
Defines functions Ode

Documented in Ode

#----                             ode class                                 ----

#' ODE class. Any statement in the form d/dt(A_CMT) = B.
#' @export
  contains = "equation",
  validity = function(object) {
    if (startsWith(object@lhs, "A_")) {
    } else {
      return("Derivative name must start with 'A_'")

#' Create a new ordinary differential equation (ODE).
#' @param lhs left-hand side variable corresponding to derivative name, must start with 'A_'
#' @param rhs right-hand side expression corresponding to derivative value
#' @param comment comment if any, single character string
#' @return an ODE
#' @export
Ode <- function(lhs, rhs="", comment=as.character(NA)) {
  return(new("ode", lhs=lhs, rhs=rhs, comment=comment))

#----                            getName                                    ----

#' @rdname getName
setMethod("getName", signature = c("ode"), definition = function(x) {
  return(paste0("ODE (", x@lhs, ")"))

#----                             toString                                  ----

#' @rdname toString
setMethod("toString", signature=c("ode"), definition=function(object, ...) {
  dest <- processExtraArg(args=list(...), name="dest", default="campsis")
  model <- processExtraArg(args=list(...), name="model", default=CampsisModel())
  if (dest=="campsis" || dest=="RxODE") {
    retValue <- paste0("d/dt(", object@lhs, ")", "=", object@rhs)
  } else if (dest=="mrgsolve") {
    retValue <- paste0("dxdt_", object@lhs, "=", object@rhs, ";")
  } else if (dest=="NONMEM") {
    retValue <- paste0("DADT(", model %>% getCompartmentIndex(gsub("A_", "", object@lhs)), ")", "=", object@rhs)
  } else {
  return(retValue %>% appendComment(object, dest))

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campsismod documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:48 a.m.