
Defines functions skip_extended match_phylo_comm `%>=%` greater_than_or_equal_single `%greater%` greater_than_single `%<=%` lesser_than_or_equal_single `%lesser%` lesser_than_single count_lower count_higher

#' Count number of times one number is higher than others
#' @param x Number to count
#' @param y Vector of numbers to compare
#' @param na.rm = Logical; should NA values in the comparison
#' vector be removed before making comparison?
#' @return Number of times x is higher than y
#' @srrstats {G1.4, G1.4a} uses roxygen
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' count_higher(4, 1:10)
#' count_higher(4, c(1:10, NaN))
#' }
#' @noRd
count_higher <- function(x, y, na_rm = TRUE) {
  # nolint

  #' @srrstats {G2.1, G2.6} Check input types and lengths

  # remove any NAs before making comparison
  if (isTRUE(na_rm)) y <- y[!is.na(y)]

  # or return NA_integer_ otherwise if y includes NA
  if (!isTRUE(na_rm) && any(is.na(y))) {

  # if comparison is zero length, return NA
  if (length(y) == 0) {

  sum((x > y))

#' Count number of times one number is lower than others
#' @param x Number to count
#' @param y Vector of numbers to compare
#' @param na_rm = Logical; should NA values in the comparison
#' vector be removed before making comparison?
#' @return Number of times x is lower than y
#' @srrstats {G1.4, G1.4a} uses roxygen
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' count_lower(4, 1:10)
#' count_lower(NaN, 1:10)
#' }
#' @noRd
count_lower <- function(x, y, na_rm = TRUE) {
  # nolint

  #' @srrstats {G2.1, G2.6} Check input types and lengths

  # remove any NAs before making comparison
  if (isTRUE(na_rm)) y <- y[!is.na(y)]

  # or return NA_integer_ otherwise if y includes NA
  if (!isTRUE(na_rm) && any(is.na(y))) {

  # if comparison is zero length, return NA
  if (length(y) == 0) {

  sum((x < y))

#' Version of `<` that allows for modifying tolerance of equality test
#' (`all.equal()`)
#' Non-vectorized version. Is `x` lesser than `y`?
#' @srrstats {G3.0} Uses appropriate tolerances for approximate equality
#' @param x Numeric vector of length 1
#' @param y Numeric vector of length 1
#' @return Logical vector of length 1
#' @noRd
lesser_than_single <- function(x, y) {
  #' @srrstats {G2.1, G2.6} Check input types and lengths
  # only true if x and y are NOT equal, and x is less than y
  !isTRUE(all.equal(x, y)) && (x < y)

#' Version of `<` that allows for modifying tolerance of equality test
#' (`all.equal()`)
#' Vectorized version. Is `x` lesser than `y`?
#' `%>%` is already taken by the pipe, so don't use `%>%` or `%<%` as name
#' @srrstats {G3.0} Uses appropriate tolerances for approximate equality
#' @param x Numeric vector
#' @param y Numeric vector
#' @return Logical vector
#' @noRd
`%lesser%` <- function(x, y) {
  #' @srrstats {G2.1, G2.6} Check input types
  purrr::map2_lgl(x, y, lesser_than_single)

#' Version of `=<` that allows for modifying tolerance of equality test
#' (`all.equal()`)
#' Non-vectorized version. Is `x` lesser than or equal to `y`?
#' @srrstats {G3.0} Uses appropriate tolerances for approximate equality
#' @param x Numeric vector of length 1
#' @param y Numeric vector of length 1
#' @return Logical vector of length 1
#' @noRd
lesser_than_or_equal_single <- function(x, y) {
  #' @srrstats {G2.1, G2.6} Check input types and lengths
  # true if x and y are equal OR x is less than y
  isTRUE(all.equal(x, y)) || (x < y)

#' Version of `=<` that allows for modifying tolerance of equality test
#' (`all.equal()`)
#' Vectorized version. Is `x` lesser than or equal to `y`?
#' @srrstats {G3.0} Uses appropriate tolerances for approximate equality
#' @param x Numeric vector
#' @param y Numeric vector
#' @return Logical vector
#' @noRd
`%<=%` <- function(x, y) {
  #' @srrstats {G2.1, G2.6} Check input types
  purrr::map2_lgl(x, y, lesser_than_or_equal_single)

#' Version of `>` that allows for modifying tolerance of equality test
#' (`all.equal()`)
#' Non-vectorized version. Is `x` greater than `y`?
#' @srrstats {G3.0} Uses appropriate tolerances for approximate equality
#' @param x Numeric vector of length 1
#' @param y Numeric vector of length 1
#' @return Logical vector of length 1
#' @noRd
greater_than_single <- function(x, y) {
  #' @srrstats {G2.1, G2.6} Check input types and lengths
  # only true if x and y are NOT equal, and x is greater than y
  !isTRUE(all.equal(x, y)) && (x > y)

#' Version of `>` that allows for modifying tolerance of equality test
#' (`all.equal()`)
#' Vectorized version. Is `x` greater than `y`?
#' `%>%` is already taken by the pipe, so don't use `%>%` or `%<%` as name
#' @srrstats {G3.0} Uses appropriate tolerances for approximate equality
#' @param x Numeric vector
#' @param y Numeric vector
#' @return Logical vector
#' @noRd
`%greater%` <- function(x, y) {
  #' @srrstats {G2.1, G2.6} Check input types
  purrr::map2_lgl(x, y, greater_than_single)

#' Version of `>=` that allows for modifying tolerance of equality test
#' (`all.equal()`)
#' Non-vectorized version. Is `x` greater than or equal to `y`?
#' @srrstats {G3.0} Uses appropriate tolerances for approximate equality
#' @param x Numeric vector of length 1
#' @param y Numeric vector of length 1
#' @return Logical vector of length 1
#' @noRd
greater_than_or_equal_single <- function(x, y) {
  #' @srrstats {G2.1, G2.6} Check input types and lengths
  # true if x and y are equal OR x is greater than y
  isTRUE(all.equal(x, y)) || (x > y)

#' Version of `>=` that allows for modifying tolerance of equality test
#' (`all.equal()`)
#' Vectorized version. Is `x` greater than `y`?
#' @srrstats {G3.0} Uses appropriate tolerances for approximate equality
#' @param x Numeric vector
#' @param y Numeric vector
#' @return Logical vector
#' @noRd
`%>=%` <- function(x, y) {
  #' @srrstats {G2.1, G2.6} Check input types
  purrr::map2_lgl(x, y, greater_than_or_equal_single)

# Print phylogenies nicely
#' @importFrom ape print.phylo

#' Match taxa between a community data matrix and a phylogeny
#' @param phy List of class "phylo"; input phylogeny
#' @param comm Dataframe or matrix; community data, with species (taxa) in
#'   columns and sites (communities) in rows.
#' @param quiet Logical vector of length 1; should warnings be silenced?
#' Default FALSE.
#' @return List with two items
#' - `comm`: Community data matrix trimmed to only species in common between
#'   `phy` and comm`
#' - `phy`: Phylogeny data matrix trimmed to only species in common between
#'   `phy` and comm`
#' @noRd
match_phylo_comm <- function(phy, comm, quiet = FALSE) {
  if (!(is.data.frame(comm) || is.matrix(comm))) {
    stop("Community data should be a data.frame or matrix with samples in rows and taxa in columns") # nolint
  res <- list()
  phytaxa <- phy$tip.label
  commtaxa <- colnames(comm)
  if (is.null(commtaxa)) {
    stop("Community data set lacks taxa (column) names, these are required to match phylogeny and community data") # nolint
  if (!all(commtaxa %in% phytaxa)) {
    if (!quiet) {
          "Dropping taxa from the community because they are not present in the phylogeny: \n", # nolint
          paste(setdiff(commtaxa, phytaxa), collapse = ", ")
        call. = FALSE,
        immediate. = TRUE
    comm <- comm[, intersect(commtaxa, phytaxa)]
    commtaxa <- colnames(comm)
  if (any(!(phytaxa %in% commtaxa))) {
    if (!quiet) {
          "Dropping tips from the tree because they are not present in the community data: \n", # nolint
          paste(setdiff(phytaxa, commtaxa), collapse = ", ")
        call. = FALSE,
        immediate. = TRUE
    res$phy <- ape::drop.tip(phy, setdiff(phytaxa, commtaxa))
  } else {
    res$phy <- phy
  res$comm <- comm[, res$phy$tip.label]

#' Skip an extended test, depending on value of environmental variable
#' @return Invisibly return TRUE if environmental variable
#'   CANAPER_EXTENDED_TESTS is 'true' (test not skipped); otherwise, returns
#'   `testthat::skip()`
#' @noRd
skip_extended <- function() {
  if (identical(Sys.getenv("CANAPER_EXTENDED_TESTS"), "true")) {
    return(invisible(TRUE)) # don't skip if CANAPER_EXTENDED_TESTS is 'true'
    "Skipping extended tests"

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canaper documentation built on May 31, 2023, 8:39 p.m.