
#' S4 class for calmr experiments.
#' @section Slots:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{design}:}{A [CalmrDesign-class] object.}
#' \item{\code{model}:}{A string specifying the model used.}
#' \item{\code{groups}:}{A string specifying the groups in the design.}
#' \item{\code{parameters}:}{A list with the parameters used, per group.}
#' \item{\code{experiences}:}{A list with the experiences for the model.}
#' \item{\code{results}:}{A [CalmrExperimentResult-class] object.}
#' \item{\code{.model}:}{Internal. The model associated with the iteration.}
#' \item{\code{.group}:}{Internal. The group associated with the iteration.}
#' \item{\code{.iter}:}{Internal. The iteration number.}
#' }
#' @rdname CalmrExperiment
#' @exportClass CalmrExperiment
#' @seealso CalmrExperiment-methods

    design = "CalmrDesign",
    model = "character",
    groups = "character",
    parameters = "list",
    experiences = "list",
    results = "CalmrExperimentResult",
    .model = "character",
    .group = "character",
    .iter = "integer"

#' CalmrExperiment methods
#' @description S4 methods for `CalmrExperiment` class.
#' @param object,x A `CalmrExperiment` object.
#' @param outputs A character vector specifying the model outputs to parse.
#' @param type A character vector specifying the type(s) of plots to create.
#' Defaults to NULL. See [supported_plots].
#' @param value A list of parameters (or list of parameter lists).
#' @param ... Extra arguments passed to [calmr_model_graph()].
#' @name CalmrExperiment-methods

#' @noRd
show <- methods::show
#' @export
#' @return `show()` returns NULL (invisibly).
#' @rdname CalmrExperiment-methods
setMethod("show", "CalmrExperiment", function(object) {
    "CalmrExperiment with model:\n",
    object@model, "\n",
    paste0(utils::capture.output(object@design@raw_design), collapse = "\n"),
    paste0(utils::capture.output(object@parameters), collapse = "\n")
#' @noRd
methods::setGeneric( # nocov start
  function(x) methods::standardGeneric("design")
) # nocov end
#' @export
#' @return `design()` returns the `CalmrDesign` contained in the object.
#' @aliases design
#' @rdname CalmrExperiment-methods
methods::setMethod("design", "CalmrExperiment", function(x) {

#' @export
#' @return `trials()` returns NULL (invisibly).
#' @aliases trials
#' @rdname CalmrExperiment-methods
methods::setMethod("trials", "CalmrExperiment", function(object) {
#' @noRd
  function(x) standardGeneric("parameters")
) # nocov
#' @noRd
  function(x, value) standardGeneric("parameters<-") # nocov
#' @rdname CalmrExperiment-methods
#' @return `parameters()` returns the list of parameters
#' contained in the object.
#' @aliases parameters
#' @export
  "parameters", "CalmrExperiment",
  function(x) x@parameters
#' @rdname CalmrExperiment-methods
#' @return `parameters()<-` returns the object after updating parameters.
#' @aliases parameters<-
#' @export
methods::setMethod("parameters<-", "CalmrExperiment", function(x, value) {
  newpars <- NULL
  oldpars <- parameters(x)
  gnames <- names(oldpars)
  parnames <- unlist(lapply(oldpars, names))
  valnames <- names(value)
  # Check if the user passed group-level parameters
  if (length(setdiff(gnames, valnames))) {
    # If not, check if the user passed appropriate
    # parameters (from get_parameters)
    if (!length(setdiff(parnames, valnames))) {
      newpars <- lapply(oldpars, function(g) {
  } else {
    valparnames <- unlist(lapply(value, names))

    if (!length(setdiff(parnames, valparnames)) &&
      (length(parnames) == length(valparnames))) {
      newpars <- value
  if (is.null(newpars)) {
      "Could not find a match for group/parameter names.",
      "Try calling parameters on experiment before trying the assignment."
  x@parameters <- newpars
#' @noRd
  function(x) standardGeneric("experiences") # nocov
#' @rdname CalmrExperiment-methods
#' @aliases experiences
#' @return `experiences()` returns a list of `data.frame` objects
#' containing model training routines.
#' @export
  "experiences", "CalmrExperiment",
  function(x) x@experiences
#' @noRd
  function(object) methods::standardGeneric("results") # nocov
#' @rdname CalmrExperiment-methods
#' @return `results()` returns a `data.table` objects with aggregated results.
#' @aliases results
#' @export
methods::setMethod("results", "CalmrExperiment", function(object) {
#' @noRd
  function(object) methods::standardGeneric("raw_results") # nocov
#' @rdname CalmrExperiment-methods
#' @return `raw_results()` returns a list with raw model results.
#' @aliases raw_results
#' @export
methods::setMethod("raw_results", "CalmrExperiment", function(object) {
#' @noRd
  function(object) methods::standardGeneric("parsed_results") # nocov
#' @rdname CalmrExperiment-methods
#' @aliases parsed_results
#' @return `parsed_results()` returns a list of `data.table`
#' objects with parsed results.
#' @export
methods::setMethod("parsed_results", "CalmrExperiment", function(object) {

#' @rdname CalmrExperiment-methods
#' @return `length()` returns an integer specifying the total length
#' of the experiment (groups by iterations).
#' @export
methods::setMethod("length", "CalmrExperiment", function(x) {

#' @noRd
setGeneric( # nocov start
  function(object, ...) methods::standardGeneric("parse")
) # nocov end
#' @rdname CalmrExperiment-methods
#' @return `parse()` returns the object after parsing raw results.
#' @aliases parse
#' @export
  "parse", "CalmrExperiment",
  function(object, outputs = NULL) {
    if (is.null(object@results@raw_results)) {
      stop("Found no raw_results to parse.")
    # Sanitize outputs
    outputs <- .sanitize_outputs(outputs, object@model)

    n <- length(object)
    pb <- progressr::progressor(n)
    .parallel_standby(pb) # print parallel backend message
    object@results@parsed_results <- future.apply::future_sapply(
      seq_len(n), function(r) {
        existing <- parsed_results(object)[[r]]
        to_parse <- outputs
        if (length(existing)) {
          # only parse what's missing
          already_parsed <- names(existing)
          to_parse <- setdiff(outputs, already_parsed)
        # parse
        pp <- list()
        if (length(to_parse) > 0) {
          pp <- .parse_model(
            raw = object@results@raw_results[[r]],
            experience = object@experiences[[r]],
            model = object@model,
            outputs = to_parse
        pb("Parsing results")
        c(existing, pp)
      simplify = FALSE


#' @return `aggregate()` returns the object after aggregating parsed results.
#' @rdname CalmrExperiment-methods
#' @aliases aggregate
#' @export
  "aggregate", "CalmrExperiment",
  function(x, outputs = NULL) {
    outputs <- .sanitize_outputs(outputs, x@model)
    res <- .aggregate_experiment(x, outputs)
    # unnest_once to leave at output level
    x@results@aggregated_results <- unlist(unname(res),
      recursive = FALSE

setGeneric("plot", function(x, y, ...) methods::standardGeneric("plot")) # nocov
#' @export
#' @return `plot()` returns a list of 'ggplot' plot objects.
#' @aliases plot
#' @rdname CalmrExperiment-methods
  "plot", "CalmrExperiment",
  function(x, type = NULL) {
    # Assert type is valid
    throw_warn <- FALSE
    model_plots <- .sanitize_outputs(type, x@model)
    # Check aggregated results are available
    if (is.null(x@results@aggregated_results)) {
        "Experiment must have aggregated results. ",
        "Use `aggregate` on your experiment first."
    res <- results(x)
    # Check if outputs are in aggregated results
    # (relevant to partially aggregated experiment)
    if (!all(model_plots %in% names(res))) {
      throw_warn <- TRUE
      to_agg <- setdiff(model_plots, names(res))
      res <- results(aggregate(x, outputs = to_agg))
    plots <- list()
    for (p in model_plots) {
      odat <- res[[p]]
      pdat <- odat[odat$model == x@model, ]
      groups <- unique(pdat$group)
      for (g in groups) {
        plot_name <- sprintf("%s - %s (%s)", g, .get_prettyname(p), x@model)
        plots[[plot_name]] <- calmr_model_plot(pdat[pdat$group == g, ],
          type = p
    if (throw_warn) {
        "Some aggregated results not found.",
        "Those results were temporarily added for plotting, but now are gone.",
        "You should call aggregate on your experiment if",
        "you want to keep them around."
#' @noRd
setGeneric("graph", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("graph")) # nocov
#' @rdname CalmrExperiment-methods
#' @return `graph()` returns a list of 'ggplot' plot objects.
#' @aliases graph
#' @export
setMethod("graph", "CalmrExperiment", function(x, ...) {
  if (is.null(x@results@aggregated_results)) {
    stop("Experiment does not contain aggregated results.
      Please parse and aggregate results beforehand.")
  # get aggregated results
  res <- results(x)
  graphs <- list()
  models <- unique(x@model)
  for (m in models) {
    assoc_output <- .model_associations(m)
    odat <- res[[assoc_output]]
    weights <- odat[odat$model == m, ]
    if (assoc_output == c("eivs")) {
      evs <- weights[weights$type == "evs", ]
      ivs <- weights[weights$type == "ivs", ]
      weights <- evs
      weights$value <- weights$value - ivs$value
    groups <- unique(weights$group)
    mgraphs <- list()
    for (g in groups) {
      graph_name <- sprintf("%s - Associations (%s)", g, m)
      mgraphs[[graph_name]] <- calmr_model_graph(
        weights[weights$group == g, ], ...
      ) + ggplot2::labs(title = graph_name)
    graphs[[m]] <- mgraphs

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