
Defines functions read_hrv_matlab proc_hrv_matlab

Documented in proc_hrv_matlab read_hrv_matlab

#' @title Process Toolbox HRV
#' @description Takes the output from HRV Toolbox and converts it for analysis.
#'   Uses the package [data.table::fread()] for reading in data due to
#'   size/speed.
#' @details The data is taken sequentially (sliding windows), and
#'   summarized over the course of certain time lengths. The data comes
#'   in a standardized pattern from the toolbox. It requires processing
#'   due to its large file sizes (e.g. 24 hours of data for a single
#'   patient can be up to 2 MB in size).
#' @param loc Location of the folder that contains all of the patients
#'   that were analyzed by the Main_HRV_Analysis.m function from the
#'   Toolbox.
#' @param name Name of the patient/ID. There should exist a folder with
#'   the name inside the `loc` folder. Inside this folder are all the
#'   Toolbox parameters and HRV results in CSV format.
#' @param time Number of seconds to group the HRV data by. Defaults to
#'   3600 seconds (which is 1 hour)
#' @return Data frame of HRV summarized by the grouping variable (e.g.
#'   3600 seconds = 1 hour). Also returns an additional column of
#'   percent missing (e.g. 20.0% missing data) by time group.
#' @importFrom data.table data.table .N .I .SD .BY fread :=
proc_hrv_matlab <- function(loc, name, time = 3600) {

  # Selected variables from HRV analysis
  svar <- c("NNmean", "SDNN", "RMSSD", "pnn50", "ulf", "vlf", "lf", "hf", "lfhf", "ttlpwr", "ac", "dc", "SampEn", "ApEn")
  vars <- c("patID", "t_start", "t_end", svar)

  # Read in the HRV data
  dt <-
    list.files(file.path(loc, name), pattern = "HRV", full.names = TRUE) %>%

  # Time grouping variable
  ### Need to add different increments
  tvar <- ifelse(time / 3600 == 1, "hour")

  # Create a summary data set by grouping times
  x <-
    dt[, vars, with = FALSE][, paste0("t_", tvar) := floor(t_start / time)][, lapply(.SD, mean, na.rm = T), by = eval(paste0("t_", tvar)), .SDcols = svar]

  # Identify missing percent by group (for quality)
  y <-
    dt[, vars, with = FALSE][, paste0("t_", tvar) := floor(t_start / time)][, list(missing = (sum(is.na(SDNN)) / .N * 100)), by = eval(paste0("t_", tvar))]

  # Keys for merging
  data.table::setkeyv(x, paste0("t_", tvar))
  data.table::setkeyv(y, paste0("t_", tvar))
  z <- stats::na.omit(x[y])

  # Add patid
  z <- cbind(patid = name, z)

  # Return data table

#' @title Read in Toolbox HRV
#' @description Takes the output from HRV Toolbox and reads it in for an
#'   individual patient. Unlike [card::proc_hrv_matlab], this does not process
#'   or summarize the data, it just reads it the raw analysis. Uses the package
#'   [data.table::fread()] for reading in data due to size/speed.
#' @details The data is taken sequentially (sliding windows), and is not processed. It is reported and is likely a large file.
#' @param loc Location of the folder that contains all of the patients
#'   that were analyzed by the Main_HRV_Analysis.m function from the
#'   Toolbox
#' @param name Name of the patient/ID. There should exist a folder with
#'   the name inside the `loc` folder. Inside this folder are all the
#'   Toolbox parameters and HRV results in CSV format.
#'   3600 seconds (which is 1 hour)
#' @return Data frame of HRV summarized by the grouping variable (e.g.
#'   3600 seconds = 1 hour). Also returns an additional column of
#'   percent missing (e.g. 20.0% missing data) by time group.
#' @importFrom data.table data.table .N .I .SD .BY fread :=
read_hrv_matlab <- function(loc, name) {

  # Selected variables from HRV analysis
  svar <- c("NNmean", "SDNN", "RMSSD", "pnn50", "ulf", "vlf", "lf", "hf", "lfhf", "ttlpwr", "ac", "dc", "SampEn", "ApEn")
  vars <- c("patID", "t_start", svar)

  # Read in the HRV data
  dt <-
    list.files(file.path(loc, name), pattern = "HRV", full.names = TRUE) %>%

  # Create a summary data set by grouping times
  x <- dt[, vars, with = FALSE]

  # Return data table

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card documentation built on Sept. 3, 2020, 9:07 a.m.