
#' MergeLabels
#' Merge labels of multiple edges in order to plot them all.
#' @note  This function mitigates a limitation from Rgraphviz, since it is not
#' possible to plot multiple edges between two nodes presenting the correct edge
#' label for each one.
#' The authors did not find a graphical package providing this capability.
#' Contributions are wellcomed.
#' @param	edge.list	vector	list of positions that a children of a specific
#' position v1.
#' @param	edge 		numeric	a particular children "edge" of a specific position v1
#' @param	level 	vector	labels of classes corrresponding to the variable
#' associated with a position.
#' @return	list	 merged labels associated with a specific position v1.
MergeLabels <- function(edge.list,edge,level){
  aux.merge <- which(edge.list == edge)
  aux <- length(aux.merge)
  aux.label <- level[aux.merge[1]]
  if (aux > 1) {
    for (i in 2:aux) {
      aux.label <- paste0(aux.label,"-",level[aux.merge[i]])

#' CegGraphSimple
#' Simple ceg structure to be ploted in RGraphviz. This function yields a data
#' structure corresponding a simplified CEG to be plotted using the package
#' Rgraphviz.
#' @note
#' This function mitigates a limitation from Rgraphviz, which does not support
#' plotting multiple edges between two nodes presenting the correct
#' edge label for each one. The decision was to merge all edges in one, and
#' presenting all labels in this resulting edge.#'
#' This approach is temporary and not ideal, since the ceg is no more a
#' multi-graph. However, the authors did not find a graphical package
#' which provides the needed plotting features.
#' Contributions are wellcomed.
#' @param    stratified.event.tree   stratified.event.tree S4 object
#' @param    position       list       an object ceg.position.
#' @param    range.color    numeric    it chooses the palette.
#'  If 1, it is used a 8-color palette. If 2, it is used a 501-color palette.
#' @return   list
#'    \itemize{
#'    \item $node - node attributes
#'    \item $node$nodes (vector) - set of positions.
#'    \item node$variable (vector) - it identifies the variable asscoiated with
#'    each position.
#'    \item node$color (vector) - color of each position. All positions
#'    coincident with a stage are depicted in white.
#'    \item $edge - edge attributes
#'    \item $edge$edges (list) - set of list that emanates from each position.
#'    \item edge$label (vector) - position labels.
#'    \item weight (vector) - edge weight.
#'    }
CegGraphSimple <- function(stratified.event.tree, position, range.color = 1) {
  node.vector <- c()
  node.variable <- c()
  node.color <- c()
  edge.list <- list()
  edge.label <- c()
  edge.weight <- c()
  count.color <- 2
  count.pos <- -1

  if (range.color == 1) {
    color <- grDevices::palette()
    color[1] <- "white"
  } else {
    color <- colors(1)
    color <- color[-21]

  for (var in 1:(stratified.event.tree@num.variable - 1)) {
    start.pos <- count.pos
    edge.var.list <- c()
    num.situation <- length(position[[var]])
    for (stage in 1:num.situation) {
      num.pos <- length(position[[var]][[stage]])
      pos.next.var <- PositionVector(stratified.event.tree@num.situation[var + 1],
                                     position[[var + 1]])
      for (pos in 1:num.pos) {
        count.pos <- count.pos + 1
        node.vector <- c(node.vector, paste0("w", count.pos))
        node.variable <- c(node.variable, var)
        if (num.pos == 1) node.color <- c(node.color, color[1])
        else node.color <- c(node.color, color[count.color])
        aux <- (position[[var]][[stage]][[pos]][1] - 1) * stratified.event.tree@num.category[var]
        aux <- (aux + 1):(aux + stratified.event.tree@num.category[var])
        edge.var.list <- c(edge.var.list, pos.next.var[aux])
        edge.weight <- c(edge.weight, rep(round(1 / stratified.event.tree@num.category[var], 2),
      if (num.pos != 1) count.color <- count.color + 1
    edge.var.list <- edge.var.list + count.pos
    dim(edge.var.list) <- c(stratified.event.tree@num.category[var], length(edge.var.list) /
    edge.var.list <- as.matrix(edge.var.list)
    for (pos in start.pos:(count.pos - 1)) {
      edge.list[[pos + 2]] <- list()
      aux.edge.var.list <- unique(edge.var.list[,pos - start.pos + 1])
      edge.label <- c(edge.label,sapply(1:length(aux.edge.var.list),
                                        function(x) MergeLabels(
                                          edge.var.list[,pos - start.pos + 1],
      edge.list[[pos + 2]]$edges <- paste0("w",aux.edge.var.list)

  var <- stratified.event.tree@num.variable
  num.pos <- length(position[[var]])
  node.vector <- c(node.vector, paste0("w", count.pos + 1:num.pos))
  node.variable <- c(node.variable, rep(var, num.pos))
  node.color <- c(node.color, rep(color[1], num.pos))
  aux.label <- stratified.event.tree@label.category[[var]][1]
  for (i in 2:stratified.event.tree@num.category[var]) {
    aux.label <- paste0(aux.label,"-",stratified.event.tree@label.category[[var]][i])
  edge.label <- c(edge.label,rep(aux.label,num.pos))
  edge.weight <- c(edge.weight, rep(rep(round(1 / stratified.event.tree@num.category[var], 2),
                                        stratified.event.tree@num.category[var]), num.pos))
  ref <- count.pos + num.pos + 1
  for (pos in 1:num.pos) {
    edge.list[[pos + count.pos + 1]] <- list()
    edge.list[[pos + count.pos + 1]]$edges <- paste0("w",ref)

  ref <- ref + 1
  node.vector <- c(node.vector, paste0("w", ref - 1))
  node.color <- c(node.color, color[1])
  edge.list[[ref]] <- list()
  names(edge.list) <- node.vector

  graph <- list()
  graph$node <- list()
  graph$node$nodes <- node.vector
  graph$node$variable <- node.variable
  graph$node$color <- node.color
  graph$edge <- list()
  graph$edge$edges <- edge.list
  graph$edge$label <- edge.label
  graph$edge$weight <- edge.weight


#' TreeGraph
#' A function to produce the data structure needed to plot Event and Staged
#' trees using \pkg{RGraphviz}.
#' @param tree Event.tree S4 object
#' @param solution  list with two components:
#' \itemize{
#' \item numeric - score associated with a level
#' \item list of vectors - stage structure
#' }
#' @param name vector of strings  - variable names
#' @param range.color (numeric) - it chooses the palette. If 1, it is used a 8-color palette.
#'  If 2, it is used a 501-color palette.
#' @return list: \itemize{
#'  \item  $node - node attributes
#'  \itemize{
#'    \item $node$nodes (vector) - set of situations.
#'    \item node$label (vector) - it identifies the variable asscoiated with
#'        each position.
#'    \item node$color (vector) - color of each situation. All situations
#'        coincident with a stage are depicted in black.
#'    }
#'  \item $edge - edge attributes
#'  \itemize{
#'    \item $edge$edges (list) - set of list that emanates from each situation.
#'    \item edge$label (vector) - edge labels.
#'    }
#'  }
# It is required the following function:
# NodeSet - This function genereates the nodes of an event tree.
# edge.list - This function genereates the list of edges of an event tree.
# EdgeSituation - This function identifies the edges that emanate from a
# particular situation in an event tree.
# edge.label - This function yields the edge labels.
# node.label - This function yields the node labels.
# node.color - This function yields the node colors.
# list.to.vector - This function change a list of vectors in a vector.
TreeGraph <- function(tree, solution = list(), name = c(), range.color = 1){
  nodes <- NodeSet(tree)
  edgeList <- EdgeList(tree,nodes)
  node.label <- NodeLabel(tree@num.variable,tree@num.situation,
  edge.label <- EdgeLabel(tree@num.variable,tree@num.situation,
  node.color <- NodeColor(tree@num.variable,tree@num.situation,
  graph <- list()
  graph$node <- list()
  graph$node$nodes <- nodes
  graph$node$label <- node.label
  graph$node$color <- node.color
  graph$edge <- list()
  graph$edge$edges <- edgeList
  graph$edge$label <- edge.label

#' NodeSet
#' This function genereates the nodes of an event tree.
#' @param tree Event.tree S4 object
#' @return  vector
NodeSet <- function(tree) {
  num.node <- sum(tree@num.situation) + tree@num.situation[tree@num.variable] *
  node <- paste("s", 1:num.node - 1, sep = "")

#' NodeLabel
#' This function yields the node labels. The nodes are labeled accordingly, to
#' indicate diferente positions.
#' @param num.variable   numeric - number of variables.
#' @param num.situation      vector - number of stages associated with each
#' variable.
#' @param num.category  vector - it identifies the number of edges that emanate
#'  from situations in each level.
#' @param label         list of vectors - each component is a vector that
#' contains the event names associated with each variable.
#' @return   vector - node labels
NodeLabel <- function(num.variable, num.situation, num.category, label) {
  result <- sapply(1:num.variable, function(x) rep(label[x], num.situation[x]))
  result <- ListToVector(result, num.variable)
  num.leaf <- num.category[num.variable] * num.situation[num.variable]
  aux <- sapply(1:num.leaf, function(x) paste("leaf", x))
  result <- c(result, aux)

#' ListToVector
#' This function change a list of vectors in a vector.
#' @param x list of vectors
#' @param n numeric
#' @return vector
ListToVector <- function(x, n) {
  if (n < 1)
  return(c(ListToVector(x, n - 1), x[[n]]))

#' EdgeLabel
#' This function yields the edge labels. The edges are labeled accordingly the
#' original data provided.
#' @param num.variable numeric         - number of variables.
#' @param num.situation    vector          - number of stages associated with
#' each variable.
#' @param label        list of vectors - each component is a vector that
#' contains the event names associated with each variable.
#' @return vector - edge labels
EdgeLabel <- function(num.variable, num.situation, label) {
  result <-
    sapply(1:num.variable, function(x)
      rep(label[[x]], num.situation[x]))
  result <- ListToVector(result, num.variable)

#' EdgeList
#' Function EdgeList genereates the list of edges of an event tree.
#' @param stratified.event.tree    Stratified.event.tree S4 object
#' @param node    (vector) - an object generated by the function node.list
#' @return list of lists - each list component is a vector that represents the
#' edges that emanate from a vertice.
EdgeList <- function(stratified.event.tree, node) {
  start.situation <- cumsum(stratified.event.tree@num.situation)
  max <- sum(stratified.event.tree@num.situation) +
    stratified.event.tree@num.situation[stratified.event.tree@num.variable] * stratified.event.tree@num.category[stratified.event.tree@num.variable]
  start.situation <- start.situation + 1
  start.situation <- c(1, start.situation)
  edge.list <-
    lapply(1:max, function(x)
      EdgeSituation(x, start.situation, stratified.event.tree@num.category))
  names(edge.list) <- node

#' EdgeSituation
#' EdgeSituation identifies the edges from a situation (node).
#' This function identifies the edges that emanate from a particular situation
#' in an EventTree.
#' @param situation         numeric  - it identifies the target situation whose
#'  emanating edges are our interesting.
#' @param start.situation   vector   - it identifies the situation that begins
#' a new level.
#' @param num.category      vector   - it identifies the number of edges that
#' emanate from situations in each level.
#' @return  list of lists - each list component is a vector that represents the
#'  edges that emanate from a vertice.
EdgeSituation <- function(situation, start.situation, num.category) {
  max <- start.situation[length(start.situation)]
  if (situation >= max)
  aux <- findInterval(situation, start.situation)
  result <- start.situation[aux + 1] - 2 +
    (situation - start.situation[aux]) * num.category[aux] + 1:num.category[aux]
  result <- paste("s", result, sep = "")
  result <- list(edges = result)

#' CheckAndCleanData
#' RemoveRowsWithNAandVoid remove all rows with NA and void ("") values data
#' from a data.frame
#' @param data.frame  a data frame to be used to create stratified event/staged
#' trees
#' @return data.frame with no void or NA values.
#' @export
CheckAndCleanData <- function(data.frame) {
  if (!methods::is(data.frame, "data.frame")) {
    message("Input is not a data frame, prease check it")

  # change any "" or "   "  to NA
  data.frame <- as.data.frame(apply(data.frame,2,function(x)gsub("^\\s*$", NA,x)))

  if (anyNA(data.frame)) {
    message("The data frame have rows with <NA> or absent values (\"\")")
    message("All these rows were removed")
  else message("Your data do not contain rows with <NA>, absent, or whitespace  values")

  out  <- data.frame[!(rowSums(is.na(data.frame))),]

CheckForCleanData <- function(data.frame) {
  out <- TRUE
  data.frame <- as.data.frame(apply(data.frame,2,function(x)gsub("^\\s*$", NA,x)))
  if (anyNA(data.frame)) {
    message("Your data contain rows with <NA>, absent, or whitespace  values")
    out <- FALSE

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ceg documentation built on May 2, 2019, 1:46 p.m.