
#' Access to Canadian census data through the CensusMapper API
#' This function allows convenient access to Canadian census data and boundary
#' files through the CensusMapper API. An API key is required to retrieve data.
#' For help selecting regions and vectors, see \code{\link{list_census_regions}}
#' and \code{\link{list_census_vectors}}, or check out the interactive selection
#' tool at \url{https://censusmapper.ca/api} by calling \code{explore_census_vectors()}
#' @param dataset A CensusMapper dataset identifier.
#' @param regions A named list of census regions to retrieve. Names must be valid census aggregation levels.
#' @param level The census aggregation level to retrieve, defaults to \code{"Regions"}. One of \code{"Regions"}, \code{"PR"}, \code{"CMA"}, \code{"CD"}, \code{"CSD"}, \code{"CT"}, \code{"DA"}, \code{"EA"} (for 1996), or \code{"DB"} (for 2001-2016).
#' @param vectors An R vector containing the CensusMapper variable names of the census variables to download. If no vectors are specified only geographic data will get downloaded.
#' @param geo_format By default is set to \code{NA} and appends no geographic information. To include geographic information with census data, specify one of either \code{"sf"} to return an \code{\link[sf]{sf}} object (requires the \code{sf} package) or \code{"sp"} to return a \code{\link[sp]{SpatialPolygonsDataFrame-class}} object (requires the \code{rgdal} package). If user requests geo-spatial data and neither package is available, a context menu will prompt to install the \code{sf} package.
#' @param resolution Resolution of the geographic data. By default simplified geometries will be download. For lower level geometries like DB or DA this will be very close to the high resolution data.
#' Simplification generally increases as the geographic aggregation level increases.
#' If high resolution geometries are required
#' then this option can be set to 'high'. By default this setting is set to \code{'simplified'}.
#' @param labels Set to "detailed" by default, but truncated Census variable names can be selected by setting labels = "short". Use \code{label_vectors(...)} to return variable label information in detail.
#' @param use_cache If set to TRUE (the default) data will be read from the local cache if available.
#' @param quiet When TRUE, suppress messages and warnings.
#' @param api_key An API key for the CensusMapper API. Defaults to \code{options()} and then the \code{CM_API_KEY} environment variable.
#' @source Census data and boundary geographies are reproduced and distributed on
#' an "as is" basis with the permission of Statistics Canada (Statistics Canada 1996; 2001; 2006; 2011; 2016).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Query the API for data on dwellings in Vancouver, at the census subdivision
#' # level:
#' \dontrun{
#' census_data <- get_census(dataset='CA16', regions=list(CMA="59933"),
#'                           vectors=c("v_CA16_408","v_CA16_409","v_CA16_410"),
#'                           level='CSD')
#' # Query the API for data on dwellings in Vancouver, at the census subdivision
#' # level, and return the associated geography files in \code{sf} format:
#' census_data <- get_census(dataset='CA16', regions=list(CMA="59933"),
#'                           vectors=c("v_CA16_408","v_CA16_409","v_CA16_410"),
#'                           level='CSD', geo_format = "sf")
#' # Make the same query, but this time drop descriptive vector names:
#' census_data <- get_census(dataset='CA16', regions=list(CMA="59933"),
#'                           vectors=c("v_CA16_408","v_CA16_409","v_CA16_410"),
#'                           level='CSD', geo_format = "sf", labels="short")
#' # Get details for truncated vectors:
#' label_vectors(census_data)
get_census <- function (dataset, regions, level=NA, vectors=c(), geo_format = NA,
                        resolution = 'simplified',
                        labels = "detailed",
                        use_cache=TRUE, quiet=FALSE, api_key=Sys.getenv("CM_API_KEY"))

  # API and data recall checks
  api_key <- robust_api_key(api_key)
  have_api_key <- valid_api_key(api_key)
  result <- NULL

  dataset <- translate_dataset(dataset)

  # Check region selection validity
  if (is.na(level)) level="Regions"

  # Check spatial resolution
  if (is.na(geo_format) && !(resolution %in% c("simplified","high"))) stop("The resolution paramerter needs to be either 'simplified' or 'high'.")

  # Turn the region list into a valid JSON dictionary.
  if (is.character(regions)) {
    if (!quiet) warning(paste("Passing `regions` as a character vector is",
                              "depreciated, and will be removed in future",
  } else if (is.null(names(regions)) || !all(names(regions) %in% VALID_LEVELS)) {
    stop("Regions must be composed of valid census aggregation levels.")
  } else {
    regions <- jsonlite::toJSON(lapply(regions,as.character)) # cast to character in case regions are supplied as numeric/interger

  # Check if the aggregation level is valid.
  if (!level %in% VALID_LEVELS) {
    stop("the `level` parameter must be one of 'Regions', 'PR', 'CMA', 'CD', 'CSD', 'CT', 'DA', 'EA' or 'DB'")

  # Check that we can read the requested geo format.
  if (is.na(geo_format)) { # This is ok.
  } else if (!geo_format %in% c("sf", "sp")) {
    stop("the `geo_format` parameter must be one of 'sf', 'sp', or NA")
  } else if (!is.na(geo_format) && !requireNamespace("sf", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("The `sf` package is required to return geographies.")

  # --------- Spatial format checks --------------------------------------------------------------------#
  # This section checks that proper spatial formats are requested. If users select spatial data and
  # don't have the 'sf' package installed, will prompt them with a menu to install it, otherwise we will
  # return spatial data only. If users select 'sp' format, will advise them that usage is deprecated and nudge
  # to install 'sf' package.
  if (!is.na(geo_format)) {
    if(!geo_format %in% c("sf","sp")) {
      stop("the `geo_format` parameter should be 'sf', 'sp', or NA")
    } else if(geo_format == "sf" && !("sf" %in% utils::installed.packages())) {
      if (utils::menu(c("Install package", "Return tabular data without geo"),
                      title= paste("The `sf` package is required to return geographies. Would you like to install?")) == "1") {
      } else  {
        message("Retrieving tabular data only. Please install 'sf' package if you wish to use Census data as spatial data.")
        geo_format <- NA
    } else if(geo_format == "sp" && !("sf" %in% utils::installed.packages())) {
      message("The use of 'sp' format in cancensus package is now deprecated.\nPlease install 'sf' package to return spatial format data.")
      if (utils::menu(c("Install package", "Return tabular data without geo"),
                      title= paste("Would you like to install 'sf' to continue?")) == "1") {
      } else  {
        message("Retrieving tabular data only. Please install 'sf' package if you wish to use Census data as spatial data.")
        geo_format <- NA

  # load data variables
  if (length(vectors)>0 || is.na(geo_format)) {
    params <- list(regions=as.character(regions),
    param_string <- paste0("regions=", as.character(regions),
                           # Convert vectors to a JSON list.
                           "&vectors=", jsonlite::toJSON(as.character(vectors)),
                           "&level=", level, "&dataset=", dataset)
    if (is.na(geo_format)) param_string=paste0(param_string,"&geo_hierarchy=true")
    if (is.na(geo_format)) params["geo_hierarchy"]="true"
    data_base_name <- paste0("CM_data_",digest::digest(param_string, algo = "md5"))
    data_file <- cache_path(data_base_name, ".rda")
    meta_file <- paste0(data_file, ".meta")
    if (!use_cache || !file.exists(data_file)) {
      if (!have_api_key) {
        stop(paste("No API key set. Use set_cancensus_api_key('<your API ket>`) to set one, or set_cancensus_api_key('<your API ket>`, install = TRUE) to save is permanently in our .Renviron."))
      url <- paste0(base_url, "data.csv")
      response <- if (!quiet) {
        message("Querying CensusMapper API...")
        httr::POST(url, httr::progress(), body=params)
      } else {
        httr::POST(url, body=params)
      handle_cm_status_code(response, NULL)
      data_version <- response$headers$`data-version`

      # Read the data file and transform to proper data types
      result <- if (requireNamespace("readr", quietly = TRUE)) {
        # Use readr::read_csv if it's available.
        httr::content(response, type = "text", encoding = "UTF-8") %>%
          readr::read_csv(na = cancensus_na_strings,
                          col_types = list(.default = "c"))
      } else {
        httr::content(response, type = "text", encoding = "UTF-8") %>%
          textConnection %>%
          utils::read.csv(colClasses = "character", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, check.names = FALSE) %>%
          dplyr::as_tibble(.name_repair = "minimal")
      result <- result %>%
        dplyr::mutate_at(c(dplyr::intersect(names(.),c("Population","Households","Dwellings","Area (sq km)")),
                           names(.)[grepl("v_",names(.))]), as.num) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(Type = as.factor(.data$Type),
                      `Region Name` = as.factor(.data$`Region Name`))

      if (is.na(geo_format)) result <- result %>% transform_geo(level)
      attr(result, "last_updated") <- Sys.time()
      save(result, file = data_file)
      file_info <- file.info(data_file)
      metadata <- dplyr::tibble(dataset=dataset,regions=as.character(regions),
                                 vectors=jsonlite::toJSON(as.character(vectors))  %>% as.character(),
      saveRDS(metadata, file = meta_file)
    } else {
      if (!quiet) message("Reading vectors data from local cache.")
      # Load `result` object from cache.
      load(file = data_file)

  if (!is.na(geo_format)) {
    params <- list(regions=regions,
    param_string <- paste0("regions=", regions,
                           "&level=", level,
                           "&dataset=", dataset)
    if (resolution !="simplified") param_string <- paste0(param_string,"&resolution=",resolution)
    geo_base_name <- paste0("CM_geo_", digest::digest(param_string, algo = "md5"))
    geo_file <- cache_path(geo_base_name, ".geojson")
    meta_file <- paste0(geo_file, ".meta")
    if (!use_cache || !file.exists(geo_file)) {
      if (!have_api_key) {
        stop(paste("No API key set. Use set_cancensus_api_key('<your API ket>`) to set one, or set_cancensus_api_key('<your API ket>`, install = TRUE) to save is permanently in our .Renviron."))
      url <- paste0(base_url, "geo.geojson")
      response <- if (!quiet) {
        message("Querying CensusMapper API...")
        httr::POST(url, httr::progress(),body=params)
      } else {
      handle_cm_status_code(response, NULL)
      geo_version <- response$headers$`data-version`
      write(httr::content(response, type = "text", encoding = "UTF-8"), file = geo_file) # cache result
      file_info <- file.info(geo_file)
      metadata <- dplyr::tibble(dataset=dataset,regions=as.character(regions),
      saveRDS(metadata, file = meta_file)
    } else {
      if (!quiet) message("Reading geo data from local cache.")
    geos <- geojsonsf::geojson_sf(geo_file) %>%
      sf::st_sf(agr="constant") %>% # need to set this, otherwise sf complains
       transform_geo(level) #%>%
      # sf::st_sf(agr="constant") # just in case

    result <- if (is.null(result)) {
    } else if (!is.na(geo_format)) {
      # the sf object needs to be first in join to retain all spatial information
      to_remove <- setdiff(dplyr::intersect(names(geos),names(result)),"GeoUID")
      dplyr::select(result, -dplyr::one_of(to_remove)) %>%
        dplyr::inner_join(geos, ., by = "GeoUID")

  # ensure sf format even if library not loaded and set agr columns
  if (!is.na(geo_format) & geo_format=='sf') {
    numerics <- result %>% dplyr::select_if(function(d)is.numeric(d)|is.integer(d)) %>%
    non_numerics <- setdiff(names(result),c(numerics,"geometry"))
    agr_cols <- c(setNames(rep_len("aggregate",length(numerics)),numerics),
    result <- result %>%
      #sf::st_sf(agr=agr_cols) # something wrong here, does not work for `Region Name` column. maybe bug in sf?

  if (length(vectors)>0) {
    census_vectors <- names(result)[grep("^v_", names(result))] %>%
      strsplit(., ": ") %>%
      dplyr::as_tibble(x=do.call(rbind, .),.name_repair = "minimal") %>%
      setNames(c("Vector", "Detail"))
    attr(result, "census_vectors") <- census_vectors
    if (labels == "short" | !is.null(names(vectors))) {
      to_rename <- setNames(names(result),gsub(":.*","",names(result)))
      to_rename <- to_rename[names(to_rename)!=as.character(to_rename)]
      if (length(to_rename)>0) result <- result %>% dplyr::rename(!!!to_rename)
      if (!is.null(names(vectors))) {
        to_rename <- vectors[as.character(vectors) %in% names(result)]
        if (length(to_rename)>0) result <- result %>% dplyr::rename(!!! to_rename)

  if (!is.na(geo_format) & geo_format=='sp') { # ensure sf format even if library not loaded
    result <- sf::as_Spatial(result)


#' Deprecated, use `get_census` instead
#' @description
#' This function will be removed in future versions.
#' @param dataset A CensusMapper dataset identifier.
#' @param regions A named list of census regions to retrieve. Names must be valid census aggregation levels.
#' @param level The census aggregation level to retrieve, defaults to \code{"Regions"}. One of \code{"Regions"}, \code{"PR"}, \code{"CMA"}, \code{"CD"}, \code{"CSD"}, \code{"CT"} or \code{"DA"}.
#' @param geo_format By default is set to \code{NA} and appends no geographic information. To include geographic information with census data, specify one of either \code{"sf"} to return an \code{\link[sf]{sf}} object (requires the \code{sf} package) or \code{"sp"} to return a \code{\link[sp]{SpatialPolygonsDataFrame-class}} object (requires the \code{rgdal} package).
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to \code{get_census}.
#' @source Census data and boundary geographies are reproduced and distributed on
#' an "as is" basis with the permission of Statistics Canada (Statistics Canada
#' 2006; 2011; 2016).
#' @examples
#' # Query the API for data geographies in Vancouver, at the census subdivision
#' # level:
#' \dontrun{
#' # Query the API for geographies in Vancouver, at the census subdivision
#' # level, and return the associated geography files in \code{sf} format:
#' census_data <- get_census(dataset='CA16', regions=list(CMA="59933"),
#'                           level='CSD', geo_format = "sf")
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
get_census_geometry <- function (dataset, regions, level=NA, geo_format = "sf", ...) {
  stop("This function is no longer supported.")
  #return(get_census(dataset=dataset, regions=regions, level=level, geo_format=geo_format, ...))

# This is the set of valid census aggregation levels, also used in the named
# elements of the `regions` parameter.
VALID_LEVELS <- c("Regions","C","PR", "CMA", "CD", "CSD", "ADA","CT", "DA", 'EA', "DB")

#' Query the CensusMapper API for available datasets.
#' @param use_cache If set to TRUE (the default), data will be read from a temporary local cache for the
#'   duration of the R session, if
#'   available. If set to FALSE, query the API for the data, and
#'   refresh the temporary cache with the result.
#' @param quiet When TRUE, suppress messages and warnings.
#' @return
#' Returns a data frame with a column \code{dataset} containing the code for the
#' dataset, a column \code{description} describing it, a \code{geo_dataset} column
#' identifying the geography dataset the data is based on, a \code{attribution} column
#' with an attribution string, a \code{reference} column with a reference identifier, and
#' a \code{reference_url} column with a link to reference materials.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # List available datasets in CensusMapper
#' list_census_datasets()
list_census_datasets <- function(use_cache = TRUE, quiet = FALSE) {
  cache_file <- file.path(tempdir(),"cancensus_datasets.rda") #cache_path("datasets.rda")
  if (!use_cache || !file.exists(cache_file)) {
    if (!quiet) message("Querying CensusMapper API for available datasets...")
    response <- httr::GET("https://censusmapper.ca/api/v1/list_datasets",
    handle_cm_status_code(response, NULL)
    result <- httr::content(response, type = "text", encoding = "UTF-8") %>%
      jsonlite::fromJSON() %>%
      dplyr::as_tibble(.name_repair = "minimal")
    attr(result, "last_updated") <- Sys.time()
    save(result, file = cache_file)
  } else {
    if (!quiet) message("Reading dataset list from temporary cache.")
    load(file = cache_file)
    last_updated <- attr(result, "last_updated")
    if (!quiet && is.null(last_updated) ||
          difftime(Sys.time(), last_updated, units = "days") > 1) {
      warning(paste("Cached dataset list may be out of date. Set `use_cache =",
                    "FALSE` to update it."))

#' Get attribution for datasets
#' @param datasets Vector of dataset identifiers
#' @return
#' Returns a string to be used as attribution for the given datasets.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Attribution string for the 2006 and 2016 census datasets
#' dataset_attribution(c('CA06','CA16'))
dataset_attribution <- function(datasets){
  datasets <-   lapply(datasets,translate_dataset) %>% unlist()
  attribution <-list_census_datasets(quiet=TRUE) %>%
    dplyr::filter(.data$dataset %in% datasets) %>%

  commons <- gsub("\\d{4}","\\\\\\d{4}",attribution) %>%

  commons %>% lapply(function(c){
    matches <- attribution[grepl(paste0("^",c,"$"),attribution)]
    parts <- strsplit(c, split = "\\\\d\\{4\\}") %>%
    years <- matches
    for (p in parts){
      years <- gsub(p,"",years)

    year_string <- paste0(years,collapse=", ")
    gsub("\\d{4}",paste0(years,collapse=", "),matches[[1]])
  }) %>%
    unlist() %>%
    paste0(collapse="; ")

#' Return Census variable names and labels as a tidy data frame
#' @param x A data frame, \code{sp} or \code{sf} object returned from
#'   \code{get_census} or similar.
#' @return
#' A data frame with a column \code{variable} containing the truncated
#' variable name, and a column \code{label} describing it.
#' # Query census data with truncated labels:
#' label_data <- get_census(dataset='CA16', regions=list(CMA="59933"),
#'                           vectors=c("v_CA16_408","v_CA16_409","v_CA16_410"),
#'                           level='CSD', geo_format = "sf", labels="short")
#' # Get details for truncated vectors:
#' label_vectors(label_data)
#' }
#' @export
label_vectors <-  function(x) {
  if("census_vectors" %in% names(attributes(x))) {
    attr(x, "census_vectors")
  } else {
    warning("Data does not have variables to labels. No Census variables selected as vectors. See ?get_census() for more information. ")}

#' Return Census variable names and labels as a tidy data frame (Deprecated)
#' @param x A data frame, \code{sp} or \code{sf} object returned from
#'   \code{get_census} or similar.
#' @return
#' A data frame with a column \code{variable} containing the truncated
#' variable name, and a column \code{label} describing it.
#' \dontrun{
#' # Query census data with truncated labels:
#' census_data <- get_census(dataset='CA16', regions=list(CMA="59933"),
#'                           vectors=c("v_CA16_408","v_CA16_409","v_CA16_410"),
#'                           level='CSD', geo_format = "sf", labels="short")
#' # Get details for truncated vectors:
#' census_vectors(census_data)
#' }
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
census_vectors <-  function(x) {
  warning("census_vectors() is deprecated. Please use label_vectors() to view details for truncated variable labels.")
  if("census_vectors" %in% names(attributes(x))) {
    attr(x, "census_vectors")
  } else {
    warning("Data does not have variables to labels. No Census variables selected as vectors. See ?get_census() for more information. ")}

# Internal function to handle unfavourable HTTP responses
handle_cm_status_code <- function(response,path){
  if (httr::status_code(response)!=200) {
    if (!is.null(path)) {
    if (httr::status_code(response)==401) {
      # Problem with API key
      stop(paste("Download of Census Data failed.",
                 "Please ensure that your API key is valid and has a large enough quota left.",
                 message, sep=' '))
    } else if (httr::status_code(response)==500) {
      stop(paste("Download of Census Data failed.",
                 "The request triggered a server error, the CensusMapper maintainers have been notified and will fix this as soon as possible.",
                 message, sep=' '))
    } else {
      stop(paste("Download of Census Data failed.",
                 message, sep=' '))

name_change_for_level <- function(level){
  if (level=='DB') {
    name_change <- c('DA_UID'='rpid',
  } else  if (level=='DA'|level=='EA') {
    name_change <- c('CSD_UID'='rpid',
  } else if (level=='CT') {
    name_change <- c('CMA_UID'='rpid',
  } else if (level=='CSD') {
    name_change <- c('CD_UID'='rpid',
  } else if (level=='CD') {
    name_change <- c('PR_UID'='rpid',
  } else if (level=='CMA') {
    name_change <- c('PR_UID'='rpid',
  } else if (level=='PR') {
    name_change <- c('C_UID'='rpid')
  } else if (level=='C') {
    name_change <- c()
  } else {
    name_change <- c()
    warning(paste0("Unknown level ",level))

base_name_change <- c("GeoUID"="id",
                      "Shape Area"="a",
                      "Adjusted Population (previous Census)"="pop2",
                      "NHS Non-Return Rate"="nrr",
                      "Quality Flags"="q",
                      "Population 2011"="pop11",
                      "Population 2016"="pop16",
                      "Households 2011"="hh11",
                      "Households 2016"="hh16",
                      "Dwellings 2011"="dw11",
                      "Dwellings 2016"="dw16")

# Transform and rename geometry data.
transform_geo <- function(g, level) {

  to_rename <- base_name_change[as.character(base_name_change) %in% names(g)]

  g <- g %>%
    dplyr::mutate_at(dplyr::intersect(names(g), as_character), as.character) %>%
    dplyr::mutate_at(dplyr::intersect(names(g), as_numeric), as.numeric)  %>%
    dplyr::mutate_at(dplyr::intersect(names(g), as_integer), as.int)  %>%
    dplyr::mutate_at(dplyr::intersect(names(g), as_factor), as.factor) %>%

  if (level != "Regions") {
    rc <- name_change_for_level(level)[as.character(name_change_for_level(level)) %in% names(g)]
    if (length(rc)>0) g <- g %>%  dplyr::rename(!!!rc)
  } else if ("Type" %in% names(g)) {
    g <- g$Type %>%
      unique %>%
        g <- g %>%  dplyr::filter(.data$Type==t)
        rc <- name_change_for_level(t)[as.character(name_change_for_level(t)) %in% names(g)]
        if (length(rc)>0) {
          g <- g %>%
            dplyr::rename(!!!rc) %>%
      }) %>%

  to_remove <- dplyr::intersect(c("rpid","rgid","ruid","rguid"),names(g))
  if (length(to_remove)>0) g <- g %>% dplyr::select(-dplyr::one_of(to_remove))


.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname) {
 # if (!"cancensus.api_key" %in% names(options())) {
    # Try to get the API key from the CM_API_KEY environment variable, if it has not already been specified.
#    options(cancensus.api_key = if (nchar(Sys.getenv("CM_API_KEY")) > 1) { Sys.getenv("CM_API_KEY") } else { NULL })
#  }

  if (!("cancensus.cache_path" %in% names(options())) & nchar(Sys.getenv("CM_CACHE_PATH"))==0) {
    # Cache in tmp dir by default.

# Suppress warnings for missing bindings for '.' in R CMD check.
if (getRversion() >= "2.15.1") utils::globalVariables(c("."))

#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom stats setNames

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cancensus documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:21 a.m.