
Defines functions dummy_c2c cross_c2c prune_c2c

Documented in cross_c2c dummy_c2c prune_c2c

#' Pruning which could be useful after the mapping process
#' @description user could specify one of four methods to prune replications
#' created in the cat2cat procedure.
#' @param df `data.frame` like result of the `cat2cat` function
#' for a specific period.
#' @param index `character(1)` a column name with the `cat2cat` identifier.
#' Should not be updated in most cases. Default `index_c2c`.
#' @param column `character(1)` a column name with weights,
#' default `wei_freq_c2c`.
#' @param method `character(1)` one of four available methods:
#' "nonzero" (default), "highest", "highest1" or "morethan".
#' @param percent `integer(1)` from 0 to 99
#' @return `data.frame` with the same structure and possibly reduced
#' number of rows
#' @details
#' method - specify a method to reduce number of replications
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{"nonzero"}{ remove nonzero probabilities}
#'  \item{"highest"} {
#'  leave only highest probabilities for each subject- accepting ties
#'  }
#'  \item{"highest1"} {
#'  leave only highest probabilities for each subject -
#'  not accepting ties so always one is returned
#'  }
#'  \item{"morethan"}{
#'  leave rows where a probability is higher than value specify
#'  by percent argument
#'  }
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data("occup_small", package = "cat2cat")
#' data("occup", package = "cat2cat")
#' data("trans", package = "cat2cat")
#' occup_old <- occup_small[occup_small$year == 2008, ]
#' occup_new <- occup_small[occup_small$year == 2010, ]
#' occup_ml <- cat2cat(
#'   data = list(
#'     old = occup_old, new = occup_new, cat_var = "code", time_var = "year"
#'   ),
#'   mappings = list(trans = trans, direction = "backward"),
#'   ml = list(
#'     data = occup_new,
#'     cat_var = "code",
#'     method = "knn",
#'     features = c("age", "sex", "edu", "exp", "parttime", "salary"),
#'     args = list(k = 10)
#'   )
#' )
#' prune_c2c(occup_ml$old, method = "nonzero")
#' prune_c2c(occup_ml$old, method = "highest")
#' prune_c2c(occup_ml$old, method = "highest1")
#' prune_c2c(occup_ml$old, method = "morethan", percent = 90)
#' prune_c2c(occup_ml$old, column = "wei_knn_c2c", method = "nonzero")
#' }
prune_c2c <- function(df,
                      index = "index_c2c",
                      column = "wei_freq_c2c",
                      method = "nonzero",
                      percent = 50) {
  stopifnot(all(c(index, column) %in% colnames(df)))
  stopifnot(isTRUE(method %in% c("nonzero", "highest", "highest1", "morethan")))
  stopifnot(length(percent) == 1 && (percent >= 0 && percent < 100))

  df <- df[order(df[[index]]), ]

  df <- switch(method,
    nonzero = df[df[[column]] > 0, ],
    highest1 = {
      highest1_fun <- function(x) seq_along(x) == which.max(x)
      df[unlist(tapply(df[[column]], df[[index]], highest1_fun)), ]
    highest = {
      highest_fun <- function(x) x == max(x)
      df[unlist(tapply(df[[column]], df[[index]], highest_fun)), ]
    morethan = df[df[[column]] > percent / 100, ]
  # reweight to still sum to 1 per subject
  df[[column]] <- unlist(
    tapply(df[[column]], df[[index]], function(x) x / sum(x))


#' Make a combination of weights from different methods
#' @description adding the additional column which is a mix of weights columns
#' by each row.
#' Ensemble of a few methods usually produces more accurate solutions
#' than a single model would.
#' @param df `data.frame` like result of the `cat2cat` function
#' for a specific period.
#' @param cols `character` vector default all columns under
#' the regex "wei_.*_c2c".
#' @param weis `numeric` vector weighs for columns in the `cols` argument.
#' By default a vector of the same length as `cols` argument and with equally
#' spaced probability (summing to 1).
#' @param na.rm `logical(1)` if `NA` values should be omitted, default TRUE.
#' @return `data.frame` with the additional column `wei_cross_c2c`.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data("occup_small", package = "cat2cat")
#' data("occup", package = "cat2cat")
#' data("trans", package = "cat2cat")
#' occup_old <- occup_small[occup_small$year == 2008, ]
#' occup_new <- occup_small[occup_small$year == 2010, ]
#' # mix of methods - forward direction, try out backward too
#' occup_mix <- cat2cat(
#'   data = list(
#'     old = occup_old, new = occup_new, cat_var = "code", time_var = "year"
#'   ),
#'   mappings = list(trans = trans, direction = "backward"),
#'   ml = list(
#'     data = occup_new,
#'     cat_var = "code",
#'     method = c("knn"),
#'     features = c("age", "sex", "edu", "exp", "parttime", "salary"),
#'     args = list(k = 10, ntree = 20)
#'   )
#' )
#' # correlation between ml model
#' occup_mix_old <- occup_mix$old
#' cor(
#'   occup_mix_old[occup_mix_old$rep_c2c != 1, c("wei_knn_c2c", "wei_freq_c2c")]
#' )
#' # cross all methods and subset one highest probability category for each obs
#' occup_old_highest1_mix <- prune_c2c(cross_c2c(occup_mix$old),
#'   column = "wei_cross_c2c", method = "highest1"
#' )
#' }
cross_c2c <- function(df,
                      cols = colnames(df)[grepl("^wei_.*_c2c$", colnames(df))],
                      weis = rep(1 / length(cols), length(cols)),
                      na.rm = TRUE) {
  stopifnot(all(cols %in% colnames(df)))
  stopifnot(length(weis) == length(cols))

  weis <- weis / sum(weis)

  df[["wei_cross_c2c"]] <- as.vector(
    rowSums(t(t(as.matrix(df[, cols])) * weis), na.rm = na.rm)


#' Add default cat2cat columns to a `data.frame`
#' @description a utils function to add default cat2cat columns
#' to a `data.frame`.
#' It will be useful e.g. for a boarder periods which will not have additional
#'  `cat2cat` columns.
#' @param df `data.frame`.
#' @param cat_var `character(1)` a categorical variable name.
#' @param ml `character` vector of ml models applied,
#' any of `c("knn", "rf", "lda")`.
#' @return the provided `data.frame` with additional `cat2cat` like columns.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' dummy_c2c(airquality, "Month")
#' data("occup_small", package = "cat2cat")
#' occup_old <- occup_small[occup_small$year == 2008, ]
#' dummy_c2c(occup_old, "code")
#' dummy_c2c(occup_old, "code", "knn")
#' }
dummy_c2c <- function(df, cat_var, ml = NULL) {
  stopifnot(length(cat_var) == 1 && is.character(cat_var))
  stopifnot(isTRUE(cat_var %in% colnames(df)))
  stopifnot(is.null(ml) ||
    (all(ml %in% c("knn", "rf", "lda")) ||
      all(ml %in% paste0("wei_", c("knn", "rf", "lda"), "_c2c"))))

  base_cols <- c(
    "index_c2c", "g_new_c2c", "wei_freq_c2c",
    "rep_c2c", "wei_naive_c2c"
  if (!all(base_cols %in% colnames(df))) {
    df$index_c2c <- seq_len(nrow(df))
    df$g_new_c2c <- df[[cat_var]]
    df$wei_freq_c2c <- 1
    df$rep_c2c <- 1
    df$wei_naive_c2c <- 1

  if (!is.null(ml)) {
    ml_cols <- if (any(grepl("wei_.*_c2c", ml))) {
    } else {
      paste0("wei_", ml, "_c2c")
    df[, setdiff(ml_cols, colnames(df))] <- 1


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cat2cat documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 7:11 p.m.