
Defines functions cfd.semipar.quantile

Documented in cfd.semipar.quantile

#' @title Quantile Decomposition: semiparametric version
#' @description Decompose the difference in a quantile of some outcome Y between groups. In this semiparametric version, we do not assume a parametric model for the mediator: instead, we sample from the distribution of the mediator in the reference group; this can be done within strata of one or more third variables.
#' @param formula the \code{\link{formula}} for the multivariable model (see \code{\link{glm}}) for the outcome Y.
#' @param mediator the column name of the mediator M.
#' @param group column name of the variable containing the group identifier.
#' @param strata the name of a variable containing the strata of a third variable (or set of variables) within which we equalize mediator values.
#' @param nbin if a numeric (i.e. non-factor or character) strata variable is defined, how many bins should be made from it within which we equalize the mediator distribution?
#' @param data a data frame containing the variables in the model.
#' @param family a description of the error distribution to be used in the model, see \code{\link{family}} for details. For the outcome variable any member of the \code{glm} family can be used.
#' @param bs.size the number of bootstrap iterations to be performed.
#' @param mc.size the number of Monte Carlo iterations to be performed (more = more MC error reduction).
#' @param alpha the alpha level used to construct confidence intervals (0.05 = 95 percent confidence interval).
#' @param probs the quantiles of interest to be decomposed, should be values between 0 and 1.
#' @param print.iteration print the bootstrap iteration
#' @return \code{out_nc} returns the mean level of the outcome under the natural course, which is a value that should be close to the empirically observed value of the outcome for each group. \code{out_nc_quantile} provides the \code{alpha/2} and \code{1-alpha/2} bootstrap quantiles for this mean (AKA bootstrap percentile confidence intervals).Similarly, \code{out_cf}, \code{out_cf_quantile},provide the corresponding values for the counterfactual scenario where the mediators of the groups are equalized. \code{mediation} returns the proportion mediated by setting the intervened on mediator to be equal in level to the reference group and \code{mediation_quantile} returns the 1-alpha confidence interval.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(100)
#' # the decomposition functions in our package are computationally intensive
#' # to make the example run quick, I perform it on a subsample (n=175) of the data:
#' cfd.example.sample <- cfd.example.data[sample(175),]
#' quantile.semipar.results.1 <- cfd.semipar.quantile(formula='out.gauss ~ SES +
#'                                                   med.gauss + med.binom + age',
#'                                                   mediator='med.gauss',
#'                                                   group='SES',
#'                                                   strata='age',
#'                                                   nbin=5,
#'                                                   data=cfd.example.sample,
#'                                                   family='gaussian',
#'                                                   bs.size=50,
#'                                                   mc.size=10,
#'                                                   alpha=0.05,
#'                                                   probs=0.50)
#' # also note that normally we would recommend an bs.size of 250+
#' # and an mc.size of 50+
#' # see README.md for a more detailed description of the functions in this package.
#' @import stats
cfd.semipar.quantile <- function(formula,mediator,group,strata=NA,nbin=5,
                                 family = 'Gaussian',
                                 bs.size = 1000,
                                 print.iteration=FALSE) {

  ## envir check
  call <- match.call()
  if (is.character(family))
    family <- get(family, mode = "function", envir = parent.frame())
  if (is.function(family))
    family <- family()
  if (is.null(family$family)) {
    stop("'family' not recognized")
  if (missing(data))
    data <- environment(formula)
  mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)

  ## get initial fit
  ini_fit <- glm(formula = formula,
                 data=data, family=family)
  ini_fit$model_matrix <- model.matrix(as.formula(formula), data = data)

  fam <- family(ini_fit)

  ## loop over bootstrap samples
  out_nc <- matrix(NA,nrow=bs.size,ncol=nlevels(data[,group]),dimnames = list(1:bs.size,levels(data[,group])))
  out_cf <- matrix(NA,nrow=bs.size,ncol=nlevels(data[,group]),dimnames = list(1:bs.size,levels(data[,group])))

  ## temp matrix to save mc results
  temp.nc <- matrix(NA, nrow=mc.size, ncol=nlevels(data[,group]))
  temp.cf <- matrix(NA, nrow=mc.size, ncol=nlevels(data[,group]))

  for(i in 1:bs.size) {

    ## resampling
    resample_ind <- sample(nrow(data), replace=TRUE)
    data_bs <- data[resample_ind,]

    ## refit model
    bs_fit <- update(ini_fit, data = data_bs)
    coef_bs <- coef(bs_fit)

    data_bs_mc <- data_bs
    n <- length(predict(bs_fit,data_bs,type='response'))
    sd.mc <- sd(bs_fit$residuals)
    for(ii in 1:mc.size){

      if(family[1]=='poisson') {pred_bs <- rpois(n,predict(bs_fit,data_bs,type='response'))} else if
      (family[1]=='gaussian') {pred_bs <- rnorm(n,predict(bs_fit,data_bs,type='response'),sd=sd.mc)}

      # ! This is where the natural course predictions have been made
      # ! And below the code will take quantiles for each group
      # ! Edit the code here if you want to take some other moment instead,
      # ! or if you want to age standardize, etc.
      # ! see also code below for the counterfactual predictions

      temp.nc[ii,] <- tapply(pred_bs, list(data_bs[,group]),quantile,probs,probs,na.rm=TRUE)

    out_nc[i,] <- apply(temp.nc, 2, mean)

      strata_grp <- rep(1,nrow(data_bs))
      data_bs_grp <- data_bs[,c(mediator,group)]
      data_bs_grp <- data_bs[,c(mediator,group,strata)]
      for(v in strata){
          # if the strata variable is a factor, nothing needs to be done to it
          # but if the strata variable is numeric, we need to make categories in which to equalize the mediator
          if(length(unique(data_bs_grp[,v])) > 20)
            data_bs_grp[,v] <- cut(data_bs_grp[,v], breaks=c(quantile(data_bs_grp[,v], probs = seq(0, 1, by = 1/nbin))), include.lowest=TRUE)

          if(length(unique(data_bs_grp[,v])) <= 20)
            data_bs_grp[,v] <- factor(data_bs_grp[,v])
      strata_grp <- do.call(paste,as.list(data_bs_grp[c(strata)]))

    ## make the mediator * group distribution equal across strata
    ref_level <- levels(data_bs[,group])[1]
    ind <- list()
    for(lv in unique(strata_grp)){
      ind_ref   <- data_bs_grp[,group] == ref_level & strata_grp == lv
      ind_other <- data_bs_grp[,group] != ref_level & strata_grp == lv
      ind[[lv]] <- list(ind_ref=ind_ref,ind_other=ind_other)

    data_bs_mc <- data_bs
    for(ii in 1:mc.size){
      ## make the mediator * group distribution equal across strata
      for(lv in unique(strata_grp)){
        data_bs_mc[ind[[lv]]$ind_other,mediator] <- sample(data_bs[ind[[lv]]$ind_ref,mediator],sum(ind[[lv]]$ind_other),replace = T)

      if(family[1]=='poisson') {pred_bs_mc_cf <- rpois(n,predict(bs_fit,data_bs_mc,type='response'))} else if
      (family[1]=='gaussian') {pred_bs_mc_cf <- rnorm(n,predict(bs_fit,data_bs_mc,type='response'),sd=sd.mc)}

      # ! This is where the counterfactual predictions have been made
      # ! And below the code will take quantiles for each group
      # ! Edit the code here if you want to take some other moment instead,
      # ! or if you want to age standardize, etc.
      temp.cf[ii,] <-  tapply(pred_bs_mc_cf, list(data_bs_mc[,group]),quantile,probs=probs,na.rm=TRUE)


    out_cf[i,] <- apply(temp.cf,2,mean,na.rm=TRUE)



              mediation=apply(1-(out_cf - out_nc[,1]) / (out_nc - out_nc[,1]),2,mean)[-1],
              mediation_quantile=apply(1-(out_cf - out_nc[,1]) / (out_nc - out_nc[,1]),2,quantile,probs=c(alpha/2,1-alpha/2),na.rm=TRUE)[,-1]


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cfdecomp documentation built on Aug. 12, 2021, 1:06 a.m.