.S0$values[1:K0])
          } else{
          col.pc     <- col.sc %*% matrix(evd.S0$values[1:K0])
###        row.sc     <- col.sc
###        row.pc     <- col.pc
#mjca2#        row.pc <- t(t(Z[,subsetcol]) %*% diag(1/apply(Z[,subsetcol], 1, sum))) %*% col.sc
# 0.65:
        if (!is.na(subsetcol)[1]){
          row.pc <- (Z[,subsetcol]/Q) %*% col.sc
          } else {
          row.pc <- (Z/Q) %*% col.sc
#        row.pc <- (Z/Q) %*% col.sc
## 0.65:
        row.sc <- row.pc %*% diag(1/evd.S0$values[1:K0])
       # Subset & Supplementary variables:
          col.ctr  <- evd.S0$vectors[,1:K0]^2
          col.inr.adj.subset <- apply(Se[subsetcol+subsetcol.shift,subsetcol+subsetcol.shift]^2, 2, sum) * Q/(Q-1)
          cols.pc  <- sweep((B.sup / apply(B.sup, 1, sum))[,subsetcol+subsetcol.shift], 2, cm[subsetcol+subsetcol.shift]) %*% col.sc
          cols.sc  <- cols.pc %*% diag(1/evd.S0$values[1:K0])
          cols.sqd <- apply((sweep(sweep((B.sup/apply(B.sup, 1, sum))[,subsetcol+subsetcol.shift], 2, cm[subsetcol+subsetcol.shift]), 2, 
                                     sqrt(cm[subsetcol+subsetcol.shift]), FUN="/"))^2, 1, sum)
          cols.cor <- cols.pc^2 / cols.sqd
          } else {
          col.ctr    <- evd.S0$vectors[,1:K0]^2
          col.inr.adj.subset <- apply(Se[subsetcol,subsetcol]^2, 2, sum) * Q/(Q-1)
          col.cor    <- diag(cm[subsetcol]) %*% col.pc^2 / col.inr.adj.subset
        } # End Subset
     # Supplementary points:
      if (!is.na(supcol)[1] & is.na(subsetcol)[1]){
        B.sup    <- B.0[ind.sup, 1:J]
        cols.pc  <- (B.sup / apply(B.sup, 1, sum)) %*% col.sc
        cols.sc  <- cols.pc %*% diag(1/evd.S.null$values[1:K0])
        cols.cor <- cols.pc^2 / apply(cols.pc^2, 1, sum)
 ##### 3.4: 'lambda' = "JCA"
      if (lambda == "JCA"){
        if (is.na(nd) | nd > nd.max){
          nd <- nd.max
        B.it    <- iterate.mjca(B, lev.n = levels.n, nd = nd, maxit = maxit, epsilon = epsilon)
        B.star  <- B.it[[1]]
        JCA.it  <- B.it[[2]]
        subin   <- subinr(B.star, levels.n)
# 0.65:
#        colnames(B.star) <- col.names
#        rownames(B.star) <- col.names
        P       <- B.star / sum(B.star)
        cm      <- apply(P, 2, sum)
        eP      <- cm %*% t(cm)
        S       <- (P - eP) / sqrt(eP)
        dec     <- eigen(S)
        lambda0 <- (dec$values[1:nd.max])^2
        col.sc  <- as.matrix(dec$vectors[,1:nd.max]) / sqrt(cm)
        col.pc  <- col.sc %*% diag(sqrt(lambda0))
###        row.sc  <- col.sc
###        row.pc  <- col.pc
#mjca2#        row.pc <- t(t(Z) %*% diag(1/apply(Z, 1, sum))) %*% col.sc
# 0.65:
     #   if (!is.na(subsetcol)[1]){
     #     row.pc <- (Z[,subsetcol]/Q) %*% col.sc
     #     } else {
          row.pc <- (Z/Q) %*% col.sc
     #     }
#        row.pc <- (Z/Q) %*% col.sc
## 0.65:
        row.sc <- row.pc %*% diag(1/sqrt(lambda0))
        inertia.mod      <- sum(subin - diag(diag(subin)))
        inertia.discount <- sum(diag(subin))
        inertia.expl     <- (sum(lambda0[1:nd]) - inertia.discount) / inertia.adj
        lambda.e         <- rep(NA, nd.max)
        lambda.t         <- sum(subin)
        lambda.et        <- (sum(lambda0[1:nd]) - sum(diag(subin))) / (sum(subin)-sum(diag(subin)))
        Pm               <- B.star / sum(B.star)
        Sm               <- diag(sqrt(1/cm))%*%(Pm-cm%*%t(cm))%*%diag(sqrt(1/cm))
        inertia.col.discount <- rep(0, J)
        for(q in 1:Q){ 
          inertia.col.discount[(offset.b[q]+1):(offset.b[q+1])] <- 
            apply(Sm[(offset.b[q]+1):(offset.b[q+1]), (offset.b[q]+1):(offset.b[q+1])]^2, 2, sum)
        inertia.col.adj <- apply(Sm^2, 2, sum) - inertia.col.discount
        col.ctr <- (apply(cm*col.pc[,1:nd]^2, 1, sum) - inertia.col.discount)/
        col.cor <- (apply(cm*col.pc[,1:nd]^2, 1, sum) - inertia.col.discount) / 
       # Subset analysis:
        if (!is.na(subsetcol)[1]){
         # template matrix:
 #          foo0 <- rep(1:Q.sub, each = levels.n.sub)
# 0.65:
qstmp.out <- rep(0, length(levels.n.sub))
qstmp     <- matrix(1:Q.sub, nrow = 1)
colnames(qstmp) <- cn.0
for (qstmp0 in 1:length(levels.n.sub)){
  qstmp.out[qstmp0] <- qstmp[,grep(names(levels.n.sub)[qstmp0], colnames(qstmp))]
          foo0 <- rep(qstmp.out, levels.n.sub)
## 0.65
#          foo0 <- rep(1:Q.sub, levels.n.sub)
          foo1 <- (foo0) %*% t(rep(1, sum(levels.n.sub))) - t((foo0) %*% 
                    t(rep(1, sum(levels.n.sub))))
          upd.template <- ifelse(foo1 == 0, TRUE, FALSE)
          cat.template <- rep(FALSE, J)
		  if (!is.na(supcol)[1]){
		    cat.template[subsetcol + subsetcol.shift] <- TRUE
		    } else {
            cat.template[subsetcol] <- TRUE
          Bsub.margin     <- apply(B.star, 1, sum) / sum(B.star)
          Bsub.red.margin <- Bsub.margin[cat.template]
          Bsub.red        <- B.star[cat.template,cat.template]
          Bsub.red.P      <- Bsub.red / sum(B.star)
          Bsub.red.S      <- diag(1/sqrt(Bsub.red.margin)) %*% (Bsub.red.P - 
                               Bsub.red.margin %*% t(Bsub.red.margin)) %*% diag(1/sqrt(Bsub.red.margin))
          Bsub.red.SVD    <- svd(Bsub.red.S)  
          Bsub.red.est    <- Bsub.red.margin %*% t(Bsub.red.margin) + diag(sqrt(Bsub.red.margin)) %*% 
                               (Bsub.red.SVD$u[,1:nd] %*% diag(Bsub.red.SVD$d[1:nd]) %*% 
                               t(Bsub.red.SVD$v[,1:nd])) %*% diag(sqrt(Bsub.red.margin))
          Bsub.red.P.mod  <- (1-upd.template) * Bsub.red.P + upd.template * Bsub.red.est
          Bsub.red.S      <- diag(1/sqrt(Bsub.red.margin)) %*% (Bsub.red.P.mod - Bsub.red.margin %*% 
                               t(Bsub.red.margin)) %*% diag(1/sqrt(Bsub.red.margin))
          Bsub.red.SVD    <- svd(Bsub.red.S)
         # iterations:
          it <- TRUE
          k  <- 0 
          while (it){
            Bsub.red.P.previous <- Bsub.red.P.mod
            Bsub.red.est        <- Bsub.red.margin %*% t(Bsub.red.margin) + 
                                     diag(sqrt(Bsub.red.margin)) %*% (Bsub.red.SVD$u[,1:nd] %*% 
                                     diag(Bsub.red.SVD$d[1:nd]) %*% t(Bsub.red.SVD$v[,1:nd])) %*% 
            Bsub.red.P.mod      <- (1 - upd.template) * Bsub.red.P + upd.template * Bsub.red.est
            Bsub.red.S          <- diag(1/sqrt(Bsub.red.margin)) %*% (Bsub.red.P.mod - Bsub.red.margin %*% 
                                     t(Bsub.red.margin)) %*% diag(1/sqrt(Bsub.red.margin))
            Bsub.red.SVD        <- svd(Bsub.red.S)
            if (max(abs(Bsub.red.P.mod - Bsub.red.P.previous)) < epsilon | k >= maxit){
              it <- FALSE
            k <- k + 1
          inertia.adj.red.discount <- sum((upd.template * Bsub.red.S)^2)
          inertia.adj.red.subset   <- sum(Bsub.red.S^2) - inertia.adj.red.discount
          col.sc  <- sqrt(1/cm[cat.template]) * Bsub.red.SVD$v[,1:nd]
          col.pc  <- col.sc %*% diag(Bsub.red.SVD$d[1:nd])
###          row.sc  <- col.sc
###          row.pc  <- col.pc
#mjca2#          row.pc <- t(t(Z[,subsetcol]) %*% diag(1/apply(Z[,subsetcol], 1, sum))) %*% col.sc
# 0.65:
#          row.pc <- (Z/Q) %*% col.sc
          if (!is.na(subsetcol)[1]){
            row.pc <- (Z[,subsetcol]/Q) %*% col.sc
            } else {
            row.pc <- (Z/Q) %*% col.sc
## 0.65:
          row.sc <- row.pc %*% diag(1/Bsub.red.SVD$d[1:nd])
          Sm      <- Bsub.red.S
          inertia.col.red.discount <- apply((upd.template * Sm)^2, 2, sum )
          inertia.col.red.adj      <- apply(Sm^2, 2, sum) - inertia.col.red.discount 
          col.ctr <- (apply(cm[cat.template]*col.pc[,1:nd]^2, 1, sum) - inertia.col.red.discount) / 
                     (sum(Bsub.red.SVD$d[1:nd]^2) - inertia.adj.red.discount)
          col.cor <- (apply(cm[cat.template]*col.pc[,1:nd]^2, 1, sum) - inertia.col.red.discount) / inertia.col.red.adj
         # Subset & Supplementary variables:
            cols.pc  <- sweep((B.sup / apply(B.sup, 1, sum))[,cat.template], 2, cm[cat.template]) %*% col.sc
            cols.sc  <- cols.pc %*% diag(1 / Bsub.red.SVD$d[1:nd])
            cols.sqd <- apply((sweep(sweep((B.sup / apply(B.sup, 1, sum))[,cat.template], 2, 
                          cm[cat.template]), 2, sqrt(cm[cat.template]), FUN = "/"))^2, 1, sum)
            cols.cor <- apply(cols.pc[,1:nd]^2, 1, sum) / cols.sqd
          } # End Subset
       # Supplementary points:
        if (!is.na(supcol)[1] & is.na(subsetcol)[1]){
          B.sup    <- B.0[ind.sup, 1:J]
          cols.pc  <- (B.sup / apply(B.sup, 1, sum)) %*% col.sc
          cols.sc  <- cols.pc %*% diag(1 / lambda0)
          cols.sqd <- apply((sweep(sweep((B.sup/apply(B.sup,1,sum)), 2, cm), 2, sqrt(cm), FUN="/"))^2, 1, sum)
          cols.cor <- apply(cols.pc[,1:nd]^2, 1, sum) / cols.sqd
        } # END if "JCA"
      } # END if !"Burt"
    } # END else if "indicator"

  if (!is.na(supcol)[1]){
#    colcoord  <- rbind(col.sc, cols.sc)
#    colpcoord <- rbind(col.pc, cols.pc)
    colcoord  <- rbind(col.sc, cols.sc)
	colcoord[ind.sup,]  <- cols.sc
	colcoord[-ind.sup,] <- col.sc
    colpcoord <- rbind(col.pc, cols.pc)
	colpcoord[ind.sup,]  <- cols.pc
	colpcoord[-ind.sup,] <- col.pc
    if (lambda != "JCA"){
      colctr <- rbind(col.ctr, matrix(NA, nrow = length(ind.sup),  ncol = ncol(col.ctr)))
      colctr[ind.sup,]  <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(ind.sup),  ncol = ncol(col.ctr))
      colctr[-ind.sup,] <- col.ctr
      col.ctr  <- colctr
      colcor  <- rbind(col.cor, cols.cor)
      colcor[ind.sup,]  <- cols.cor
      colcor[-ind.sup,] <- col.cor
      } else {
      colctr <- c(col.ctr, rep(NA, length(ind.sup)))
      colctr[ind.sup]  <- rep(NA, length(ind.sup))
      colctr[-ind.sup] <- col.ctr
      col.ctr <- colctr
      colcor  <- c(col.cor, cols.cor)
      colcor[ind.sup]  <- cols.cor
      colcor[-ind.sup] <- col.cor
    } else {
    colcoord  <- col.sc
    colpcoord <- col.pc
    colcor    <- col.cor
  col.names0 <- col.names
  if (!is.na(subsetcol[1])){
    cm         <- cm[ind.sub]
    coldist    <- coldist[ind.sub]
    colinertia <- colinertia[ind.sub]
    col.names0 <- col.names[ind.sub]
      col.names0 <- c(col.names0,col.names[ind.sup])
    B.out <- B.sub
    } else {
    B.out <- B.0
  colctr    <- col.ctr
  rowcoord  <- row.sc
  rowpcoord <- row.pc

 #   colinertia <- c(colinertia, rep(NA, J.sup))
 #   coldist    <- c(coldist, rep(NA, J.sup))
 #   cm         <- c(cm, rep(NA, J.sup))
    colinertia0          <- rep(0, length(ind.0))
    colinertia0[ind]     <- colinertia
    colinertia0[ind.sup] <- NA
    colinertia        <- colinertia0
    coldist0          <- rep(0, length(ind.0))
    coldist0[ind]     <- coldist
    coldist0[ind.sup] <- NA
    coldist <- coldist0
    cm0          <- rep(0, length(ind.0))
    cm0[ind]     <- cm
    cm0[ind.sup] <- NA
    cm           <- cm0
  col.names <- col.names0
 # (2014-10, returning Indicator matrix)
  if (reti == TRUE){
    indmat <- Z.0
# 0.65:
    colnames(indmat) <- col.names
    rownames(indmat) <- rn.0
    } else {
    indmat <- NA
 # balkan solution for colcor > 1 (2011-09):
 # adjusted analysis only!
  if (lambda == "adjusted"){
    foo0 <- apply(colcor, 1, max) > 1
    if (sum(foo0) > 0){
      insert        <- c(1, rep(0, dim(colcor)[2]-1))
      colcor[foo0,] <- matrix(insert, nrow = sum(foo0), ncol = dim(colcor)[2], byrow = TRUE)
  factors <- cbind(factor = fn, level = ln)
 # add row- and columnnames to Burt matrix
  if (!is.na(subsetcol[1]) & !is.na(ind.sup.foo[1]) ){
    dimnames(B.out) <- list(col.names[-ind.sup.foo], col.names[-ind.sup.foo])
    } else { 
    dimnames(B.out) <- list(col.names, col.names)
### 0.70 fix 
#  colnames(subin) <- cn.0
#  rownames(subin) <- cn.0
  if (is.na(supcol[1])){
    colnames(subin) <- cn.0
    rownames(subin) <- cn.0
    } else {
    colnames(subin) <- cn.0[-supcol]
    rownames(subin) <- cn.0[-supcol]
 # wrap up results
  mjca.output <- list(sv         = sqrt(lambda0), 
                      lambda     = lambda,
                      inertia.e  = lambda.e,
                      inertia.t  = lambda.t,
                      inertia.et = lambda.et,
                      levelnames = col.names,
                      factors    = factors,
                      levels.n   = levels.n.0,
                      nd         = nd,
                      nd.max     = nd.max,
                      rownames   = rn.0, 
                      rowmass    = rowmass,
                      rowdist    = rowdist,
                      rowinertia = rowinertia,
                      rowcoord   = rowcoord,
                      rowpcoord  = rowpcoord,
                      rowctr     = row.ctr,
                      rowcor     = row.cor,
                      colnames   = cn.0, 
                      colmass    = cm, 
                      coldist    = coldist,
                      colinertia = colinertia, 
                      colcoord   = colcoord, 
                      colpcoord  = colpcoord,
                      colctr     = col.ctr,
                      colcor     = colcor,
                      colsup     = ind.sup.foo,
                      subsetcol  = subsetcol,
                      Burt       = B.out,
                      Burt.upd   = B.star,
                      subinertia = subin,
                      JCA.iter   = JCA.it,
                      indmat     = indmat, 
                      call       = match.call())
  class(mjca.output) <- "mjca"

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