
Defines functions N

Documented in N

#' Numerical evaluation
#' @param x caracas object
#' @param digits Number of digits 
#' @examples 
#' if (has_sympy()) {
#'   n_2 <- as_sym("2")
#'   n_pi <- as_sym("pi", declare_symbols = FALSE)
#'   x <- sqrt(n_2) * n_pi
#'   x
#'   N(x)
#'   N(x, 5)
#'   N(x, 50)
#'   as.character(N(x, 50))
#' }
#' @concept caracas_symbol
#' @export
N <- function(x, digits = 15) {
  if (!inherits(x, "caracas_symbol")) {
    stop(paste0("'x' ", TXT_NOT_CARACAS_SYMBOL))
  xeval <- get_sympy()$N(x$pyobj, digits)
  y <- construct_symbol_from_pyobj(xeval)

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caracas documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:59 a.m.