
testList<-function (list, type = "start") 
    argNames = ls()
    if (!is.list(list)) 
        res <- list(test = FALSE, message = paste(deparse(substitute(list)), 
            " is not a list", sep = ""))
    else {
           if (is.null(names(list))) 
                res <- list(test = FALSE, message = paste("list '", 
                  deparse(substitute(list)), "' has no argument names", 
                  sep = ""))
            else {
                elements <- switch(type, start = c("fixItems", 
                  "seed", "nrItems", "theta", "D", "randomesque", 
                  "random.seed", "startSelect", "nAvailable", 
                  "cb.control","random.cb"), test = c("method", 
                  "priorDist", "priorPar", "weight", "tuCo", "sem.type", "sem.exact", "se.ase", "range", "D", "parInt", 
                  "itemSelect", "infoType", "randomesque", "random.seed", 
                  "AP", "proRule", "proThr", "constantPatt"), 
                  stop = c("rule", "thr", "alpha"), final = c("method", 
                    "priorDist", "priorPar", "weight", "tuCo", "sem.type", "sem.exact",
                  "range", "D", "alpha", "parInt"))
                if (is.null(elements)) 
                  res <- list(test = FALSE, message = paste("invalid 'type' argument ('", 
                    type, "' is not allowed)", sep = ""))
                else {
                  if (length(list) > length(elements)) 
                    res <- list(test = FALSE, mesage = paste("too many elements in ", 
                      deparse(substitute(list)), " for type '", 
                      type, "'", sep = ""))
                  else {
                    res <- list(test = TRUE, message = "ok")
                    i <- 0
                    repeat {
                      i <- i + 1
                      if (sum(names(list)[i] == elements) == 
                        0) {
                        res$test <- FALSE
                      else {
                        if (i == length(list)) 
                    if (!res$test) {
                      texte <- switch(i, `1` = "st", `2` = "nd", 
                        `3` = "rd")
                      if (is.null(texte)) 
                        texte <- "th"
                      res$message <- paste("invalid name '", 
                        names(list)[i], "' for ", i, texte, " element of '", 
                        deparse(substitute(list)), "'", sep = "")
                    else {
                      intNames <- c("fixItems")
                      seedNames <- c("seed", "random.seed","random.cb")
                      singleIntNames <- c("nrItems")
                      numNames <- c("alpha", "D", "SETH", "AP", 
                        "proThr", "tuCo")
                      metNames <- c("method")
                      priorNames <- c("priorDist")
                      parNames <- c("priorPar", "range")
                      ruleNames <- c("rule")
                      eapNames <- c("parInt")
                      itemSelectNames <- c("itemSelect")
                      infoTypeNames <- c("infoType")
                      startNames <- c("startSelect")
                      intOnlyNames <- c("randomesque", "se.ase")
                      boolNames <- c("nAvailable")
                      constantNames <- c("constantPatt")
                      severalNumNames <- c("thr", "theta")
                      proRuleNames <- c("proRule")
                      logicNames <- c("cb.control", "sem.exact")
                      i <- 0
                      repeat {
                        i <- i + 1
                        vect <- c(sum(names(list)[i] == intNames), 
                          sum(names(list)[i] == seedNames), sum(names(list)[i] == 
                            singleIntNames), sum(names(list)[i] == 
                            numNames), sum(names(list)[i] == 
                            metNames), sum(names(list)[i] == 
                            priorNames), sum(names(list)[i] == 
                            parNames), sum(names(list)[i] == 
                            ruleNames), sum(names(list)[i] == 
                            eapNames), sum(names(list)[i] == 
                            itemSelectNames), sum(names(list)[i] == 
                            infoTypeNames), sum(names(list)[i] == 
                            startNames), sum(names(list)[i] == 
                            intOnlyNames), sum(names(list)[i] == 
                            boolNames), sum(names(list)[i] == 
                            constantNames), sum(names(list)[i] == 
                            severalNumNames), sum(names(list)[i] == 
                            proRuleNames), sum(names(list)[i] == 
                            logicNames),sum(names(list)[i] == 
                            weightNames),sum(names(list)[i] == 
                        ind <- (1:20)[vect == 1]
                        prov <- switch(ind, `1` = ifelse(is.null(list[[i]]), 
                          TRUE, ifelse(is.numeric(list[[i]]), 
                            ifelse(max(abs(list[[i]] - round(list[[i]]))) <= 
                              1e-04, TRUE, FALSE), FALSE)), `2` = ifelse(is.null(list[[i]]), 
                          TRUE, ifelse(is.numeric(list[[i]]), 
                            ifelse(length(list[[i]]) == 1, TRUE, 
                              FALSE), ifelse(is.na(list[[i]]), 
                              TRUE, FALSE))), `3` = ifelse(is.numeric(list[[i]]) & 
                          length(list[[i]]) == 1, ifelse(abs(list[[i]] - 
                          round(list[[i]])) <= 1e-04, TRUE, FALSE), 
                          FALSE), `4` = (is.numeric(list[[i]]) & 
                          length(list[[i]]) == 1), `5` = (is.list(list[[i]]) == 
                          FALSE & length(list[[i]]) == 1 & sum(list[[i]] == 
                          c("ML", "BM", "WL", "EAP", "ROB")) == 1), 
                          `6` = (is.list(list[[i]]) == FALSE & 
                            length(list[[i]]) == 1 & sum(list[[i]] == 
                            c("norm", "unif", "Jeffreys")) == 
                            1), `7` = (is.numeric(list[[i]]) & 
                            length(list[[i]]) == 2), `8` = (is.vector(list[[i]]) & 
                            all(list[[i]] %in% c("length", "precision", 
                              "classification", "minInfo"))), 
                          `9` = (!is.list(list[[i]]) & length(list[[i]]) == 
                            3 & is.numeric(list[[i]]) == TRUE & 
                            abs(list[[i]][3] - round(list[[i]][3])) <= 
                              1e-04), `10` = (is.list(list[[i]]) == 
                            FALSE & length(list[[i]]) == 1 & 
                            sum(list[[i]] == c("MFI", "bOpt", 
                              "thOpt", "MLWI", "MPWI", "MEI", 
                              "MEPV", "KL", "KLP", "GDI", "GDIP", 
                              "progressive", "proportional", 
                              "random")) == 1), `11` = (is.list(list[[i]]) == 
                            FALSE & length(list[[i]]) == 1 & 
                            sum(list[[i]] == c("observed", "Fisher")) == 
                              1), `12` = (is.list(list[[i]]) == 
                            FALSE & length(list[[i]]) == 1 & 
                            sum(list[[i]] == c("bOpt", "thOpt", 
                              "MFI", "progressive", "proportional")) == 
                              1), `13` = ifelse(is.numeric(list[[i]]), 
                            ifelse(max(abs(list[[i]] - round(list[[i]]))) <= 
                              1e-04, ifelse(list[[i]] > 0, TRUE, 
                              FALSE), FALSE), FALSE), `14` = ifelse(is.numeric(list[[i]]), 
                            ifelse(max(abs(list[[i]] - round(list[[i]]))) <= 
                              1e-04, ifelse((min(list[[i]]) == 
                              0 & max(list[[i]]) == 1), TRUE, 
                              FALSE), FALSE), FALSE), `15` = ifelse(is.null(list[[i]]), 
                            TRUE, ifelse(sum(list[[i]] == c("fixed4", 
                              "fixed7", "var", "BM", "EAP", "WL")) == 
                              1, TRUE, FALSE)), `16` = ifelse(is.numeric(list[[i]]), 
                            TRUE, FALSE), `17` = ifelse(is.vector(list[[i]]) & 
                            sum(list[[i]] == c("length", "precision")) == 
                              1, TRUE, FALSE),`18` = ifelse(is.logical(list[[i]]), TRUE, FALSE), 
                          `19` = (is.vector(list[[i]]) & length(list[[i]]) == 1 & 
                            sum(list[[i]] == c("Huber", "Tukey")) == 1),
                          `20` = (is.vector(list[[i]]) & length(list[[i]]) == 1 & 
                            sum(list[[i]] == c("classic", "new")) == 1))
                        if (!prov) {
                          res$test <- FALSE
                          res$message <- switch(ind, `1` = paste("element '", 
                            names(list)[i], "' of '", deparse(substitute(list)), 
                            "' must be a vector of integer values or NULL", 
                            sep = ""), `2` = paste("element '", 
                            names(list)[i], "' of '", deparse(substitute(list)), 
                            "' must be a single numeric value or NULL", 
                            sep = ""), `3` = paste("element '", 
                            names(list)[i], "' of '", deparse(substitute(list)), 
                            "' must be a single integer value", 
                            sep = ""), `4` = paste("element '", 
                            names(list)[i], "' of '", deparse(substitute(list)), 
                            "' must be a single numeric value", 
                            sep = ""), `5` = paste("element '", 
                            names(list)[i], "' of '", deparse(substitute(list)), 
                            "' must be either 'ML', 'BM', 'EAP', 'WL' or 'ROB'", 
                            sep = ""), `6` = paste("element '", 
                            names(list)[i], "' of '", deparse(substitute(list)), 
                            "' must be either 'norm', 'unif'or 'Jeffreys'", 
                            sep = ""), `7` = paste("element '", 
                            names(list)[i], "' of '", deparse(substitute(list)), 
                            "' must be a vector of two numeric values", 
                            sep = ""), `8` = paste("element '", 
                            names(list)[i], "' of '", deparse(substitute(list)), 
                            "' must hold only 'length', 'precision'", 
                            "\n", " 'classification' or 'minInfo'", 
                            sep = ""), `9` = paste("element '", 
                            names(list)[i], "' of '", deparse(substitute(list)), 
                            "' must be a vector of two numeric and", 
                            "\n", " one integer components", 
                            sep = ""), `10` = paste("element '", 
                            names(list)[i], "' of '", deparse(substitute(list)), 
                            "' must be either 'MFI', 'bOpt',", 
                            "\n", " 'MLWI', 'MPWI', 'MEI', 'MEPV', 'KL', 'KLP', 'GDI', 'GDIP'", 
                            "\n", " 'progressive', 'proportional' or 'random'", 
                            sep = ""), `11` = paste("element '", 
                            names(list)[i], "' of '", deparse(substitute(list)), 
                            "' must be either 'observed' or 'Fisher'", 
                            sep = ""), `12` = paste("element '", 
                            names(list)[i], "' of '", deparse(substitute(list)), 
                            "' must be either 'bOpt', 'thOpt', 'progressive', 'proportional' or 'MFI'", 
                            sep = ""), `13` = paste("element '", 
                            names(list)[i], "' of '", deparse(substitute(list)), 
                            "' must be a positive integer value", 
                            sep = ""), `14` = paste("element '", 
                            names(list)[i], "' of '", deparse(substitute(list)), 
                            "' must be a vector of boolean values", 
                            sep = ""), `15` = paste("element '", 
                            names(list)[i], "' of '", deparse(substitute(list)), 
                            "' must be either 'fixed4', 'fixed7', 'var' or NULL", 
                            sep = ""), `16` = paste("element '", 
                            names(list)[i], "' of '", deparse(substitute(list)), 
                            "' must be a vector of numeric values", 
                            sep = ""), `17` = paste("element '", 
                            names(list)[i], "' of '", deparse(substitute(list)), 
                            "' must be either 'length' or 'precision'", 
                            sep = ""), `18` = paste("element '", 
                            names(list)[i], "' of '", deparse(substitute(list)), 
                            "' must be either 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'", 
                            sep = ""), `19` = paste("element '", 
                            names(list)[i], "' of '", deparse(substitute(list)), 
                            "' must be either 'Huber' or 'Tukey'", 
                            sep = ""), `20` = paste("element '", 
                            names(list)[i], "' of '", deparse(substitute(list)), 
                            "' must be either 'classic' or 'new'", 
                            sep = ""))
                        else {
                          if (i == length(list)) 

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catR documentation built on June 24, 2022, 9:06 a.m.