
Defines functions ed.calc pd.bootstrap pd.calc

Documented in ed.calc pd.bootstrap pd.calc

pd.calc <- function(cm, tip.subset = NULL, method = "TBL", root.edge = FALSE) {
    # check we have a valid method
    method <- match.arg(method, c("TBL", "MST", "UEH", "SBL", "TIP"))

    # check we have a clade matrix and, if not, get one
    if (!inherits(cm, "clade.matrix")) {
        if (!inherits(cm, "phylo")) {
            warning("Converting phylo object to clade.matrix object")
            cm <- clade.matrix(cm)
        } else {
            stop("pd.calc requires a phylogeny")

    # if requested, drop the root edge
    nSpp <- dim(cm$clade.matrix)[2]
    if (!root.edge) cm$edge.length[nSpp + 1] <- 0

    # subset the tips if requested
    if (!is.null(tip.subset)) {
        # could be names - in which case they must match tip labels
        # could be numbers - in which case they must be in range
            "character" = {
                tip.subset <- match(tip.subset, cm$tip.label)
                if (any(is.na(tip.subset))) {
                    stop("Unmatched names in tip.subset")
            "numeric" = {
                if (any(tip.subset %in% 1:dim(cm$clade.matrix)[2] == FALSE)) {
                    stop("numeric tip.subset contains outside the range 1 to number of tips")
            stop("tip.subset must be either a vector of names or numbers")
    } else {
        tip.subset <- 1:dim(cm$clade.matrix)[2]

    # choose method
        "TBL" = {
            edge.in.matrix <- cm$clade.matrix[, tip.subset]
            if (is.array(edge.in.matrix)) {
                edge.in.matrix <- rowSums(edge.in.matrix)
            edge.in.matrix <- edge.in.matrix > 0
        "MST" = {
            edge.in.matrix <- cm$clade.matrix[, tip.subset]
            if (is.array(edge.in.matrix)) {
                edge.in.matrix <- rowSums(edge.in.matrix)
            edge.in.matrix <- edge.in.matrix > 0 & edge.in.matrix < length(tip.subset)
        "TIP" = {
            edge.in.matrix <- cm$clade.matrix[, tip.subset]
            if (is.array(edge.in.matrix)) {
                edge.in.matrix <- rowSums(edge.in.matrix)
            edge.in.matrix <- edge.in.matrix > 0
            edge.in.matrix[(dim(cm$clade.matrix)[2] + 1):length(edge.in.matrix)] <- FALSE
        "UEH" = {
            edge.in.matrix <- cm$clade.matrix[, tip.subset]
            if (is.array(edge.in.matrix)) {
                edge.in.matrix <- rowSums(edge.in.matrix)
            edge.in.matrix <- edge.in.matrix == 1
        "SBL" = {
            edge.in.matrix <- cm$clade.matrix[, tip.subset]
            if (is.array(edge.in.matrix)) {
                edge.in.matrix <- rowSums(edge.in.matrix)
            edge.in.matrix <- edge.in.matrix > 1

    pd <- sum(cm$edge.len[edge.in.matrix])
    RET <- structure(.Data = pd, pd.method = method)


pd.bootstrap <- function(cm, ntips, reps = 1000, method = "TBL", tip.weights = NULL) {
    # check we have a valid method
    method <- match.arg(method, c("TBL", "MST", "UEH", "SBL", "TIP"))

    # check we have a clade matrix and, if not, get one
    if (!inherits(cm, "clade.matrix")) {
        if (inherits(cm, "phylo")) {
            warning("Converting phylo object to clade.matrix object")
            cm <- clade.matrix(cm)
        } else {
            stop("pd.calc requires a phylogeny")

    # check for sensible sample
    total.nb.tips <- dim(cm$clade.matrix)[2]
    if (!(ntips %in% 1:(total.nb.tips - 1))) {
        stop("'sample' must be a positive integer lower than the number of tips")

    # set up the store
    pd.store <- numeric(reps)
    tips <- 1:total.nb.tips

    # if there are weights make sure they go in the right place...
    if (!is.null(tip.weights)) {
        # if the vector is named then match the order to tips
        if (!is.null(names(tip.weights))) {
            wght.match <- match(cm$tip.label, names(tip.weights))

            if (any(is.na(wght.match))) { # this is not elegant but can't work out how to stop and return
                warning("The returned tip labels have no matching named element in tip.weights")

            tip.weights <- tip.weights[wght.match]
        } else {
            stop("'weights' must be a vector of weights, named to match the tip labels")

    # get the pd values
    for (rep in seq(along = pd.store)) {
        which.tips <- sample(tips, ntips, prob = tip.weights)
        pd.store[rep] <- pd.calc(cm, tip.subset = which.tips, method = method)

    return(structure(.Data = pd.store, pd.method = method))

ed.calc <- function(cm, polytomy.cf = c("isaac", "mooers", "none")) {
    # Nick Isaac, March 2009 + David Orme 2011
    # takes the phylogeny and returns a list containing ED scores of a) species and b) branches
    # the polytomy.cf argument specifies which set of polytomies should be applied. There are three options:
    # "isaac" is as the EDGE paper of 2007, based on logarithmic decay with node size (too harsh on large nodes)
    # "mooers" is empirical, based on a pure-birth process
    # "none" : no correction

    # 1) Optional data frame containing IUCN categories
    # 2) Optional data frame containing richness weights - to account for missing species

    # check we have a clade matrix and, if not, get one

    if (inherits(cm, "phylo")) {
        warning("Converting phylo object to clade.matrix object")
        cm <- clade.matrix(cm)
    } else if (!inherits(cm, "clade.matrix")) {
        stop("pd.calc requires a phylogeny")

    polytomy.cf <- match.arg(polytomy.cf)

    ## get raw edge scores
    ## (allocates equal proportions of each branch length between all descendent species)
    branch <- data.frame(len = cm$edge.length, nSp = rowSums(cm$clade.matrix))
    branch$ED <- with(branch, len / nSp)

    ## polytomy corrections (the branch lengths at soft polytomies
    ## overestimate the amount of evolution going on)

    ## get the group size at the parent nodes (i.e. the number of siblings at a node)
    branch$parent <- cm$edge[, 1][match(rownames(branch), cm$edge[, 2])]
    node.size <- as.data.frame(table(cm$edge[, 1]))
    branch$node.size <- node.size$Freq[match(branch$parent, node.size$Var1)]

    branch$ED.cor <- switch(polytomy.cf,
        "isaac" = {
            with(branch, ifelse(node.size > 57, 0, ED * (1.081 - 0.267 * log(node.size))))
        "mooers" = {
            with(branch, ED / node.size * (node.size - 1) / sapply(node.size, function(n) {
                if (is.na(n)) NA else sum(1 / 2:n)
        "none" = branch$ED
    branch$ED.cor <- with(branch, ifelse(node.size > 2, ED.cor, ED))

    # get species edge sums
    edge.matrix <- branch$ED.cor * cm$clade.matrix
    spp.ED <- data.frame(species = cm$tip.label, ED = colSums(edge.matrix, na.rm = TRUE), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    return(list(spp = spp.ED, branch = branch))

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