
Defines functions cheatsheet

Documented in cheatsheet

#' celltrackR: Quantitative analysis of motion.
#' The CelltrackR package is designed for analyzing cell tracks acquired by
#' time-lapse microscopy (like those provided in the included datasets
#' \code{\link{TCells}}, \code{\link{BCells}} and \code{\link{Neutrophils}}).
#' But it can of course process any x-y-(z)-t data, and we hope that it may be useful
#' for other purposes as well.
#' For a complete list of functions, use \code{help( package="celltrackR" )}.
#' A handy cheat sheet is available in pdf. You can open it by calling
#' the function \code{\link{cheatsheet}}.
#' @section Data structure:
#' The basic data structure that most functions in this package operate on is a set of
#' \emph{tracks}. A track is a list of spatial coordinates that are recorded at
#' \emph{fixed} time intervals; the function \code{\link{timeStep}} can be used to check
#' for fluctuations of the recording intervals.
#' We expect tracks to be stored in a matrix (or data frame, but this is discouraged
#' for efficiency reasons) whose first column denotes a time interval
#' (e.g. seconds elapsed since the beginning
#'  of the experiment), and whose remaining columns denote a spatial coordinate. A set of
#'  tracks is stored as a \code{\link{list}} with S3 class \code{tracks}. CelltrackR provides
#'  some S3 methods for this class, which are explained in \code{\link{tracks}} as well as
#'  \code{\link{plot.tracks}}, \code{\link{sort.tracks}} and \code{\link{as.list.tracks}}.
#' @section Track analysis in celltrackR:
#' A wide range of common track measures are included in the package. These are all functions
#' that take a single track as an input, and output one or several numbers.
#' For instance, the function \code{\link{speed}} estimates
#' the average instantaneous speed of the track by linear interpolation, and
#' \code{\link{straightness}} computes the start-to-end distance divided by the trajectory
#' length (a number between 0 and 1, where 1 indicates a perfectly straight track).
#' See \code{\link{TrackMeasures}} for an overview of measures that can be analyzed on tracks.
#' Also see \code{\link{AngleAnalysis}} for an overview of functions that can help detect
#' directional bias and tracking artefacts (see Beltman et al, 2009).
#' CelltrackR is designed to support various flavors of track analysis that have been
#' suggested in the literature. The simplest kind is a \emph{track-based} analysis, where
#' we compute a single statistic for each track in a dataset (Beltman et al, 2009). Because
#' track sets are lists, this is achieved simply by using \code{lapply} or
#' \code{sapply} together with the track measure (see Examples).
#' In \emph{step-based} analyses (Beltman et al, 2009), we
#' chop each track up into segments of the same length and then apply our measures to those
#' segments. This can help to avoid biases that arise from variations
#' in track length (which are always present in cell tracking experiments).
#' In CelltrackR, step-based analyses are performed by using the \code{\link{subtracks}}
#' function. Often we want to perform such step-based analyses for all possible subtrack
#' lengths simultaneously, and plot the result as a function of the subtrack length;
#' a famous example is the \emph{mean square displacement plot}. This can be
#' achieved by using the \code{\link{aggregate.tracks}} function, which has options
#' to control which subtrack lengths are considered and whether overlapping subtracks are
#' considered.
#' In a \emph{staggered} \emph{staggered} analysis (Mokhtari et al, 2013), we analyse all
#' subtracks (of any length) of a single track, and typically plot the result as a matrix.
#' This can reveal dynamic patterns along a single track,
#' e.g. turning behaviour or local slowdowns. Staggered analyses can be performed using the
#' \code{\link{applyStaggered}} function.
#' @section Simulating tracks in celltrackR:
#' Lastly, in addition to data analysis, the package contains some function to generate
#' cell tracks by simulation. This is useful to develop and benchmark track analysis
#' methodology (Textor et al, 2011), and for computational biology studies that try to
#' extrapolate the long-term consequences of observed cell migration behaviour. Alongside
#' a simple uncorrelated random walk (\code{\link{brownianTrack}}), this package implements
#' a simulation model proposed by Beauchemin et al (2007)
#' in the function \code{\link{beaucheminTrack}}. That model can also simulate
#' directionally biased motion.
#' @references
#' Joost B. Beltman, Athanasius F.M. Maree and Rob. J. de Boer (2009),
#' Analysing immune cell migration. \emph{Nature Reviews Immunology} \bold{9},
#' 789--798. doi:10.1038/nri2638
#' Zeinab Mokhtari, Franziska Mech, Carolin Zitzmann, Mike Hasenberg, Matthias Gunzer
#' and Marc Thilo Figge (2013), Automated Characterization and
#' Parameter--Free Classification of Cell Tracks Based on Local Migration
#' Behavior. \emph{PLoS ONE} \bold{8}(12), e80808. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0080808
#' Johannes Textor, Antonio Peixoto, Sarah E. Henrickson, Mathieu
#' Sinn, Ulrich H. von Andrian and Juergen Westermann (2011),
#' Defining the Quantitative Limits of Intravital Two-Photon Lymphocyte Tracking.
#' \emph{PNAS} \bold{108}(30):12401--12406. doi:10.1073/pnas.1102288108
#' Catherine Beauchemin, Narendra M. Dixit and Alan S. Perelson (2007), Characterizing
#' T cell movement within lymph nodes in the absence of antigen. \emph{Journal of Immunology}
#' \bold{178}(9), 5505-5512. doi:10.4049/jimmunol.178.9.5505
#' @keywords cluster spatial
#' @author
#'   Johannes Textor, Katharina Dannenberg, Jeffrey Berry, Gerhard Burger, Inge Wortel
#'   Maintainer: Johannes Textor <johannes.textor@gmx.de>
#' @seealso
#'   The package vignettes, available from \code{browseVignettes( package="celltrackR" )}.
#'   Make sure you have installed the package with option \code{build_vignettes = TRUE}, or
#'   vignettes will not be visible. Also check out the package cheat sheet, which is available by
#'   calling the function \code{\link{cheatsheet}}.
#' @examples
#'   ## track-based speed comparison
#'   boxplot(sapply( Neutrophils, straightness ), sapply( BCells, straightness ))
#'   ## step-based turning angle comparison
#'   boxplot(sapply(subtracks(Neutrophils, 2), overallAngle),
#'     sapply(subtracks(BCells, 2), overallAngle))
#'  ## mean square displacement plot; a step-based displacement analysis for all step lengths
#'  plot(aggregate(TCells, squareDisplacement)[,"value"])
#'  ## 'staggered' analysis of displacement over whole track. Reveals that this track
#'  ## slows down near its beginning and near its end.
#'  filled.contour(applyStaggered(TCells[[4]], displacement, matrix=TRUE))
#'  ## a simple hierarchical clustering based on 2D asphericity
#'  ## tag track IDs so we can identify them later
#'  names(TCells) <- paste0("T",names(TCells))
#'  names(BCells) <- paste0("B",names(BCells))
#'  names(Neutrophils) <- paste0("N",names(Neutrophils))
#'  ## project all tracks down to 2D
#'  cells <-  projectDimensions(c(TCells,BCells,Neutrophils), c("x","y"))
#'  ## compute asphericity
#'  asph <- lapply(cells, asphericity)
#'  ## plot clustering
#'  plot(hclust(dist(asph)))
#' @name celltrackR
#' @aliases celltrackR-package
#' @keywords internal

#' Open the package cheat sheet
#' Running this function will open the package cheat sheet (a pdf) via a call to
#' \code{system()}.
#' @param opencmd The command used to open pdfs from the command line.
#' @return None
#' @export
cheatsheet <- function( opencmd = NULL )
  file <- system.file( "learnmore", "cheatsheet.pdf", package = "celltrackR" )

  # if command not supplied, guess based on OS.
  if( is.null(opencmd) ){
    if( .Platform$OS.type == "windows" ){
      opencmd <- c("open","start")
    } else if( grepl( "darwin", R.version$platform ) ){
      opencmd <- c("open")
    } else {
      opencmd <- c("xdg-open","gvfs-open","gio open")

  # Try the options
  for( cmd in opencmd ){
  	call <- paste0( cmd, ' "', file, '"' )
  	a <- suppressWarnings( try( system( call, ignore.stderr = TRUE ) ) )
	if( a == 0 ){ break() }

  # If a = 1 here, all commands have failed.
  if( a == 1 ){stop( paste0( "Failed to open the pdf using commands: [",
	      paste( opencmd ),
	      "]. Try again by setting the open.cmd to the command you use to open pdfs from the command line in your system.") )


## usethis namespace: start
## usethis namespace: end

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celltrackR documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:41 p.m.